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Tribute to fallen heroes

By Prof. Alemayheu G. Mariam

In the early morning hours of July 29, Ashenafi Mekonnen and Getenet Abate lost their lives to a drunk driver. But a few hours earlier, we were together in a church community hall talking and laughing about the ordinary pleasures of life.

We also talked a about politics and commiserated over the misfortunes that have afflicted our country. We talked about hope, our optimism and faith in the future, about peace and brotherhood, and above all, the coming of that day in Ethiopia when strife will be replaced by harmony, conflict with peace and discord with understanding. But the joy of that evening in Boston was turned bitter before the new day was born. Little did we know that evening Ashenafi and Getenet had indeed completed their mission on earth and were poised for eternal life… [click here to read more at]

3 thoughts on “Tribute to fallen heroes

  1. God Bless my heroes Mr. Ashenafi Mekonnen and Mr. Getenet Abate. You gave us your precious life to our strugle for : freedom, Democracy and Love to all Ethiopians. We will never forget you. We will promiss you the strugle will continues till we get all political presioners are free, and the voice of Ethiopians will raise and victory shall transfer to the Ethiopians majority voted party ” KINIJIT”.

    Again My heroes Friends God Bless You. Ethiopians loves you.

    Thank you

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