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From an Ethiopian Muslim to Ethiopian Christians

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By Bilal Mohammed

By now most of you have most probably heard of the peaceful questions that we Ethiopian Muslims are raising. In simple terms we are asking for independent religious representatives (known us Mejlis) to be elect by us in the mosques . The seventeen committee members elected as representatives in this quest have tried to persuade the government to solve this easy problem. In the process, we have strongly supported them by signing petitions from cities and villages from all over Ethiopia and abroad.

The committee and the protestors have made it clear that our questions are religious and religious only. We never asked anything that can threaten or even can be in the disadvantage of the Ethiopian non-Muslims. In fact, our wise committee members and the protestors at large have made sure that even in the very outrageous situation, we keep peaceful methods as our only means of struggle. Like any other citizens, we are citizens, hence no other group, including the government itself has a basis to claim that they are better concerned about our country’s peace and stability.

Despite this, the protestors had to endure deliberate false accusations from the unelected Mejlis and the government. They call the protestors “a few terrorist individuals who want to overthrow the constitution by force”. The imaginary “terrorist” word does not need explanation, we have recently witnessed journalists being called “terrorists”. As you might have seen the videos of last Friday, the more than a million protestors cannot be considered “a few”. And at this moment who is unconstitutional: the people who are going to the mosque and showing their disapproval of the Mejlis in a peaceful manner or the people in power who authorize brutal means including using teargas and lethal weapons against innocent citizens in the mosque? How do you feel if your young child, helpless old mother or father was a victim of such an attack?

No political party taught us Ethiopian Muslims and Christians how to be tolerant amongst one another. Our parents and grand parents did not have ETV and Federal police as a peace-keeping force. What they had was the beautiful culture that we inherited, exercise today and proudly talk about.

The divide and rule method is an old strategy that colonial powers applied against the citizens of their colonies. Sadly, we see this method being applied by people who claim to protect the constitution against their people. There is no need to explain the damage of the divide and rule strategy if we were not the people we are. But they seem relentless and they keep on trying.

No one is immune from being part of history, it is only a matter of how good or bad. The question is: are we going to persist in our unity, or fall for the lies of politicians and disintegrate. We have the opportunity to make a shiny history, to join hands and root out dictatorship once and for all.

Dear Christian Ethiopians,

I would like to call upon you to independently seek for information on the matter. It is my strong belief that you will easily understand our peaceful question and can contribute to change it from an Ethiopian Muslims only question to an Ethiopian question. After all, we are part of the motherland who share its joy and pain.

At this historic moment, please let us discuss the manners and the means to express support. An example is to create awareness to strengthen unity, influence relatives who are part of security forces not to cooperate in illegal and brutal suppression, spread the word so that the outside world hears it.

(The writer can be reached at

4 thoughts on “From an Ethiopian Muslim to Ethiopian Christians

  1. very nicely put,.. but i would argue its a bit over due. this kind of coming forward in working together in denouncing a brutal dictator attacking citizens should have been done when churches burnt out in various part of the country. Muslims should have denounced that accusation and join christians. Although i really like this letter and its intent specially coming from an individual,.. i would like to see it coming from the higher places.

    well done

    Yigermal replies:

    Your solution is then to stay divided and laugh at each other? Let’s unite and kick out this bandas from Ethiopia.

  2. I learned from this article two things what I have known for long time. First: Ethiopian Muslims and Christians are most tolerant to each other. I like “our parents and grand parents did not need ETV and federal police as a peace keeping force ” Second: The big lies, lies, lies the govt. always come up. Dictators!!!!! Some of my family members in the countryside told me that they were forced by local officials to go out and support the govt. position. Pathetic. I thought flat LIE would be gone forever after the fascist Derg’s fall just only to see more lies. This may be the last straw that will break the Woyanne back. This time it’s crystal clear for all to see. Ethiopian Muslims only asked to exercise God given right, that is to worship freely. Their religion doesn’t allow them to see Abba Paulos from Adwa’s friend to be in their Mejlis. Folks let us unite and seize the momentum and save our motherland from these savages… God bless Ethiopia!

  3. I don’t approve what is happening on the street in Addis. I wish that some day we are free to speak our voice without being subject of police abuse. We as nation used to live in peace and yes we have done that for over hundreds of years. But now we have extremist among us who are doing their best to break us up. There is a great fear among Christians that money middle eastern Muslim countries are investing billions of dollar to convert Ethiopia to Muslim state. In fact there is more talk by several Muslim leaders in Ethiopia who don’t like to hear that Ethiopia is Christians State. There is also talk about Ethiopia should be ruled by Muslim laws like Iran and Saudi Arabia. I recently read an article where Saudi Arabia government jailed Ethiopian citizens for praying at home. I did not know that, it forbidden for non Muslims to practice their faith. Yet we the Ethiopians are suffering over extremist in our country and on our land. The Muslim leaders have to be honest with themselves and the country. I don’t approve any government involvement in any religious affair but it is valid for the government to be concern about extremist who are living among us. The sad part is, it is non extremist who pay the price. It is unfortunate that Ethiopia is only nation who looked after the safety of Muslims from prosecution but today it is the Muslims extremist who deny our right to claim Ethiopia as Christian state and are burning our churches and killing our priests. The Muslim leaders have to know that, Ethiopia will never become Muslim state. I would like us to live as brothers rather than foolish.

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