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Dr Yacob Hailemariam vows to finish what he started

By MATTHEW BOWERS, The Virginian-Pilot

Despite spending 21 months in prison with a life sentence looming, former Norfolk State University professor Yacob Hailemariam said Wednesday he has no regrets about his activism in his home country Ethiopia.

“Believe me, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life,” Hailemariam said in a telephone interview from his apartment in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.

The Ethiopian government pardoned and released him and 37 other opposition leaders Friday, four days after sentencing them to terms of up to life in prison for inciting violent protests after disputed 2005 elections.

Hailemariam and others denied the charges and declined to defend themselves, calling the trial a political sham. Human rights groups and members of Congress agreed. Amnesty International called the accused “prisoners of conscience.”

Hailemariam, who turned 63 on Saturday, had returned to Ethiopia in late 2004, anxious to help move it toward democracy when elections were announced. That remains his goal, he said.

“I went to law school on the backs of poor peasants who have starved to death,” he said, referring to his free education. “I feel I am indebted. I came back to pay that debt. Of course, things have happened, but I did my best. I have absolutely no regrets.”

Since his release five days ago, he said, about 2,000 well-wishers have visited his apartment. They have left food and gifts – including 50 bottles of scotch – for the soft-spoken former business law professor and United Nations special envoy.

Hailemariam said he left prison physically and mentally healthy. He and his colleagues typically rose at 6:30 a.m. and exercised for two hours – doing calisthenics, push-ups and sit-ups. He read more books and magazines – newspapers weren’t allowed – than when he taught at Norfolk State. Writing was forbidden, which was his biggest frustration, but he managed to sneak out one long protest letter that was posted on Web sites.

Other prisoners showed the opposition leaders respect by washing their dishes and clothes. Saturdays and Sundays – visiting days – brought lines of people, often strangers, bearing food and gifts and, most importantly to Hailemariam and the others, showing support for their cause.

“Prison becomes very light if you know why you are in prison,” he said.

For eight months, Hailemariam and five others elected by fellow prisoners used intermediaries to negotiate with the government for their release. At 10 a.m. Friday, he and the others were given 30 minutes’ notice that they were being freed.

Escorted home, he entered his apartment to a ringing phone. It was his wife, Tegist, who lives in Virginia Beach with their son, who had already heard the news.

“It was really welcome, a welcome gesture,” Hailemariam said of his release. “But the most important issue was what could we do next.”

He’ll return to the United States in three weeks to visit family and friends. He wants to thank them, the Norfolk State community and local members of Congress for their support. And then after a month he wants to go back to Ethiopia. He has unfinished business, he said: The Ethiopian community that elected him in 2005 has no roads, electricity or water.

“I’m going to go back and represent people in any way I can,” he said. He’s hoping his wife and married daughter and grandchildren will accompany him for a while.

Democracy remains a hope, although he’d have to consult with his family before running again for office, he said. “People are so grateful for what we have done, but we haven’t done much,” he said. Still, he said, he and fellow leaders “have ignited a thirst for democracy, and nobody can extinguish that.”

Matthew Bowers, (757) 222-3893,

44 thoughts on “Dr Yacob Hailemariam vows to finish what he started

  1. How do Meles & Co. understand these words of a genuine and respected scholar,for whom millions of genuine Ethiopians and the world owe a lot? I hope you can learn…learn…learn… a lot. You are lucky you have the chance and time to learn how to express in a matured and respectful manner,at least, if not you fail to do things in a civilized way! Wake up!

  2. Bravo Dr. Yakob,
    Please accept our appreciation for your determination, courage and renewed commitment to pursue the unfinished noble task. Genuine Ethiopians,true friends of Ethiopia and the world at large owe you a lot. You are one of the true sons of Mother Ethiopia. We congratulate our immediate family members and your beloved ones for all what you did and still doing.
    God Almighty Bless You and your family,
    God Almighty Bless Ethiopia & True friends of Ethiopia!

  3. Dr. Yakob u are one of the few true ethiopians who are paying the ultimate sacrifies,may god be with u all the way and keep up the good work.

    ETHIOPIA needs true children like u who gave up thier cumfort to the struggle WOW u are the HERO

  4. Dear Dr. Yakob,

    Ethiopia and Ethiopians will be eternally grateful for you stand for the poor and oppressed. Thanks to you to and to all family members for your sacrifice.


