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OLF affirms its commitment for democracy and Ethiopian unity

Below the full text of a speech given in Paris, France, by OLF’s Dr Shigut Geleta on June 17, 2006.

Thank you Mr. Chairperson for the nice introduction. As the chairperson said, my name is Shigut Geleta, and I am the Head of Foreign Relations of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) in Europe.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I feel greatly honoured and privileged to have been invited to this “8 heuers les Nouvelles d’Addis” meeting not only to participate but also to address such a distinguished audience of wide spectrum: from students, researchers, journalists, guest speakers, and of course readers and friends of “Les Nouvelles” on the topic given to me, namely: Oromia and Its Perspectives in the Present Situation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Speaking about perspective of Oromia and the Oromo people explicitly means to speak about the central issues of the Ethiopian empire. The Oromos that live in Oromia are geopoltically and socio-economically the main issue to measure Ethiopia’s progress and/or problems. Oromia State is the largest among the Regional States, and stretches from north west Sudan border to south east to Somalia, from north Tigray border to south up to Kenya, and in the west from Sudan border to the east up to Djibouti. The Oromos account for more than 40% of Ethiopia’s projected 78 million total population; 75% of its forest resources, a lion shares of imports and foreign exchange. Most of the main stable foods of Ethiopia such as wheat, barely, corn, oats, teff, sorghum, pulses and oil seeds are produced in Oromia, and Oromia is the largest producer of cattle, poultry, horse, mule, donkey, sheep, goat, and others. Blue Nile, the longest river in the world, and other rivers that benefit the Sudan, Egypt, Somalia and Kenya get most of their tributaries from rivers that originate and flow in Oromia. As many of might be aware of, any environmental malpractice on these shared water resources such as deforestation directly affects not only Ethiopian peoples but also the life of millions of peoples of the riparian states down the streams.

Addis Ababa/Finfinne, sometimes known as the capital city of Africa that serves as the seat of Ethiopian government and many international organisations like Economic commission for Africa (ECA), African Union (AU) and others is located in the heart of Oromoland. Among the nations and nationalities in Ethiopia, the Oromos occupy an important position not only geographically but also socio-economically. The Oromo democracy, the Gada system, has many resembles with several indigenous peoples like the Sidama, Gedewo and Konso. Afaan Oromoo, the oromo language, shares many words with most of south west nations and nationalities of Ethiopia such as the Konso, Sidama, Gidolee, Gatoo, Arboora, Gedewo, Gaamota, Semayii and Geleb. The same is true with Somali, Afar and Saho languages.

These are some of the few points why the Oromo issues should be central to any topic be it economy, politics, human rights, democracy or development in general. Regrettably, for the last one hundred plus years, Oromos have been under the subjugation of different systems of Ethiopian rulers or dictators. These dictators have some common characteristic. They all had/have ascended to power by force and rule by force from Menelik to Melese Zenawi. Since each systems have ethnic vanguard and beneficiaries, Oromos have been marginalized, oppressed, and have become second class citizens in their own country for more than a century now. Oromos voices have been silenced, their culture and language suppressed and their resources exploited to sustain the oppressing systems. Oromos haven’t got an opportunity to say yes or no in any war or peace making process. It is our latest fresh memory that Oromo peasants and youths were used as cannon fodder and mine sweepers during the Ethio-Eritrean war of 1998-2000.

Sustainable economic development and growth of domestic product need peace and democracy. Oromos have none of them. The absence of justice, equality and peace in Ethiopia has made Ethiopia as the prison house of nations and nationalities and one of the poorest countries in the world. Oromia that could have been the bread basket of Africa is in need of foreign food aid. Oromos who could have enjoyed liberty and justice from their egalitarian culture are chained and put to prison for demanding God given rights that are enshrined to all human beings.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Ethiopia was described by Ennrico Cerulli (1956) as a museum of peoples and the coincidence of class and ethnic fissures has long provided the primary nexus of conflict over Ethiopian state. Both national and international factors played a key role for such deep-rooted conflict and contradiction. History teaches us, the climax of contradiction results into revolution, and the Ethiopian revolution of 1974 was nothing but the explosion of the contradictions suppressed by force for many years. As I indicated above, the problem of nations and nationalities has been the critical issue for Oromos in particular because of the emperor’s desired goal of homogenised and centralized Ethiopia by making it mono culture, language and religion. The revolutionary event of 1974 was high-jacked by the military junta, the Derg, because there was no other organized political party in the country. As the Emperor had done, Mengistu, the chairman of the Derg, continued the pattern of extreme centralisation and denial of individual or collective rights of nations and nationalities. He replaced monarchical absolutism ideology by militaristic Marxism – Leninism to build the Ethiopian nation state. Centralization and homogenisation under the culture of one ethnic group severely suppressed the Oromos culturally, economically and politically and only perpetuated the systematic domination. The grievance of oppressed nationalities resulted in ethnic based liberation movements such as Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and with the Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front (EPLF) that finally toppled the Military junta in 1991.

