የአላሙዲ አሽከሮች በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ባዘጋጁት የወያኔ ፌስቲቫል ላይ ሀገር ወዳድ ኢትዮጵያውያን እንዳይሳተፉ የቀረበ ጥሪ
የኢትዮጵያ ስፖርት ፌዴሬሽን ዓመታዊ ዝግጅት በዳላስ ቴክሳስ ከጁላይ 1 – 7፥ እንዲሁም የኢትዮጵያ ሄሪቴጅ በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ከጁላይ 27 – 29 ይካሄዳሉ። እነዚህን የኢትዮጵያውያን ዝግጅቶች ለማፍረስ ወያኔያዊ ተልዕኮ ያላቸውና በገንዘብ የተገዙ ግለሰቦች ያደረጉት ሙከራ ይታወሳል። ይሁን እንጂ ተልእኮአቸው ከሽፎ በሰሜን አሜሪካ የኢትዮጵያ ስፖርት ፌዴሬሽን (ESFNA) የበለጠ ተጠናክሮ፥ ራሱን ከወያኔ ካድሬዎችና ከአላሙዲ አሽከሮች አጽድቶ እየወጣ ይገኛል።
ሆኖም የአላሙዲ አሽከሮች ዛሬም ቢሆን እርኩስ ተልእኮዋቸውን ለመወጣት ከመሞከር አልታቀቡም። በአንጋፋዉ ESFNA ስም ላይ (ONE) በመቀጠል ድርጅቱን ለመከፋፈልና ህብረተሰባችን ውስጥ ውዥንብር ለመፍጠር የሞከሩት እኩይ ተግባር ፍርድቤት ቀርበው እንዲታቀቡ ተደርጓል።
በዚህም ሳያበቃ፣ ሆዳደሮቹ የሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊያን የስፖርት ማሕበር አንድ (AESAONE) በሚል ስያሜ በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ከጁላይ 1 እስከ ጁላይ 7 ድረስ የስፖርት ፌስቲቫል አዘጋጃለሁ ብለው ተነስተዋል። ይህ ዝግጅት በዳላስ ከሚካሄደዉ የESFNA ታላቅ የስፖርትና የባሕል ፌስቲቫል ዝግጅት ቀናት ጋር ተመሳሳይ እንዲሆን በማድረግ ያሰራጩት የእነሱን መሰሪ ተልእኮ በግልጽ የሚያስረዳ ነው።
ይህ የእነዚህ ጥቂት ሆድ አደሮች ጥርቅም ከአላሙዲ በሚቸራቸዉ ገንዘብ ከርሳቸውን ከመሙላት ባሻገር፤ ከነርሱና ከአላሙዲ ጀርባ የወያኔ አገዛዝ እንዳለበትና ዓላማውም ኢትዮጵያውያንን የመከፋፈል አጀንዳ ቅጥያ መሆኑን ማስገንዘብ እንፈልጋለን።
ውድ ወገኖች!
በመስጠም ላይ ያለ ሰው፣ አድኖ ላያድነዉ አረፋም ቢሆን ይጨብጣል እንዲሉ፣ አንዴ በአባይ ስም፣ አሁን ደግሞ በስፖርት ሽፋን የተገመደው ተንኮል ለወያኔ የእግር እሳት የሆነበትን ዳያስፖራ ለማወናበድ የታለመ ነው። ታዲያ ይህን እየተካሄደ ያለውን ሴራ እንደወትሮው ሁሉ ዛሬም ለማክሸፍ ሃገርወዳድ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሁሉ በጋራ እንሰለፍ።
በኢትዮጵያ መገናኛ ብዙሃን ተቋማት የተመሰረተዉ Boycott TPLF ግብረሃይል ይህን በስፖርት ሽፋን ኢትዮጵያውያንን ለማወናበድና ለመከፋፈል የተዶለተውን ሴራ በጋራ እንድናከሽፍ ጥሪውን ያቀርባል።
በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ የወያኔ መልእክተኞች ትላንት ተቋቋምን ብለው ዛሬ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠር ዶላር አውጥተው አዘጋጀን የሚሉትን ፌስቲቫል ሀገርወዳድ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሁሉ እንዳትተባበሩ ጥሪ እናደርጋለን። በሚሊዮን ዶላር የተከራዩት ስታዲዮም የሰዓት እላፊ የታወጀበት መንደር ሆኖ ጭር እንዲል እንድናደርገው እንጠይቃለን።
በአንጻሩ ወደ ዳላስ ቴክሳስ በማምራት ከጁላይ 1 እስከ ጁላይ 7 ቀን 2012 ድረስ በሚካሄደው የሁላችንም መገናኛ፣ መዝናኛና የኢትዮጵያዊነት መግለጫ በሆነው 29ኛው በESFNA ፌስቲቫል ላይ በመሳተፍ በዓሉን የደመቀ እንድናደርገው እናሳስባለን።
የወያኔ ሴራ በየፈርጁ ይከሽፋል!