  5. It is amazing to see the courage these CUD leaders have!! I imagine them producing a leader that will be appreciated not only by Ethiopians but also by Africans and the rest of the world! I imagine them living democracy but not only fight for it, because even TPLF had democracy as an agenda during their 30 year war! Obviously they are not living that principle and our people’s suffering continued if it hasn’t worsened! Anyway, CUD is the remedy to sustain Ethiopianism and TPLF is vowing to rule Ethiopians or destroy Ethiopia like USSR, all TPLF members and supporters ought to learn for themselves!!!!

  6. Dear Dr. Yacob,

    You are a courageous man. You have done what you can and prepared to do more for that poor country of ours.

    The Woyannies should learn a lot from you guys. I was told thousands of people have lined up to the gate of Eng. Hailu Shawel’s home to greet him. Some have cried and some have hugged him tightly in celebration of his release. Is this not gratifying? What is life after all – to be loved and respected by the people is the most satisfying thing in life. The Woyannies must know that there is life other than power.

    Dr. Yacob! God bless you!

  7. Yakob Hailemariam, you are one of the many truely loving person of your people and determined to put yourself on the side of great responsibility to help. You are not in this ‘business’ for self interests, we most of the conscience around the world know the value you are standing for. ‘Hod siaq doro mata’, the pardone decision you and your prison partners took based on the hope you have been given by the ‘Shimagles’ is one of the wisest political decision in the Ethiopian political history ever made by any person or group in any standard. It is good for the people of Ethiopia to show oneself smaller than the mass! You and your ‘comerades’ are the selfless and loving for others to give your help to help themselves. We all shall learn from you and stand up to carry your task to the next level! If yours is anti-peace, what else would in the world be for peace! We all make history for good or bad but yours for sure is for good! Love you guys all! Shumet Menywab

  8. My dear Doc

    You may be the best leader in time of peace. But we are in time of war. We need some one who can kick back when woyane kicks us. So stay with your family, no more politics, no more running for office.

    Thanks for all your your contribution so far, though all fall apart.

  9. God bless you Dr.Yakob Hailemariam. you are one of the best children of Ethiopia. I am realy happy to symphatise you and your Party CUD.
    long live Ethiopia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wish you all the best to you and your family.

  10. My Lord !
    I thank you day and night for you have given Ethiopian great men, men of great caracter such as Dr.Yakob Hailemariam.

    Glory to God
    Long Live Ethiopia !

  11. I believe that all the CUD leaders are the best minds of Ethiopia. They should be given the chance to lead the country out of the socio political mire. But in the way they are doing it now it is totaly imposible for them to getthe chance to run the country. If they try to do what they have done in the past two years it is clear that they are going to sacrifice the children of poor mothers and fathers. Some one with guts who can grab an iron to kick back the iron can do it. But not the likes of Doc.

  12. Hi zola!

    What the hell you are talking about? The doctor is not that kind of person. Remember what he did and what he is doing now. He gives his life to his people. He is doing the ultimate sacrification with his comrades for his country. Is there anyother sacrification greater than this? Nothing.

    Zola: your name even tells that you are foolish, lampen, and immature. Think before you say something.

    Yacob:You are the true son of Ethiopia. Continue and step up the struggle millions are with you except the Zolas who are falling apart.

  13. Ethiopia is dealing with very angry, hatful, evil and inhuman handful criminals from Adwa with 30+ years killing and destruction experience. Forget about EPRDF. There is no such called EPRDF. EPRDF is the another name to TPLF (group of evil Boys from Adwa) to cheat and hurt Ethiopia as worst as land locking her in close door to destroy her in the long run.

    We all know Tigry is the Ethiopian History. Ethiopian history is known with great civilization using the sea and ocean as its trade route to the world. Yet, those saying are from Tigry landlocked Ethiopia saying ´the country never had seacoast in History.´ We already know how these Adwa evils (TPLF) stand for concerning Ethiopia. But we don’t know, we don’t believe and we don’t understand when the rest of Ethiopians with Tigry origin accepts these worst Ethiopian Enemies ever(TPLF from Adwa). Nomatter what TPLF is using a propaganda machine for its own benefit, no single Ethiopian hate or could hurt another Ethiopian with Tigry Origin. Nomatter what TPLF has done/doing to divide us, we have 99.9% similarities. Hurting the one will be hurting all including yourself, too. We are brothers and sisters with very long History together.

    The respected, elected and Ethiopian hero leaders (CUD) are facing not with human beings (TPLF from ADWA) but evil creatures. These evils are working to destroy Ethiopia while the CUD and others are working to benefit her. Because of this reason it is difficult to find a single common agenda to agree with. I hope there must come some miracle in order the illegal rulers (TPLF from Adwa) and the elected and legitimate leaders (CUD) finding some common grounds for the sake of Ethiopia and poor people.

