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Ethiopian leaders and journalists are out of jail

Today around 3 PM local time, 38 of the 71 Kinijit leaders and journalists who have been in jail since Nov 2005 wakled out of the disease-infested Qaliti prison. As three minibuses carrying them exited the prison ground, they were greeted with cheers from hundreds of supporters who were waiting them outside. The Kinijit leaders responded by flashing “V” signed as the minibuses followed by several cars sped toward Addis Ababa.

Kinijit leaders and journalists leaving Qaliti prisonEarlier today, Meles Zenawi, the butcher of Addis Ababa and Mogadishu, told reporters at a press conference: “The pardon is total. They are being freed with their constitutional rights restored. They have committed themselves to adhere to and respect the rule of law as well as the constitution of the country.”

A few moments after his release, Kinijit chairman Hailu Shawel told reporters that he had no apology to make for protesting 2005 election results because, “for us it is a normal political protest.” He said that he signed a formal apology under duress.

Bereket Simon, a propaganda adviser to Meles, declined to comment on Hailu Shawel’s remarks.

Ephraim Isaac, the chairman of a council of elders that mediated for the released of the detained opposition members, held a press conference to thank the president.

“A solution was found in a traditional Ethiopian way to achieve national reconciliation,” he said.

The council received the help of Haile Gebre Selassie, a national hero regarded by many as the greatest distance runner of all times.

“For the sake of peace we did what we had to do. For the last 18 months we’ve been working… So now we are very happy to have this beautiful and wonderful news,” he told reporters.

The council added in a statement that they would continue to work for the release of other opposition supporters detained in 2005.

Kinijit Chairman Hailu Shawel relaxing at home after being released from jail“I’m very happy to see them released,” said Elsa, the sister-in-law of Hailu Shawel, chairman of the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit). “I just want to see him back in his own home with his family,” she told reporters at Kaliti prison. Berhanu Nega arriving at home after being released from jailMeles said at a press conference this morning: “The Ethiopian government isn’t willing and is unable to be run like a banana republic from Capitol Hill. Some individuals appear to be entertaining such illusions.”

The Meles regime pays U.S. lobbysts $50,000 per months to influence the U.S. lawmakers at the Capitol Hill (the U.S. Congress).

The Washington Post today pointed out: The prisoners were among an estimated 30,000 people arrested in a widespread crackdown on opposition supporters following Ethiopia’s 2005 elections, when the opposition made major gains despite accusations that the vote was flawed. Most of those arrested were quickly released but the top leadership of the country’s main opposition party, along with journalists, an elderly professor and the Addis Ababa mayor remained jailed. While Meles accused the opposition leaders of inciting violent protests following the elections, a government report later found that the protesters were unarmed and that Ethiopian security authorities had used excessive force, spraying crowds with bullets, targeting protesters with sharpshooters and hunting others down in their homes. At least 193 people were killed during the crackdown–some shot once in the head, execution style. 


128 thoughts on “Ethiopian leaders and journalists are out of jail

  1. As decendant of Oromo and Amhara , I have to throw some words. My dear Ethiopian brothers and sisters and like I told you yesterday that it would be a fine weekend. and It is. congratulation and have a nice and wonderful weekend. I am already having a fine and weekend
    I do love our educated leaders who are in jail for the sake of us( for concerned Ethiopians or for a country called EHIOPIAN lovers).Our respected leaders like Mr enginer Hailu Shawole , Berehnu Nega( the economist). Dear brother Berehanu, I just want to say this from Scandinavia….” I wish you love and happiness for you and your family”. You made me/us proud to call my self as an Ethiopian. I just wish you again from Scandinavia love and happiness. I also also wish for my all Ethiopian brothers and sisters who were suffering in a jail called Kaliti and other hiding places. Dear our leaders,it is because you love our mother land ETHIOPIA or where I really belong, you have almost lost your precious life.

    Dear our leadrs, if you read this, you could have lived as you wish and could have lived a wonderful life,you could have ride fine cars on the street of AdddiS/Finfinae. But instead you have suffered for us for mother ETHIOPIA. You could have lived like a king or like the Woyane helper Mr Al Mudi the Arab. In I/ we do respect so much. we are the yougn geberation and follow your steps. May God bless all of . best ETHIOPIAN regards from SCandinavia for DR Yacobe,for my brave and Wude Ethiopian sister BRTUKAN MIDEKSA.

