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Opposition leaders released – Washington Post

By Stephanie McCrummen
Washington Post Foreign Service

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced Friday that 38 of his country’s top opposition leaders were being released from prison after being convicted on sedition charges in a trial that critics labeled a sham and that sparked an international outcry.

At a news conference, Meles said the prisoners would be pardoned. He said their letter to the government requesting a pardon was equivalent to them taking some responsibility for violent protests that followed the country’s 2005 elections.

Kinijit leaders and journalists leaving Qaliti prison“I hope this conveys the message that people are given a second chance as long as they seek it,” the prime minister said.

Moments later, three minibuses left Kaliti Prison with the newly freed on board, the Associated Press reported. Dozens of family members and supporters outside the facility shouted in joy and whistled. Some of the politicians in the buses made the victory sign, which is also the symbol of Ethiopia’s opposition.

The prisoners were among an estimated 30,000 people arrested in a widespread crackdown on opposition supporters following Ethiopia’s 2005 elections, when the opposition made major gains despite accusations that the vote was flawed.

Most of those arrested were quickly released but the top leadership of the country’s main opposition party, along with journalists, an elderly professor and the Addis Ababa mayor remained jailed.

While Meles accused the opposition leaders of inciting violent protests following the elections, a government report later found that the protesters were unarmed and that Ethiopian security authorities had used excessive force, spraying crowds with bullets, targeting protesters with sharpshooters and hunting others down in their homes.

At least 193 people were killed during the crackdown–some shot once in the head, execution style.

Charges of attempted genocide were thrown out during the 14-month trial, but the prisoners were convicted last month of charges including “outrage against the constitution” and “inciting armed opposition.”

The prosecution recommended the death penalty. On Monday, a judge instead sentenced 30 of the defendants to life in prison and gave eight other prisoners terms of one to 18 years. The defendants were also stripped of their right to vote and to run for office.

But Meles said at Friday’s news conference that, as part of the pardon, the defendants will not be stripped of those rights.

U.S. officials — urged on by the Ethiopian immigrant community — had negotiated behind the scenes for the prisoners’ release. Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-N.J.) sponsored a bill in Congress calling for the unconditional release of all Ethiopian political prisoners

But some of the prisoners’ relatives said U.S. government efforts were compromised because of the Bush administration’s reliance on Ethiopia in fighting terrorism in the Horn of Africa.

Special correspondent Kassahun Addis contributed to this report from Addis Ababa, and staff writer Debbi Wilgoren contributed to this report from Washington.

23 thoughts on “Opposition leaders released – Washington Post

  1. Dear ER, are you still depend on those white people to solve our problem are you not learing from the past.

    Let take how those outsider solve Ethiopia and Eritrea WAR over border regions… they give badme to Eritrea eventhose we Ethiopian win the war and all the upper hand. if they had given the badme to Ethiopia all the war with Eritrea would have been solved because Eritrea leader would have got a face saving chance but we involed the outsider and we end up in what we are to day.

    we can give so many example but let take this so called Washington Post and BBC and all other outsider news paper they will never say anything about the

    Elders roll in our traditional arbitration for simple reason if this traditional arbitration work then all Africa will follow our lead and war in Africa will end then this not a good news for newspaper and special intrest group because bad news only sale… for sure the special correspondent Mr. Kassahun Addis who is contributed from Addis Ababa must and should know the roll of our Elders but for sure his Washington Post is not interest in printing good news about our Elders. Think about it… peace in Afirca just because of our use of our Elders instead of outsiders…

    No outsider meas cut of interest… that for sure is not a good news then I will understand if Washington Post trying to poring the oil on the fire after the fire die out…

  2. Leave my brother to us mean ethiopian Mr Kifle was is real ethiopian byond any doubute we ethiopians Love him for wht he stand for and for what ethiopians stand for.

  3. PART II

    CAN you imagine we send our Elders to Eritrea and Somilia to play our traditional arbitration to solve the problem we have can you imgine even go some kind of solution to our problem call red sea and access to sea… all is possible if we depend in ourself instead of outsider to solve our local problem…

    Can you imgaine OLF giveup their gun and join mama Ethiopia

    Meles also give up some power so that other can enjoy
    it more..

    The Ethiopian Somilian alos joined the unity let use our Elders wisidom to the fullist.

    one last point our elders who share the culuter and the religon in case of Somilia can be a great help solving evevn ending the Somilia and Ethiopian supported war…

    pease let’s try it!!!!! let give our elders wisdom a chance!

