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29 thoughts on “President Girma Woldegiorgis busy at work

  1. he has served ethiopia for so long, in so many ways, that it made me cry when you cursed at Ato Girmalike this. Elias kifle, you sure have no respect for anyone. ato girma,egzair edma yesteh. Amen

  2. how could you not be reasonable,should you say this do you think the people will think of you,do not say trash things talking like that about the president is immoral please try to avoid such kind of comments

  3. The difference between the dog Girma Woldegiorgis and the beast Ida Amin Dada is, the first one left the massacre to the Mad dog Meles and Berket but kept the gluttony for him self, but the beast of Africa Ida Amin Dada did both activities by himself, i.e., the killing the beer drinking.

  4. I can only lough loooooooool. for the verse, “doing what he likes best” ha ha ha.

    Surely the old man should have backed off or resigned when he saw the massacre ordered by Zenawi targetting childrens in Addis and civilians in rural Ethiopia. An old man is wise in our culture, but Ato Girma failed to show his wisdom in a time his country and his people needed him. Instead he kept himself being busy doing something else, as Elias put it ..”Eating”

  5. I wonder if what you have been doing for the country so far equals just 1 % of what he has done! For Gods sake mature! such comments you post will only take you down!

  6. Hellow ER Again,

    You are doing great job in hunting down the dogs, bandas and those who collaborate with the black nazi banda meles zenawi. They are all the enemy of Ethiopia and Ethiopians. Girma is not exceptional. He is a hodam collaborater. He has the blood of thousands of the children of Ethiopia as well as his nazi banda boss.

    Er thanks for this good job, don`t forget that the cadres of the nazi banda collaboraters will not be happy. They are disappointed. They shall be brought to justice sooner or latter.



  7. I hate this web site, for its accusation and bla bla..

    Let me ask the admin, Is it necessary to talk about sth irrelevant(talking about ppl)?

    Shame on you

    If you can remove it please

  8. This is not an Ethiopian style. Whether symbolic or otherwise, he is the President of FDRE and painting him as FFF \’fantastic food fighter\’ is unethical at best.

  9. Ethiopian Review is completely justified in ridiculing our ‘president’. Also, don’t forget that he can be used in class rooms as a visual aid for the economic structure in Ethiopia – a gluttonous minority in a country of impoverished people. Thank you for initiating a culture of criticizing our leaders in any aspect – a lack of which has allowed the people of Ethiopia to be ruled by those who do not have the best interest of the country.

  10. Well done, Elias, for exposing the beast who was undermining the war effort of the Ethiopian Army against Shaebia when he was in Eritrea as a highly paid Derg Official throwing weekly parties at his plush while soldiers and noncombatant Ethiopians like myself were suffering in the field.
    He is a gluttonous opportunist who is as much to blame as Meles for giving away Eritrea,overseeing the massacre of innocent Ethiopians and incarceration of tens of thousands of opposition members and our young citizens. I have met this greedy “pig” both in Asmara and Addis

  11. I do not know and understand what President Girma thinks. I do Know one thing and that is, he shouldn’t be serving, by being a rubber stamp, for the Meles regime that is devastating and commiting attrocities in the country. He will take all his share of the responsibilties for the crimes done by the woyne government. This is not good for a person of his age and health condition. At this age he should have been seving god doing good things rather than giving a blind eye and deaf ear to and be an accomplice to what Meles is doing to our country.

  12. The three legged president has no shame. He has failed the Ethiopian people and his own body. For a sick man like him, he should be on strict diet. Hodam Asama.

    Mr. Tekle

  13. he sure do love to eat. but i must say elias is the most hardcore woyana hater out there..

    Elias lool, but take it a little easy on the “yesemay sebari shemagela”….

  14. Pres. Girma has a doughter who fights against Woyane and the previous government Derg. Inspite of this, the old man chooses to sing with murderes. He deserves no respect. Learn from you daughter Genet Girma who is in Exil for the last 3 decades.

  15. I have seen one of those dramas of the TPLF parliament – Ato Girma is basically instructed to do every little thing – It’s a shame to have someone like this (a pig) to be even called Ethiopian president!!! He is not even qualified to be “ye-edir likemenber” – what a disgrace???

  16. Well, if you are in Addis and dictators are the rulers you may not have much choice. The chief dictator and the chief manipulator is Meles and his aga’azi guys. So, why not focus on the ones’ who control both human and material resorces rather than flogging the dead horses and and the forced underdogs obaying only orders at gun point that cannot be refused.

    Focusing on the tiny bushes will only empower and strengthen the big trees that make all the differences.

  17. Go and report about the color of softpaper that Melese or bereket is using. Be stupid like this be nonsense like this be “Kele Ras” like this because you don’t have any thing to be. It is because you all can think only this much. And it is because your mind has got no where to go or to think more than. Yes I am right you all can think only this much. Yes I am right that all of you haven’t yet complete your evoulution!!!!!

  18. girma,

    The dressing protocol is quite flashy and highly exaggerated just to hide the underlying misery and wretchedness of the society and the sick and dying poilitical system.

    But you may also notice as there is just one lady strategically placed between the front line men, in case she is not a lesbian. Even if they are gays and lesbians it matters not at all, as the issue is about the dictator’s hedonistic bashing in luxuries, while the majority wretched Ethiopians are dying ofrom hunger and abject poverty.

  19. The presidant had such a glittering service for a good cause through out his life before he’s joined EPRDF, eventually he’s made a fatal decition in collaborating with Meles Ethinic Politics, but no disrespect to what he had done for his country before his puppet Presidency.

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