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Meles expels the Red Cross from the Ogaden region

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The Red Cross has been given seven days to leave the Ogaden region bordering Somalia by the Meles regime in Ethiopia.

The ICRC has been carrying out water and sanitation projects there.

An army crackdown in the area after a series of rebel attacks has restricted the movement of essential goods.

The rebel group, the Ogaden National Liberation Movement, accuses the government of blockading the region, and producing a “man-made famine”.

On Monday, the New York Times carried an article saying that Ethiopian troops were preventing emergency aid reaching the mainly Somali speaking region.

But aid agencies have been reluctant to complain publicly about the lack of access, fearing that it might compromise their work in the future.

The regional president of Ethiopia’s Somali region, Abdullai Hassan, told the BBC that the ICRC had been given seven days to leave the area.

He accused the organisation of collaborating with the enemy and of spreading baseless accusations against the regional government on its website.

Ethiopia’s eastern Ogaden region shares a long and porous border with Somalia, and most of its people are of the Somali ethnic group.

The ONLF has fought for the secession of the Ogaden region since the early 1990s.

In April, rebels attacked a Chinese-run oil field killing nine Chinese and 65 Ethiopians.

21 thoughts on “Meles expels the Red Cross from the Ogaden region

  1. Hey Elias, you’re the biggest lier out there. You have knowingly edited the BBC article to include your partisan shit. What kind of “journalist” are you? Opps….sorry you’re not a journalist. Only a Jeffrey Gettlemen wanna be.

    You’re a loser condemned to life in prison! HAHA

  2. Dear Elias,
    Thanks for bringing this news to the attention of many. Woyyane, if not watched, will kill every and any human being in their way. The woyane regime is a condemnation and a punishment sent from the devil to the horn of Africa. Horn of Africa will never see peace until the regime is no more. Bye for now my friend.

  3. Any criminal organization ends its criminal name with “F” but with out begins with “E” (Ethiopia) such as the Muslim terrorist groups OLF and ONLF and world record holder with ethnicity, division, looting and hate own nation (TPLF) must be eliminated from the surface of our country.

    TPLF and shabia usefully eliminated OLF. Now TPLF is getting busy to eliminate ONLF that its leaders are commanding masaccering innocent Ethiopians from their luxury base in London and from hell in Eritrea.

    I think Red Cross or anyone who is assisting Islamic terrorists and their supporters must be condemned. ONLF are part of the will be African wing Al qida and they must stop before it is too late.

    Any one who is in healthy mind need to stop criticizing woyane in this regard. They massacred 65 innocent Ethiopians and 9 chines for no reason. Organization such as ONLF and OLF are worst to Ethiopia and the region, as almost all members in the ground to massacre Innocent Ethiopians are Muslim terrorist.
    We know TPLF has leaders such as meles and sebhat who never called the name “Ethiopia” for love even at once but for their deep hate million times translating with devastating actions including the very important part of the country sovereignty(the seacoast).

  4. Mr. Samuel,

    Instead of exploding on to our faces like a brainless medieval savage and disturb our peaceful reading moments why don’t you scribble your own so called left out part of the alleged truth? That is how democracy and the normal civilized modern day freedom of speech functions.

    I am neither familiar with nor speak for the publisher, but as an individual enjoying this excellent quality and free discussion forum I don’t like to be disturbed unecessarily by careless disturbers. So please learn to do jour task correctly and leave the rest to do their job.

  5. Dear Samuel Gebru (MORON TPLF CADRE)
    You have a nerve to insult Elias our beloved brother. Unlike TPLF Cadres Elias not paid to speak for his country he is a TRUE ETHIOPIAN.

    Dear Samuel Gebru the days of ADWA Imprive is almost over don’t try moron cadre. Never forget your TPLF master’s came to power killing inocent civilians in Tigray and all over Ethiopoia

    Dear Elias Keep up the good work never pay attention to PAID TPLF BANDITS

    Dawn with Woyane

  6. Mestawal.
    It seems you are mental-retarded person who does not have his own mind but only repeats what is told in woyane radios.ONLF and OLF,They respect all UN and geneva convetion and they dont kill innocent civilians but the woyane regime has massacred The Ogaden and Oromo civilians.You are one of the two either a woyane cadre or neftange.Elias keep the good work ,you are a true and patriotic citizen

  7. Why is this spinless chest drumming small time baboon calling himself Mestawal vomits all over here in the public space?