    Ethiopians with Tigry origin have to play big roles as they are the one TPLF from adwa using them to rule Ethiopia for 17 years the way things are going badly. Those in the EPRDF have to avoid and dissolve TPLF’s criminal name EPRDF. In reality EPRDF is TPLF. All high positions including prime Minister, foreign minister, Military, security and all financial sources are occupied by TPLF gangs from Adwa. I don’t see why EPRDF is there. TPLF created ANDM, OPDO and the nationalities must distance themselves from TPLF in order to save their country. The Ethiopian people know that most of them are not criminals as TPLF’s from Adwa are. TPLF is playing, as masters while the rest are slaves to serve their master. EPRDF is another name to TPLF as the name Meles Zenawi to Legese Zenawi.

    ANDM, OPDO and the nationality party members and supporters wake up now. Don’t you see when your country is dying by meles, sebhat and co. conspiracy? You are supporting them just by being there by name. Join CUDP, UEDP or be by yourself. You don’t need TPLF that has 30+ seat in the parliament, yet ruling the country own way for 17 years. TPLF needs you badly to destroy Ethiopia which is your country, too. Wake up.

    Those who are with politically dead Lidetu have to wake up, too. His political carrier will last only as long as the next election comes. No one will vote him again. It would be better to Members of his party go back and join CUDP or else there political carrier will be short, too. The Ethiopian people know everything what is going on. They don’t need either TPLF or others propaganda. They know who is Lidetu for real when he abandoned the people to join with the killers’ parliaments. He stolen the people voice and run to the enemy camp leaving them to death and suffering because of they voted including for him too.

    The oppositions need to invite members and supporters of ANDM, OPDO and the nationality. As we know many of them have enough with TPLF. It is important to have a separate dialog and relationship with ANDP, OPDO and nationality. We know most of their supporters are against TPLF(meles and sebhat) of running the country. Ethiopians are God loving people. They will forgive even to Bereket Simon, Dawit yohannes and the likes, too if they come to their sense today. We must unite to save Ethiopia from Adwa boys with the leadership of Meles and sebhat.

  14. It is very satisfying to hear the doctor regreting nothing and willing to continue the democratic journey.

    But I cannot understand his plan of taking all his family including the extended family members from the USA back to TPLF Ethiopia and talking of making roads for the farmers? Does he mean that he is going to become a business man washed clean of politics by Meles?

    By the way was it he or some one of the same name who went back home primarily to establish broil farming estate in competition with Ala Moudi’s exclusive empire? What ever the case may be, he needs to be careful about his eagerness of steping on Ala moudi’s Big Feet. That has never been of good fortune even for people like Tamirat Laine.

  15. Congradulations dear Doc. Yacob, Doc. Birhanu and the rest of CUD members. I wish u all the best in your future endevour to become the leaders of your nation.

  16. My dear Woube,

    I don’t dare to insult you. I am far beyond that. But I don’t want to see poor kids to go out on the streets of Addis and get killed by woyane shooters.

    Woube did you ever try to help any of those nameless children who died for the cause of CUD? Can you please name any single person from among those died there.?

    Did any of your family member die that time?

    Be sinciere to yourself, if you are not ready to die don’t let others die.

    For your information all the CUD leadres signed for responsibility where as they have not killed a single soul. Why? They are afraid not die in jail, they afraid of torture. Where as houndreds of thousands are under torture at best and subjected to death at worest.

    I believe Doc is by far better than woyane.

  17. I don’t have any word to express my deepest appreciation for you and your Ethiopian brothers. I would like to say thank you very much. You are one of the true Ethiopian who determined to take this poor nation to the next level. You and your colleagues did an extraordinary thing which will be the turning point in the Ethiopian History.

    From MN.

  18. I would like to thank Dr.Yacob Haile Mariam and his collegues for showing us what courage is.Using his own words the CUD leaders “have ignited a thirst for democracy and nobody can extinguish that”, we only ask them to lead us.The struggle for democracy and equality can not be stoped by a leader of rogue state Melese Zenawi and his ethno-centric organization-tplf.Millions of Ethiopians are ready to finish the journey.God is with us.

  19. Dear Dr. Yakob Hailemariam

    Everything has been said I can’t add any more, but I would like to say one thing. You are the best scholar and human right activist. Dr. Befekadu is a best one too he taught me one of his wonderful class and please exend all goods things for human right activists and hero ehtiopian leaders

    may god bless you

  20. Now the CUD leaders are free to continue their leadership role to fight for freedom, democracy and the rule of law in advancing the peaceful movement from within, with assistance from the US congress, European parliament, Kinijit International and other parties,organizations and fronts in the diaspora for the common goal of recapturing the peoples votes, freedom, democracy and the supperemacy for the rule of law.