    Our dear leaders could have lived like a king if they did not involve in politics. They could have lived and drive probably 3 or 4 Western made cars and could show off on my Miskin/innocent Ethiopian brothers and sisters that they could rule Ethiopia and they could they could show thier success.But instead, they have been suffering in jail for sake of us/for our beloved mothe ETHIOPI. The woyane lovers or those who do not care about our mother land Ethiopia, I dare you to call you ignrant Ethiopians . you are ignorant about ETHIOPIA. You are too busy having/collecting money. You are the HODAMS or you are the DEDEBOCHE. You do not know about the outcome/ the effect if Ethiopia/our beloved ETHIOPIA disappear. You will have the same fate as Irak. Can’t you see brothers and sisters Irak has already dead? Only Caos. It is the same fate we are waiting for as long as the TPLF mafias are thier. That is the reason I/we are fighting back to save our mother land ETHIOPIA. Nobody likes politics. I do not like politics but I am forced to participate to save my beloved ETHIOPIA.

    I konw the TPLF mafias intention which is to distroy my beloved ETHIOPIA.I am telling you the truth. The TPLF/The Wyanes hate a couintry called ETHIOPIA just the same way I hate them. I am 100% sure the intention of thethe TPLF mafias which is . to eradicate a country called ETHIOPIA and creat a new nation called TIGRAY( the state of TIGRAY). Wait and see … I am not talking wrong here. The reason I am here is I know their intenion. I am here beside my Dear and brave Ethiopian brother Elias
    Dear Elias… I do have so much respect for you. you are one of my Ethiopian brothér battling the TPLF mafias on the net. Dear Elias,we wiil try as much as possible to save our motherland ETHIOPIA from destruction.I just want to say to you “Best regards from Scandinavia and congratulation for the release of our leaders and they struggle will continue. ” I LOVE MY PPL and MY ETHIOPIA. I do do love our leaders.May God/JESUS christ/ EYESUS bles them ! what a good weekend!
    LONG live mother ETHIOPIA!
    Love for all my Ethiopan brothres and sistrers.



    “The struggle will still continue.It is just the begining. we have just started.
    Long live mother ETHIOPIA and God bless!
    Best regards from Scandinavia!

  2. Congratulation to all patriotic Ethiopians in side and out side of Ethiopia this is collective achievement of all of us, our straggle for democracy, justice and rule of law has to continue, we stared but not finished yet till rule of law prevail

  3. I would like to congratulate the families of the released CUD leaders, journalists and activists as well as those Ethiopians who see this day as a day of hope and as a step in the right direction.

    I would also like to thank PM Meles Zenawi for these valuable and precious Ethiopians. They do not belong in prison!

    Dear Ethiopians in Diaspora,

    You leave in North America and in Europe, where democracy has matured, human rights are respected and life is valued.

    The vast majority of us who live in Ethiopia are faced with the reality on the ground.

    As it is encouraging to see the efforts and works of some ethiopians with commendable results that can make differences in the lives of their fellow Ethiopians at home, it is is equally disappointing to read what some of you write from the comfort of democratic rights and free society. I can only think of two reasons why your comments does not carry any concern for your country, for your fellow Ethiopians, or for the future of our country.
    The first reason I could come up with is ignorance. Your horizon is limited to the group of friends you meet at the Ethiopian bars.
    The other reason I see is your personal ego shadowing your reasoning, your sense of logic and your common sense. Some of you sound like you would be same or even worse than Woyane, if you were in their position.

    When I read what you people write about Lidetu being a traitor, CUD leaders not being commited enough, and the current leaders …..

    Those of us facing the day to day reality in Ethiopia peace, harmony, and a better future for our country and for the future generation!