    The baboon must have eaten all the unpleasant poisonous wild garbages collected by the blind TPLF robbers.

    He should ask these LFs to come, squeez and pump the junk out of his belly and cleance him as to make him a healthy person. Otherwis he sounds completely sick and down right neurotic frightened old monkey insulting everything that is moving.

  8. It is a right decision by the Ethiopian government
    This ICRC was siding to the organiztions working against the interest of Ethiopia People….with ONLF who slaughter Ethiopians while they were sleeping, imagine
    I am tellling you this as being in somail region at the time of massacre
    so any organiztion who is working with organization like ONLF should leave as alone

  9. Elias, don’t give attention to Samuel Gebru. He is the one who is a liar and a cheat. I thought he learned a lesson the last time he lied and bragged about him having dinner with the Cambridge Mayor and he was forced to make a public apology on his blog website. This was after Youths in Cambridge called the Mayor told that he was a woyanne Informant. Some people never learn which is typical of woyanne. I feel pity for his mother who gave birth to him in Sudan. She would have been better of if she had planted a banana tree. He is half Tigrean and half shabia just like his mentor, Zenawi. He is a disgrace to his mother and Ethiopia.

  10. Mr samule I think you have slept deep since the wayne took addis. Do you rember when derg stop the ngo n’t to work whre the reble whre presnet. so why wake up from you deep slep? pleas go back to sleep.

    The Red Cross has been given seven days to leave the Ogaden region bordering Somalia by the Meles regime in Ethiopia.

    The Red Cross has been given seven days to leave the Ogaden region bordering Somalia by the Ethiopian government.

    Nogi d the difference “by the Meles regime in Ethiopia” and “by the Ethiopian government.”

    Meles expels the Red Cross from the Ogaden region

    Ethiopia deadline for Red Cross

    Notice the difference in the titles. Something is fishy here.

  12. I wonder why those who defend Meles and his gang do always get irritated by anything Islamic. Don’t they know that the majority of Ethiopians are Moslems. If you play the tune there will be no Ethiopia but only the Cantons of Amhra and Tigre.

    For the rest of rational Ethiopians open your eyes and minds to listen, digest and react with the untold misery, injustice and enslavement that prevails in Ogaden and Oromo states. To avoid a natural faragmentation of Ethiopia stand for justice and equality. No state survives by denying its own citizens justice. No force however great can stop those who are fighting for freedom and justice.

    The more cruel Meles tactics are, the more the OLF and ONLF will be. Bomb the towns, kill the elders, expel all humanitarian agencies and even gas the innocent civilians. All that will translate into waves of freedom fighters. It will bring the end of your regime, and it will bring long awaited days of glory and freedom to these two courageous nations.

    For freedom, death is worthy a price to pay.

    Good Ethiopians are those who feel the pain of other Ethiopians regardless of religion and ehnicity. Do not confine your conscience to your ethnic group, extend to all Ethiopians, to safe Ethiopia.

  13. To Mestwal,you are a bigot and a fool.When you insult Muslims,you also insult half of Ethiopians. The muslim Oromos and Ogadenis are fighting because there is no justice and fair play in Ethiopia today.If there are terrorist in Ethiopia,It`s the TPLF led by Meles.They are kicking out the IRC and other NGO so there will be no witness to their ugly crimes in Ogaden.That`s how stupid and moronic your dear leader Meles is.Millions of Ogadenis can attest to your criminality and savagery.

  14. Hopeless Guys out there turned to become Islamic terrorists.

    Nobody expects from you to behave humanly as we know up to what level you can cross boundaries.

    Who is ONLF? It’s so called leaders are pretending being Ethiopians but jobless Somalia immigrants living in London and elsewhere. The only life they have is walking to mosque and inflame crimes in ogaden region of Ethiopia.
    Who is OLF? OLF today is a very different OLF than OLF back then. Back then OLF leaders and supporters were predominantly Christians. Today Most of them are old and feel humiliated and already gave up the name OLF to Muslims so called Oromos. The name OLF today serves the Islamic terrorist interest to conduct their evil terrorist activity in the name of so called freedom.

    You have to know that 44% of the oromos are Christians. 45% are Muslims and 11% are pagans. Is OLF Fighting for Oromo Christians? I don’t think so. It is universally known that any Muslim follower with extremist idea choose another Muslim at any time and in anywhere while avoids and hates another faith followers including Christians and Jewish.

