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4 thoughts on “Child brides: The story of Tiringo Worku

  1. ዓለም የተፈጠረዉ የወንዶችን ፍትውተ ስጋ በማርካት ላይ ስለሆነ ;እንደ ኢትዮጵያ ያሉ ሀገራት ብዙ መስራት አለባቸው : በተለይ ከተማዉም ውስጥ አንድ አይነት አመለካከት ነው ያለዉ ለዚህ መድሀኒቱ ለህዝቡ በቲያትር ; በፊልም; በ ሬድዮ ቢቀርብና በ ኢንተርኔት ውይይት ቢደረግለወደፊቱ ትልቅ ተስፋ ይሆናል

  2. Ato Bekele,
    Do you know that Tiringo’s issue is directly
    or indirectly related to politics?
    The political system of our country-Ethiopia-has contributed a lot in the increment of illiteracy rate in particular and is also the main factor for the underdevelopment of the country in general.
    The Ethiopian government doesn’t care about the
    poor people,what it cares is only to the members of the ruling party.By the way it is not only Tiringo who is illiterate,there are millions and millions of our brilliant sisters who are leading such miserable life in Ethiopia.
    Think of elementary and high school drop-outs,quite enormous.

    Let me tell you another fact which is completely opposite to the issue of Tiringo:
    These days there are a lot of private or government owned colleges that produce many graduates every year so there are a great number of graduates waiting for job.For a single vacancy you may see thousands of applicants.Is that not a perplexing event?
    The illiteracy rate is high as the same time graduates are not getting job.What a puzzling issue!
    One can conclude that the government has failed to manage the crisis that the country has faced.

  3. Isn’t politics about socio-economic issues? Isn’t this problem the product of our political journey down the century? Ato Bekele, please do not be a fragmentalist. This is an issue directly connected with politics. It is women rights issue, economic issue, educational issue, Justice which means it is political. Unfortunately politicians don’t care about it. People like Bekele tend to thinks politicians have no responsibility for socio-economic and educational issues like this.

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