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Congressman Lantos directed not to mark up H.R. 2003

Meles buys Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer

Ephrem Isaac lobbied hard against H.R. 2003

The Coalition for HR 2003 has learned that Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Tom Lantos was directed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (San Francisco) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Maryland) not to mark-up H.R. 2003 on July 31, 2007. The reasons for the directive are not clear.

Preliminary investigations suggest that neither Chairman Tom Lantos nor Chairman Donald Payne were consulted prior to issuance of the directive.

The Coalition is informed and believes that over the past few days, Meles Zenawi’s lobbyists from DLA Piper, State Department officials and others were engaged in intense lobbying of Pelosi and Hoyer.

Recent reports in national newspapers and magazines in the United States have documented the involvement of DLA Piper lobbyists to defeat H.R. 2003.

The Coalition has further learned that Prof. Ephrem Isaac, who has recently been masquerading as a “shimagle”, has been engaged in intense lobbying efforts against H.R. 2003 in Congress. He was observed visiting various congressional offices today chaperoned and accompanied by Congressman Gary Ackerman of New York. The Coalition is investigating information that Ephrem Isaac is mobilizing powerful Jewish leaders and groups in the United States against H.R. 2003.

The Coalition respectfully notifies Ethiopian Americans in California and Maryland, particularly in the congressional districts of Pelosi and Hoyer, to prepare for vigorous and intense advocacy in the coming days.

The Coalition will provide further statement on these developments shortly. The Coalition will prepare an advocacy action plan in the near future.

22 thoughts on “Congressman Lantos directed not to mark up H.R. 2003

  1. Nancy Pelosi, the third top ranked person in the US govt, being bought by Meles. I think Elias wants to make us and those free smileys on top of his web page more laughing.

  2. Dear ER and blind supporters of CUD,

    You do not know politics. You are simply promoting your centuries – old type backward haterd based politics. You cannot analyze the current political dynamics in the world and how it would influence the Horn of Africa region. Keep quiet for God’s sake.

  3. Ephrem Isaac we love and respect u for what u done to bring peace b/n two political parts but we Ethiopian want u to back off from our long and hard work HR2003 , I think it don’t have anything to do with u , and even with CUDP hr2003 all talk about creating peace and democracy for all Ethiopian people including for Anuak people who get killed every day i think if u read it carefully i don’t see the reason why u guys work hard to black it . i think if u trust What Zenawi say to u u must be wrong and please try to Watched Scientist Engineer Dr. Kitaw Ejigu speech and then u will leran how Zenawi is layer and try to destroyer Ethiopia

  4. Dear brave Ethiopians,

    You may think it is a bad news to Ethiopia. In contra it is a very good news. Give the first as well as always priority to bring an ever lasting solution by our selves rather than demanding it from others. The honourable elected leaders release from prison is a very good start conducted by Ethiopians. We are importing products with high price because we are unable to produce them. In order to stop importing products produce by others that are people the same as we do, we have to stop importing others policy to our country.
    The shimagles are doing very good job. It is a good start that would solve many difficulties ahead if we all able to give a chance all sides. Let concentrate on ourselves using the opportunity we created by ourself.

    As long as things are going well for the sake of Ethiopia, we don’t need HR: 2003. This is the time every one has to know his/her position to contribute better than ever instead of shouting and doing things that would affect the good start which is “made in Ethiopia.” It is a time to support both sides and pray to those still are sick from their head that are part of the problem rather than the solution (mainly from the GOVT side). It is a time to sing and dance behind the shimagles effort that would create the sense of one beloved and old country children to all citizens.

    If there is any effort conducted by Pro. Isaac concerning HR: 2003 it must be the idea of all shimagless and may be including from GOVT and the oppositions sides too. Our way is the only best way that can solve our difficulty not an import/impose foreign policy of others beyond the sea and oceans. Instead of criticising and making the situation worst the GOVT as well as opposition supporters need to motivate, support and force in order both sides be able to solve differences in the name of Ethiopia.

    I pray deeply wishing each of them, you and us to think and behave God’s way rejecting the very big demon appearing in the name of leadership to affect our beloved country for years. I hope mr. Meles to see a light, to drink a holy water and to pray in order God being with him always with any decision he is making in the name of Millions innocent Ethiopians living in a muddy hats while he is in a palace with his family. He and others have to know the Ethiopian people hates their behaviour not them.

