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ENTC requests diplomatic relations with Australian government

23 JULY 2012

ENTC requests diplomatic relations with Australian government

The Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC) has sent a communique to Mr. Bob Carr, Foreign Affairs Minister of Australia, requesting a diplomatic recognition. The letter was submitted to Mr. Carr by ENTC’s diplomatic representative in Australia, Ms. Minisha Girma.

The letter Ms. Minisha Girma submitted explains ENTC’s mission, and discusses the worsening political, economic and security crises in Ethiopia, as well as the need for the Australian government to help with a peaceful transition to democracy.

The Australian Government is among the first countries that the Transitional Council has asked for diplomatic recognition since it was founded at a 3-day conference in Dallas, Texas, that was convened from July 1 – 3, 2012, with the participation of representatives from over 30 cities and countries.

The Transitional Council plans to submit similar requests to several countries through its diplomatic representatives in the coming few weeks.


For more info:
ENTC Foreign Relations
85 S. Bragg St. Alexandria VA, 22312 USA
Tel: 202-735-4262

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