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Ethiopian leaders and journalists are out of jail

Today around 3 PM local time, 38 of the 71 Kinijit leaders and journalists who have been in jail since Nov 2005 wakled out of the disease-infested Qaliti prison. As three minibuses carrying them exited the prison ground, they were greeted with cheers from hundreds of supporters who were waiting them outside. The Kinijit leaders responded by flashing “V” signed as the minibuses followed by several cars sped toward Addis Ababa.

Kinijit leaders and journalists leaving Qaliti prisonEarlier today, Meles Zenawi, the butcher of Addis Ababa and Mogadishu, told reporters at a press conference: “The pardon is total. They are being freed with their constitutional rights restored. They have committed themselves to adhere to and respect the rule of law as well as the constitution of the country.”

A few moments after his release, Kinijit chairman Hailu Shawel told reporters that he had no apology to make for protesting 2005 election results because, “for us it is a normal political protest.” He said that he signed a formal apology under duress.

Bereket Simon, a propaganda adviser to Meles, declined to comment on Hailu Shawel’s remarks.

Ephraim Isaac, the chairman of a council of elders that mediated for the released of the detained opposition members, held a press conference to thank the president.

“A solution was found in a traditional Ethiopian way to achieve national reconciliation,” he said.

The council received the help of Haile Gebre Selassie, a national hero regarded by many as the greatest distance runner of all times.

“For the sake of peace we did what we had to do. For the last 18 months we’ve been working… So now we are very happy to have this beautiful and wonderful news,” he told reporters.

The council added in a statement that they would continue to work for the release of other opposition supporters detained in 2005.

Kinijit Chairman Hailu Shawel relaxing at home after being released from jail“I’m very happy to see them released,” said Elsa, the sister-in-law of Hailu Shawel, chairman of the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit). “I just want to see him back in his own home with his family,” she told reporters at Kaliti prison. Berhanu Nega arriving at home after being released from jailMeles said at a press conference this morning: “The Ethiopian government isn’t willing and is unable to be run like a banana republic from Capitol Hill. Some individuals appear to be entertaining such illusions.”

The Meles regime pays U.S. lobbysts $50,000 per months to influence the U.S. lawmakers at the Capitol Hill (the U.S. Congress).

The Washington Post today pointed out: The prisoners were among an estimated 30,000 people arrested in a widespread crackdown on opposition supporters following Ethiopia’s 2005 elections, when the opposition made major gains despite accusations that the vote was flawed. Most of those arrested were quickly released but the top leadership of the country’s main opposition party, along with journalists, an elderly professor and the Addis Ababa mayor remained jailed. While Meles accused the opposition leaders of inciting violent protests following the elections, a government report later found that the protesters were unarmed and that Ethiopian security authorities had used excessive force, spraying crowds with bullets, targeting protesters with sharpshooters and hunting others down in their homes. At least 193 people were killed during the crackdown–some shot once in the head, execution style. 


128 thoughts on “Ethiopian leaders and journalists are out of jail

  1. thank you ER, the true leaders of Ethiopia is free finaly. the sell-outs such as Mr.LEDETU “KEDETU” and his fellow friends requests an apology from CDU leader what the F is this. Mr.KEDETU and Mr.HODAM “SOLOMONE” and the other stupid the so called jornalist mr.Negusa,they will burned out for this news. the true leader is out now we know who is who let us go together for the democary and human right in Ethiopa. we will not sleep with out the to fundamental things for human being.

  2. I cross the fingers that this is true information. This is the begining of a victory for all jenuine Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia who paid and are still paying enourmous sacrifices to bring democracy, respect for the rule of law,respect for human rights, peaceful coexistence, development & etc…in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Now, let us listen to what our Heroes & Heroines, the true Sons and Daughters of Ethiopia will tell us. I appreciate that Meles & Co. came back to their senses at last and will learn a lot from their past.

  3. Dark be light can not be dark always by weyenas eye

    Ours leaders be free we tx to god keep it them past 2 years.

    I thanks to much all fighter all sides .Dear all the beging , I can say tx to so much all International Kinijit activ member and , kinijit support , and Ethiopian people. WE strugle untill ours leadres be free.

    Ours goal is not only relased ours flower leaders ours goal weyane must leave the power to Kinijt because weyene stay power by weapon not people interst.