Boycott TPLF ግብረሃይል
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 703 828 4821
30 thoughts on “Boycott Al Amoudi’s festival in Washington DC”
Hello Elias Kifle the GREAT (Keep it up!),
YES, BOYCOTT THE FESTIVAL OF WOYANE. This is the least we can do for our people. Our mothers are crying for help. How long shall we stand passive.
Woyane is killing us everyday. They have moved everything (university, fighter jets, our industries, etc.) what is important to Tigray.
On the contrary, it is encouraged in the “Oromo and Amara regions”. So why?????? Where are our university-students???????? Stand up now; if not today then when????
Woyane, the Ethiopian cancer, must be removed, by any means necessary, once and for all.
We want to live in peace with our neighbours and prosper together.
we have to get ourselves separate from these blood sucking criminals and we have to show our solidarity in the fight against the ignorant woyanee and its fool and irresponsible followers
The IMF threw away Meles’s bogus statistics of GDP growth for this year. The IMF told Meles again not to destroy the lives of the Ethiopian people by printing bogus money through the central bank he firmly controls. Printing paper money without creating the wealth to support it is tantamount to stealing money from the pockets of each person in Ethiopia. In the IMF statement released yesterday, it reads, “…., the policy of no central bank financing of the budget should remain in place to send a strong signal of the government’s commitment to fight inflation.” Alas, Meles has been told over and over again but refused to heed the advice. There is no reason to believe that he would do it this time around. Meles has deliberately embarked on destroying the lives and livelihoods of the Ethiopian people by printing paper money to finance his bogus projects in order to use the latter as smokescreens to cover up his terrorism against the Ethiopian people. These reckless, criminal and heinous policies of Meles are wreaking havoc on the lives of the Ethiopian people and transformed them from living to bare survival. What is the use of constructing asphalt roads and buildings at the cost of completely destroying the quality of life of the people through printing paper money and causing huge inflation? By any account, this is not worth the sacrifice the Ethiopian people are paying today in their daily lives. No sane and responsible person would deliberately cause such havoc on the lives of the people in the name of ‘development’. Meles is doing this at least for two sinister motives. One is to use ‘development’ as a smokescreen for his brutal dictatorship and to also justify his long overstay in power. Second it is for wealth redistribution in absolute favor of his cronies and minions. There is no wealth creation in Ethiopia. What we see is the crime of wealth redistribution in favor of Meles’s cronies with the evil intent of controlling the economy and people’s lives. The Ethiopian people are victims of this organized and systematic heinous ponzi scheme crimes spearheaded by the ringleader Meles and are paying for it literally in their daily lives. By printing bogus paper money, Meles is systematically siphoning off the wealth of the Ethiopian people over to his cronies and accessories.
Not only should we Boycott Al Amoudi’s festival in Washington DC but we also should boycott this Al Amoudi’s banda everywhere. Whether his businesses , personal charity , job offers and so on need to be boycotted by all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia. Boycotting internal and external enemies has helped Ethiopia get independent from Italy and other foreign invaders . Ethiopians need to repeat history to keep our proud history and pass it to the next generation.
i think this evil action show us how this criminal Sheik try to divide us and to suck this poor country natural resource ,so wegen don’t be misled ,days will be come to judge this ppl. be one and only one.
Not only boycotting woyannes festival orchestered by the arab tujai who is looting our nation to its bone and partly a life support machine of the woyanne sekt along side with the so called donors but to try to get a full picture of the servants the belly boys and the real enemies of Ethiopian peoples which in their day to day life hides in their kitchens and trashes the civilized media world in a dedebit like lies,and the ones who are planing to be part of this destructive woyannes evil like Kuribachew should be taken as traitors siding the enemy against their own peoples and are not others than Solomon Kindibu for his justice and few others waiting for their respond in a free and democratic Ethiopia during the proxy invaion of woyanne aginst our motherland. Woyannes time is very much numbered than one imagines.
