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Kanazawa’s flawed theory about relations between IQ and poverty

By Theodros Atlabachew

The recent “Scientific research finding” on the low IQs of Africans in general and Ethiopians in particular by a man called Satoshi Kanazawa associated with the London School Of Economics (LSE) is not less than a wild insult to humanity. I wonder if there is a universal measurement or method, which determines the IQ or intelligence of a
person. I wish to know if there is one. There are numerous organizations, schools of thoughts and centers of research institutions in our planet, which have developed their own doctrines in view of realizing their hidden interests.

In my lifetime, I have heard so many rubbish things what you may call “scientific researches” heralded by “reputable” media, which took the monopoly of news in our planet, such as the BBC, VOA and the like talking about various aspects of life including the consequences of drinking coffee. I mentioned coffee because it explains the credibility of the so-called scientific researches by reputable institutions. In
the past 25 years alone, I heard four scientific findings on coffee, each in different periods, probably in a span of three to five years, on the consequences of drinking coffee. The first report of the “scientific findings” revealed that drinking more than one cup of coffee per day causes high blood pressure and heart attack, and the second finding repeals the first one and goes on saying that drinking coffee is useful for those people suffering with high blood pressure and with heart problems. The same has happened with the third and fourth findings. What I can understand from such inconsistent “scientific researches” is interest groups or lack of knowledge influences the so-called scientists to talk about two realities where there is only one. The worst thing is reports of such institutions are widely heard, since they have access to the giant monopolies in the media.

In late 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s when I was working on my doctoral (PHD) dissertation thesis in one of the European countries, I knew that it will take me three years to get my PHD degree. A humble and an intelligent professor was assigned as an advisor to help me prepare my thesis. From time to time, I had to present a progress report on my findings to a group of professors. Fortunately, all the comments I got from the group of professors were encouraging and positive. At the end of the third year, when I was planning to finalize my research and go back home, my professor told me that I have to stay there and go on working on my research for one more year. Disappointed with his proposal, I asked the professor why he is proposing
one more year, since the evaluating professors, including himself, have positive comments on my research works. He then asked me to come to his residence and told me the following, which I will never forget in my life. He reminded me about my early
lessons on calculus. He mentioned about the Limit (∆) and the Infinity (∞) explaining that any scientific research is carried out within a limited period, otherwise there would be no limit for any research. He further explained that if one cannot make
a limit, he could go on researching and finding new results infinitively, but no results could be applicable in time. He concluded by telling me that everyone in the advisory board knows that there is additional cost for the university to cover my expenses. Had I not been a prospective researcher, this chance would have not been given to me. Instead, I would have been stopped within the limited period (three years) and get my grading accordingly.

I have no data on Mr. Kanazawa’s autobiography, his level of education, qualification or his method of research and motivation. Nonetheless, I question the IQ of the researcher Mr. Kanazawa. May be the time limit given to Mr. Kanazawa was too short to analyze his assignment. However, if he still wants to stay as a researcher and the LSE agrees with it, he should keep on working on his research infinitively and the
result will be nil (0+0=0). His attitude, however, looks like the dogs in the animal farm story, in a book written by George Orwell. The dogs were not equal with the pigs, but they always bark for the pigs. I write this with due respect to all nations and nationalities, including the Japanese people, since I believe the great majority of people on our planet are good, humane and not dogs barking for pigs.