  4. Hailu shawer,

    I personally sympathsize with your opinion and wish that things are the way you put it.

    Unfortunately, reality is very different, because of the fact that the current prisoners were released exclusevely due to the US and the EU pressure alone.

    They are the once who supply Meles with all kinds of material and immaterial supports and if those supports are cut, the dictator would collapse in a single day. That is the reality. Especially the US have been and is still helping him stay and keep power. US ambassador Yamamoto is acting as Meles’s ambassador too. Don’t underestimate these circles and over estimate the practically none existant so called 100% impotent elders. The elders do not possess even an iota of influence over the dictatrship, other than being used when ever the dictator deems necessary and to his exclusive advantage. That regime is just a simple banana republic.

    Those elders you are mentioning are only tokens meant to help the dictator save face when confronted with his external god father’s pressure. Talking of Ethiopian elders reconciliation model for export? Well, at least it makes those who played the role extremely happy. In that sense, any thing that makes some one happy is a happy thing in itself. Beyond that, it is only a proverbial delicious cake in the sky being used by dictators to fool the public.

  5. You idiot Hailu shawor (why don’t used your own nick name)

    Don’t accuse the white people for an idiot PM Meles Zerkawi blessing to give an Ethiopian territory to Eritrea. Every thing happened on his watch. It is an heard have in the history of a human being a nation that won a war gave up its territory. Only it had happened during the weyanes thug time. What a travesty!
    Meles Zerkawi who gave this land purposely to his Eritrean masters. Don’t forget this person is an Eritrean.

    Ethiopia for Ethiopians!!

  6. dear the so caleed hailu shower,the very first comment giver on this page. your comment seems pre aranged six months the woyane dramas you just want to stress on the shemaglees roles ignoring the role of the diaspora and the international community that put a very significant stress and pressure on the so called regime in ethiopia.every steps done on the leders is pre calculated conspiracy but finally things came out of controll and woyanes option is only to releas the prisoners.that is what happned.

  7. Hailu Shawer/she or he/,
    you look like one of the actor in the “theater of ….”. You are used to say white is black and black is white. Your lies no more serve you. You prretend to be independent of the influence of the ferenjis. You “fooled” them till now. I think they said to you, enough, this time. Come back to your senses and learn from your past. Believe it or not, you can no more cheat neither the ferenjis nor Ethiopians and true friends of Ethiopia. Learn…Learn….Learn….

  8. U.S. Senate, Committee on foreign relations
    Concerning Ethiopia,

    Your Excellencies:

    It is a plain fact that the United States of America is the sole and vanguard nation that enabled other nations to open their eyes and confront the evils or terrorists. Had it not been for U.S.A, mass extinction at most corner of the world would have been major news to broad cast (Be it in the short run or long run) until our planet – earth ends in silence. Hence, the struggle against terrorists is a matter of to live or not to live option.

    What is the situation in Ethiopia? Where are the two young democratic leaders in East Africa? Those guys with furtive agenda, and the young devils? A facile answer; one has already joined the menace camp, while the other is at top of a tree for his evil project failed to pay off. These two statements do not require conducting a research but mere observation at spot confirms the enquiry.

    In a spasm of pain and while living in indigence, the Ethiopian population need help to get out of grotesque misrule by the ethnic dictator, ungodly and savage regime of Melese Zenawi. These guys, precisely leader of Woyanne party has recently announced that they are pro- to Eritrea and would pay scarify in case of conflict against enemies than to Ethiopia. Consequently, his barbaric and regular chaos against Ethiopian population is a vengeance on behalves of Ethiopian enemies. He is not a legitimate leader elected by the people of Ethiopia but armed cliché of terrorists.

    A taint of insanity, baffling, lying and lack of consistency is the main identification of Woyanne’s identity. Having assassinated more than 193 civilian during 2005 election and won by the opposition with landslide victory, he charged opposition leaders and members as guilty of the scene and imprisoned for more than two years Kality prison. It doesn’t create any surprise for releasing them today after languishing in jail. How many such innocent citizens are suffering without committing crime? Now he is trying to rock the nation who is highly advanced than his silly drama. During the last sixteen years of brutal and ethnic based repression, one can conclude that Meles is a man commissioned to genocide.

    If situation persists as such it would be an imminent fact that the world may moan worse than Rwanda genocide. Because Meles (as a gangster) regularly demeans the public through mass media and triggers the public for appraisals of one tribe against the other.
    As I tried to pin point, his masked target in Somalia may be accounted as good image but it is like a devil is fighting a devil. Please see his organizational, governmental and political structure with his designation of human resources. Make survey and evaluate his position.

