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42 thoughts on “VIDEO: The new Mekele

  1. ለነፃነት በሚደረገው እውነተኛ ኢትዮጵያውያን ትግል እንደ ባቢሎን/ እያሪኮ ግንብ አንድ ቀን የሚፈርስበትና ነበረ የሚል የፍርስራሹን ሙዝየም የምናይበት ቀን ሩቅ አይሆንም። ትግራይ እስክትለማ ሌላው ክልል ይድማ የሚለው መፈክር ውጤት ስለሆነ ሌላው ኢትዮጵያዊ በቁጭት እና በአንድነት እንዲነሳሳ ቀስቃሽ ቪዲዮ ነውና እናመሰግናለን ኤልያስ። አይኑን የጨፈነውና ጆሮውን የደፈነውን ሁሉ እነርሱ በ ኢትዮጵያ ስም በተለመነና በጉልበታቸው በዘረፉት ያልተከፈለ ዕዳ ለጉራ፣ ለዝና፣ ለጀግንነት… ማስታወቂያ ያዘጋጁትን ቅንብር ሀገር ወዳድ የሆናችሁ ደግሞ ለትገሉ መፋፋም ለቅስቀሳ መጠቀሚያ ማድረጉ በራሱ ጥሩ የፈጠራ ውጤት ነውና አንበርታ።

  2. Amazing, they have succeded to build a heaven amidst hell. But can it be sustained? 1. No city built at the expence of the suffering of millions can never exist for long. Let them keep the photos for history. Or 2. These beautyful buildings can be used for keeping herds in, one day.

  3. I want to remind you first, I am not a supporter of this dictator Meles one way or the other. What he did for Mekele is amazing and deserve respect. What did Haile and Mengistu did for Ethiopia in general for the past may be 40 years???
    Meles is a Tigre and he did for his birthpalce better than Haile or Mengistu did. About the second video, yes there is hunger in Ethiopia and you have to blame Meles for that. that is my opinion.

  4. I don’t know why you are comparing buildings and people. it does not make sense. If your idea is to make a point that many buuildings have been constructed in mekelle bring a video of the state of dev with similar towns in ethiopis…such as dire dawa. the video you posted is not even complete

  5. I am not really sure what you are trying to prove? How about going to Gonder, Dessie, and Nazret and seeing the improvemnets done there as well. You are still buys trying to prove that the current government is serving the Tigray region and people only. I find that very hard to believe. I am sure you know the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. teh Tigray people are as much affected by the same issues as other regions. Stop trying to instigate ethnocentrisim approach and concentrate on trying to unify the nation.

  6. why do not you show other cities too. I think you are biased here. During tplf rule I though Addiss Ababa is the one it advance a lot compared to other cities in Ethiopia.

  7. God merci.

    This is woyane invented new kind of genocide against the innocent through a kind of aggressive enemy invasion by people look like wild animals. Even during colonization and slavery didn’t happen to this scale to any human being.

  8. Hailegiorgis

    The points are many. For instance is it possible 40% of your today’s Tigry territory which is the most fertile land is taken by woyane from Gonder and wollo while killing, cleansing and doing inhuman act against the people lived/living in those territories. All is recorded and is there?

    2. How is it possible your stony, barren and dead so called Tigry becomes like this at the expense of other territories that were like paradise on earth before you took power? What is going on there is just you are in a hurry looting every possible resources towards Tigry.

    3. Southern Ethiopia never been shortage of food before you took power, but Tigry was always even two and more hundreds years a go there are recorded hungers in central, northeast and eastern Tigry. This shows you are massively taking resources from the rest of Ethiopia and saving/dumping in Tigry.

    4. The list to the woyane crime against the rest of Ethiopia in order to prosper Tigry can go on and on.

    Tigry endilema Lelaw bota Yidma.
    Tigry Endisefa Lelaw bota Yitfa.
    Tigry sishmoremor lelaw bota Yifer.
    Tigry Siyashebrq lelaw bota yileq
    Tigry Sigolebt Lelaw bota Yimut. And are many other saying about you in Ethiopia for the last 17 years.

