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U.N. chief calls Ethiopia-Eritrea peace process stalemate

UN News Center

Pledging the support of the United Nations in efforts to resolve the stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged the two countries to uphold their commitment signed agreements.

They must “respect the ceasefire and the integrity of the Temporary Security Zone (TSZ), and refrain from any action that could undermine it or lead to an escalation of tensions between the two countries,” Mr. Ban wrote in a new report to the Security Council made public today.

He voiced deep concern regarding the “continuing serious violations” of the TSZ along the border between the Ethiopia and Eritrea.

While calling on Eritrea to withdraw its troops and heavily military equipment from the TSZ, he urged Ethiopia to de-escalate the situation by withdrawing forces it has recently stationed near the border.

Reiterating appeals from previous reports, the Secretary-General asked Eritrea to lift restrictions it has imposed on the UN peacekeeping mission deployed – known as UNMEE – deployed in the TSZ.

Mr. Ban also voiced concern for the continued impasse in the boundary demarcation process between the two countries. The Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission handed down a final and binding decision in 2002.

“I strongly urge both countries to take advantage of the Commission’s advice and assistance before it takes action to conclude its work at the end of November,” he noted.

Pledging his intention to “do everything possible” for the implementation of the Algiers Agreements – which ended the bloody war between the two countries – the Secretary-General pointed out that Ethiopia and Eritrea “bear the primary responsibility for a successful resolution of their border dispute and the establishment of lasting peace between themselves.”

In the report, Mr. Ban recommended that UNMEE’s mandate, set to expire at the end of this month, to be extended for six months until next January.


4 thoughts on “U.N. chief calls Ethiopia-Eritrea peace process stalemate

  1. Why talk hot air when the clear issue is Meles refuses to implement what he signed. Why isn’t there any sanctions? The Un is a big joke, what a bunch of US condems

  2. The UN is never gone wake up and address the reality.
    Ethiopia refused to abid by the implementation decision.
    What is Eritrea to do- wait for ages? As the commission clearly put it “….. though undemarcated the border decision is final and in effect….” therefore Eritrea has every right to be in the so called TSZ . TSZ is a temporary thing and should have expired.
    For all this complecations created, finally woyane is gone pay big time.

  3. It is already 4 years since Eritrea is crying for Badme.I think it is because Eritrea is weak which they are not able to control what was given to them by force.I advice better for Eritrea to accept and follow Ethiopia’s interest as otherwise it could be worst if the boarder commision quits its mission.It could end uo losing Assab…

  4. It is apparent the real issue with Ethiopia and Eritrea will ONLY be resolved once Ethiopia gets real representative and NOT an Eritrean Agent like Meles Zenawi and his group who have committed tens of thousands of Tigreans & hundreds of thousands of Ethioian youth for the past 30/40years for one thing:


    Eritrea without her real #1 hero Meles Zenawi which by the way is a public information to all ethios now, will never and ever even defeat Tigray or Gonder or Shewa let alone the whole of Ethiopia! Eritreans have mental problem just like Meles does as an Eritrean. The real war if they refuse Asseb’s rightful owner will be one where Eritreans will regret, hardly. The process priority for now is to get the Eritrean in power who will not touch one inch of his mothers land OUT OF POWER and OUT of our country ETHIOPIA for good!!

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