    It is my belief that the U.S senate will approve HR 2003 there by protect Ethiopian population, from human right abuse, killings, detention, mistreatment and supports democratization process and the right of individuals to live freely.

    May his Almighty God help us in eradicating the terrorists and evils! Amen.

  9. Leave Somalia out of question. When Ethiopian citizens get their God given rights, when every nationality and religion are treated equally, and when rule of law is the norm, then Ethiopia as a friendly nation can take the lead in the region, with its satisfied population, it will gain access to every port in the Red Sea, not by war, but by willing friendship.

    Think about Ethiopian people. For the Somalis, they will know how their kinsmen are treated in Ogaden. They know neither Meles nor Abdillahi Yusuf spends a minute of their time to work for the benefit of their countrmen. They are blinded by selfishness and unsatiable hunger for power. They will face together the same fate that ended Mengistu and Siyad Barre regimes. As those tyrants went down together so the current dictators will vanish together and in the same manner, an exit of defeat, shame and unforgetable ugly episode of Horn of African history.

    The aspiration of these nations will be realised through cooperation and uniting their struggle for justice and development.

  10. Dear ER and fellow citizens,

    The release of our leaders is a good news.

    The truth uncovers with time.
    Above all, every Ethiopian should be alert and be ready on how to free ourselves from the 16th century Nazis in whatever means, peaceful or otherwise.


  11. Dear Mr. Elias
    If you remember, I sent you an email a while ago. However, you did not respond to my email.
    Dear Elias, You have done enough for your country so far. This time we need to stop cursing insulting and blaming for what have already happened. The CUD leaders are free. Remember, we do not want to see any of our people dead or go to jail again.
    Can you change your directions? Please make your site to promote national reconciliation for the sake of our poor people and our poor country instead of still promoting hatred, insult, curse…..please……

  12. ER,

    Thank you very much for your daily and successeful information and news quickly about the situation in Ethiopia.

    We congratulate the family and friends of the released political prisoner.

    But still there are thousnads of Ethiopians in jail throughout the country, some have been given to wildbeast the rest are not yet found.

    We shall not forget them and the 70mn Ethiopians who in jail in their own country without the sense of democracy and the rule of law. They are suffering in poverty, sickness. We shall not forget them.

    The struggle for freedom is starting. We have to fight to get back our sold land to foreign countries.

    Millions of Ethiopians are suffering in exile.

    Er and fellow Ethiopians the road to freedom is very long.Ethiopia muste be free and respected.

    Then we shall be glad.

    ER, Thanks again,




  13. Hi guys,

    do not mix things and do not forget that USA and Uk mainly played a great role in the Cudeta of 2005. Remeber what Clerck and Viki were doing for the arrest of Kinijit leaders during election by supporting meles and by giving advice how the struggle of the people can be prevented.

    so, we do not expect nothing from them except hostility for Ethiopians
    Only the people of Ethiopia can bring change for freedom, democracy and real juctice

    GOD bless Ethiopia and Kinijt .

  14. Dear all,
    Kindly stop barking negetively!!!!!!!!!
    Sometimes it is good to see positive things and appreciate them.
    We all know that these jailed leaders might face death sentence if the leader of the country was Haileselasie or Mengistu!
    Atleast we have seen how these leaders treated thier opponents. You all know or have a memory of those killed by Haileselassie or Mengistu because of the same question that CUD raised.
    When an issue is Athority no one has patience where ever you go.
    But Atleast we have seen here that these people are freed!!!!!!!
    Therefore let us forget the Negative things.
    I know most of you who are barking now nagatively never think of the prisoners for the last 21 months. Did you visit them atleast once? Did you go and support their relatives atleast once? Did you manage take your time to think of them atleast for 5 minutes?
    Forget thinking about the answer because we know it!
    What you might done before was may be you went out for 2 or 3 hours meaningless protest. How many years you got satisfaction by doing so while your own citizen are dieing because of Hungre,lack of medicine,lack of professionals,lack of money,lack of shulter,lack of Drink. Please let us stop blaming each other first let us do something for the majority. Bring(share) your expertise,money and wisdom for your own citizen.Please you people out side of the country don’t teach us how to blame each other but teach us how to get our basic needs. We don’t care who govern us we need our daily bread,shulter,water to drink, school to learn, road t go anywhere. Therefore come and give us.

