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ENTC seeks diplomatic relations with the Government of Sweden

12 August 2012

ENTC asks Government of Sweden for diplomatic recognition

The Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC) has sent a communique to Mr. Carl Bildt, Foreign Affairs Minister of Sweden, requesting a diplomatic recognition.
The letter was submitted to the Sweden foreign minister by ENTC’s diplomatic representative in Stockholm, Mr. Aba Biya Ketema Wara Badi.

The letter explains ENTC’s mission, and discusses the worsening political, economic and security crises in Ethiopia, as well as the need for the Sweden government to help with a peaceful transition to democracy.

The Transitional Council was founded at a 3-day conference in Dallas, Texas, that was convened from July 1 – 3, 2012, with the participation of representatives from over 30 cities and countries.

The Transitional Council plans to submit similar requests to several countries through its diplomatic representatives in the coming few weeks.

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For more info:
ENTC Foreign Relations Committee
85 S. Bragg St. Alexandria VA, 22312 USA
Tel: 202-735-4262

One thought on “ENTC seeks diplomatic relations with the Government of Sweden

  1. You will not get recognition from ethiopian people. We never recognize woyanne and Its
    Affiliates. We wanna replace wayanne but not selfish people like x unity owner. I used to defend Elias before I contribute file his legal fund when you are need our help …but not any more

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