    The current regime on the contrary has nothing to show for in these respects. That space has been filled by CUD leaders, Journalists and civic organizations, who have paid the price for it and still more are in jail and concentration camps.

    After all prisonerers are released, negotiations need to strart through the elected members to share power, to create a provitional government or call for referendom on the current regime to continue to stay in power till the end of the term, under the supervision of the United Nations and its peace keeping force and massive obsevers.

  21. Dergoch

    What the hell are you talking about?
    This doctor is educated in his field but not enough matured in politics.he and his derg collegues are afraid of not to die in prison but they forgot all the young and poor supporters becomes a sacrified for the meaningless propoganda.belive me they are a selfish & they are not enough matured to comptite with our current leaders.

  22. Dear Prof

    As young Ethiopians we are delighted to see someone of your caliber to stand out of the crowd and shout for the voiceless. I wish others will get the blessing to leave their comfort and follow your steps. We (Ethiopian youngesters) and history will never forget what you did


  23. Dr. Yakob Hailemariam,

    i have no words to express the joy i felt when i received the news of you and your colleagues release.

    i beleive it is not the CUD leaders that tigrian terrorists have tried to humilitate or retaliate;it is the people of ethiopia at large. Because the CUD leaders merely represented the democratic aspirations of the ethiopian people.

    it was the votes of the ethiopian people that were stolen and denied…it was the rights of the ethiopian people that was arrested, not the CUD leaders.

    By experiencing democracy and paying the price it demands, you showed us the value of democracy and freedom, and what the costs or the sacrifices required to realise them.

    I believe we the ethiopian people will take the lesson from your experience. The minority tigrian government will not give us our freedom and rights. we have to struggle and snatch from it. i strongly believe we can do that and it is a matter of time.

    let us intensify our struggle!


  24. Yesterday’s Dergoch are becoming you now. We are talking peace and rule of law for the peaple of Ethiopia but you and your co.s are talking about peace and rule of law for you to stay in power under the gun law. History awaits for all, not for the few only, to tell the truth but the only truth. Until then, lets us all open our mind and realize what the ‘Shimglina’ group is sending a message of ‘wake up’. My friend, Saeed, if you are truely an Ethiopian, please wake up and see yourself where you are and what are you saying. Do you thing the peaceful struggle is here to iliminate you and your interests? This struggle is for all Ethiopians to live in democracy and rule of law. Why are you affraid of democratic elections under a supervision of civic observation to make sure each person’s vote is counted properly? Don’t you think we have to reconcile each other through peaceful way so we all can live in peace? Dergoch never allaw people to demonstrate peacefully to oppose their government, so do you! Who is to be blamed do you think today if you fought the Dergoch yesterday?

  25. Dergoch did not allaw people to demonstrate yesterday, so do the Meles government today. My friend, Saeed, if you fought the Dergoch yesterday, who do you think is to be blamed today? This peaceful struggle is not for the few, like you are trying to call the majority of peace-loving Ethiopians in search of political solution in Ethiopia today. If you are truely Ethiopian, pleace join the effort of the majority of Ethiopians who are crying for reconciliation instead!

  26. Dear Dr. Yacob,

    We all owe you! Thank you for what you have done so far. It is the begining and our goal is yet to come. For sure we will win regardless of whatsoever scarification we may pay.

  27. Dear Virginia Pilot:

    First, I like to express my deep appreciation that you (The Virginia Pilot) have done for more than 70 million Ethiopian people by supporting their cause including designing the Web Site that is which will never be forgoten in Ethiopian History. Second, I proud of the precious scholar Dr. Yacob Hailemariam and others who are commited to sacrify any thing they have including their life to beloved Ethiopia and its poeple. Once these courageous heroes ignited the torch it will be upto Ethiopian people to flem it by standing behind them as one nation and one people, if realy we are for demacracy, unity, peace, satability, and most importantly for Ethiopian soverneighty.

  28. Saeed,

    I felt extremely happy when I heard the CUD leaders release.My mind got relief the moment the news came to
    me.I proved my mind and 90% of Ethiopians mind were imprisoned.I do not know how you associated these true human rights and democracy advocates with derge.Do you know these people more than enough for their own living?Do you know these people can lead their luxurious life with out worrying about you and me?But they are not like that.How could you say they are selfish?What is your measurement?I am really sorry for that.It would be good for you to be reasonable.Your words are really annoying.Really you people provoke us to speak bad against you.When are you changing your mind into good?

