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Ethiopian leaders and journalists are out of jail

Today around 3 PM local time, 38 of the 71 Kinijit leaders and journalists who have been in jail since Nov 2005 wakled out of the disease-infested Qaliti prison. As three minibuses carrying them exited the prison ground, they were greeted with cheers from hundreds of supporters who were waiting them outside. The Kinijit leaders responded by flashing “V” signed as the minibuses followed by several cars sped toward Addis Ababa.

Kinijit leaders and journalists leaving Qaliti prisonEarlier today, Meles Zenawi, the butcher of Addis Ababa and Mogadishu, told reporters at a press conference: “The pardon is total. They are being freed with their constitutional rights restored. They have committed themselves to adhere to and respect the rule of law as well as the constitution of the country.”

A few moments after his release, Kinijit chairman Hailu Shawel told reporters that he had no apology to make for protesting 2005 election results because, “for us it is a normal political protest.” He said that he signed a formal apology under duress.

Bereket Simon, a propaganda adviser to Meles, declined to comment on Hailu Shawel’s remarks.

Ephraim Isaac, the chairman of a council of elders that mediated for the released of the detained opposition members, held a press conference to thank the president.

“A solution was found in a traditional Ethiopian way to achieve national reconciliation,” he said.

The council received the help of Haile Gebre Selassie, a national hero regarded by many as the greatest distance runner of all times.

“For the sake of peace we did what we had to do. For the last 18 months we’ve been working… So now we are very happy to have this beautiful and wonderful news,” he told reporters.

The council added in a statement that they would continue to work for the release of other opposition supporters detained in 2005.

Kinijit Chairman Hailu Shawel relaxing at home after being released from jail“I’m very happy to see them released,” said Elsa, the sister-in-law of Hailu Shawel, chairman of the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit). “I just want to see him back in his own home with his family,” she told reporters at Kaliti prison. Berhanu Nega arriving at home after being released from jailMeles said at a press conference this morning: “The Ethiopian government isn’t willing and is unable to be run like a banana republic from Capitol Hill. Some individuals appear to be entertaining such illusions.”

The Meles regime pays U.S. lobbysts $50,000 per months to influence the U.S. lawmakers at the Capitol Hill (the U.S. Congress).

The Washington Post today pointed out: The prisoners were among an estimated 30,000 people arrested in a widespread crackdown on opposition supporters following Ethiopia’s 2005 elections, when the opposition made major gains despite accusations that the vote was flawed. Most of those arrested were quickly released but the top leadership of the country’s main opposition party, along with journalists, an elderly professor and the Addis Ababa mayor remained jailed. While Meles accused the opposition leaders of inciting violent protests following the elections, a government report later found that the protesters were unarmed and that Ethiopian security authorities had used excessive force, spraying crowds with bullets, targeting protesters with sharpshooters and hunting others down in their homes. At least 193 people were killed during the crackdown–some shot once in the head, execution style. 


128 thoughts on “Ethiopian leaders and journalists are out of jail

  1. congratulation to all ethiopian people. our true leaders are out of jail. today is what a nice day in my life as well as in the millinum.let us cellebrate this day all together.

  2. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S TO ALL!
    Released and “full constitutional right restored”.

    The immediate struggle will be in focusing for the release of the remaining prisoners, defendants and possibly sift through mass arrests for potential pardon before the millennium.

    There seems to be a culture of compromise and reconciliation evolving in to the millennium and Prof. Yeshak Ephrem has topped of his long career to be remembered in the success of mediation. Peace!.
    It took Ethiopian tradition, international pressure and defiantly the diaspora’s activists relentless effort as well to make this happen.

    May the survivors find comfort in looking forward for the future and not look back in vain.

    You, as part of the member of the list accused, I wish you well and a clarity of purpose on the right path. What ever your reputation, your forums these past two years have become a means of catharsis among your other activism. The release of “the leaders” will hopefully restore a guiding light for a more coordinated and peaceful compromise in the diaspora as well as in Ethiopia.

  3. tigilachin rejimna merara new…dil madiregachin aiqere newe…yemecheresha gibachin yehizb mircha yikeber…parlama yigibu…PM yiwred…addis cabine yiqaqam…ye erqeselam gubae yikahed


  4. Now the time is for reconciliation. Let all of us think about the future of the conutry. Name calling and insulting one onether will not help anyone. This is a time to rejoice. Nobody is a winner and no no one is a looser today. We all are winners and Ethiopia has won!!