    We would like you to be more civilized. We want you to preserve our good culture and values and to teach us what ever good you learned abroad.
    We need you to teach us how to tolerate and compromise.
    We want you to teach us how we can live together with different political views.
    We are looking up to you to be examples to show us how we can tolerate each other, how we can compromise, how we can live together, work together, and achieve together.
    You live in a free society where you are at liberty to ommunicate and share ideas.
    Please ask yourselves the following questions:
    What is best for my country?
    What is best for the next generation?
    How do my actions or inactions influence my country’s future?
    Are my actions effective?

    God bless you all!

  4. p/s imotional poletican stop accused teh real and the true poletican name ledetu ayalew. you gues you don’t even know your self what befre you say some thing ask your self who am i? to say this from now on hopefully we will know who is write who was wrong hold your brith,and waitthe trueth will be on his way. thank you.

  5. hi all,
    There is nothing important than to see our leaders walk free again. That is what we need for the time being. we know our journey is long and frustrating.

    what surprizes me is lidetu said ‘CUD leaders should also apologize me like the way the did ethiopian people and government’ What a block headed person he is! after all he did all those insults agins cud leaders he expects an apology, funny.
    The ethiopian people know who is who. Lidetu have no future in ethiopian politics. better u change your course.

    Ethiopia shall be free from all those blood suckers and blood thristy woyan sooner or later.

    One Ethiopia!

  6. I cant say any thing i even dont know how to express my joy today,we are happy all Ethiopians who was under the controle of this woyane reggim, now we start getting our vission our true and inocent leaders sham for woyane and thier fellow staffs and ‘akatariw lidetu aswell.bemotek yeshaeh neber.belaye zeleke beteweledebet ante kehadiw tefeterek.victory for Ethiopian people.death for woyane.and akatariwochu.

  7. wow,it is a happy day for our people as well as for our country,our prayer has been answered, the credit should definetly goes to those ethiopian living in diaspora, fighting for democracy as well as for our leaders safety return, we were praying and activlly participating day in and day out pressuring their respective congresional leaders inorder to apply pressure for melese cangoru court regime,if anybody thinks that meles release our leaders with out the pressure of american as well as europeian leaders should think twice.
    long live ethiopia and her children

  8. Dear my sincere brother Gebeyhu,(Commenteater 103), whereever you are the Gods of God, the Almighty of almighty will bless your house, you are a real Gentle man. Let your house be the house of Selases!!!. I mean it !!!! You read my mind! You read the minds of thousends!The power of the dark though didn’t get it!! They are still preaching hate and distress, they are not and will not appreciate any thing comes from the Government. needless to say nothing good comes from the Diaspora!! How many of these Jares and jarets helped orphan children? How many of them have a plan send Books and teaching materials to their former high School? How many of them have intention, to go back home and open a clinic to the people they claim Hezbachen!!! In a country like Ethiopia Diverse ideas should be needed .For sometime now, people who have different opinions are targeted and labeled as Leba , Hodam ,Banda… this must be stopped!! I am 100+ with you in your statement!! You guys back home very well know the reality on the ground!! Any way Eski Menzuma Adreglen , Betareken!!!! BYE, for now!!!

  9. To day is my happiess time I ever had before.I am writting this from Addis I know the emotion of all the people liveing in Addis we all are happy thanks to all that support the release of the presonner.thank u very much .

  10. It is a very good news to all Ethiopians except the mass murderer Melese Zenawi and his idiot followers. We shall not stop our struggle untill Ethiopia is run by its own elected leaders, not mercinary genociders like Zenawi and Bereket.Thousands of young Ethiopians are still languishing in prison just because they have supported CUDP and they must be released too.

  11. Mr Hailu said he had not been tortured but had signed the apology because among those jailed were people with small children.

    How about those who died on the streets of Addis, were they not fathrs and mothers to children?

    Shame shame shame

  12. I share the idea of commentator 91, truely.

    Breaking News:

    According to BBC News/Africa, CUD leaders are defiant that they have to sighn the plea document under druss & there is no reconciliation talk with the govt.
    See BBC News/Africa

  13. Dear fellow Ethiopians in diaspora,

    I am encouraged by the response from Mehamed, I am filled with joy to connect to those of you who are willing to listen to the heartbeats of the vast majority of your fellow Ethiopians. Dear Mehamed, It feels good to know there are thousands of you out there. God bless you!
    I thank Mehamed but I talk to: (I assuming the names used are your real names) to Siraq, to Degitu, to Eritrean, to Hanna, to Kirubel, to Meyesaw, to Tertaraw, to Ethiopiawi, to Abebe (Kolash), to Eden, to Abi, to tsegaye, to Zola and to all of you.