  15. Dear Ron River says — (Boro River)

    You try to tell me white is better then black just to make your point…

    Let even take your case and assume the US force Ethiopia to release the cud leaders… then you forget one thing… who foce those cud leaders to sign the paper… the American did it? or Meles force them? you see you can’t tell me only Meles is foced to release without admiting the cud leaders also force by us to sign the paper in that case your arugment will not hold water because both side are in the same boot…

    Second let even assume the US help the cud realsed from the jail is that not tell you the cud leaders must jump high for any order from America because they free them in the first place.

    One Ethio

    you missing my point! I was saying since Ethiopia win the war if the elders were send to solve this problem they would not give the land to Eritrea and up where we are to day.

    This is not who is right or wrong but to slove the problem… the elders would have given the land to Ethiopia just because the Ethiopian win the war therefore the Eritrea would have a face saving chance to end the war. At it stand now Ethiopia can not give the land that she win in War losing around 100,000 army it is lose lose for Ethiopia… you see that is how the outsider fix our problem so that we will not solve them while they are writing about us how we are carzy and killing each other…

    you might think Eritrea will lose by giving up land but they might get somthing that they want instend.. trade access and their assab can reopen and Ethiopia can use it and we can all be winner…

    Aftor all we all are bother even they are supporting our AFD if they support our AFD then what is bad about tadeing with them once again

    Ahmed Hassan:- Let me ask you does the relgion Islim say kill, murder, rape etc etc? does Islim say this?

    If not then why are you supporting those anti muslim element in Somilia who use a muslim cover to kill and rape… the old day is over where you can say it is within my border and kill withoot mecy… those day is over… you will be forced to respect internation human right you like it or not… if you don’t like it take your case to the world court or AU… they will tell you to respect their own law and order before they your case if you can do that then I have no problem.

    To those who think marching and shouting in DC force the goverment then I have good news…

    Who come your shouting and marching did not force the govt for the last 17 years? why not us did not force Meles for the last 17 years… but the old man finished the job without AFD or money contrubled from DC or EU workers…

  16. Mr. Shower you sound like a man full of hatred and enemity to Islam. If you play that card, remember The Silent majority of Muslims in Ethiopis will stand for their rights. I do not like those who stir the sentiments of a religion. In both Christainity and Islam there are good and bad beleivers.

    As to the fact that touched your sensitived disguise, Meles could not rule Ethiopia for this 16 years without subjugating and enslaving the free men and women. When this dictator have men like you, who know nothing except baeting dreams and repaeating the sugared words of a token leadership. The horn of Africa needs courageous people who can confront tyrants, who can see our future is attached to good governance and upholding human rights.

    Have you ever seen the status of Southern and Eastern regions of Ethiopia. I have been there and I know the neglect they endure for centiuries. You are right the days of local atrocities are gone. And for this reason we have to seek international community fofr helping Ethiopian people in their struggle for human rights and dignity.

    No ethnic group will be allowed to enslave the rest of nationalities. If you believe for Ethiopis, stand for justice and equality. Help the poor and the destitute.
    No nation can prosper nor survive for a long without justice. If you defend blindly this dictatorship, you contribute to the downfall of Ethiopia, and blame noone but yourself for the dismantling of Ethiopia that is on the horizon.

  17. In his interview, with the VOA, Amharic service, which broadcast Saturday, 07/21/07 the current chairman of CUD, Engineer Shawl has confirmed that he signed the apology letter in the give and take principle.” We should give some, to get a return from the other side…” said Mr, Shawl. The deal is now a win –win situation for both parties. Hour after his release, the opposition leader was quoted to say, he had signed the apology under duress!!

  18. Melese said that there was no negotiation b/n CUD und himself. The “shimagles” are interviewed in ETV now.

    This criminal laier do his job again. He must lay!!!
    This guy is very confused now, every body must be alerted for the next action.

  19. What a shame!!! You see how badly we behave? We spend so much time and energy expressing hatred and negative feelings instead of discussing positive outlooks and REALISTIC solutions. The expressions seen on this site is a clear example of such behavior. Why not cling to what unites us and things we seek in common? Don’t we all want our country to be the paradise we ALL want to live in? A nation that respects ALL of its citizens? A nation that provides oppotunities for ALL who want to earn a living and take care of their families? How about taking some REALISTIC steps that will form such nation that will benefit our children of grandchildren? If less than 20 of us on this page spend so much energy expressing hatred, how can we expect the 70+ million citizens back home to do so? Remember, change begins with the person you see in the mirror!!! Please, let us work on building a nation for our children or grandchildren that will make ALL proud!!!

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