The OLF was born to address the brutal oppression, and socio-politico-economic exploitation and subjugation of the Oromo people by the Ethiopian political system. This necessity delivered a centralised and secular OLF in 1973/1974. The sacrifice of thousands of Oromo nationalists has resulted in the recognition of Oromo and Oromia as a unified polity in the Ethiopian political system in 1991. After the fall of Derg, the ethnic based federal system was introduced to Ethiopia during the Transition Government and later enshrined in the constitution. The TPLF had conducted election in June 1992 and 1994, May 1995, 2000 and 2005. By doing so, it claimed that it has transformed the Ethiopian state from authoritarian ethnically dominated empire and command economy to democratic society and free market economy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The current rulers of Ethiopia also never seem to learn from history. In fact, the political culture of Ethiopia remains unchanged. As all dictators do, Prime Minster Meles banned all independent political parties and liberation movements during the first year into the Transition period. A few political parties have managed to participate in the election processes mentioned above under very harsh conditions. The Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has used various methods to manipulate the elections. The main methods have been closure of opposition offices, harassment, killings, arrest of candidates, refusal of endorsement of registrations of opposition organisations, last-minute shift in the election regulations regarding the number of candidates to be field, suspension of candidates by alleged cases of being “under police investigations” were a just a few of tactics the regime routinely uses.

As a result of such election mockery, the federal government of Ethiopia with bicameral parliament (legislative body), the executive body, judiciary, the army, security and police all are interwoven into one party, the TPLF led EPRDF party. The prime Minister, Foreign Minster, Security Minister, Army Chief of Staff, most military commanders and many other Federal employees are ethnic Tigres and come from the TPLF even though the total population of ethnic Tigres is about 6% of the population of Ethiopia.

Despite Ethiopia’s claim to follow free market economic policy, it is officially known that “Non-Governmental Organisations” (NGOs) such as Relief Society of Tigray (REST), Tigray Development Association (TDA) and Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray ( EFFORT) are controlled by TPLF and serve as the front organisations to channel national and international resources to the ruling party controlled business empires. Basically, the TPLF privatised (took ownership) public property nationalized during the Derg time in the name of free market economy. TPLF dictates politics, economy and security of peoples in Ethiopia. There is no doubt in fair and free competition, TPLF will never stand a chance to rob Ethiopian peoples vote and resources.

As far as free press is concerned, five Oromo magazines (Urji, Biftu, Gada, Madda Walaabuu and Odaa) were closed down when the government imprisoned their editors and publishers. Many of the Oromo journalists were exiled after their release, but Mr. Shiferaw Insermu and Mr. Dhabassaa Wakjira are currently languishing in prison. This is not unique to Oromos alone. There are also a number of Amharic and different language newspapers that are closed down by the regime.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is true that the Ethiopian state is federally structured and the country has a constitution resembling that of western European norm. Nevertheless, this constitution remained a paper document devoid of implementation. This fake federal structure has been manipulated by TPLF to divide and rule at home, and has given the impression of prevalence of democratic structure to the international community. The regime has pitted one ethnic group against the other allotting villages to adjacent ethnic group and has caused unnecessary blood-shed. Furthermore, the incumbent minority ruling party merely formulated and expressed the competing interest and ideas of the opponent parties on paper for its own survival on power and gain international support. A constitution that has become an instrument of oppression for the vast majority of the people is not worth the ink and the paper it is written on.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today after 15 years, we need not to enumerate the dictatorial nature of Ethiopian government. The International Observers of May 2005 National Election and the Ethiopian peoples are the witnesses what the regime is and how it has remained in power.

Ethiopia is at a cross-road and two important trends have been unfolding in the mean time. On one hand, lack of solution for pending political questions and on the other hand the underdeveloped economy have taken a collision course. Poverty, high unemployment, alarming population growth, rate of spread of HIV/AIDS, repressive measure of the government for any peaceful demonstration are hefty records of shame for the government. Since November 9, 2005 until this time there is widespread continuous people disobedience in Oromia where the government falsely portrayed itself as if it won the election in this regional zone. However it was in this region where it has used its armed wing for its flawed election. The government responded to peaceful demonstrations causing massive human rights violations such as extra judicial killings, harassment, disappearance, gang rape, detentions and etc..These brutal actions of the regime will never silence the Oromo national struggle but rather it will strengthen “Oromummaa” (Oromo identity).

