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The ‘war’ between Ethio-Channel and The Reporter

Or should we say between Amare Aregawi and Al Amoudi?

It is not still known who is behind the attempt on Amare Aregawi’s life, editor of The Reporter based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. An opinion piece published today on the English Reporter indicates that the attack was perpetrated by a “private power,” not by the government.

The writer of the article chastised one local Amharic paper that it says had been mounting a condemnation on Amare before the attempt. The paper under the question, Ethio-Channel, owned by Samson Mamo, is close the tycoon Mohammed Al Alamoudi… Read more

5 thoughts on “The ‘war’ between Ethio-Channel and The Reporter

  1. I think It has nothing to do with Alamudi. Because Reporter was rather arguing and advising Alamoudi that he should monitor his business. It was giving him a number of things what is going on behind Alamoudi. May be I suspect those people whom Amare was pointing at.

  2. I found the article to be hilarious in many ways.

    1. It is devoid of investigative reporting. Come on, this is a news organization with its editor-in-chief attacked in a day light over a week ago, and all they could cough up so far is what everybody has already been speculating?!

    2. It is very much possible that members of the government (specifically the ANDM) who have wanted to take revenge on Amare for a long time but were afraid of their TPLF bosses took advantage of this unique time to hit him. Why is the time unique? Amare, in a series of articles and editorials, started criticizing the practices of the companies of Al Amoudi and the “cell phone overlords” who have been making illegal money from those companies. And those stupid people started writing a series of articles on Ethio-Channel, Ethiopiafirst, etc…threatening Amare. Its possible that that’s all they wanted to do – threaten him and shut him up. But what do you know…there is a smarter entity who has been waiting for such an opportunity and makes a move. And who does all the eyes fall upon? The Al Amoudi people! I don’t know why this article doesn’t raise that possibility.

    3. The writer says: “Despite all the missing details, however, we can at this point confidently say that the initiators, conspirators, sponsors, writers, directors and producers of the attack are not part of the government.

    And that is why we say that the government should not take this lightly, and that it must do everything in its power to bring to justice the perpetrators of the act.”

    What exactly does that mean? The government should only take serious crimes perpetrated by “private powers” and ignore the ones committed by itself?

    4. The writer says: “Arguably, this must be the only country in the world where one member of the press openly involves itself in attempts to silence the other.

    Why Ethio-Channel chose such a pitiful path, we can only leave to the judgment of the public.”

    Tew enji! He must have not read one of Amare’s editorials railing against Kinijit leaders and the private press back in the days. ‘Getayem geta alew’ ale yagere sew sitert!

    5. The whole article has a tone of outrage, and rightfully so. But the outrage is a different kind – as if such a thing never happened before. I don’t understand why The Reporter treats all the illegal acts committed against Amare as “the first”!!! The outrage in his editorials right after he was arrested and taken to Gondar was simply hilarious! Its like the guy just had an epiphany. He just discovered that there is so much injustice in Ethiopia! Or may be Amare’s life is more important and precious than the thousands of Ethiopians who have been illegally arrested, tortured and killed ever since he and his TPLF buddies marched into the Minilik palace?!

    Give me a break, dude! And what exactly does it take to wake you up – even from an intentional sleep?!

  3. Freedom of speech, while it should be conducted by responsible personalities, is a guage that a regime is judged by. It is a right that every citizen should enjoy and cherish. Unfortunately, that is not the fact we witness in our country. While some journalists could be sickening, they still have the right to exist. I am no fun of Aregawi, but I just can’t imagine the ruthless act of the coward who committed this crime infront of the journalists son. Well, I have recently discussed this types of issues with my best friend and we concluded that Ethiopia is at the exact stage where Russia was few years back. Contract killings to secure biddings, mafia style threats, the government looking the other way while crime is being committed etc.
    There is more to come in this corruption infested country. Greed breeds crime. This is the worst mess a country can be inn. And yet we are divided, cruel to each other and no hope to solve our problems. This really is a whirling wind.

  4. መንግስት ወሮበላ ጋዜጠኛው ማጅራች መቺ ቀጣሪው ማፊያ ምን ይሁን? የሚደንቀው የአቶ አረጋዊ አቢቱታ ነው የት ነበር ይህን ሁሉ ግዜ ሰው አቤት ሲል ይልቁንስ የወያኔ አፈ ቀላጤ መሆኑን ትቶ ጋዜጠኛ ይሁን:: ይሄ አላሙዲ የሚሉት ደግሞ ወያኔ ኢትዮጵያን ሸጠለት እንዴ የሚያደርገዉን አያውቅም:: አንዴ የውጭ እንቬስተር ነኝ ይላል: አንዴ አለኔ ኢትዮጵያዊ የለም ይላል አንዴ ወያኔ ወይ ሞት ይላል: አንዴ ባይኔ ያየሁት በሙሉ ካልገዛሁ ይላል ምንም አላማዉ የማይታወቅ ሰው እግዝሃቤር ስራዉን ይስጠው:: ለመሆኑ ለውጪ ዜጋ እንቬስተር ህግ የለም ወይስ የወያኔን ህግንም ገዝቶታል?

    የአገራችን ጣጣ ገና ብዙ ነው:: ይልቁን ወያኔዎች እያዋናብዱ አያስመስሉ አማረ አርጋዊ የነጻ ጋዜጣ ከሆነ መለሰ ኦባማ ሆንዋል ማለት ነው::

    ቀልዱን ትተው እጃቸውን ለህዝብ መንግስት ይስጡ; ወያኔን ቢያገላብጡት ገለባ ነው አይደከሙ

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