    So, Hilegiorgis (a little woyane) the points are many that one-day history will give answer for it.

    To make it clear,

    Even a centimetre of land will never remain part of Tigry that taken from wello and Gonder you took it by force. Welqite-Tegede, Telmet, Alemwuha and other regions never had been part of Tigry. The 1945 UN recognize Ethiopia map is the legitimate country map of Ethiopia works until today.

  9. Our great Great Amhara fathers have fought facist Itakian and chased them away fron the central Ethiopia to Adwa and beyond. How can this generation caanot really kiked this foreign born banda, this minorities will be eradicated from the face of Ethiopia.

  10. I do not really understand what you wanted to say….can you show us some of the big cities such as Awassa, Nazreth, Bahirdar and the likes

    This video shows nothing, except poor development in Mekelle,,,

  11. Elias

    Yet we have done only an eminent part of our goal.
    Give us only 10 years more. We shall make our Tigray more than heaven. You don’t have the gut and the capacity to reverse what is happening. You can commit sucide if you don’t want to see that.

    Long Live TPLF and the people of Tigray

  12. I am ashamed of being ethiopian, thanks to the corrupt woyane thugs!

    As long as the tigray-woyanes are in power, ethiopia will continue to ride in the wrong direction of hunger, war, disease and more and more problems.

    We need to fight the tigray-woyanes in what ever meanse we can, here are some tips:

    1. Don’t send money back home, if you have to send the money in a different currency than the pound, dollar and euro. Just request the your bank to convert the dollar into some other currency which the woyanes dont make use of, ETB for example.

    2.Don’t invest in ethiopia. If you like investing there are quite profitable and attractive FDI destinations, such as Ghana, Botsuwana and South Africa.

    3. Promise yourself not to go back to ethiopia unless the woyanes are kicked out of our land.

    4. Don’t visit any woyane affiliated news sites.

    5. Stop all your relationships with woyane-tigray dogs. Outcast them from social life.

    6. Be an active participant of any sort of anti-woyane struggle or campaign.

    A thousand mile journey starts with just one step, if you really love your country, you really need to be part of the anti-woyane struggle!!!

  13. እንግዲህ: ህንጻ እየታየ ለማ ከተባለ የአዲስ አበባ, ጎንደር, ባህር ዳር, አዋሳ ቭድዮ ብታሳየን ማወዳደር እንችል ነበር:: በቢልዮን የሚቆጠር ዶላር በኢሕአደግ ባለስልጣኖች እንዳለ አይካድም:: ትግራይ ለማ የሚለው ግን ቀልድ ይመስለኛል:: ወያኔ ለህዝብ አስቦ አያውቅም ለወደፊቱም አያስብም:: በትግሉ ዘመን አካላቸው ለጎደሉ ታጋዮች ያልሆነ ወያኔ ለተራው ህዝብ ይሆናል ብሎ ማሰብ አይቻልም:: መንግስት ሳይሆን የማፊያ ግሩፕ ነው::

  14. Well, I wouldn’t have any problem if the development in Mekele was replicated in the rest of Ethiopia. But, it hasn’t. And the saddest thing is all these developments, which is all over Tigrai (except the abi Adi area) is at the expense of Ethiopia and Ethiopians. Why/ primarily because Ethiopians are sleeping giants and I am not sure what it would take the giant to wake up. sadly, the Ethiopians in Diaspora would rather say “Akaki zeraf” against Shabya rather than soberly analyzing the dire situation the country finds itself. I’d rather have an Ethiopia with a balanced spread of developmental activity rather than keep on day dreaming of something that is legally gone1 yes, my fellow Ethiopians, it is not going to do us any good to keep on saying “One day we will get ‘our’ ports’ when we could have joined forces with our Eritrean cousins and literary make miracles like they appear to be doing. Our people are in too of a miserable condition for us to relax and act indifferently. History will not be kind to us even though I am sure we will try to clean our hands like the hands of Pilatos Penpenawi. We may try to do that, but, for those of us who any semblance of consciousness that consciousness is bound to eat us up alive if it hasn’t already.