    I hope EPDRF will follow up with the good will it has shown so far ( releasing the jailed leaders that was unthinkable some time ago)and start a process by which all Ethiopians can live equally under the rule of law.

  5. Thank you God. This is the most special day I have ever had in my life. The happiness of the people of Ethiopia is restored now. The respected and glorious leaders are now free. They have shown their love and dedication to this extent to their motherland and its people. What leaders they are!!

  6. The true Ethiopian leaders and journalists are free. Thak you for all Ethiopian who work for democracy and freedom in Ethiopia and who work for our leaders to be free. Sorry Ato Lidetu have you seen the people of Addis pleasure at the main get of Kality jail and around the city. We are so happy Ato Lidetu and “hodamoch” are value less.
    For Our Leaders I expect you will see this page, let me express my pleasure in Amharic…
    “kinijit tesfa new” we are still with you. Thank you Dr. Birhanu, Birtukan, Pr. Mesfin, Er Hailu……
    from Addis

  7. This is a one of the greatest days that we Ethiopians have ever seen and witnessed. Our patriotic leaders are free at last. We will continue our struggle for democray and human rights. All the mess that is going around the diaspora will settledown and all the truth will come out. We will be knowing soon which group was working with Woyane, to assasinate our stuggle and commitment and which group was working towards our goal. This is another day that we will start to flourish again and renew our commitment and promise to our country Ethiopia. Free at last.

    Long Live Ethiopia

    Akalu Tadesse

  8. why you guys trying to cheat your self, what kinds of leaders are this any more? After hundreds of people dies with in cold blead shead, thousends of people arrested,thousends of people migrate to deserts do they have to say sorry for the Ethiopian People? for whom give his life for their right and one country?
    This is really crazy. Guys after this time watch your steps!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Thank God for creating such an opportunity for most of the Ethiopian people to be happy on today due to the release of Ethiopia’s precious assets that can bring peace,development, and democracy to the country.Also, thank to TPLF to come to their conscience to realize the truth. We are now in a situation to fotget the past and move forward for the betterment our beloved country, Ethiopia.Today is a special moment which the ruling government, the opposition parties and the people as a whole should learn from what happend in the past two years and work together for same mistakes not to happen.

    Congratulations to the released leaders and their be loved ones.

  10. It is great feeling that our leaders are finally free!

    Thnak you for all the hard work ER & congra!!

    They came out of prison unscratched & not recognizing their alleged crime & the court!

    Thank you God!

  11. I am both happy and sad.
    -I am happy because they arwe free.
    -I am sad because they went down to the feet of weyane to ask pardon.

    I am in a mixed spirit.

  12. Dear Elias,

    I have tremendous respect for your consistency and commitment. A few more like you are needed to pursue the struggle. We are all glad that CUD leaders are finally out of prison. However, I am not one of those fans who orchestrates the way the so called “pardon” was processed. A pardon from Woyane can get you out of jail but a pardon from the Ethiopian people liberates your conscience. I am not sure if the Ethiopian people have or will endorse the pardon. I would want to wait and hear from the leaders themselves. One thing should always be true though. Woyane has never been democratic and will never be. Compromise, negotiation & reconcilition in only possible when the popular force gets stronger and is on equal footing. That time will come and we will all be there to witness.

    Keep up the good job!!

  13. Congragulation! to all the relatives and for all ethiopians who loves freedom and solidarity.Oh God! you are almighty and u made it well ur judge among those merciless.
    I had been big anxeity and after i heard the best news since they jined Kality wow ever thing is Melkam.
    They are our heros and heroes.So,congragulatin again.
    love,peace,solidarity,prosperity to Ethiopia.

  14. This is good news. We have to rejoice for 38 of them. But what about the rest of the prisoners and the 70mil Ethiopians who are suffering under the mad dogs of Addis, Meles, Berket, Sibehat-Nega etc.?

    The next step is to pass HR2003 in order to be able to win the next election.
    Once we won the next election, we could say at least we got rid of an EVIL (Meles) from our country.

    I see the young and brilliant Berhanu Nega to become the next Prime Minister of Ethiopia. He is the son of the southern Ethiopians and he is respected and loved by all us.