    Until OLF and ONLF created to conduct their evil atrocity against innocent citizens in the name of Islam, we Ethiopians lived together for many years with harmony and respect. Only Islam as a peaceful religion has place in Ethiopia not as a separatist and terrorist. Good bye.

    I support the Govt action against ONLF and OLF. Don’t under estimate how far can cross these two hopless groups against innocent Ethiopians if they get chances to commite crimes. They created and live for war not for peace.

  15. Debela the fake baboon professional Wayane lier!

    How many innocent poor people have you butchered and displaced in the last few weeks for which reason you are currently threatening the GOOD RED CROSS with your usual brutalities unabated? This is what you must tell us instead of bothering us with your fake artificial medieval folk tales.

    You have been singing your fake swan songs now for over 16 years and nobody listens to you. Your established lies are well taken by everyone and you are by now only a rediculous laughing stock gone mad chasing and killing poor and wretched human beings. You will soon answer for your crimes against humanity and your reckless flagrant violations of human rights.

    Testa Di gallina!

    “My oxes have become pregnant and given birh! my oxes have given birth! Oh! praise Lord almighty! my oxes have given birth today!” Your swan song and cave druming keeps going. LAUGHABLE MASTER CLOWN GET LOST!

  16. Thank you Debela you said what I lacked so much to hear. You expressed when OLF is headed by Christain they are good guys, and when headed by Moslems they the worst kind of humanity. The same happened when King Ilyas was deposed and when Haile Salessi’s Mother Wasira was compelled to become christain. Even Emperor Haile’s wife was mMoslem but compelled to hide her religion.

    You should know majority of Oromo christains are converted by force. Read Ethiopian history and look back how many noble leaders were forced into christainity, when Islam never forced a single Ethiopian into Islam. Our religion is relieion of choice. We are not allowed to force people into believing, not like christainity that hold a gun in one hand and a bible on the other. Either you take the bible you get shot.

    My fellow Moslem majority of Ethiopia what Debela said is the truth. Unless you fight for your rights you will be labelled subhuman creatures that deserve no mercy. You are not treated even as a foreigner in your own country. Leave civilian good christains as our ancesteries did. Follow the likes of Ahmed Garan and aim at the helm of authority. Take back Ethiopia to its historic status, a country of diverse culture and religion, where no religion is above the other.

    Reach out good christains that want to build a nation where all citizens are treated equal. However seek no mercy from the like of Debela, they lost their conscience by blood leting of innocent civilians. Their morality will awake when defeated. For those who prey on the weak and vulnerable never look what is infront of them, they always hold their eyes high and to the sky.

    Together we shall get rid off these blood suckers and build a country where public concern is the foremost objective of our future civilised government. No rational human can be proud of his religion at the expense of the other.

    Finally Debela than you, for you contribute the energy our struggle needs. Keep writing and talking at the same level. Make those of us in deep sleep awakened. For with their muscles we shall bend your stubborn backbone and we shall put your head deep in the sound, then tell you to taste the soil that you wet with innocent blood.

    Tahnk you for the third time.

  17. Fellow Ethiopians
    I think it is wise to diffrenciate between nation and state. Sugestions and comments from some of you seems against the very nation than the regime. This is un acceptable by majority of the children of the holy country and that is why the so called liberation front like OLF are failing and became a poodle of shabia.

  18. Debella BIG UPS TO U u are the best.thnx for breaking it down for the people so they can learn more.I dont have any feeling about MELES kickin some ass in ogaden area after all they are the mass murdererers who slaughtered kids and women every now and then.i dont like MELES but when it comes to kickin some terrorist azz in ogaden ohh i LOV IT LOV IT LOV IT.
    kick them so called ogaden ppl/shabiya CONDOMS

  19. Ethiopia is a nation built by mosaic of ethnic groups their togetherness give the whole picture otherwise meaningless.But now a days the so called Fronts like OLF,ONLF became TB who are reacting when Ethiopia looks weak and vunerable.
    The irony is the nation who wellcomed all ethnic groups at different time attacked by few of the late comers.To mention do you know hundred of thousands of somalians live in todays Ogaden came to live under Ethiopia Soverignity hating Italy colonisation.Please read books like Lion by the tail and the Crazy war.

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