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Jeffrey Gettleman: Tightening the noose around Zenawi

By Selam Beyene

In a series of articles published in the New York Times, Jeffrey Gettleman shocked the world with a glimpse of the atrocities committed by Zenawi’s regime against the people of Ethiopia. In so doing, Gettleman not only demonstrated journalistic professionalism of the highest order, but also provided uncommon comfort to the 70 million Ethiopians suffering under Zenawi’s iron rule.

Through a powerful exposition of the brutality of Zenawi and his deceits of the donor community, Gettleman declared: “The Ethiopian military and its proxy militias have … been siphoning off millions of dollars in food aid and using a U.N. polio eradication program to funnel money to their fighters…”

What support can one give to such an admirable journalist, who is owed so much by the people of Ethiopia, so that his efforts will not be in vain?

The answer may not be difficult. All genuine Ethiopians should express their gratitude for his Herculean efforts, and provide him with much needed information that exposes the brutality of Zenawi’s regime not just in the Ogaden region, but throughout the country.

Gettleman’s efforts would bear fruit, and the struggle to free the oppressed people of Ethiopia would be successful, only if the true picture of Zenawi’s regime is presented in the proper perspective, without falling in the dangerous ethnic traps that the dictator has wickedly installed for us.

When Zenawi directed one of his attack dogs, Seyoum Mesfin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to respond to the first of Gettleman’s reports, the motive was to divert the focus of the discussion from the absence of human rights and democracy to one concerning the rise of one ethnic group against the rest of “Ethiopia”.

While fully sharing the pains of our Ogaden compatriots, as we do collectively share the pains suffered by all other ethnic groups across the land, we should guard against the tendency to fall victims to Zenawi’s ethnic politics by treating the movements to overthrow Zenawi’s dictatorship as isolated movements of disparate ethnic groups against the motherland.

A movement against Zenawi’s oppression cannot have a lasting democratic outcome, if it is anchored in an ethnic agenda. The memory is still fresh that less than two decades ago the ethnicbased movements that overthrew the dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam only brought us equally vicious dictators in the likes of Zenawi and Afewerki.

So, as we applaud Gettleman for his courage, integrity and objectivity in exposing the brutal nature of Zenawi’s dictatorship, let’s provide our support to him so that he will be better equipped with comprehensive knowledge to more effectively use the power of the New York Times toward the search for a more permanent and lasting solution to the suffering of all Ethiopians: from the Somalis and Afars in the lowlands to the Oromos, Amharas, Gurages and Tigreans of the highlands; and from the Anuaks of the West to the numerous oppressed people of the South.

Interestingly, Gettleman’s reports could not have come at a worse time for the brutal dictator, who is cornered like a wounded and dangerous beast with no place to escape:

In his petty mind, the move was intended to serve several purposes:

  1. The document bearing the signatures of the political prisoners would serve as a defense against the inevitable charge for crimes against humanity.
  2. The release of the opposition leaders, whose only crime is to have been elected by the people of Ethiopia, would serve to placate donor countries, who have withheld much needed money to finance Zenawi’s repressive machinery and to fatten his overseas bank accounts.
  3. The move is also intended to thwart the ongoing congressional activities in the US to hold the regime accountable for human rights violations.
  4. Most importantly, the alleged confessions and subsequent release of the political prisoners would help to divert attention from the dreaded issue of the illegitimacy of Zenawi’s government.

However, a careful evaluation of the recent unfolding events suggests that Zenawi’s wishful thinking has no traction. No credible legal expert would believe that the documents signed under duress by the political prisoners would hold water in a court of law. Despite expensive lobbying, the plan to thwart the ongoing congressional activities has also backfired, and Congressman Payne has already declared that he’d still demand that “the killers of the 193 innocent civilians” be held accountable.

Thus, given Zenawi’s desperate situation, and the abundance of support for the democratic movement, what is the optimal course of action for the opposition?

All genuine Ethiopians in the Diaspora and back home should now seize the moment and keep the pressure on Zenawi. They should set aside their personal, ethnic and political differences, and pool their resources to address the critical questions of the day:

  • The return of political power to the legitimate leaders chosen by the people on May 15, 2005, and
  • The prosecution of the criminals responsible for the post-election massacre of peaceful demonstrators, for the unjust imprisonment and torture of opposition members, and for the genocide of Anuaks and other ethnic groups.

