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The Meles regime to block food to rebel region in Ethiopia

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The International Herald Tribune
By Jeffrey Gettleman

NAIROBI — The government of Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia is blockading emergency food aid and choking off trade to large swaths of a remote region in the eastern part of the country that is home to a rebel force, putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk of starvation, Western diplomats and humanitarian officials say.

The Ethiopian [Woyanne] military and its proxy militias have also been siphoning off millions of dollars in international food aid, and using a United Nations polio eradication program to funnel money to their fighters, according to relief officials, former Ethiopian government administrators and a member of the Ethiopian Parliament who defected to Germany last month to protest the government’s actions.

The blockade takes aim at the heart of the Ogaden region, a vast desert on the Somali border where the government is struggling against a growing rebellion and where government soldiers have been accused by human rights groups of widespread brutality.

Humanitarian officials say the ban on aid convoys and commercial traffic, intended to squeeze the rebels and dry up their bases of support, has sent food prices skyrocketing and disrupted trade routes, preventing the nomads who live there from selling their livestock. Hundreds of thousands of people are now sealed off in a desiccated, unforgiving landscape that is difficult to survive in even in the best of times.

“Food cannot get in,” said Mohammed Diab, the director of the United Nations World Food Program in Ethiopia.

The Woyanne government says the blockade covers only strategic locations, and is meant to prevent guns and matériel from reaching the Ogaden National Liberation Front, the rebel force that the government considers a terrorist group. In April, the rebels killed more than 60 Ethiopian guards and Chinese workers at a Chinese-run oil field in the Ogaden.

“This is not a government which punishes its people,” said Nur Abdi Mohammed, a government spokesman.

But Western diplomats have been urging Woyanne officials to lift the blockade, arguing that the many people in the area are running out of time. “It’s a starve-out-the-population strategy,” said one Western humanitarian official, who did not want to be quoted by name because he feared reprisals against aid workers. “If something isn’t done on the diplomatic front soon, we’re going to have a government-caused famine on our hands.”

The blockade, which involves soldiers and military trucks cutting off the few roads into the central Ogaden, comes as Congress is increasingly concerned about Ethiopia’s human rights record.

Ethiopia is a close American ally and a key partner in America’s counterterrorism efforts in the Horn of Africa, a region that has become a breeding ground for Islamic militants, many of whom have threatened to wage a holy war against Woyanne.

The country receives nearly half a billion dollars in American aid each year, but this week, a House subcommittee passed a bill that would put strict conditions on some of that aid and ban Ethiopian officials linked to rights abuses from entering the United States. The House also recently passed an amendment, sponsored by J. Randy Forbes, a Virginia Republican, that stripped Ethiopia of $3 million in assistance to “send a strong message that if they don’t wake up and pay attention, more money will be cut,” Forbes said.

Woyanne’s pardon on Friday of 30 political prisoners who had been sentenced to life in prison could ease some criticism. But Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, is pushing ahead with measures to more closely vet assistance to the Ethiopian military. According to human rights groups and firsthand accounts, government troops have gang raped women, burned down huts and killed civilians.

American officials in Ethiopia said they were trying to investigate the situation but that the Ogaden was too dangerous right now for a fact-finding mission. American officials said they had heard persistent reports of burned villages and that the blockade was putting the area on the cusp of a crisis.

Villagers say that anyone who criticizes the government risks getting killed. According to Ogaden Online, a Canadian-based news service that has been highly critical of the Woyanne government and covers the region through a network of reporters and contributors, some equipped with satellite phones, four young men who were videotaped by The New York Times at a community meeting in an Ogaden village in May were later tortured and executed.

The claim could not be fully verified independently, but their identities may have been discovered by Woyanne soldiers who had arrested three journalists for The Times in the Ogaden and confiscated their notebooks, cameras and computers.

“The army is out of control,” said Jemal Dirie Kalif, the member of Parliament who defected.