  15. Two things make me so amazed and also sad:

    The first one how our people especially in rural area living life … it is really far too high to believe that is happenening in the 21st Century in this world.
    The second thing is how our people is suspesious of others and how our people think we are different to the extent from their conversation our people don’t accept we are black while refering the guy as black.

    Hey guys we have big problem we are away from the reality. I will close my comment by saying we, ethiopians have problem the problem is serious problem.” Chegre Allee Chegru Aschegariee Chegree Newe”.


  16. I like to see cities flourishing every where in Ethiopia including Mekelle, Nazret, Bahir Dar etc. I definetly don’t want to see the second video in any part of the region including Makelle. And as citzens of that country it is our responsibility to help our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters in that video.
    Please don’t compare apple and oranges.

  17. Amazing, why some of you criticized the presentaiton of this video. Why do you need to see and compare the development of other cities vs Mekele’s. Isn’t this obvious
    the New Mekele is built at the expense of the innocent Ethiopian people. Don’t you get it when Woyane sliced fertile lands from Wollo and Gondar & donated to the New Mekele.
    My fellow Ethiopians why do we always swim in illusion.
    Why do we always hesitate to admit facts. That is why we
    don’t get up and sacrifice what is expected from every one
    of us to free our nation from Facist-Woyane.

  18. Unknowingly you are advertising for the government, Mekelle like other cities in Ethiopia has changed and will continue to change. The roads, universities, clinics and hospitals are the positive achievements of this government. Why don’t you search other critical issues like the rule of law, corruption etc. in which obviously is not working in Ethiopia.

  19. I can see on the comments that if u are anti-woyanne, you are pro-shabiya. But the case is between woyanne regime and the life of ethiopian people.if u support a regime you don’t support people in the main street

  20. If this really is the case, this would be a good lesson to our peoples to learn from Tigray and develope their individual home and then their regions. Then finally we would have a developed Ethiopia!! Good job Tigray!

  21. 1) Strangely, during Dergue, Ethiopia was a one country along with the then province of Eritrea…with two major ports, an oil refinary and other industries that are profitable. Now however, Ethiopia does not have the bottom, pays 280-300 Million US dollars yearly to Djibuti and says we don’t need port. My point here is, the Eritrean gov’t in terms of development has done great compared to the province of Tigray, actually superior. Eritrean Gov’t to name facts and be fair, has built tens of thousands of schools, clinics, hospitals and community centers and has almost completed all their major road projects. The province of Tigray or the Kilil of Tigray has done much much less for it’s 7.5 Million people compared to the 4.5 Million of Eritreans. Oh, although Eritrea does not have the Billion dollar economy like Ethiopia, they are getting creative but a good, pro-eritrean people gov’t. can do much much more! Eritrea might just be the Singapore of Africa when their gov’t will start to take full advantage of the hundreds of millions of dollars USAID and other countries will pour for development projects, it’s a gusty move you have to respect the Eritrean Gov’t that is doing. Who knows, maybe they’ll be the first truly independent country in Africa…from economic dependence and handouts! A true and fair mind will respect that bold move instead of all the rest of African countries begging, Ethiopia’s way while the people get deeper and deeper into unstability and implosion/explosion.

