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8 thoughts on “Obama dances to Ethiopian tune (re-mix)

  1. It is true who knows about tomorrow. This is a lesson to many. With out crazy and hateful messages, smooth operators and intelligents like Barack Obama can make a difference. That is exactly what we need. Ethiopians better learn from this. The way we are going is wrong. Desperation creates vacuum. Step by step and with a smart strategy things can happen. Elias you got a lot to learn from this. What ever your mission or ambition is, pay attention to Obama. If you follow him very well, you will change your ways. In what ever you want to do, I wish you success but dont waste your youth in meanness. You can do so much if you want because you have the fire in the belly but parallel to that you have a destructive force in you that wont get you anywhere but get old and mean; therefore, make use of the Barack Obama moment.

  2. To “tezibt”; Obama did what he did because this is USA where the Rule of Law and Constitution is paramount. If you think Elias or any one can do the same in TPLF’s Ethiopia you must be crazy. Citizens, opposition party members, elected Senators, Congress men, and Elected leaders are not questioned let alone imprisoned in USA.

  3. Tezibt or should we call you “Legesse/weyane” admirer; if you are comparing the midget half Eritrean half Ethiopian and quarter alien to half Kenyan and half American Obama then you must be another stupid weyane. Obama did not engulf hell in the America’s atmoshphere versus your evil ugly midget who continue to engulf the whole region with blood and unnecessary blood shed. What Obama promised to the whole world is and in particular Americans is: WE LIVE IN A NEW WORLD AND LETS BURY OUR OLD AMERICAN WAY OF DOING BUSINESS BE IT AT HOME OR ABROAD. On the other hand here you have an alien looking monkey who told the whole world: ONE DAY WHEN I BECOME THE LEADER OF ETHIOPIA I WILL MAKE SURE THERE ARE MANY ETHIOPIA THAT WILL HATE EACH OTHER, CREATE A BLOOD SHED AGAINST THE PEOPLE THAT PROVIDE ME SHELTER IN SOMALIA AND ERITREA, AND I HAVE A DREAM I WILL BE THE MOST RELIABLE SLAVE OF THE 21ST CENTURY. So Tzibt please go to aiga and continue your rubbish knowledge!

  4. tezbit,

    Why, oh but why do you people hate someone who tells it like it is as brother Elias does and try your smear campaign? Please do not use him as a scapegoat. You know, I do not know Elias personally any more than perhaps most ER readers do. But, I like what he stands for. There are no too many Ethiopian websites which see the LIGHT at the end of the [Weyane – darkened] tunnel. They are mostly one track mind – “Shabia this and Eriteria that”. Com’on folks – please get some life. Unless you people realize there is nothing to be had by hatred, every effort we all do to have some congenial relationship with our cousins up north will all to naught. The question is though, “Why”? What do we get from enmity and belligerence? Don’t you folks ever believe that we are becoming the loving stock of the ferenjis. Is that our plan to continue to be at the mercy of foreigners? I sure hope not!

  5. Non of the comments above have any relevance to what I have said. I feel so sorry that you miss the point and you are responding to what is in your mind but not on the article. There is no need to mention Eritrea, shabia, the monkey or Tplf. Sticking to the point and analyzing requires a genuine, normal and healthy mind. Acting like a mad dog, which bites who ever kind of attitude, has no place. You can always forward your point with civility. Here in the United States there could be worst animousity if people act like you, fortunately people here know how to present their grievances to each other in a civilized manner. I could follow the same path like you calling you names but that wasn’t the way I was raised and that is not the way I communicate. I can forward my points with out labeling you because I know how. I will live labeling you to yourself. I can’t lecture you on what healthy minds do because from time to time when you are in a healthy state of mind you know how you treat others even your enemies. When a person has no substance, anger becomes the method of communication. Show me what you can do by acting crazy, I think Nada, Zilch. Do you have any thing to show me that you were able to do because of your mean personality.By supporting what you opposed yesterday and again opposing it tomorrow and so on the vicious cylce isn’t going to get you anywhere. That is like prostitution. If you have a plan and idea go do it with out inkaselamtia. But when you have non that is when you act crazy. Let alone the mass, you can’t even get the support of your mender. Why do you have to go to Ethiopia, here in the U.S. where there is only woyane jelewoch,but nothing to fear, are you being jailed or oppressed by woyane in the U.S, is that why you can’t come together. When you can’t even do that when you can’t even come together where you are free, you think you can help the people of Ethiopia by removing dictatorship. You live in a free land where you have the opportunity to assemble, express youself freely,and organize did you do it or are you doing it now. Instead of using this open space you are pointing thousands of miles away. In my view, excuse my language but only ill mannered and lazy person or mentally depresssed person behaves this way(I mean they way you respond on this forum). Letinish yemaibeka letiliku aitachim. You are Netsanet yemayawk Netsa awchi. First free your self from destructive hatred. If you don’t believe Professor time will teach you the hard way. Love takes care of every thing. If each of us can start by looking at the mirror carefully, the problem can begin to be simpler. Here in the free land we will start to discuss properly. We can have good friendships, we can start building our family. Do you know that most Ethiopian homes here in the U.S. have problems. We can’t even listen to each other or we don’t even respectfully finish conversations properly because of our egoistic and selfish personalities. This is not only in politics but among our family too. We need a lot of cleaning, strarting from fixing our home/family. Andandochachin inkuan temren belayachen lay temehert bet bisaerabin inkuan yemigeban ainet aydelenim. Could it be that a child needs a good and balanced diet to have a brain that functions properly. Yes If we get a good government the first thing should be feeding kids proper diet so that their IQ developes. Haven’t you encountered a weird doctor, or educated person that behaves abnormal ETHIOPIAWI MALETE NEW it all comes down to the way we were raised. Elias did recently post an article about the life of a donkey in Ethiopia. Most of us did live like the donkey, an abuse starts at home then in school and later in the hands of the government. The government is the result and collection of this kids that were raised in abusive homes. Check how Hailesellassie was raised how he used to run the country and compare Mengistu and Meles’s upbringing and the similarities and differences of behaviors and you will get the answer. We all need some kind of psychiatric help to heal from years of suffering. I do understand all that and I am not bitter about your abusive behavior towards me because an abused person is most likely to turn abusive. I believe that you will are capable of even more serious abuses but the only way we can get rid of it by discussing about it again and again and again and eventually it will stick. But we have to work hard to eliminate this bad culture. God bless Ethiopia

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