The blockade has been in place since early June, and thousands of people have already fled on foot and by camel. Two weeks ago, Abdullahi Mohammed, a 17-year-old student, walked from his village deep in the Ogaden to the nearest town with a bus station. He carried with him a few pieces of bread. He said that when he stopped to ask villagers in the Ogaden for food, they asked him for some instead. “They had nothing,” he said.

Though good rains this year have fed the few crops in the area and provided a little cushion, “The most these people can last without facing serious problems is one month, maybe two,” said David Throp, country director for Save the Children UK.

Even if relief trucks are allowed in to all the critical areas, the food might not reach the people who need it. According to humanitarian workers and several former Woyanne officials, including Kalif, food aid is embezzled in two stages. First, soldiers skim sacks of grain, tins of vegetable oil and bricks of high-energy biscuits from food warehouses to sell at local markets.

“The cash is distributed among security officers and regional officers,” a former government administrator from the Ogaden region said in a recent telephone interview on condition of anonymity because he still works with government officials.

Then the remaining food is hauled out to rural areas where the soldiers divert part of it to local gunmen and informers as a reward for helping them fight the rebels. The former administrator said he also knew of specific cases in which army officers stole food from warehouses and gave it to the families of women whom their soldiers had raped, as compensation.

Several Western humanitarian officials estimated that 20 to 30 percent of the donor countries’ food aid to the Ogaden — aid that last year was valued at more than $70 million — routinely disappears this way. To cover their tracks, the soldiers and the government administrators who work with them tell the aid agencies that the food has spoiled, or has been stolen or hijacked by the rebels, humanitarian officials said.

Relief workers in Ethiopia have known about these problems for several years, a humanitarian official said, and have tried to set up committees of local elders to oversee distribution. But that did not work either, and aid officials eventually concluded that as long as the majority of the food was getting through, they would not stop the shipments.

When informed about these allegations, Diab of the World Food Program said, “This is the first I’ve heard of them.”

Mohammed, the government spokesman, denied that Ethiopian troops were pilfering or mishandling foreign aid. “We don’t do that,” he said.

As the food crisis looms, Western diplomats are also concerned about a separate plan by the regional government in the Ogaden to divert a share of its own budget for development projects — like schools and farming — to the Ethiopian military.

This seems to be part of the Woyanne government’s strategy to do whatever it takes to crush the rebels, who have deep popular support and, according to the government, are getting arms and training from neighboring Eritrea, Woyanne’s bitter enemy.

The people of the Ogaden are mostly Somalis and ethnically distinct from the highland Ethiopians who have ruled the country for centuries, and the long battle over the region has been steadily escalating this year. The country director of one Western aid agency, who recently returned from a field visit there, said he saw two villages that had been burned to the ground and several schools that had been converted into military bases, with foxholes.

Humanitarian officials say the military is building up militias and setting the stage for clan-based bloodshed. The rank and file of the Ogaden National Liberation Front tend to be members of the Ogaden clan, and so the government has turned to other clans to form anti-rebel militias. In the past few weeks, thousands of men have been armed.

“Those Ethiopians are smart,” Kalif, 32, said. “They know Somalis are more loyal to clans than anything else.” Tactics like these, he said, drove him to defect June 20 while attending a conference in Wiesbaden, Germany. He was affiliated with the governing party, and had been representing an area in the eastern Ogaden for the past seven years.

He described a scheme with a United Nations polio program, which was corroborated by two former administrators in the Woyanne government and a Western humanitarian official, in which military commanders gave prized jobs as vaccinators to militia fighters, and in the end, much of the polio vaccine was never distributed.

“Army commanders are using the polio money to pay their people, who don’t pass out the vaccines, so the disease continues and the payments continue,” said Kalif. “It’s the perfect system.” United Nations officials in Geneva said they did not know whether that was happening, but that they would investigate.

When asked how he knew about the polio scheme, Kalif said: “Everybody out there knows. They’re just too scared to talk.”

“If I don’t get asylum and they send me back to my country, I’m dead,” he added. “But I was sick of being a parrot. I have no regrets.”