    2) Tigray was a neglected province during Dergue, this was because EPLF/TPLF was like ONE organization then fighting what they called the ‘colonial empire’. Obviously, Dergue wanted to starve the rebels, interesting the then rebels are doing the same to the Somalis…it must have been such a successful strategy that it permanently caused the people and rebels to be ONE for a long long time and caused them to hate anything Ethiopian…I am sure the sick mind of Meles is counting on that somehow, somewhere. At any rate, I appreciate the contrast as if to say, TPLF is being uneven and unfair but as most people have said, there are other cities that are developing, not at the same rate as Mekelle for sure but more than they ever have. TPLF’s ultimate goal, as is in the current Meles Zenawi’s written Constitution’s article, he wants the regional states to develop ASAP and break away into their own countries! This is the ultimate goal of Meles Zenawi, TPLF and the current Ethipian Constitution…it has never been changed since Meles introduced after joining tplf the idea of breaking away from Ethiopia permanently. This I’m afraid will once and for all destroy anything Ethiopian and cause even more wars and starvation, especially if the west does not or will not pour as much money into the future independent republics of Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, Somali, etc. This will happen and come to 100% realization as long as Meles Zenawi, TPLF and EPRDF is in control, cause they have the same goal since mid 70’s and have never stopped working for it since!

    3) People should be talking about the above points more and more as the next few years, especially 2-3 years come together cause no one and i mean NO ONE that used to be born in the Ethiopia of Haile Selassie and Dergue will know it as they used to. The more developed the KILILS will be, the more organized and divided the former people of Ethiopia are and the more the excuse will be war, ethnic conflicts and the perfect excuse to break away into their countries followed by the TPLF mastery of ‘DEPORTING’ different people from one ethnic homeland to another! WATCH AND SEE!!

    Its ironic also that all this will benefit no one in Ethiopia, but the Eritrean regime and philosophy. So, those who support Eritrea’s Sheabia ideology this is what you support…I say this including respectfully to the publisher of this very informative online newspaper.

    Thanks for letting me post my thoughts!


  22. Elias,

    If you’re preaching the ‘One Ethiopia’ slogan, this type of divisive video should not be presented. We know all the facts, and don’t get me wrong I am not the supporter of the freekin’ Dictator Woyane. But, I think we are at the point where unless we don’t come in terms with each and every Ethiopian, the result of the current situation could be scary. I am saying, let’s stop the divisive language. There are many Tigerians who never benefited from the Woyane regime. So, trying to put them in one bucket shouldn’t be fair. Let’s take Woyane and its sympathizers accountable for the current famine in our country. They’ve been in power over 17 years, and we still didn’t fix the economy so that at least food is out of the question. Their greed and hidden plan is destroying Ethiopia.
    Elias, by posting ethnic divisive videos like the above, you are only helping woyane’s Divide and rule governance. So, please let’s not be fool and fall for their trick. Ethiopia is one and the people are equal.

    Let the mighty protect Ethiopia

  23. 1. Woyanne is building the capital of the future Tigray Empire.
    2. On the other hand, they are giving the Ethiopian lands to neighouring countries like Sudan and Dijbouti and waging war against Somalia in the name of Ethiopia. Besides, they are creating mistrust and conflicts among different ethinic groups locally and creating man made hunger and drawing the people to poverty that has before been the bread basket of the country.Once they complete building their Tigray and make sure that the rest part of Ethiopia is poor and weak enough not to protect themselves, they move to their luxury cities and start living there in confidence. Then the Ethiopians be busy fighting each other, and against to their neighbors to get their lands back. But no one will dare to raise hand on the then powerful Tigray. Does this make sense?

    Lib yalew yisma.

  24. Sishom yalbela sishar yikochewal. They imporved thier city what is the big deal about it? They were the most poor and neglected society now it is pay back time. don’t complain every one of the previous leaders never did look to their city or improve the infrastructure woyane by far better than any one else. Do they some common habits like the previous ruling group yes. such as taxing non parishable products over 400 percent that is the thing they should improve to creat jobs by average Ethiopian. Elias get over the old agame mentality now they are the best and cream of the Ethiopian society they deserve respect and advice them to work some deal with Isayas to creat a giagantic economy scale in the region

  25. I’m at a loss at what elias is trying to say here. how can you compare/contrast buildings with people. besides any one who have been in ethiopia knows there are several new buildings and roads popping up in other cities such as bahrdar, awasa, nazreth ..etc not to mention Addis that is being flooded with high rising buildings. if elias is saying that those buildings in mekele would not have been there had the current rulers where from other region, i understand and say yes, but what good that would do for the starving people. personaly i rather see some one developing his home town of ethiopia than stashing the money away or wasting it on endless war.
    my suggestion to elias is next time bring cities to compare and contrast.