  29. Bravo Dr.

    We trust you and CUD. The stuggle will continue till victory.

    what we all should say is
    GET UP

    Let all of keep Our word like the CUD Leaders.

    Long live ENAT Ethiopia!!!

  30. Mercy to you the Ethiopian great leader Dr.Yacob.
    we are so proud of you the way how you stand to bring peace and democracy in Ethiopia and to shine it to the whole continent. You were the first person to prosecute and bring inhuman Genocider Det. Akayesu for Trial for the crime he had committed in his home country Rwanda , and in that trial you have shown the Victims of genocide and to the people of Rwanda your true compassion and affection to the humanity and to humanbeings. We had also equally witnessed your genuinenss , respect for humanity and diversity, courage and maturation at your work when we first organized the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda / UNICTR/, Which is based in Arusha Tanzania all together. As the work which you had started there in Tribuna succesfully shines , we are confident and faithful that your true cause of democracy which you and the rest of your colleagues have started will prosper in your be loved country Ethiopia. We are proud of you and encouraging you to keep on doing the nobel work which you have already started!. Congradulations again and greetings from your old colleuges!. God Bless Ethiopia.

  31. Dear Dr. Yacob,
    We have agreate respect for u and ur friends who strugle for Democracy and human rights. This is realy peaceful strugle. Thanks a lot for u and ur friends sacrification to bring democracy to our mother land.

  32. It is funny to see how you guys fail to condemn failures when it is done by Amhara rulers. You guys have not said a single word againest Mengistu Hailemariamºs failure to request and bring back Djibouti back to Ethiopia as soon as the contract with France ends. It was a shameful act on the part of the Ethiopian rulers to fail to request the return of Djibouti which was legally Ethiopian part.

    And now, those so called opposition leaders have chosen their OLD-self againest the life of a great nation and great people and greeded with the murderous regime to bring the momentem of struggle to an almost stand still. And you guys, instead of critising them, you are thanking them with a boring garbage.

    Shame on you

  33. God bless you and your family. It was really pleasure seeing you out of prison. I and my family are behind you to support your commitment to make our dreams to our beloved country, Ethiopia, reality.

  34. Dan, can you please try to live with your true sense of reflection from history and learn to commit yourself for the value of all human kind’s safety and on how to handle each other’s problems to solve and live peacefully? Come on, don’t push yourself to be against the good by standing for the mission of evil when you say ‘the people who did do nothing yesterday should not say or do something today’. Do you think people should always stay the same way, even if your analogy sounds fair by comparing yesterday’s with today’s situation? Can you convince yourself with the same analogy that is: ‘since Derg did not allaw people to demonstrate peacefully to oppose their government’s action, Meles has the right to act in the same manner too? All the people of Ethiopia asking Meles’ government is to open himself for others to compete him freely so people can be responsible to their governments’ action too. You can not deny the millions of Ethiopians demand even for the right of peaceful demonstration on the Capital City of their’s and African Unity. How do you think you can act with manner of leadership for your own people infront of the World and all Africans after you claim to be an open for democracy, if you are in the leadership of your country, assiuming you are from Ethiopia? It is time to live with true democracy in the new millinium, so we all shall make ready ourselves today and contribute positively for the mission, in front of us, that is reconciliation based on the realities of Ethiopia today! With God’s will, we shall overcome, or else, we all will go down to hell!

  35. Dr. Yacob, you are one of the best minds of Ethiopia. Sorry for suffering in the prison of the vicious dictator Ethiopia had ever seen. You and the other CUDP officials suffered for the sack of mother Ethiopia. We genuine ethiopians inside and outside the country are very pleased the CUDP leadership are released. All of us have to continue our atruggle until the remaining political prisoners are released and join the struggle for democracy and human rights for Ethiopia. The struggle for democracy once again stars now. We have to continue until we reach the destination democracy for Ethiopia. NEVER GIVE UP !!!

  36. Dear Dr. Yacob,
    Many thousands, including me, who have gone to school on the backs of poor peasants who have starved to death, envy you. I can understand that you have been through lots of suffering. But you are very lucky to do what you are doing for your people and your country. Many thousands of us can’t do it. It is a pain for many of us not doing something for the people, which you are doing it superbly. Our spirits are all living with in you. Lets march for freedom and democracy.

  37. YES I agree with you there is no regrete…you are a true Ethiopian are a HERO.
    Thank you for what you did for this poor people

  38. Dear Shumet,

    I am really satisfied with your response.I am sure these people are not healthy.They are not even logical.The are not really normal.Any way what you said would be enough to be balance.I am really bored to hear or read them.They are all the same.

    Let God help them.

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