God save our motherland Ethiopia
Death to woyannes and traitors and belly boys.
The woyane scums and their cheer leader alamoudin are counting down their days.
Any business that is catering to this occasion Need to be boycotted
thos of you in DC please post all of the businesses that is associated with this occasion
The very few hirelings of Meles are busy making ridiculous desperate noise in Washington, D.C. in the name of sport festival. In reality, what they are busy doing is a ballyhoo meant to hoax and distract the Ethiopian community in the D.C. metropolitan area and all across the U.S. from converging in Dallas, TX, for the 29th ESFNA festival. Their main goal is not sport but dividing and weakening the Ethiopian people. It is the latest blatant assault on the unity of the Ethiopian Diaspora by Meles and his minions in the area. They are financed by Meles’s security apparatus under the cover of the disgraced Saudi billionaire named Almoudi. It is the long hands of Meles’s security apparatus that is at work here wearing Almoudi as gloves. Almoudi might have partly contributed his own money for this evil act of dividing and weakening the Ethiopian Diaspora in the U.S. Needless to say that Almoudi is one of the main beneficiaries from the spoils of Meles’s unabated terrorism against the Ethiopian people and he is sucking the resources of the country unbridled like ticks attached to cattle. Therefore, Almoudi has as much interest as Meles to keep the Ethiopian people divided and weak as Meles does so that they both can continue to loot the Ethiopian people. It is in Almoudi’s vested interest to participate in any way, form or shape in any efforts that Meles is making divide and rule the Ethiopian people including those in the Diaspora. But it is naïve to think that the money to divide and weaken the Ethiopian Diaspora in the U.S. is coming only from Almoudi’s account. It might come in Almoudi’s name but such futile exercise is mainly bankrolled by Meles through his security apparatus. Meles and Almoudi work hands in gloves with hands being that of Meles through his security apparatus and gloves being Almoudi whose name appears on the check. So it is Meles who is financing the dividing efforts under the guise of Almoudi. Meles measures his success in this evil effort not only by the number of people that attend his fake festival meant to confuse but mainly by the number of people who will be hoaxed and won’t go to Dallas, TX as well. His only goal is dividing and weakening ESFNA and through that the Ethiopian Diaspora His main yardstick for his success is the turnout in Dallas. Therefore it is not only enough to boycott the fake drama in D.C. though that is very important. It is also crucial for those who are able to attend the real ESFNA Ethiopian sport festival in Dallas, TX from July 1-7, 2012. I will see you all in Dallas. DO NOT FALL FOR MELES’S TRAP.
Boycot Yeshi mart, Desta kitchen and Quenn of sheba restaurant in Atlanta who are supporter and act like advertiser for woyane hodams AESA one. Let us spread the words and make this people learn that they better be with ethiopian people not with distructive agents.
Mamo Kilo replies:
June 20th, 2012 at 4:47 PM
Well do your part or contribution and that is organize some of your friends and tell to the Ethiopian community that the so called Yeshi mart and queen sheba restaurants are either woyanne affiliated or owned by traitors and should be boycotted ,look you are Ethiopian and Eskinder Nega is also Ethiopian if he offers such sacrifies for freedom and you in a free country must be courageous enough to confront Ethiopian enemies.dont expect no body to give you the freedom that is given by the all mighty.
Anonymous replies:
June 22nd, 2012 at 12:27 AM
Where are these businesses ?
Please post there phone numbers we all need to call the stores and let them know if they support this auction
they will naver get our businesses
Anonymous replies:
June 22nd, 2012 at 7:55 AM
i and all of my firends are doing all what we can. I went to Yeshi mart to spend about $40 dollars and I turned back as soon as i saw that woyane hodams advert. My firend did the same the too. we are spreading the word to whom ever we have contact with. let us do these in every corner of the world.
All of us who love our country Ethiopia must boycott the Woyane terrorist festival.
Long live ESFNA!