  26. The second picture is amazing this shows that the people are very very alert of their safety and any person who comes to spy in the name of research will not be allowed unless clearly identified. Bravo.

  27. ጭፍን በጥላቻ ላይ የተመሰረተ ፕሮፓጋንዳ ጥሩ አይመስለኝም፡፡ ምቀኝነትም ይመስላል፡፡ ደግሞም ልማትን በግምብ ላይ ብቻ የተመሰረተ አድርገችሁ ካያችሁት እስኪ ናዝሬትንም፣ባህርዳርንም ፣አዋሳንም ሌሎችንም በተመሳሳይ መልኩ አቅርቡና ይወዳደር፡፡ ይህም ብቻ አይበቃም። ምን ያህሉ በየከተማው የመንግስት፡የግልና ሌላ የኢንዶውመንት እንደሆነም የተሙዋላ መረጃ ስጡና ለመፍረድ ተዘጋጁ፡፡
    በቁንፅል ህጹጽ አካባቢያዊ ፍረጃ ላይ ከደረሳችሁ አስቸጋሪ ይሆናል፡፡ እንደ ሌላው ሁሉ ትግራይም እኮ የመልማት መብት አለው፡፡
    ግምብ ግምብ ስናይ ሌሎች መሰረታዊ ጉዳዮቻችንን እንዳንረሳ እሰጋለሁ፡፡ የዚህ ፕሮፓጋንዳ አያያዙ ፈር የለቀቀ ይመስለኛል፡፡ ሌላ ብዙ ብዙ ሊያነጋግርና ሊያወያይ የሚገባ አሳሳቢ ጉዳይ እያለን በዚህ ገና ብቅ ብቅ ብለው ታዩ ለሚባሉ በትግራይ ያሉ የልማት ስራዎች ከሌሎቹ ለመብለጣቸው ማወዳደርያ መረጃ እንኩዋን ሳታቀርቡ እንደዚህ የማይገባ አቀራረብ ጠቃሚ አይመስለኝም፡፡
    እኔ ያለው መንግስት ደጋፊ አይደለሁም፡፡ ተራ ተቃውሞንም አልደግፍም፡፡በዝርዝርና አወዳዳሪ ግልጽ መረጃ ካልቀረበ፡፡
    ይህንን በድረ ገጻችሁ የምታወጡት ከሆነ አመሰግናለሁ፡፡ ባታወጡትም እታዘባለሁ፡

    ምልካም የመስቀል በአል፡፡

  28. The second video shows how back ward our society are? every one was scared of this black dud. they tought he was a devil or something like that.

    The first video looks like TPLF’s aim of future to make Mekele the center of Ethiopia. If they declare independence one day, it will be the crime of the century. but governments go and people and country are there. the next government should not take a revenge by distroying building. This beutiful buildings should be for the public in the future. and our concentration should be on distroying the TPLF leadership, not distroying what they have done to the people. The people of tigray are our brothers and although they are enjoying life with the looted recource, they are not the looters. the leadership should be punished for taking the food of the poor millions to build for its narrow agenda.

  29. It`s just like watching the gang leader`s palaces and fancy backyards.They starve the Ogadenis and loot their properties and even the aid food and ship it to Mekele.They destroyed Mugdishu so Mekele can be built.This shameless TPLF and their leader Meles have no morals.