This brut act is not only confined to Oromia but also makes in Ogadenia, Sidama, Anuwak, Amhara and others too. This continuous suppression of the regime and Ethiopian people’s rebellion heralds the end the road for the TPLF-led Ethiopian regime. To facilitate the end of a minority rule and to shorten the time suffering of Ethiopian people, after a long thorough discussion, liberation movements and political parties with their different pragmatic programs but representing different nations or political interest of the Ethiopian people recently (in May 2006) established Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD). As history instructs us it is the democratic vision of Pan Africanists like Kwame Nkurmah, Patrice Lumumba, Julius Nyerere, Amilcar Cabral and Nelson Mandela that led and speeded up de-colonisation process. Today’s bold determination and vision of the leadership of member organisations of AFD to pool resources together and work hand in hand will be, no doubt, the light at the end of the tunnel for Horn of African peace in general and for Ethiopia in particular. It is high time that freedom and democracy reign in all corners of Africa and Ethiopia should be an example not an obstacle. AFD has a noble goal that accommodates all those who stand for justice, equality, freedom and democracy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I sum up my speech I would like to say some words about the efforts the Oromo nation has been making for freedom and peace. Since 1900s, Oromos of all walks of life have been dying to restore their inalienable birthright for human dignity, freedom and equality. The OLF, as a vanguard organisation leading the Oromo people, has always showed its willingness and commitment to resolve the fundamental problems in Ethiopia peacefully and democratically. The following records are a few of the efforts made by the OLF to resolve the problem in the Ethiopian empire peacefully.After the fall of the Derg the OLF and almost all Oromo Liberation organisations participated in the 1991-1992 Transitional Government with the hope that the chronic problem of the empire and that of Oromo case would be resolved peacefully. While OLF is seriously working on Transitional Charter:

Mr. Gamahis Dhaaba (Zacharias Galata), Central Committee Member of OLF was murdered cold blooded in a TPLF office. On 25 March 1992, along the streets of Water town in Hararge region, Meles Zenaw’s army opened gunfire on peaceful Oromo demonstrators indiscriminately and killed 92 people and wounded over 300. Soon after that, Jatani Ali, a prominent Oromo politician,was murdered in Nairobi, Kenya. When the mechanism devised by the Charter was derailed by the TPLF/EPRDF, the OLF was forced to withdraw from Transitional Government of Ethiopia in the Mid-1992. Since then, the OLF has taken several initiatives to end the conflict peacefully. The OLF has sat for negotiation with the TPLF several times to resolve the Oromo issue, but all failed because the TPLF regime knows it has no public support and mandate to rule by force if equality, freedom and peace reign in the country. Just to give some chronological events:-

1.In 1993 OLF sat for negotiation with the help of eight European and North American Ambassadors. The Eritrea President with the ambassadors of Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and the US took the initiative.

At that time EPRDF was declaring to the world that it had captured 20,000 OLF fighters by mass arresting Oromo children, elders and women and refused to negotiate. 2.In 1993, OLF joined the Paris Peace Committee with a sincere commitment to salvage the situation. The TPLF/EPRDF beside its unwillingness to solve the conflict peacefully,

it rather aggravated the disagreement by arresting Mr. Ibsa Gutama, the OLF representative when he arrived in Addis Ababa/Finfinne from Europe to participate in the Peace and Reconciliation Conference due to take place from December 18-22,1993. The unsecured minority government intensified killing, assassinating and imprisoning Oromo civilians. 3.In 1994, OLF met at the Carter Peace Centre in Atlanta, Georgia under the chairmanship of theformer US President Jimmy Carter. Again, the Meles government was not willing to negotiate.

In March 2004, Abba Gada Boru Guyyoo, a Gada leader of Borona who was invited for a peace talk was murdered on his way back to his village by TPLF soldiers. Again, in September 2004, Mr. Darara Kafani, a successful businessman of over 65 years old was gunned down in broad day light by TPLF security forces. On 21 May 1995, Mr. Ali Yusuf, a business man who was one of the 12 member of the OLF’s seat in Transitional Government was assassinated in Addis Ababa/Finfinne by no one else but the brutal regime. 4. In 1996, in Nairobi, Kenya, through the Kenyan government another attempt was made for mediation. But the TPLF/EPDRF responded by :-

closing the Oromo Relief Association (ORA) in February 1996, and imprisoned all its workers and confiscated all the property of ORA. It also killed a well known Oromo singer Mr. Ebisa Adunyaa in August 1996 in Addis Ababa/Finfinne in his home. 5.In 1997, a former German Ambassador to Ethiopia, Dr. Horst Winkelman made his best to bring the TPLF leaders to the negotiation table but it was turned down by the Ethiopian regime.