According to insider informations, this AESA-1 (Alamudi Emoloyees Sport Association) will be the first one to be tested here in the USA and if it is successful here, it will replicate itself in Europe, Australia,etc as AESA-2, AESA-3, etc. Ethiopians in Washington DC area have the historical responsiblity to use any necessary means to defend their turf and chase the woyane thugs out of DC. We have shown these banda thugs in many occasions in the past that DC is a Banda-Free Zone. We have to repeat that again and send these thugs back with shame, so that they never come back again. We also warn those confused Ethiopians who try to ride on a dead horse for the sake of few dollars. These woyane thugs will definitely go soon, but you and your family will live with this shame forever.
Nigatu replies:
June 21st, 2012 at 7:18 PM
Do you know why food is expensive in ethiopia and our currency worthless. Yes Al Amoudi’s the criminal syndicate is exporting live anmilas and raw food to his Deseret relative of Arabia,you know they are poor, Arabia,they eat can food and that is the truth,you are dealling with people who totalyy depend on exporting oil. They Are bought long time ago by u us bankers. ALWAYS REMEMBER PEOPLE! ALWAYS!for every thing you do you have to have financial back up. The united states and Al Amoudi’ are the financiers of there criminal syndicates.
Al Amoudi bought the Lege Dembi (Adola) Gold Mine for 174 million dollars (Money that TPLF or Woyane spent to buy arms to invade Eritrea). Since then the mine has taken a total of 54 tons of Gold. In the last year alone he has mined 5 tons of Gold.
With the current growing price of gold in the world market, averaged at about 1600 dollars an ounce, simple calculation tells you that he looted the Ethiopian people gold resource in the amount of 250 million dollars or a quarter of a billion dollar in one year alone.
That means over the last ten years, he has looted an estimated Adola gold resource of the Ethiopian people, in the order of 4 billion dollars. This is the story only related to the Lege Dembi gold mine, an irreplaceable resource.
Needless to say, he neither invested in alternate economy for the community he is looting, nor built schools, roads or hospitals. On the contrary he destroyed the environment, and in the process destroyed the livelihood of his victims by releasing chemicals that is killing the livestock and the population.
In addition, Al Amoudi is aiding and abating the scheme of money laundering to legtimize the TPLF/Woyane looted money from the Ethiopian treasury. He single handedly legtimized the TPLF/Woyane looting of Ethiopia in what is otherwise called EFFORT- a mafia organization.
However, I must say that the looting has made the Arab tycoon from worthing 2.8 billion dollars in the year 2004 to worth 13 billion in the year 2011 ($ fold in just 6 years. Need I say more???
Look at how big these two fat asses (Meles and Alamoudin) are getting while the vast majority of the Ethiopian people are getting skinnier and skinnier by the day and turning into walking ghosts. Meles and Almoudin are snatching from the helpless Ethiopian people and eating as much and as many as they want each and every single day while the vast majority of the Ethiopian people have been made unable to eat a decent meal even once a day. Meles’s and Alamoudin’s hands have been defiled by the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Ethiopians. What you see in the hands of Meles and Alamoudin is the bloodmoney obtained from the Ethiopian people. The boodmoney is fattening the swiss accounts of Meles and Almoudin along with their asses while the vast majority of the Ethiopian people are emaciated and are dying of famine, starvation and malnutriution. Meles and Almoudin are mining bloodgold in Lagadambi and other parts of Ethiopia by evicting and killing the population living in the areas and polluting their environment including their rivers off which they collect their drinking waters. Meles and Alamoudin are partners-in-plunder. They are working together to continue robbing the Ethiopian people of their resources and enrich themselves at the expense of the poor people of Ethiopia.
Our children’s life is wasted and our country’s resource is looted.Eventually,Al Amoudi and Zinawi will stand side by side in people’s court and receive punishments tantamount to the crimes that they have been committed on Ethiopians.
The interests of Al Amoudi in Ethiopia is more than the huge farmlands that he took away from thousands and thousands of farmers.He was smuggled into Ethiopia by the mafias who currently held guns on the head of 80 million Ehtiopians.Human trafficking and land grabbing are two of the many criminal activities that Al Amoudi has been involved in.Of course,for now,he is doing distructive activities in a lawless regime and is continuing to be a nightmare on families,communities,and societies.There were times that he has been doing all these devilish activities under the surface,but then quickly declared his alliance with the regime and began digging into both the core of our children life and our lands wasting the lives of our children and looting the resources that are available both below and above the lands,in Ethiopia.