    Please first grasp the reality. Understand the lives of the 70+ million Ethiopians. Disease, Poverty, War, Corruption, JOblessness, I can go on and on and On…

    Is thist the type of Ethiopia we want?
    Is this the Ethiopia you want to hand over to your children?

    Or A prosperous, paceful, democratic, free, civilized, modern, strong Ethiopia?

    How do we get from where we are to where we want to be?
    Do you have any vision for your contry?

    What have you done to achieve this vision?

    I undersatand we can’t solve all our problems overnight. it takes time commitment and determination. But we have to start working together now before it is too late.

    To be able to work and live together first we need to learn how to compromize and how to tolerate.

    Please eduate us:

    How would a politician who acted in a similar manner as Lidetu be treated in the country of your current resident?

    How would a human rights activist like professor Taye be treated if he decides to join the political party of his choice?

    Haven’t you witnesses a politician who crossed the floor to join another party?

    God bless Ethiopia!

  14. The struggle for change is on the march and the leadership in the prison is coming out! Every one in the struggle for democracy should be congratulated! Let us all hope reconciliation is the means! May God help everyone on this journey to the end of Meles’ tyranny!

    P.S. One thing for now is that while the leaders of peaceful struggle are out of the dictator Meles’ prison at a will of reconciliation with the ’shimglina’ efforts, for the Meles’ regime, the giving chance for peace by the Kaliliti prisoners to the extent of dealing politics with traditional ’shimglina’ is a ‘gift of his government to give the prisoners a second chance. His statement is not for reconciliation! For Meles and Co., unless America is twisting them to speak straight, they will not stop the humiliation and the abasement of the Ethiopian people that they have been ruling for 16 years under. For the people of Ethiopia, what Meles said is the humiliation to be continued! Let us wait and see what follows while more pressure forces Meles to concede! The pressure from inside and outside must continue with more unity than ever before!

  15. TIZIBT!!114

    Except few, all what I read above is not valuable.
    For instance, look the folowing commentator’s number 85,103,108. They could said to be god persons.

    Don’t price live people don’t abuse/insult others. If you do so you are the one WHO IS INSANE. Don’t call names.Give your critisithem jenuenly.




    I don’t mean the current Ethiopian Governmnet is absolutely good or bad. Even for some of you KINIJIT may not be as good as you expected if they could win power in Ethiopia. Look what is now in ERITRIA. The people were pricing THEIR LEADER like god, before he was on power, of course by insulting other people. What now? I think they are more or less in hell life. Hence, where is the truth? who is HERO? learn from them.

    Every body should be pleased by the release of KINIJIT Ledears, but don’t price them as such. A GOLD SHOULD BE TESTED WITH FIRE. What have they done except talking politicts and sacrifice their valuable time in preson,and pass throuth the get of death penality to life.

    Look forward and do good things for your country or for any Human Being, where ever you are. That is when you could get mental satisfaction. That is what GOD wants you to do. You are part of this World you yourself could be HERO, with out each of us no one could be HERO or what ever…It is up on you they get all the name.

    I remember in one of my senior calss, a foreiner asked us for our wish “If we could get every power to be some one what is our wish?” it was a hiden question to be written on a paper and pass it to your near by person. 99.9% of the class wrote name of Heros, Leaders of USA or Wealthy Countries,Famous people … and so on. During my turn, what do you expect I wrote. What I wrote was “I want to be my self not othrs” every body was surprised by this, then the instructer asked me to tell my reason for it. I told them that since I am part of this world no identical person could be found like me. It should be how the world survive and we live, with different but with one aime and effective success, without one of each other us, no one could be what is to be, NO HERO NO WHAT EVER HE IS.
    You can imagine a persone who live sloitary life on an Iceland. Is he A HERO? or FAMOUS? No not at any time. It is on the others sholder people get their good name.