Again, the TPLF/EPRDF arrested Oromo journalists and all members of Oromo Human Rights League in the country

6. In 1998, by the invitation of the US State department, in Washington, DC, another attempt was made for negotiation but failed since this government can not stay in power if peace, equality, freedom and democracy prevail in that country.

The TPLF government did not waste any time to instigate ethnic and tribal conflict between Guji Oromos and Gedeo in July 1998, and between Borana and Garba peoples in October 1998 that claimed the lives of many innocent civilians. 7. In 1999, again in Washington DC, under the sponsorship of Congressman Hennery Johnston, another effort was made to bring Mr. Meles to negotiation, but it did not materialize and bear no result.

8. On February 3, 2000, the OLF took extra miles to seek a peaceful settlement with the Ethiopian regime by issuing an “ Agenda for Peace to Resolve the Conflict in Ethiopia ”.

However, the TPLF regime did not miss a chance to show its true intention and goal. Just a few weeks later, it assassinated an OLF Executive Member, the Honourable Mr. Mulis Abba Gadaa. From 2000 until this very moment, many Oromo students have been killed, detained and many more have exiled in fear of immediate danger for their lives. In the same year, the regime moved the seat of Oromia Regional State from Addis Ababa/Finfinne to Adama. It detained the leaders and member of Mecha-Tulama self-help association, for no reason other than peacefully protesting the change of State government seat to Adama. Even though the government has recognized it was against the will of the people to do so and relocated the Oromia capital to Addis Ababa/Finfinne, the Mecha-Tulama leaders are still languishing in TPLF prison. 9. In September 2005, the OLF responded positively for Mr. Meles’s call for peace talk without any precondition. It was rather a public relation gimmick since at that time TPLF was cornered by International Observers and the opposition to accept defeat at the ballot. As usual, no follow up or any meaningful proposal was presented from Mr. Meles, and basically it has been OLF’s experience not to expect much from this regime.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Peace can only be attained when all stakeholders show willingness to resolve the conflict at hand and begin to negotiate in good faith. I have showed just a few examples to demonstrate that Meles regime is neither for peace, equality, freedom nor for democracy. It is an unstable, paranoid regime that relies on nothing but force and about 6% of the Ethiopian populace who belong to its ethnicity. On the other hand, the AFD, which OLF is a founding member, is calling all stakeholders including EPRDF for political dialogue to formulate a comprehensive solution for the problem the country is facing. The OLF firmly believes the problem in the country can be solved though peaceful and democratic deliberations if all agree not to use force. Unfortunately, TPLF is never late to use force and create more problem and mistrust among the Ethiopian people, the opposition and try to confuse the international community. I have no doubt that the TPLF will go to any length in fabricating anything to discredit the Alliance and its member organisations through all sorts of divide and conquer, intermediation and even by trying to make alliance to a member of AFD. AFD will not fall for old tricks.

Finally, one basic reality is that Oromos and Oromia are no more abstract to the World. They are part of the global world with name and location. No one should tamper with individual and group rights of the Oromos and other nationalities in Ethiopia except themselves. I also believe no one should forcefully separate nations that want to unite and live together, and at the same time no one should force any nations to live together if they freely express their will not to do so. Ethiopia is not the only multi-nation state in the World. Oromos have been in contact with different nations and nationalities in Ethiopia, if the root cause of contradictions and conflict that prevail in Ethiopia is sequentially and properly solved through free, fair and democratic deliberations, rather than the barrel of gun, I have no doubt that Oromo visionaries and the OLF leadership will play a key role to bring peace in the Horn of Africa by placing the hierarchy of Oromo identity in the world of multiple identities. To learn more we shouldn’t have to go very far; one of the neighbouring country adjacent to this meeting place (France), Belgium, is divided in to three ethnic based regional zones: Flandern (deutch speaking), Wallon (french speaking) and Brussels (multicultural centre) each zone is enjoying its multiple right and multiple identity in EU. We can also look at the recent vote in Montenegro where the populace expressed to try a solo journey than unity with Serbia. The future is doomed only for those who fear equality, democracy and freedom, and for those who uphold and condone injustice, inequality and dictatorship. I say freedom now, equality now, democracy now for all peoples of Ethiopia, and Freedom and Democracy for all !!!

Merci beaucoup, au revoir,
Nagaan Galatooma,
Thank you,


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