The tie between Saudi kings and sheiks and Zinawi and his subordinates and Al Amoudi is strong.Rice,gold,and our children are available in every kings,sheiks,and princes,clients,and customers’ living rooms.For 21 years,Al Amoudi has remained the greatest treat to every households from village to cities in Ethiopia.Al Amoudi has clearly showed us that he can break both the lives of our children and the law.But,soon or later he shall be facing the justice.
Boycott festival in Washington DC. He Who finance and support criminal military complex is also criminal. Al Amoudi’s and Wayane crminal,satanic group Oooooooooooooooooo we the Ethiopian patriotic people we going to get you! Time will always tell the truth!
All the people in the Area needs to get very Strong against Blood Suckers of the people of Ethiopia. Unity is very essential for all what we do agaisnt the enemies of the people of Ethiopia.
Forget about Meles. He is done. The end is here. He has only few days or may be weeks. Some who are very close to him have already started writing his obituary. Even aigaforum has already started to post about it and about succession. Now the discussion should be about post-Meles era. How is the transition going to be? Woyane is already grooming Eleni G/Medhin to succeed Meles. She has already resigned from ECX today in preparation for the succession. She filled in for Meles at Camp David for the G-8 because Meles was unable to show up after Abebe Gelaw’s stunning blow. According to some rumors the succession has already begun and announcement will be made very soon. The Ethiopian people will not accept the succession plan of woyane, no matter what. Instead we need to use this God given opportunity to make a transition to genuine democracy. People should therefore start discussing about a peaceful transition to democracy through democratic elections. Thanks God for hearing the prayers of the Ethiopian people.
They are targeting Ethiopian-American youths (under 25)who most of them are born and raised here in US. TPlf’s ill practice using their wicked mind is this:
– They think most of the youth here have not much knowledge about them.
– They think with their money they can rob the innocent youth’s mind
by inviting well loved American artists and hodam zefagnoch from et
and US to entertain them
– They want to spread as much propaganda as possible about their fictionite Ethiopia.
Hold on to your kids. The monster is on the move. Teach them what is really happening in Ethiopia. Say no to TPLF/Alamudin stolen money. If
you or your family ignore poor Ethiopians plea not to be part of the loot and join those criminals, may those poor Ethiopians God make you pay the ultimate price in your life time.
The choice is brighter!
Enjoy and have fun with your family and Ethiopians all over the world at Ethiopian Sport Federation in North America festivities
from July 1 to July 7.
I always hear conflicting story about Ato Alamudin. Some say he is a nice person who tries to help people by providing employment, by covering the medical bill to those severely sick,….On the other hand some call him “bad man”, because he is rich and did not use his hard earn money the way they wanted him to.
Still another group says he supports the EPRDf. What is wrong with that? That is his democratic right. We all cry for the respect of our choice of support,like some of us choose to oppose the government. In my opinion it is unfair calling him this and that. please leave him alone.Like any of us he has his own individual preference and taste.
Yohannes replies:
June 22nd, 2012 at 12:39 PM
How can we tolerate these greedy crocodiles facist Meles and Saudi Arabian Alamudi. Do you think these people have sympathy for the poor Ethiopians? Alamudi is robbing our people, should we leave him alone? We have to kick him out from our country. Yes Alamudi supports the facist Woyane which is the enemy of the Ethiopian people. There is no freedom under the woyane regime. It like when people swim in a dangerous crocodiles lake, can they feel freedom? Dandy I let you answer the question.
Aren’t we against THE TPLF gangs? He is the follower.Remember, Hitler had his own choice also.
On July 1, America celebrate their independent Day. This day have a great important day in history of USA. July 1 represent the day the America said enough is enough to oppression and standup together And said No! and fight back and Win over oppression.
For the last 20 years Ethiopians known July 1, As Foot ball gathering nothing more or nothing less but on July 1,2012 all this might change just like our American counter part it would be the day were Ethiopians will stood together and said No! Means No!
July 1, 2012 will be remember as millstone in ethiopian history, More then Adwa. It will have more shock value then Eritrean referendum because this time it will be Ethiopian referendum DAY.
On this referendum Day Two groups will fight it out for heart and mind of Ethiopian people. If u want to join this historical event then u have to know what in side out about the two groups. Just like Eritrean referendum Day this Day would be the brith of a nation.
Therefor I will tell u about this two groups so that u will fulfilled your responsality. If we did no exerisise ur God given right to vote this time around then don’t cry when evil take over.