    I really pray to god because ours leaders be free.
    All weyene members and weyene topp leaders tplf come to be panshied court.

    God keep it ours motherland Ethiopia long live ethiopia people , ours leadres and Amenesity , profecer Alemaheye , congress man Donaldo so on.

    god bless all

  4. Thank god at last. Our heros are free

    The true leaders are out God bless them and their strong spirit.

    For Ledetu Ayalew, let him know that he should put his mouth shut and stay quite. I know that they can not take the good news. If some one has to ask an appology it should be Lidetu appologising to these respected leaders. He is a hodam kehadi. Shame on you Lidetu.

    Congratulation to all the relatives of the prisoners, the ethiopian people, and mostly Ethiopian who live abroad who have involved in the struggle for democratic ethiopia.

    M. A

  5. This is a very good news, but not the last one. There are other thousand Ethiopians in jail, all have to come out, the votes of the People of Ethiopia shall be respected. The TPLF bandas and mercinaries muste hand over the power to the democratically representative of the nation. That is is thee absolute demand, the voice of Ethiopians shall be respected, otherwise there will be no peace in the country.democracy, the rule of law are unquestionable demand.

    We thank you ER for the good news, continue

    God Bless Ethiopia and Her people.


  6. I congratulate the families and friends of our heroes and heroines. I congratulate those who worked untiringly and jenuinly for the release of our respected leaders from the notorious Kaliti jail. We have to give them Big Big Hugs! Thank you people like Anna Gomez,Chris Smith, Donald Payne, Prof. Al Mariam andhiscolleagues,etc…Tensae,Ethiomedia,ER,EMF,and others, and hundreds others. Thank you KIL for your integrity, patience and for all what you did and you are doing. Thank you for all oppositions who advocated for the release of our Respected Leaders.


  8. I am glad that they are released. Now it is time for them to formally resign and get out of the politics. They have disgraced themselves at their old age by telling us that they are responsible for all the atrocities after may 2005 election. We have come to know that they are leaders without enough determination to face hardships. They are some body who prefers to sign whatever document rather than staying in prison. Today they told us they are responsible for the postelection violence, wich we thought Zenawi was responsible, and tomorrow they will tell us they are responsible for the war between Ethiopia and Somalia which took place while they are in prison.They are not the right people to lead this type of strugle.

    Even I don’t see any difference between Lidetu and them as both have betrayed their people. The difference is only timing: Lidetu betrayed us at early stage and they betrayed us right now.

    Ind jegna tasrew inde leba tefetu. Kiletamoch.

  9. I don’t give a dam about the Weyane’s TV broadcasting this days.
    Finally, our leaders are freed. this is what we want. Althoug, we know that this has happened by fighting from different corner, Weyane should know that democracy is for all.
    God bless all CUD leaders!!

  10. Glory to God!

    Finally We managed to get our leaders freed though they are not out as in the way we want them to. The peaceful struggle shall conitnue to distroy the Woyane’s regime once and for all from Ethiopia. This is the beginning of our struggle. Let the KEHADIANS like Lidetu, Moshe, Abdurhaman feel asshemd.

    We should also think of the 193 patriots, if not their number is more, who lost their lives by Woyanie mercineries folloing election 2005 for democracy to prevail in our country

    May God put their life peacefully in heaven!

  11. The struggle for change is on the march and the leadership in the prison is coming out! Every one in the struggle for democracy should be congradulated! Let us all hope reconciliation is the means! Ethiopia is on the first page of history heading for a change! May God help every one on this jeourney to the end!

  12. Woyane doesn’t only know how to die for and resotre pease but also excuse for ill deeds. Thaks again that it gave em’ time to come back to their minds and be help full to themselves and their family not to mention to the people that they claim to serve.
    Please tell em’ not to be naive again and die for nothing, as they have seen the quagmire they have been in to.
    wish them and supporters all the best……

  13. What a surprise thing i heard.I’m very happy and want to say congra for all preisoners,their families and for all who struggle for democracy.
    God bless Ethiopia

  14. Folks:

    All what the Wayane fox have been articulating is to take innocent persons hostage, creat melodramtic artificial theatre with rising suspence, get them condemned to the maximum and then release them.

    It is only the game of a nasty wild cat playing with helpless mouse. All the games have always been played by a single man, the PM. who tortured the group and finally wanted to come out as a forgiving and humble angel to fool both the world and the entire Ethiopian people. It is to make us dance, celebrate and pray in order to divert our original objective of struggling for democracy and justice for all.