    Please don’t criticize pro. Isaac. Just follow the implementations agreed between the oppositions and the govt in front of the shimagles. We need to see other opposition members and supporters prisoners being freed soon. Being confidence between oppositions and govt is getting roots to flourish in the future. Being the govt understand about the opposition’s demand and approach and treat them not as enemies but opponents for the sake of one common country.

    I admire KIC decision respecting the Kinijit value and leaders. Yet, the job is just started, not finished. We all have to unite, work harder and smarter than ever before to fulfil the goal Kinijit stands for. Diaspora carries very big burden more than ever in order freedom, democracy, the rule of law, peace, development and improvement become accustomed to our country rather than something strange and impossible.
    It is not time to attack the govt but to motivate in order not only the agreed duties being implemented but also each and every disagreement be solved by ourselves.

  5. As Ethiopians, we recognize that love is listening to elderly people, and we agree to listen with an open heart, to give mutual support and to practice non-judgmental listening and sharing. Let pass away the past behind and think about what is to be done. We are all Ethiopians. TPLF, OLF, Amhara, CDU, Meles, Merara, Hagos,…… Who ever you are, you are Ethiopian. If you don believe this your foreign friends will tell you who you are. This is time to come together. It is possible to come together with no Gun. The truth is coming out please do not spread extreme dislike .We love you all.

  6. “Prof. Ephrem Isaaca has been engaged in intense lobbying efforts against H.R. 2003 in Congress” …I have a hard time believing the above statement.And again, I heared the professor blaming outsiders for Meles’s action. I was wondering who these outsider are..Human right watch, Amnesty International, Elction observers? Please explain Professor..


  7. These past two years, the obvious dilemma has come to the fore of Ethiopians conscious and the world stage.
    -The 2005 Ethiopian election
    -Mass arrests
    -Murders of demonstrators who opposed vote rigging
    -Pro opposition media restriction
    -The obvious Human Right violation
    -The arrest, prison condition, trial, conviction, sentencing and pardoning and the release of some of prisoners of conscience: Opposition leaders, civil society, journalists and Ethiopian advocates.

    The latest scenario in our psyche is THE ELDERS MEDIATION welcomed, doubted, complemented etc. The last two years struggle’s high light included the then H.R.4423, currently named H.R. 2003. Prof. Ephrem Yesake has been around much longer and had built a career and net work abroad and in Ethiopia since the 60s. The return to Shimigelina and his recent accomplishment hopefully will not carry a double sword as it proclaimed to solve Ethiopians problems among its own people. In all truth, the money spent for lobbying could benefit Ethiopians in the country and the time, money and energy exhausted by Ethiopians in the diaspora to pass this article could also make a pause.

    For some who signed to be part of DECLARATION drafted by Prof. Alemayehu’s Gebremariam, the most important objective is Human Right and un reasonable total media restriction of opposition. The rest is some of Kinijit’s eight principles which is also in the content of his draft.

    1. It seems to be a turning point that asks for a written statement from Prof. Ephrem Yesak.
    2. Prof. Ephrem Yesak and Prof. Alemayehu G. Mariam are both in states now.
    3. Kinijit’s Chairman Hailu Shawel and the party’s high level delegates will be coming to states.
    4. In the spirit of Ethiopians solve their own problems, why not the above mentioned individuals and groups including other stake holders carry a dialogue, debate and discussion to once and for all reach a justified resolution about the need for these USA drafted articles in keeping the country a priority, and that includes its effect on national security.
    5. Although consistent on all the H.R. articles had been THE UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE, and the articles might have played some role, their release is CONDITIONAL.

    H.R.2003 advocates are not necessarily all members of any political parties, but some percentage
    wants to support its passage with the understanding of its goals. There is a difference in genuinely believing in a cause and being persistent to find solution in the end, and to stumble in confusion being pulled in different directions. Naturally it is the scheme of politics, but Prof. Yesahak’s lobbying is a concern at least until he makes an official confirmation about his reasons.


    I really don’t know how the western world should pass the message to us. THEY JUST SIMPLY DON’T CONSIDER US AS HUMAN BEINGS!!! HOPE THIS IS CLEAR TO US ONCE FOR ALL. As far as I am concerned it is the greatest shame when we Ethiopians expect something from the white man. Shame on us!!! I KNOW WAHAT AM TAKING ABOUT; I HAVE BEEN LIVIING WITH THEM FOR THE LAST 32 YEARS!!!

  9. The man who called himself”Shimagle”,Ephraim Issac has been TPLF supporter from the begining prior to 1991.He even made a speech in 1991 at the formation of the then Transitional Government lead by the bucher Melese Zenawi in praising Melese and Tamrat Layne.He is acting like an Ethiopian but he is more loyal to his religion,Judaisim.This man needs to get out of our affairs.His interest is Israel not Ethiopia.He is not a shimagle.He is Melese’s man.