As I told u this is no sport event but referendum Day. Everyone telling us back home people can’t exercise their voting right so here is our chance to exercise our right to vote in Ethiopian referendum Day on July 1,2012.
. This is not typical voting instead u exercise ur voting right by attending TX or DC by doing so u will cast ur vote simple but effective. Ask yours self which sport even should I attend to make it easer for u I will list what is at stack in both event
Group A:-
1. Allow u to Bering ur own regional flags. U can wave Ormian flag. Even u can fly H.I.M flag
2. All political view are welcome and enjoyed
3. All languages are welcome and enjoyed
4. All religions are welcome and enjoyed
Group B.
1. Only H.I.M flag allowed
2. Only one political view welcome ( we will allow u to dance and dress in ur regional dress)
3. Only one language welcome ( but u r free to enjoy any language at home but not in open)
4. Only one religion welcome ( but u r free to enjoy any religion at home but not in open )
We might say this is the only deferent but i say to u this is the bed rock of freedom we lose Eritrean because we refused to give them this 4 bed rock freedom and we are fighting OLF and Somali freedom fighter because we don’t give them basic right. The American revolt started because of tea price (hence the name Tea party)
Beside, Evil does not start by killing million but always start by Killing just one person without, if no one say anything at that time the evil will take root and start killing millions at that time the evil will be so powerful even million us can’t stop it.
When Mengistu killed the king nobody say anything then Mengistu get bold and killed 60 minsters nobody say anything. Then the evil take root and Mengistu killed million common people at that time the evil Mengistu is so powerful no one can stop him and the killing lasted for next 17years.
Now group B try to kill one rich Ethiopian. Most us think this rich man isn’t one of us so we don’t care what happen to him regardless off unjustifiable the case maybe. That is what Ethiopian people said when Mengistu killed those 60 minsters. At that time if someone standup for those 60 minsters Mengistu would happen been stopped on his track but since no one have said anything he killed million of US.
The same logic apple here if this groupB act like this without power. Just ask yourself what they would have done had they have power.
Let’s ask them what this rich man sin is? for investing in Ethiopia? Or for supporting Meles okay ask yourself does this man the right to support Meles if the answer is yes then what they are doing to him is unjust then we all should fight it.
Then maybe his crime is exploiting not investing. This is like a woman saying she want to have baby but she don’t A man taking advantage of her by making love to her. Ethiopia have to be exploited if we want development without exploited development will not occur. Just like the woman who want a bay have make love to a man. The same way Ethiopia also should be exploited if we use our water, does that means we are exploiting our water resources the answer is YAS! the same way arbs exploiting their oil.
Some might say this is not love making but this is like a rape. I understand what this people saying no one have a no problem if someone taking out the gold from ground the problem arise when the same person use chemical to process the gold and release the chemical in to the river and contaminated the water system then we call this type of investment rape not investment. Yes I get it when big scale farming kick out the native from their land without relocation etc.. Etc..
The question is who have the right to determined the one action is explotitve or good investment. I think this right must be given to locals. For example, i believe, Only the South people have the right to determined which investment is good for them not people in USA or in AA have Vito power to tell them what is good for Souther people. In fact only the Souther people should have the final say.
Just like rape case only the victim have the right to say such act is rape or love making. Not her father, or not her Mather or not her brother have to right to spake for victim. Some time the family might not the guy their daughter dating therefor the family might cry rape but what it count is the daughter Say her family accusation will not stand the same way how many time group B shout and accused the investment in South as long as the South are happy that all matter.
Group B also the right to say No! to any kind of investment in North part of region if they think the investment is hurtful to their region
Group B also want to kick out all 40 investment made by this rich man out of Ethiopia. I say it is okay by me as long as you pay this rich man Out. Otherwise if u thinking like ur role model Mengistu And want to nationalized without paying for it all I say to u is those good day are gone.
So I say happy voting!
Part ii coming soon!
Anonymous replies:
June 25th, 2012 at 1:23 PM
Dear Arsch,
In case you write part II, please, please try to write it in english!!
You mean july 4?
Ash replies:
June 25th, 2012 at 10:53 AM
Dear, lefty,
Now, u know I am not from USA… The point is are u parictising what July 4 stand for or U will stop sending money to ur family because of worldwide ban called by pop. Groups, are u also will not vist ur family in person because of u are part taking in boycotting EAL. The list long but for starter on July 4 would u fly own regainal flag with pride or u r oaky with flying H.I.M flag?