Ethiopian Review editor has called Bereket Simon’s office this morning to verify if the TPLF regime propaganda minister knows whether Ethiopian-Saudi billionaire Al Amoudi is dead. His assistant refused to connect us to Bereket but denied the report. Click here to listen here.
5 thoughts on “Bereket Simon office denies Al Amoudi is dead”
Wondata Elias
The bitch wants to get her ass whipped…she is a secretary and knows nothing…just wants a cent from Alamudi.
ወሬው እውንት ቢሆን ደስ ከሚላቸው ሰዎች ውስጥ አንዱ እሆን ነበር። ባለመታደል ግን ዜናው ትክክል አይደለም። በፍፁም ትክክል አይደለምና አትሣሣት ወንድም ኤልያስ።ያንተን ታማኝነት ያሳጣሃል እና ዜናውን ብታነሣው የሚሻል ይመስለኛል። ሙሉ በሙሉ የሮመዳንን ፆም ስዊድን ሰንብቶ ትናንት ወይም ከትናንት በፊት አዲስ አበባ እንደገባ በእርገጠኝነት አውቃለሁ። እመነኝ ኤልያስ አሁን አዲስ አበባ ነው ያለው። እኔ የወያኔም ሆነ የአላሙዲን ደጋፊ አይደለሁም። ታላቁ አምላካችን በሁሉም የዎያኔ አባላትና አሽቃባጮቻቸው ላይ አንድ ዓይነት መቅሰፍት ቢያዝባቸው ከልብ የምመኝ የተቃዋሚው ጎራ አባል ነኝ። ወያኔዎች ሰው ብቻ ሳይሆን መተኪያ የሌላትን እናት ሀገራችንን እየገደሉ ያሉ የትውልድ መርገምቶች ናቸውና አምላክ ቢጠርጋቸው እምኛለሁ። ዋልድባን የሚያርሱ ሰይጣኖችን አምላክ በቀላሉ እንደማይምራችውም እርግጥኛ ነኝ። ግን ሁላችንም ለዚህ ተግባራዊነት በብርቱ እንፀልይ።
The lady on the phone is very disrespectful and doesn’t have the know-how of telephone conversation manners. Maybe if she knew she’s being recorded, she might have played a foul-less-play. Elias was very patient to go as far as giving his number. She irritated me. Moreover, her denial of the news is not supported with logic or evidence. She just said “he’s not dead” and left us to investigate the rest. Which means she and her team will make sure the story remains hidden while we dig and investigate. She was confident enough in telling Elias go ahead and investigate, as she knows her office will not let such a story go hit the public that easily. Typical EPRDF / TPLF from Dedebit.
The trio – Ato(Abba) g Medhin, Ato melis, Ato(sheik) al Amudi – since all of them are/were not men-of-God can have same luciferan-service and special burial place – which makes sense. Time to stop dishonouring Ethiopia- the Motherland of Jesus Christ – by lionizing and turning them into sainthood – which they are NOT.
Stop your lie – evil doers – before more heads roll and more shoes drop.
Elias u r our hero we appreciate your courage to challenge this lair.