  10. wait and see says,

    For your information HR2003 was not a directly condemnation ruling but a conditional to get for Meles’s regime assistance in exchange for good governance and respect for human rights. If that is too much to ask to Meles’s regime because it collaborate in the war on terror or what ever excuse could give Ms Pelosi and company about like the current negotiations between the regime and the opposition it is not excusable unless Ms Pelosi have also entered in the give and take business with the Bush administration for her other causes in Middle East and in detriment of Ethiopian people. HR2003 is not a punishment but a call to behave democratically and release politically motivated prisoners no matter their ranking. It is obvious that the conservative Bush administration did not care for the Ethiopian people fate neither the the democrats care about it when they can negotiate it by small of their agenda. To tell you the truth I would not care neither for Americans if some mayor event changes the course of American politics and they get rulled again by Bush’s like conservative gang for another 20 years. Their arrogance and hypocrisy is to much to respect them.

  11. Hay, are you talking from your heart? Or are you starting the second phase of your drama? I do not think you will be successful like previous days- cheating, disguising, and diverting issues will not help you any longer. I know that you are cornered. Sorry about that , that was your own choice. Be courageous, genuine,and transparent. Trust in God/Allah, Ethiopia and genuine friends of Ethiopia.

  12. congress woman Nancy Pelosi was hand picked by Richard Gephardt to become a minority whip, when he relinquished his post for a better position. To day she wouldn’t be where she is now as a speaker of the House had it not been for him ( Gephardt ). So Nancy Pelosi had to reciprocate her gratitude to him at the expense of Ethiopian people’s misery.If Ethiopians were caucasians no amount of money would influence to change the minds of Pelosi’s and her associates in the congress. Look what is going on in Zimbabwe. When Robert Mugabe took some farm land from minority white farmers, the white community around the globe led by US, and UK governments placed a financial strangulation around Mugabe’s neck. The rate of inflation in Zimbabwe reaches around 2000%. It is sad to be both poor and black with a subservient lackey type of government who stands to serve his masters rather than the people he governs. Shame on the lobbyists, and even a great shame on the congress woman Pelosi, if in fact she did what she has been told by her mentor, the former minotity whip Richard Gephardt. I will withdraw from the democratic party and become an independent party. We have been taken for granted for too long by both parties, particularly the Democratic party. If I reside in California I will vote against her this coming election in 2008.

  13. I was going to write tonnes of things about this matter – about Pelosi, Gephardt, . . . in general about American politics. I better not. But Issac’s involvement in the mediation process was nothing but to save Zenawi’s ass. I am so happy that our leaders took advantage of that and got out of jail. But I am pretty sure they know who Issac is and what he is standing for. No wonder Prof Mesfin said “ye Ethiopian ye shimgilina aserar yeteketele aydelem”. When he talked about the mediation when it was started and put himself aside from it. But finally they make smart move and got out of jail. That is the main thing and watch and see how Zenawi will be dealt with. He just has to be reminded of the fate of Mobutu Sese Seko and Saddam Hussine – No one will be America’s everlasting sweetheart.

  14. Aba Eferem Yishak tells about the sovereignity of Ethiopian former emperors by taking example of Atse Dawit(David).

    Why not prof.Yishak teaches the Meles group about the long history of Ethiopia, above all other things.
    Didn’t he know that the Meles group had reduced the history of Ethiopia to be less than a century?

    Why are the Meles regime and its collaborators afraid of the passage of H.R.2003?

    The answer is clear and easy. They want to perpetuate their reign of terror until infinite years.

    If they were for everlasting peace and democracy, that should not have disturbed them. But the last 16 years has shown us who they are /were. Especially the election of 2005 has exposed them globally their latent nature.
    Ethiopians living at home or abroad won’t be fooled merceneries any more.
    Ethiopian living in diaspora are the children of Ethiopians at home.
    Why then Meles embarked on saying last week that the activists of H.R. 2003 can go and dance with Washington, capitol Hill!
    But he kept of fighting to discredit the Bill by providing Big Money to his lobyists.

    Meles & Co are exausting their last resources to save themselves from acountability of their wrongdoings occured for the last 16 years.

    Let Truth shall truiph.