I think it was ten years ago that I was invited to listen lectures on good governance and economic performances by two prominent personalities from Japan and South Korea in Addis Ababa. These lecturers were sharing their views with us about good governance and the economic performance of different countries. They were comparing the present and the past economic performances of Ethiopia and both North and South Korea. By presenting some statistical data, they told us that the GDP of Ethiopia in the beginning of the 1950s was more than three folds as compared with the GDP of both Koreans, and explained the present status by giving reasons. What I want to say is that the new formula found by Mr. Kanazawa, which determines
intelligence in association with poverty applies only to the present era of globalization by ignoring evolutionary processes and historical facts. What a wonderful revolutionary formula in the era of globalization! In my country, people say “too many axes on a fallen tree”

I do not intend to argue, by presenting scientific evidences, to show the IQs of black peoples, in general, and Ethiopians, in particular, are not less than the other races. I would rather like to ask Mr. Kanazawa to go to libraries and read about the history of
Ethiopians, compare their achievements with other nations, and rewrite his findings like the coffee researchers did. If he does that, I am sure he will surprise the world community by his ingenuity.

However, if Mr. Kanazawa can understand the very fact that civilization emanates out of intelligence, let us see some of the circumstances affecting the lives and contributions of the Ethiopians to the world’s civilization:

 Historical records and archaeological findings show that Ethiopia is a very old country with rich culture and civilization.

 Recent scientific researches show that Ethiopia is the origin of mankind with the excavations of fossils of early human ancestors (Ramides Afarensesis, Selam,
Lucy and many other fossils).

 It has a recorded history of more than three thousand years. If Mr. Kanazawa is not a frequent library visitor and he has no chance to read tones of facts written about Ethiopia, I recommend him, at least, to watch the Opera Aida, written by Jossepe Verdi, to have a simple observation about the intelligence of the Ethiopians.

 Ethiopia has its own alphabets and own numbers (different than the Arabic numbers) recognized as one of the thirteen old alphabets of the world.

 It also has its own calendar (different than the Gregorian) and its own time calculation and counting.

 When many of the nations in our planet, including the white people, lived on trees and in caves in uncivilized manner, the Ethiopians have built their temples, stales, churches, monasteries, mosques and palaces, since more than two thousand years ago, which evidently exist to date.

 When most of the people in Europe, America and in Asia lived in savagery, worshiping temples, trees, rivers and mountains, Ethiopians have accepted
Christianity, which was then a sign of civilization, in 330AD at a national level and have translated religious and other books from Hebrew, Arabic, Latin and Greek languages to their own language Geez.

 The peoples of Ethiopia have good records in religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence amongst the more than 80 different nation and nationalities, even though there is continuous interference by external forces to disrupt their ways of life. We
Ethiopians consider this is a higher level of civilization and intelligence, which differs us from selfishness and savagery.

 The peoples of Ethiopia are not a “give and take” society as one may think this is a sign of civilization. Ethiopians are primarily believers, they are also people with high level of integrity and with a strong sense of independence. Hence, for us the
measurement of intelligence is not the material possession alone, since there are other tangible and intangible values, which for some reasons or another, the give and take society can never understand.

 As opposed to the past millennia, it is true that we are at present one of the poorest nations in the world. Behind this scene, however, many reasons can be cited. Once, it was the Ethiopians, the Egyptians in the times of the Pharoses, the Mayas, the Babylonians and other non-white races ruled the world and introduced civilizations to the world. Hence, the recent scientific findings, which concentrate to show that the white race is the most intelligent race, do not have any scientific base other than superimposing doctrines of white supremacy and promoting neocolonialism.

 I wonder whether the author of IQ and human intelligence, Mr. Kanazawa, who is sponsored by LSE knows that Ethiopia is an independent country, which has never been colonized. I also wonder whether he understands what it means to be independent. It takes hundreds of pages to explain these questions for a nonprofessional, but a “scientist” like Mr. Kanazawa, would have visited his library before reaching at such a mistaken conclusion.

In conclusion, I kindly advise Mr. Kanazawa to apply proper research methodologies and adhere to the basic principles of research. If he wants to make his research on intelligence associated with poverty, he should first analyze the causes and effects of
poverty, and not to conclude his findings based on effects only. With proper analysis of causes of poverty, the black people, in general, and the Ethiopians, in particular, cannot be totally blamed for it, and most of all, their intelligence cannot be associated with it.

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