    I have seen one commentator’s advice, which says “Instead bad words of your message send BOOKS to Etiopia…”

    Let not dirt any persons name, but critisith his doing whether your comment is right or wrong some fruitful could come out of it.

    That is how “you could get some seeds from hand full of chaff” I throw my comment, so take it or not, is up to you.

    Pass good things to the next generation!!! Not bad Words but good DIDS.

    Above all remember GOD!! Render yourselves to GOD, what you could. Be faithful be good people, have tolerance see things in bright future. Thank you!!

    I have great respect to all of you Ethiopian.
    I hope/wish some of you to learn good things.
    Let me finsh my little advice.
    DEHNA HUNU, I may not read this site again.

    With regrds,

  16. Did any one said they are Hero??? Hero for what??? My people , Do u think that Kinjt is for the people ? God knows why they we through. By the way meles is not mass murder!!! If that was the case Kinjt leaders won’t be free. BECAUSE THE soldiers make mistake don’t me the government take the blame!! I HOPE we can learn from this!!! we need to be very techincal and smart when we play political game!!! Two can play but one can win!!!!! God bless Ethiopia

  17. To get a chance to lead a country like Ethiopia is 1:70 million,Dear Meles why dont you use it properly?
    Nobody cares about the leader,if he did good but you are againest the interest of Majority

  18. Some Facts after the release of the Then jailed Leaders!!
    The leaders are now free; they are enjoying the test of free air and free soul with their closed families and love ones! Being free is a great feeling. Because of their age, and their poor health condition there was a fear that many will die in their prison cell but, thank God for that, they come out full!! Some of the luckiest even got Medical treatment, from Abroad … as we speak at this hour they are testing freedom , peace loving people are happy for them… in fact’ they shouldn’t deserve this!!(I mean staying for 2 years in kaliti)!! Nobody is victorious, and most of all the country will not benefited from this political saga. I believe it is wise decision to let them out and to restore back their constructional right. The past is behind us and let’s look for the future… to lay down a good foundation for the future we may need to develop trust and confidence among each other. These are the basics for tolerating each other.. First of all to be honest is the key, especially for individuals who are seeking for office. it is my hope the leaders will reveal as so many things in the coming days about their life in kaliti, abut their daily schedule, their inside interactions among each other and with other prison mates, they will also provide us plentiful information about there communicado with KIC, KIL, KL KCL… (You can if I miss one) and which one is or was their true Enba tebaki!! It is now high time to think about future fate of all these Ks. It is another interested subject.
    It is also said that during their way out from Kaliti, the leaders were first headed to Betamengist and there by had a brief discussion with the PM, and the senior government officials … they may want to share the meeting this with us in due time!! The people who loved them and their supporters in general would like to know all about this!!..
    It is getting clear that, there are still individuals inside kaliti prison who are refusing to sign the pardon letter and would like to defend themselves using their legal right!!!Danel Bekele, Netsanet tadesse, Kifle tegineh are among few of them.. The pardon letter has been signed only by 38 out of the 71 political prisoners… Why the other didn’t sign?? Why did only 38 have signed?? People need to know!!!
    Just after an hour release, the Reuters news agency quoted Ato shawl as saying … he had not tortured but had signed the apology, because of among the jailed were people that have small children. By saying this he might be refereed to the young judge Burtukan Mideksa. Yes this is indeed true… Burtukan has a 4years old son. If anyone but burtukan had to sign and leave the cell!! She has a case …
    It has been remembered that during his interview as a CUD chairman Engineer shawl said that he had to serve the brutal Derg regime as a ministerial position for about two and half year , since he had a family and a children to feed……
    Here are some of the quoted statements given Ato shawl, and t PM meles, in these two days. Compare their interviews and make your own judgment!!!
    “ …. They are being released as I speak….” PM Meles

    “… We are slaves, I can’t see how we can reconcile the guy in power can’t reconcile….” Ato Shawl

    “…. The Government expects them to stick with their promise….’’ PM Meles

    “… We were not tortured, but had signed the apology because among the jailed some of them had small children. …..” Ato Shawl

    “…. The government had no sense of revenge; we believe that the sorry saga of the orange revolution is behind us…” PM Meles

