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Woyanne troops opened fire at a crowed of Somalis

By Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 21, July.07 (Sh.M.Network)- One person was killed and number of other people has been wounded after Ethiopian [Woyanne] troops opened fire at a crowd of Somalis in Yaqshid neighborhood, north of the capital, Mogadishu, on Saturday.

Witnesses said the incident happened after unknown gunmen hurled a grenade at the Woyannes passing around Arafat Hospital in the neighborhood. The blast occurred at 1: 30 p.m. local time.

“A Woyanne convoy was moving along the street and suddenly a grenade was thrown at them and the explosion sparked confusion among the troops. They opened fire at every direction,” said Mohammed Aden, a witness.

He said a civilian, who was selling Khat was killed by the crossfire, while unidentified number of others were wounded.

The Woyanne troops sealed off the area and began searching the houses near by for the insurgents and weapons, witnesses said.

Also two civilians have been killed and three others have been wounded after three grenade explosions targeting government soldiers based in Mogadishu’s Bakara market occurred minutes of one another on Saturday.

Witnesses said the blasts occurred minutes of one another.

A government official killed overnight

Unknown gunmen killed the chairman of Hodan district in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, last night. The victim was in his drugstore doing his private business when unknown gunmen shot him dead.

Abdirahman Hussein was shot eight times by the gunmen, according witnesses in the district.

Mohammed Hassan, Shabelle reporter who lives in the district, told Shabelle that at least three men armed with pistols and one AK 47 gun made their way into the victim’s pharmacy and started shooting.

“Abdirahman Hussein, Hodan district commissioner, was selling medicine to his customers, when the gunmen shot him dead at 8: 10 p.m. local time. The attackers steadily walked away without confronting the government soldiers in the area,” he said.

Several district commissioners have been assassinated in the capital since the Ethiopian led massive military offensive ousted the Union of Islamic Courts that ruled swathe of southern Somalia, including Mogadishu, and enabled the Western backed transitional government to move in to the capital.

On Thursday, six civilians were killed after insurgents fired several mortar bombs at neighborhoods closer the venue of the country’s national reconciliation congress. Witnesses told Shabelle that the venue was not hit.

Abdiwahab Ogli, a resident in Shibis neighborhood, told Shabelle that five young boys were killed in the blast while they were playing football in the neighborhood.

“One mortar bomb hit our residence, killing five young boys, three brothers and their two friends. They were right outside their home when the bomb hit there. The family members and the neighbors were busy collecting the bodies of their loved ones,” he said.

He also stated that number of other people has been wounded.
Also the capital’s biggest open-air market, Bakara, has been closed for 17th day despite traders’ appeal to U.S. and the international community to interfere the situation and to talk to the interim government in order that the embargo on Bakara be lifted.

The Somali government believes that the market was a hideout and financial source for the suspected Islamist insurgents.

Source: Shabelle Media Network Somalia


3 thoughts on “Woyanne troops opened fire at a crowed of Somalis

  1. These desperate invading colonialist lunatics can do anything actually out of sheer cowrdice and fear, rather than bravery and patriotism.

    A brave patriot is some one who protects and defends human life and human rights everywhere for everyone, irrespective of region, religion, ethnicity, gender,etc.

    I remember how the self centered TPLF minority dictator’s military cadres have been often very restless in many places of their encampments in various areas of Ethiopia and often machine guning cows and donkeys at night, thinking that they are being approached by some one for attacks. Every moving soul is a potential attacker in their pathetic opinion.

    No wonder that they keep committing genocide and human rights violations against civilians both at home and abroad. What will happen to the medieval despost soon, if the republican president who unfortunately got sick and admited to hospital for surgical operation also leaves office and leaves the dictator out in the cold?

    The republican president started having second thoughts and reflecting on events have just issued an excutive order prohibiting illegal and savage tortures of the alleged arrested “terrorists.” That is bad news to the medieval dictators used arrest, torture, and kill innocent and legitimate political opponents under the currently fashionable definition of terrorism.

  2. What woyane is doing in Somalia is not the Ethiopians problem/solution as long as these less than human from Tigry are not committing crimes in the name of Ethiopia. Woyane is a criminal group and an illegitimate ruler with crimes in Ethiopian. Anything they are doing since they took power by force has nothing to do with Ethiopia. Ethiopia herself is the worst victim by these zero level human conscious evil group members.

    Before 1991,1991-2005 and since 2005 till now we are suffering because of them. Their crime against Ethiopia is getting worst and worst by day. Ethnic policy, article 39, land locking the oldest and biggest country, Giving the very fertile and farming vast water rich land to Sudan for ransom, annexing vast land from Gonder and wollo which is 60% of woyane created Tigry today, vote rigging, accusing and convicting innocents for gruesome crimes they are committing against unarmed and peaceful Ethiopians, Imprisoning and killing in total many hundred thousands, looting the country, holding key and important positions all over the country and other countless crimes are committed by woyanes against Ethiopia.

    So, what woyane doing elsewhere is not the Ethiopians matter. Somalians and others have to know and understand that we Ethiopians are the worst and long time daily victims to woyane than anybody else anywhere. For this reasons, Somalians have to blame and accuse woyane not Ethiopia.

  3. Please don’t try to score point against the current regime using the enemy of Ethiopia’s propaganda. They want to swallow us with or without woyane. They are allergic to the very existence of Ethiopia. Ask Mengistu and Haileselassie.

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