    We are now being reduced to struggling for the release of 38 individuals while some 77 million are still in Wayane dictatorship’s jails. Any ones freedom is a matter of celebration. But it should not seen as an by itself, and in that reward the mischivious dictatorship who is bent on promoting its enslaving system of unjust rule.

    Worse yet, the dictator may even articulate and use these long tortured people to advance the dictatorship’s agenda. That is why I am still a bit reserved in the intensity of my celebration. We did not yet achieve that democratic Ethiopia we are talking about.

  15. Dear Ethiopians,

    At this point I wish to express my happiness to you all.I wish EPRDF starts to nationwide re-conciliation to solve the countries problems once and for all.

  16. What a blessing for Ethiopia!!
    There is a truth that the woyanes had never swallowed.The heart of the People of Ethiopia is married to the heart of its leaders.This marriage only becomes disengaged if all the peolple died … what a shame to the dictators … because this is never going to happen.

  17. Thanks ER!

    What a day! Isn’t it that sweet?
    I wish I am there to hug them tightly and closely and congradulate them for the work they have done.

    These iconic figures popped up in the national poltical lancscape in about 50 years and they left an excellent record for the next generation to follow. They will be remembered as the founding father of Ethiopian democracy.

    Thank God!

  18. “ … They are being released as I speak….” The Prime Minister

    Well, well it is now official… The jailed leaders are now freed. They are being freed with their constitutional right restored.. That means the pardon is absolute and total, they can run for office, they can take over their seat in parliament; they will also administrator the City soon!! “We believe that, the sorry saga of the orange revolution is behind us .. “ Meles told the reporters!! They are now free individuals!! Kudos to the Government, and the Shemagleoch , congratulation to the leaders!!! May the Almighty God bless all of you!!! a very great step to our country Ethiopia, In the coming days we will see where the politics goes….

  19. Even though all 70 million people are in prison, now we feel ok; Our LEADERS are together with us. Lidetu Bandaw “Ebabe” is shouting on ETV, Nobody listen his words. The true judge will come soon and the tongue of “Ebabes” will be cut.
    Hailu S,Berihanu,Birtukan,Eyoael,Gizachew,Hailu A,Yakub,Abayneh,Mesfin…all The True CUD leaders(Ethiopians.
    BUT Take care that TPLF may divide you again,which we do not want to see.

  20. this is the happiest moment of my life to see the geovenment of Ethiopia to come to its senses and release CUD leaders. it shows that we are able to tolerate and solve our problems in order to see a better Ethiopia. now let us put our differeces aside and work hand in hand to promote democracy and justice to all. I thank almighty God since He is the one who directs the leaders heart as he wishes and in deed He directed it according to His will.
    vitory to all Ethiopians

  21. “Lelitu birezimim mengatu Aykerim”

    Congratulation to all of you who yearn democracy and freedom. Nothing can hinder the bright CUD leaders from their journey to lay a ground in history for democracy, freedom, development which the Ethiopian people are dreaming for centuries.

    Finally, I would like to DEFINE mr Lidetu Ayalew, better to say “KIHDETU”, is an object that only fulfil physical appearance to be a person.

  22. CONGRATULATIONS ! To all the Peace Loving people of Ethiopia. You fought hard and pressured the Woyane regime to release the innocent political prisoners. Your fight for justice and human rights is a just cause that can never be denied ! Bravo !
    Now that your leaders are freed, you can continue to fight for the liberation of Ethiopia from the hands of the Woyane regime. I think it is time to send the Woyane to where they came from – Tigray – and enjoy watching them get SANDWICHED between Ethiopia and Eritrea. That time is near and sooner than soon.
    Keep up the good fight my brothers and sisters. All the peace loving people of the world are standing next to you !!
    I am an Ethiopian born Eritrean forcibly deported to Eritrea by the Woyanes. My mom’s prayers have been heard and the Woyanes are at their last breath soon to be suffocated by the brave Ethiopian people.
    Let there be peace in the horn of Africa.
    One Love, One Heart, One Africa. Amen.