By Selam Beyene, Ph.D., can be reached at [email protected]

4 thoughts on “Jeffrey Gettleman: Tightening the noose around Zenawi

  1. Jeffery, let the big Rains comes, like that of the Time of NOAH,or let Sunami rises, and its flood will wash you away, to the other corner of the world! You are a very biased journalist. I recently watched your video about the Rebels of Ogaden , you interviewed the killers of Chinese engineers and their Ethiopian allies, with pride and great enthusiasusaim!! You seem to be happy for the killing! You didn’t even show any remorse for them in your closing statement!! You don’t have ethics of journalism. Where did you get you degree? Jerk!

  2. doro manekia,

    ante eraseh kedoro atishalem. Oh, I see, your unbiased and professional journalists are those in ETV and Walta who are graduated from Dedebit and civil service. Go and write to them. you don’t even have a sense of humanity for how my people are suffering in Oganden day in and day out. Meles and his few Tigrean colleagues are spilling the blood of my poor relatives. A day will surely come. I don’t know how I could show mercy for you guys when that day comes, I really don’t know, even the Ethiopian people do not know how they should they show you mercy for what you have done on us (on all Ethiopian people). I really just don’t know… I only know the day will be nearer. I never hate people in my life, but I really hate Weyanes… you corrupted my genuine and honest Ethiopian feeling, you brought on to us the racisim we had never think about it before… I don’t know what to say, I only warry, how could I supress my negative feeling and forgive you when the day comes.

  3. O my God Adam Teregaga, Nefsu I am so sorry, for the misunderstang of my comment, you read the version of my point , indeed currently there is a Huge military operation, in the Ogdenia region, it is also believed that, there are innocent victims. Among them children mothers, elders are in the middle of this havoc. Adam, my sympathy goes to all who lost their beloved ones in all this misfortune, I am not outsider , I am sharing the pain with you , since these are also my people! This is my land. I Somehow understand the ideas and the objectives, what the Government has in mind, to the people of Ogadenia .. This doesn’t mean that I am a graduate of Dedebit! I wish if I knew where Dedebit is. It is only me , it is a one man show! People from Dedebit didn’t even know who I am. You might think that I am throwing my self to their bracket! I think I am the representative of some souls out there. This region is the Ras Gez (self determined) region, how will you think the life of the people will drastically change once Ogden , Gode, Kebredhar is booming with oil? Who will get the ripened fruit first? The God gifted Ogadenians are the first beneficiaries, you bet!! If you really want to see the life of Ogadenia people quickly transform, all these resources will come out first…. For the past twenty or thirty decade, Ogaden is classified as a desert region, the weather is very dry , the life style of the people is migrant , there is no school no clinic , no infrastructure, nothing at all! Lately We just have seen some progressive indication, the dark will be enlightened, the bright day will be on its way, why then we didn’t give them a chance to the Chinese Engineers and the Ethiopian government , to accomplish their mission? Do you think by terrorizing and killing, the Rebels can achieve their objective? Are they really helping the people of Ogadenia , Be honest, If they want to change the life of the people, why the Rebels will do their own Geological exploration to find the oil and give it to back to their people? Now the question is , If the people of Ogaedn will not be benefited from the oil revenue, then ONLF will stand as one and fight against the right of their people , but let’s first foster and lay concrete how to change the life of ogadens…. If the people right and benefit will not respected, yes ONLF has a got a full mandate to speak of!! Adam , this is simply my opinion ,because of this my own idea you can classify me as weyane ,if that makes you happy , go ahead and hate me, I will wait for the day that we can understand each other!! Your true Ethiopian brother, O! one more thing! About the unethical behavior of the guy name Jeffery I will be back some other day!! Cheers! Peace be upon you

  4. Mr. Doro, What chance are you talking about?? Do you mean the Ethiopian government needs another 2 decades? Do you think Ethiopians are foolish enough to wait another 20 years to say no to Woyane? I don’t know what you are if not a cadre of woyane who graduated from Dedebit. You are such a nice double colored person. So biased and insensitive Chamelion. I wish you had some time to reflect and dialogue with the truth. It is so stupid to point once finger and wish a Tsunami to wash all the opponents of tyranny. I am so glad that the tsunami control is not in the hand of people like Doro manekai and Zenawi. Otherwise, we would have been washed away from the face of the planet. Your minds are so darkened that you want to avoid everyone who opposes or comments on your evil system. You washed youngsters, kids and many innocents with bullets and then now you are praying for a Tsunami for those who are beyond your reach. What an evil people. You also try to trick us preaching about oil. If oil comes out, we know it will benefit the people. But what about the parasites like Zenawi. Anything good comes you want to suckle it. You are suckling the aid money and people are dying. How can we trust you for surplus while you are insensitive for those who die of starvation?

    …Try to think at least as big as a Doro. I am serious

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