    “…As a leader you have to compromise along the line…” Ato Shawl

    “….The pardon is complete; they are being freed with their constitutional right restored….” PM Meles

    “… The government needs to fulfill the conditions, such as allowing us to take our seat in the parliament…” Ato shawl

    “… They left the parliament two years ago… if they need to get back their seat, they will need to run for the midterm election next year. There are still vacant chairs….” PM Meles

  19. Leyla, you are like saying ‘if the Apartide leaders of South Africa was as bad as people were saying, Nelson Mendela was not to be released to become the first South African Black Presedent. My friend, please open your eyes and try to learn from history. The people’s peaceful struggle, though it asks money to selfsacrice, it forces many tayrannies to compromise because if absolute ignorance by the tyrannies continues you know this brings their end sooner than they can think. Let us not compete here for political purposes, instead, let every one of us tell the truth of the matter for tomorrow’s Ethiopia, that is reconciliation not confrontation!

  20. If struggle is to sacrifice the poor man’s poor kid then I better not be part of it. These so called our heros are no better than Berket. They are pretenders of freedom fighters. This is the truth and the only truth. Lets tell then what they are than what they are not. Otherwise the will keep to feed the poor man’s child to the fire of woyane.

  21. Zola, you seem to blame both sides, what do you think the solution should be then? Are you saying challenging Woyane is not worth it because the out come is only to burn oneself by its fire? Where is your human morality here? Is it to demonstrate peacefully to show the dictator government that ruling by gun should be stopped or to leave the dictator alone to rule for ever?

    The sacrifice of our beloved heroes who suffered in jail and those who gave their precious lives for freedom and democracy is starting to be fruitful.We have to be cacious that those jailed freedom fighters did nothing wrong and thefact that they are released now doesn’t mean that it is the end of the struggle and the Ethiopian people achieved the full victory.We won the battle but not yet victory.We have our brothers and sisters yet suffering from torture by the blood sucking regime of Woyane.There are out there detained with out charges and respect for human rights.We have to work for them and for the development of democracy for our beloved country.LETS GO AND WORK HAND IN HAND,TOGETHER WITH FULL HEART FOR OUR OWN SAKE.LETS PREACH LOVE AND PEACE.LETS END THE CHAPTER OF POVERTY,WAR,EXILE……FOR ONCE AND FOREVER.

  23. Dear my sincere brother, Gizachew, No hard feeling, but would you like to help me understand, what you meant by FREEDOM FIGHTERS? I am assuming you used this word when you are referring the then jailed leaders who set themselves free? Am I right?
    N.B I like the last three line of your phrase “….. LET’S GO AND WORK , HAND TO HAND TOGETHER WITH FULL HEART…..” I am with you on this one. Thanks!


  25. Good Job,Yehager Shemagelewoch|

    The Ethiopia people admired you for what you have achieved to bring peace to the guys particulary Professor Ephrem Issac very well understood that nagotiation initiated by Ethiopia’s children will have an ever lasting solution to the country. It is true that negotiation by foreigners always has its own package which inherently benefit the foreigners agenda not Ethiopia’s agenda.

    It is a good beginning in Ethiopia’s contemporary politics. But, I still have a problem or that I didn’t understand why Yehager Shimaglewoch were very concerned about the CUD Leaders only?

    Before the CUD leaders went to jail there were some Ethiopians that were sent to jail because of their political stand. There were/are many Oromos and the like that have been jailed by the ruling party for the simple reason that they oppose the EPRDF political programs or agenda.

    As I am writting this comment, many Oromos and the ruling party soldiers are killing one each other in the battle field. The CUD leaders were in jail,but the oromos and EPRDF soldiers are being killed. Which case really needs shemgelena/negotiation by Ethiopia’s children? Is it because some of the CUD leaders probably close friends to some people in the shemagle team? Or there is still that concept of ethnicity.

    We Ethipians expect yehager shimaglewoch to go futher to negotiate the government and those oppostion fronts to bring them around the table and perform the same thing that they did to CUD and able to arrive at a peacefull resolution. Otherwise,you will be considered as partisians.

    I,however, appreciate what you did so far. Keep it up|

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