  23. I know what the former government (Megistu) did to Ethiopia since I was one of a victim of that part.
    If you bleave me I was acting as EPRP memeber. However, some of the EPRP party members were having evill looking for my attitude and were not enable to trust me and also the Mengistu’s regime look for me to abolish my life. With out doing nothing to both, I was on a tip of GUN point from both of them. By a chance to survive, with help of God I have changed my living place but still working as EPRP memer and finally thanks to God I was cought by the government and sentenced for two years. That is how I hate POLITICS. There could be similiar stories like mine, some could lost thier life for this or mentally suffer in thier life.

    Now, during the eve of 1997 election I was not in Ethiopia, I have been abroad for two years doing my study hence when I arrive in Ethiopia it was the hot time for the election. Hence, I was niether supporting the Government nor KINIJIT but simply I was telling my view to whom I trust only that both the Government and KINIJIT were doing some wrong some right to success thier election. However, most people in Addis were supporting KINIJIT blindly even if they do wrong.
    “You can damn one who work when geting silly wrong things” but if you could be in their place you could do the worst of what you damned. “KEBERO BESEW IJ YAMIR SIYIZUT YADENAGER”. I presume that if it could happen that KINIJIT got power of the government the same could happen by some opposition to damn them on their work after a while.

    I personally pleased that KINIJIT leaders are now released, of what ever they have done in the past. I hope they could learn from it.

    By chance I have seen what others wrote above. SORRY!!!
    But,when is, We Ethiopian learn to look neutral and not to judge randomly.

    I am an old persone now. Some could hate what I have wrote but I advice to all to learn from past and pass good things to the next generation.

    I wish you all the best
    With best regrds,

  24. This lays a concrete stone towards building a true democracy in Ethiopia. THis is a sart to tolerance, appreciation of other’s views and political stands, this is a start where we can shape our future in Ethiopia Mama Land towards peace and prosperity…this is a great stance that proves giving peaceful means a room than a gun is the century’s civilized way of solving conflicts, this is a turning point where we Ethiopians realize that everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion in the political arena and the rule of law monitors the game, let’s not spoil this atmosphere with twaddles, let’s nurture this moment and bring it to the table in civilized manner, let’s bless our GOD and pray we all come towards one GOAL “Seeing a developed peaceful Mama Ethiopia”

    GOD bless Ethiopia

  25. Dear Ethiopians (Only for real Ethiopians)!

    I would say now and for ever God is with us. The release of our brothers and sisters who were in jail for several months give me a hope to work hard to struggle for our country in particular for world peace in general.

    From their release It is clearly understandable that there is no free judicery process in Ethiopia. Now this become clear for the world.

    I wish we will see a free, democratic and peacefully stable country.

  26. Dear Ethiopians (Only for real Ethiopians)!

    I would say now and for ever God is with us. The release of our brothers and sisters who were in jail for several months give me a hope to work hard to struggle for our country in particular for world peace in general.

    From their release It is clearly understandable that there is no free judicery process in Ethiopia. Now this become clear for the world.

    I wish we will see a free, democratic and peacefully stable country.

  27. Dear fellow Ethiopians,

    Please let’s all make time, a time of merry. It’s a happy day. Let’s for once try to stop the hate politics and namings and look forward for national reconciliation and mutual respect. Stop name naming. It won’t take us anywhere.

    Thank you the Almight God for delivering the CUD leaders. Please show us the road that would take our country from shame to fame, our politicians from hate to debate.

    God bless our motherland Ethiopia.

  28. Thank you ER for your news, it’s a good news for all Ethiopian across the glob. This is what we have been waitting for. However, we will not be distructed by Weyaniy tacktics, we should move on towards decocracy no matter what our peoeple deserve to Elect the choise of their interest, not a dectators choise.
    Thank you all. and PLEASE “Let us work together to build democracy to our beloved country ETHIOPIA”

  29. Good news,

    But are these the only political prosoners in Ethiopia?????????

    If tru reconcilation and peace anticipated, ALL political prisnors should be freed along with the mellinium. Otherwise, it does not make much sense.

  30. What a miracle day today! All our heros and heroines are now free.

    What a shame to be for Lidetu, the so called Hodam, Mulchlich, no stand for the flourishment of democracy in Ethiopia!!

    He has to know that the blood sheds that happened immediately after the poll was due to his long-sharp toungue. May God bless those who lost their life for his bad deed.

    May Prosperity for our land Ethiopia and its People!!!


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