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Open letter to Beyone Knowels

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MS Beyonce Knowles,
Music World Entertainment,
1505 Hadley Street
Houston,TX 77002
tel: 713 772 5175 fax: 713 772 5175

Dear Ms Knowles,

SOCEPP is a non political human rights organization that has been struggling for human rights since 1995. We have come to know that you are going to Addis Ababa,Ethiopia, to sing at the regime’s so called Millennium festivities. We guess your agreement to do so must have been motivated by your lack of awareness of the nature of the Meles Zenawi regime in power in Ethiopia. SOCEPP calls upon you not to go to Addis Ababa to sing for a regime that has been internationally condemned as one of the worst human rights violator.

The Meles Zenawi regime has committed atrocities and murder, engaged in genocide and is, even as we write this, committing massacres in the Ogaden and other places. World press bodies have condemned it as the worst predator of the free press.The regime that invited you,directly or otherwise,holds more than 35,000 political prisoners. Millions of Ethiopians are facing a famine situation and most of the inhabitants of Addis Ababa cannot even afford a decent meal while the officials of the regime, with the Prime Minister in the lead, have stolen millions from the national treasury and are lving a life of debauchery. In other words, for most Ethiopians, the millions being spent on the so called Millennium is a very cruel joke on the suffering people of Ethiopia.

Ms Knowles, we are sure many Ethiopians in the Diaspora and in Ethiopia admire your talent and love your songs. They, and most Ethiopians, would not appreciate your singing at a cruel regime’s cynical bash. You should stay away from the feast of killers and human rights violators. Please do not sing for murderers.
Hoping you would listen to the voice of the suffering and the repressed, we thank you and remain,

Sincerely yours,

[email protected]

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