  30. የብዙዎቻችኹ ቁጭት በተዛባ ሚዛን የተሰራ ስለሆነ እንደሆነ እገምታለሁ። ነገርግን፣ ኣስተያየታችኹም ወያኔ እንደሚፈልገው እንዳይሆን ኣስቡበት። ዘረኛ እያደረጋችኹ ነው። ትንሽ ትንሽም ቢሆን ጭላቻም ዘረኝነትን ያጎዳኛል። ተሰራ። የተሰራ ይፍረስ የምንል ከሆነ በኣስተሳሰብ ከወያኔ እንዳንሻል እንሆናለን። በነገራችን ላይ የማንኛውም የኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ከተማ ማደግ ለኢትዮጵያ ዕድገት ነው። ስሜታችሁን የኮረኮረው ኢሚዛናዊ መሆኑ ቢሆንም እናንተም ሚዛኑ እንዴት እንደሚስተካከል በሰከነ ኣዕምሮ ሳታስቡ ይፋ ኣስተያየት ስትሰጡ ሚዛናቸውን ያልለቀቁ የትግራይ ተወላጅ ወገኖቻንን ስሜት እንጎዳለን። ልብ ኣድርጉ ትግራይ በሙሉ ወያኔ እንዳልሆነ የምንከራከር ኣይመስለኝም። ወያኔ ወያኔ ነው። ለጊዜው ስለሚያደርገው ነገር ሙሉ ኢትዮጵያውያን እምብዛም ማድረግ ባለመቻላችን የራሱን መንገድ እየተከተለ ነው። ድፍን ትግራይን ተጠያቂ ማድረግ ሰብዓዊ ሚዛናችንን ያናጋዋል። በነገራችን ላይ ለሁሉም ኣስታራቂ መድኃኒት ኣለው። ሚዛናዊና ፍትኃዊ የሆነውንና ኣፍራሽ ያልሆነውን ጊዜ ይሰጠዋል። እስኪ መጀመሪያ ወያኔን እናውርድ፣ ካላወረድነው ጊዜ ያወርደዋል። ያኔ መሪ የሚሆኑት ርዕሰብሔራችን ይፍረስ ይሉ እንደሆነ ይሆናል። ለጊዜው ግን ስሜታዊ ሆነን ለወያኔ ፍላጎት ቤንዚን ኣርከፍካፊ ኣንሁን። ወያኔ ከነተንኮሉ ይሞታል። በነገራችን ላይ የወያኔ መሰረታዊ ዕቅድ በይፋ ከምናውቀው ይለያል፣ ነገርግን የኣብዛኛው መንገድ በገዛ ስራው የማይሆን ሆኗል። ክፉ ስራ የትም ኣያደርስምና። በቀና ልባችሁ እዩልኝ እኔም እሰማለሁ።

  31. The new Mekele look great but what about others cities around the country look the same. there a lot of unanswer question need to be discuss in future because mekele isn’t Ethiopia capital city.

    Thank you

    lc ojullu

  32. I hate to say it, but I have visited Tigray, Amara and Oromo regions and quite frankly the presentation is skewed. In order to make constructive argument one needs to look at the driving force behind it. When we stayed in Axum for a night, we could hear construction work in the middle of the night right behind the Hotel. Unlike the video Mekele has its impoverished section than you think. Do not judge by the surface. I few video shots from Nazaret, or Lekemt can entail just about the same skewed outlook. But the reality under the surface is about the same everywhere in Ethiopia. For s much energy exerted to argue over nickels and dimes, we focus on real substance called “work” and “honesty” others will get somewhere to.

  33. This is amazing building.It is hard to believe this one is in Africa. If i did not read the title, i would not be imagine it is one of African city. The city look like some where in Duby or in Europ.Take an example to the stadam , wow even England do not have this kind of beautiful stadam. i can not beleive it the capital city stadam look like somebodys back yard but mekele has that one.What kind of regime has Ethiopia? This regime should not been called Ethiopian governmet. It should called Mekele gov.Sorry Ethiopia , do not have gentlmen who can stand and fight for u but history will juge one day. just one day.

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