  15. My Fellow Ethiopians,

    Please restrain your self from unnecessary comments. Lets not make it personal by calling names or insulting somebody’s way of doing things. For the American politicians their primary job is to work for American interest and there is nothing wrong with that. I don’t think Prof. Isac is as bad as some of us like to believe, either.

    enedemenaleh wedage , i replied your answer last time , you didn’t get back to me . lemanenawem Professor Efrem Isshak Yewelga sew nachew, Ledtu tewledu k-wede Lalibela, New dehna senbit!!

  17. Dear MAO
    I also do ‘not think Professor Isaac is bad figure, in Ethiopian politics, he is leading us to a new political dimension. He is elevating the sprit of reconciliation and forgiveness!! Only evil soul will hate him, he is the true man of God!! He is applying what he studied!

  18. I just want to comment a little bit about Prof. Isaac Ephraim. A person who knows him for a long time that I respect his comments very much told me the following. Professor Ephraim is a Harvard graduate with his Ph.D. in 1969 and was the first faculty to establish the Afro-American Studies. There is no doubt that he was a well respected intellectual of his field. However, he was denied tenure in Harvard University, which he decided to file a lawsuit against the University claiming that he was discriminated. The lawsuit took 10 years ending in favor of the Harvard University.

    During this decade, it was difficult to find a permanent job as others felt that he was problematic. He relied on his wife’s bookshop income near Princeton University where he thought as adjunct professor. It seems that he lost a very intellectually productive life, which I found out some of his credibility and integrity questionable. He seems to be engaged in making money or keeping his name high by engaging in such cases as Ethio-Eritrea conflict resolution, kaliti.

    In a similar fashion, Endreas Eshete (Yale Graduate published only 5 papers), Dr. Seyoum Solomon (worked for the World Bank only contracts not permanent). Again, if a person cannot hold a permanent post, something says about the individual.

  19. MAO,

    American interest is safeguarded by any government in Ethiopia be it with Meles regime or with other, be it with current autocracy or with broader democracy. We do not see the opposition groups alinement’s or sympathy toward American enemies because the Meles regime has cataloged or tried to link all its enemies with the Al-queda ring and terrorism. On the contrary if there is a democratic regime in Ethiopia would be long term partner of US in its war on terrorism or for regional development programs. Because only a democratic, independent and transparent governing bodies can ensure not only a better life for Ethiopians but also to take accountable billions of American tax payers money that get pumped to the Meles regime in the name of fight against Terror and the never achieved development. So with all you respect I have to say Nancy Pelosi not only Richard Gephardt have stopped a better advancement for the suffered Ethiopian people but also by their ommision they are endorsing the wrong usage of Americans tax payers money. Just remember even so vast majority of the money will be used for fighting poverty but some of that money that every American contributes can go actually to imprison or even to take the life of innocent Ethiopians. HR2003 was thought check and balance the good usage of that money. I really do not see the American interest you see by blocking HR2003. Sure HR2003 blockers does not want to root out dictators like the Bush’s Administration did by force alleging a care for American causalities but they still consent to tolerate deplorable regimes around the world even when their intervention is hurtful to the people oppressed by those regimes. And later they are surprised why they are hated all over the world. What a paradox!.

  20. Who is misleading who?

    Ethiopia is calling, and appealing to the world community to be shield from the giant devil that moves in on her commencing May 1991. It has exhibited mass murder, ethnic cleansing, human genocide, torture, and imprisonment. The nation is led by an evil person named Meles Zenawi who is not an Ethiopian. He is backed up and directed by current and future evils that are dangerous to the world peace.

    Today, genuine people are hoping H.R 2003 to be approved as a means of protecting evils, and precisely from growing Osama the 2nd in Ethiopia. If there are individuals who are struggling to cripple H.R 2003 because of one thing or another, they need to think twice and get answers to the following questions.

    1.Who is the investor in Ethiopia and what are his contribution towards the struggle against terrorists or creation of fertile ground for future pain?

    2.Did any one of you who are against H.R 2003 conduct research of the evil man’s project at home?

    3.How many of you justified that the evil regime leader Meles is commissioned
    to genocide until he accomplishes his devilish project of seeding radicals?

    4.Do you really think and believe that his simulated project of fighting in Somalia is meant for elimination of terrorists or face saving and buying time project?

    5.Do you really believe in democracy, freedom of people and respect for human rights in Ethiopia?

    6. Whom are you supporting? Several millions of Ethiopian population or dozens of
    murderous squad of Woyanne regime?

    7.Did you learn the furtive deal of Meles with Sudan regime?

    If you correctly respond to the above questions then you can witness to-or against H.R 2003. Otherwise don’t mislead realities for time is coming to make decisions.

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