10 thoughts on “The Meles regime to block food to rebel region in Ethiopia

  1. You are blowing a horn as if you are concerned for the Ogadenees. Were you not advocating to block the road to Tigray, the base of Meles Zenawi to chock it economically and by that means that you may chock Meles? We are watching, you bag of trash! Shame on you!

  2. People are already starving because Meles and his cruel and inhumane army are not only blockading the whole area,but they also burning the food storages and destroyed the livestock.For almost two months,nothings is going into the cities of Kabridahar,Godey,Fiik,Dhanan,Wardher,Garbo, Dhagahbur and others.Furthermore,Meles and his savage army are carrying out Mass arrests where hundreds if not thousands of people are disappearing.Worse,badly tortured bodies are thrown into the streets of these cities and towns.Meles is doing these barbaric acts thinking foolishly he will break our peoples resolve to fight for their human rights.This impudent criminal will never defeat our brave people.

  3. Those international new agencies are making the situation more worse just for their future benefit,they were not reporting when almost all ethiopians were in danger of Meles. Why this much report always about ogaden ? is it for oil ?

  4. It is time for the world to wake up to the human abuses of the dictator Meles in the Ogaden region. Another Dafur should not be let happen. Meles and his thugs must and should be brought to The Hague for their wrong doing, not only in Ogaden but also through out Ethiopia.

    Injustices in Ogaden is injustice to every place!

    The hero from the land of Jaha-adag, Godey, Ogaden

  5. This is the hidden war in Ogaden at the scale of Darfur.TPLF used to cry that the then Ethiopian strong man Col. Mengistu Haile-Mariam used food aid as a weapon to punish rebel supporter Tigreans in their war against Ethiopia and now they apply the same tactic towards Ethiopian Somalis.What a shame.


    What is terrorism? Among many interpretations, one has to be counted among the cruelest is: withholding humanitarian aid from people whom suspected of aiding the rebel movements thereby starving them to death. Mengistu used it in the 1980’s against the people of Eritrea and Tigreans. (The Ethiopia leaders now are Tigreans). Fate had it, when Mengistu fled Ethiopia, the new tyrants came who were then complaining Mengistu’s starvation of their Tigrean people. Now they are starving the Ogaden people in the same fashion. Ethiopia is as though it is cursed.

  7. To: Shebelaw and Mezgebe
    If you are sitting some where drinking coffee and your commenting situation in Ogaden, you better be quit because you do know the situation on ground.thousands of people are dying or disappearing every day, its known fact that there is widespread starvation and deceases in the region cost by the Ethiopian government action. I’m from the Ogaden region and I contact people on the ground every day. My sister and her four children are from the fiiq region and I was told this morning that I could hear the news any minute of their death. In other areas, there is an out break deceases already with out any food, no medical clinic, no doctor available, no humanitarian agency allow and men over age of 12 has been killed or arrested, you better be quite if you do not know the situation because you do not want these kind of news to be known by the international community. Why Ethiopia is claiming Ogaden, they never built any infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals, schools. Do you do know the only place that has High school in ogaden region is the towns where the Ethiopian military stationed and it was only for their kids. Ethiopia cross the line and they will pay the price and lose at end.

    Jeffrey Gettleman and others who putting them selves on line deserve noble peace awards for their Human right works and I hope the day will come for the people of Ogaden.

  8. Dear Elias,
    We all know that Jeffrey Gettleman is not happy about the ethiopian government and thus he is helping the rebels achieve in their cause of cessation from ethiopia.
    what bothers me most is that you,elias,support or at least sympathize the ONLF’s movement for cessation from Ethiopia.You seem to always report negative and detrimental news about Ethiopia and good news about the rebels.Do you think your replacement the name Ethiopia with Woyanne plays much of a trick for us Ethiopians as long as you are you are practically sided with the rebels?How really pathetic you are?
    Also you have not given enough coverage of the big issue about the release of the opposition leaders by the government because that doesn’t fit very well into your taste of news on ethiopia…and because you are still not pardoned!!!
    just thinking,Have you ever reported anything good about Ethiopia under the EPRDF regime?

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