    Elias also can bring his integrity, love for his country, and incorruptible character in the future administration. We need at lease 100 outstanding, brilliant and true Ethiopians to lead our country .And these people must be from all parts of Ethiopia including Siye Abraha. He will be the right person to restore Ethiopian Authority in Tigre and Assab.Obang Metho also could play a big role in the future Ethiopia. There are millions of Ethiopians better than the mad dog Melse.And believe me all of us would like to go back one day and invest in our country.


  15. This is good news. We have to rejoice for 38 of them. But what about the rest of the prisoners and the 70mil Ethiopians who are suffering under the mad dogs of Addis, Meles, Berket, Sibehat-Nega etc.?

    The next step is to pass HR2003 in order to be able to win the next election.
    Once we won the next election, we could say at least we got rid of an EVIL (Meles) from our country.

    I see the young and brilliant Berhanu Nega to become the next Prime Minister of Ethiopia. He is the son of the southern Ethiopians and he is respected and loved by all of us.

    Elias also can bring his integrity, love for his country, and incorruptible character in the future administration. We need at lease 100 outstanding, brilliant and true Ethiopians to lead our country .And these people must be from all parts of Ethiopia including Siye Abraha. He will be the right person to restore Ethiopian Authority in Tigre and Assab.Obang Metho also could play a big role in the future Ethiopia. There are millions of Ethiopians better than the mad dog Melse.And believe me all of us would like to go back one day and invest in our country.


  16. Congra!
    it is gonna be a challenge for people like Ledetu who are not capable of wise poletics. When i heard his press release it reminds me “an empty vessel makes great noise” Shame on Ledetu and the other hodams. for them poletics is measns of livelihood.

  17. What else can be said except THANKS TO GOD and thanks to EPRDF and CUD for comming in to terms for their release! I am positive that Ethiopian poletics will flower better than ever.

    Long live V and who ever is good for the country!

    KIL who fight to break themselves and the will Ethio people are not representative any more.
    Leaders are in charge now.
    I never pray more than God to give Dr. Birhanu to have Ethiopia in his hand and lead the country.
    Again Cogradulations.

  19. Let us celebrate the release of our leaders but let us not be disarmed by it. Becaue we know that Meles cannot be trusted. As he was forced to free these jewels of Ethiopia he has to be forcee to free all political prisoners. As Dr Birehanu Nega said, our country has been turned into a collective prison by Meles and his gangs. Thus we have to do what it takes to free our country from these brutal psychopathic dictators.

  20. Praise God for granting sustainable strength to endure the human dilemma, the courage of humanity’s spirit and for prayers answered.

    Peace!!! while you have it!. Have a nice week end every body.

  21. thanks to all envolved individuals and org. for their release. enjoy the moment for now. be prepared for next and very demanding struggle. there is no back as long as democracy is not flourished, the rule of law and human right respected.

    This is the happiest day to all peaceloving Ethiopians. At last teh truth and people have won.

  22. This is the begining and we still have a long list of things to do. But First we have to kick that Damn Ledetu-kedetu guy. Shame on U damy!

    Grace to all who took part in the struggle.

  23. This is amazing.Thanks to God,whole people of Ethiopians and international community for helping them released.What so ever EPRDF does ,don’t forget that it is now also EPRDF which is ruled by the dictator Meles.

  24. Guess what Ethiopia got one better than South Africa??
    You guessed right, we got not only one but dozens of Nelson Mandelas….
    The Nelson Mandelas of Ethiopia are finally free. These are people who paid the price, stood for the Ethiopian people and their principles, and they were willing to die for it. They need to be helped to leave the country and assume their rightful position as leaders of the great Kinijit and lead us to more victories. Power to the People

  25. Dear Ethiopians especially the hater diaspora

    EPRDF has come to its senses , I think you better do your share , Ethiopia doesnt need your hate , we need love .

  26. I am a little disappointed with some people who are using unnecessary words to talk about Ledetu Ayalew (Kehadi Hodam), Meless & Co. (real funny) to express their dissatisfaction about others who have a different view.

    If a person is not allowed to have a different opinion it means it’s a dictatorship, if an average citizen can not communicate with out insulting one another how can we ask our leaders to do a better job? How can you ask someone to like the same exact music or food as yourself, if we had that mentality we wouldn’t even be able to have a single friend.

    As Ethiopians we have diverse back ground and different opinion about politics, religion and cultures the least we can do is to appreciate each other and try to build an Ethiopia that will benefit most. No matter what, NO political leader can be able to satisfy 77million citizens, there will always be some that will lose (its life).

    Look at US and what happened in New Orleans.

    Congrats to the prisoners family!

  27. I am very much happy about the news.but..but I’m suspicies how much they are free ‘after jail’.
    It is like a devil is changed in to angel for mercy?? impossible…
    It’s a strategy man.
    Any way the good thing is they are free for the people mind..are they free for themselves?

  28. Be careful of the Woyane agents who try to reduce the struggle of the Ethiopian people to the release of CUD leaders. They want to tell us that the leaders are free; we have to stop our struggle. The release of these leaders does not change much on the ground. There should be new election soon if real reconciliation is needed. There is nothing short of that we satisfy us. Their release from prison is not an end to itself. Be careful not to be swept away by the cadres who try to play with your emotions.

  29. Thank You: Heavenly Father. I cried before you and now you showed me this miracle. I praise your name God Almighty. Give more wisdom to our 38 heros, let your hands of favour be upon them and the country.

  30. Breaking News:
    According to BBC News/Africa, CUD leaders are defiant that they have to sighn the plea document under druss & there is no reconciliation talk with the govt.
    See BBC News/Africa

  31. july 20/2007 zra tarike tasara zara yadele kanachene nawe.ahuneme wadafetme tegelachenene enkatelalane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we are proud to have people like CDU leadrs .thsi is our day !!!!!!!!!!!we will celeberate this day wiht love and unity yebelagnelte lazhe asshole gov’t .

  32. Kudos to the Government, Great Kudos to Yeager shemegleoch especially to Professor Efrem, kudos to all peace loving minds, congratulation to the freed individuals and their loved ones!!! We can declare, the day of reconciliation in Ethiopia, let’s use this moment to bring peace and toleration in our future politics; this can be a historical turning point, if we use it wisely!!! Again The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wil be the only judge for these entire SAGA!!!

  33. Dear Editor,

    I am so delighted like all freedom loving Ethiopians! What a day!

    I hope we get a situation/forum where we express our solidarity to them! Some kind of rally, street party…etc

  34. Eyesus GEta Newe!!!

    Dear Qalit leaders You are really HEROS, I always appericiate you cos you are the one who want to bring unification & free governance in strong struglle was not only in time of good conditons but also in time of terrible times.unlike the other power lovers such as “Mr. Kedetu” you were a dream example for all of us who live in this generation.Happy ethiopian New year i always love you & respect you.

    Mr. “Kedetu” please do whatever you want to do before this parlamental period has wind up. you are really “Millenium Efrete for Ethiopian People. IN other words you are The millinium shame for ethiopia.

    I a soory for you.

    Dear Mr. Meles Zenawi while i am listeninig you speech in radio i think you have come up with some important idea so that for the coming years you will arrange yourself & your fllows with respecting the oppostion leadres.

    Mr. Meles Please learn more form this ,don’t try to warning in other ways.

    May God Bless Ethiopia from above!!!

    Dear ER you are ,finally,now the true & ethical reporter of the the ethiopian Mess!!!

    May God help you more to bring the good news

  35. Correction
    Here is the link of original letter, written by the Handwriting of Professor Eferem, and the respected shemagleoch, about the release of the then jailed, now free leaders.
    Read it for yourself and get the fact!!
    N.B, Elias my first post has a wrong link, hope this should get into the right massage. Kudos to your 24/7 work!!!

  36. Dear GIORGIS LUKY(commentator 96) , please help me understand , I am a little bit behind on this one, Is the motto “EYESUS GETA NEW” and insulting an individual , because of his diverse view, can go together? … Please take out Eyesus from your package, and simply cast and hate… the individual you mentioned by name.. Don’t use the name of Jesus for your personal political intent….let your heart feel with peace and joy, especially in a day like this one!!! This is the day of forgiveness and reconciliation, if you don’t see that your body and mind needs to be united or by your philosophy you are not yet saved!! REPENT!!!…. Selam legzew

  37. I appreciate the commitment the leaders of Ethiopia(Cud).Our leaders I thank you in the name of all Ethiopians,and history never shall forget you. Down Woyane, and ethiopans raise Ethiopians

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