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EPPF unit targets a high level Woyanne security official

An unit of Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front (EPPF) had carried out a military operation last night in city of Gondar. During the attack, a high level Woyanne security official named Ato Asemahegn Woldegebriel was hit several times with bullets and is critically wounded. He is currently in a hospital.

Ato Asemahegn is a chief Woyanne security official and deputy administrator of northern Gondar. He, along with the current education minister Sintayehu Woldemikahel, is responsible for the murder of hundreds of high school and university students following the May 2005 elections. He had also rounded up and jailed tens of thousands of civilians in a concentration camp. He is known for his extremely cruel methods of torturing political prisoners.

Ato Asemahegn, who is Meles Zenawi’s trusted agent, comes from the Tigray region, but had competed in Gondar’s Qola Deba wereda (district) for the regional parliament. He was soundly defeated, but dismissed the election result and called a new election after which he declared himself the winner.

EPPF fighters had been targeting this notorious mass murderer for a long time, but due to heavy security around him they did not succeed, until last night.

The ambush by the EPPF unit involved heavy exchanges of machine gun fire for several minutes.

23 thoughts on “EPPF unit targets a high level Woyanne security official

  1. Rencently, a group of ethiopian resding in europe and N America had taken a comrehensive servey on the back ground of official in four proviances in Ethiopia: Gondar, Gojam Wollo and Wopllega and found that key government institition are held by Tigrian. Accordingley: in Gondar 75% security apartus are held by tigrian, Financial administration 52%, Administration 48% church 28%, investment 62%, inport export to the sudan 69%
    Gojam:Investment72%, administration42%, security 49%, financial 29% Wollo, Security 52%, administration 51%, finance 68%,and Wollega:security72% finance 68%, administration51%… and so on

  2. Good news, but can EPPF targets major Tigrian TPLF officials than hodam servers of other non-tigrians, it would’ve been very exciting news. I hope that would be a good thing to completely eradicate the Weyane Menga…otherwise if Ato Asemahegn Woldegebriel is died Weyane will replace other HODAM …but if EPPR would target those tigrian TPLF members, weyane will be crashing soon…..

    I cant wait that EPPF fighters can target one of the Weyane tigrian officials or members….

    Death to weyane members and supporters.

  3. This kind of targeted justice against mass murderers outside Tigray will give pause to some power hungry Tegaru, all of a sudden paranoia will set in, they will be prisoners in the houses they confiscated from their rightful owners, the fact that EPPF operatives can go inside Gonder and administer justice to a well guarded Woyanne official shows us that any day they are capable of hitting the hapless Woyanne mercenaries at any time and in any place.

    The main reason Melles wanted to give Sudan sovereign Ethiopian territory was not because they genuinely believe the land belonged to Sudan but it was in the hope that giving this land to Sudan will pit the EPPF against the Sudanese government thus trapping the EPPF and destroying them without spilling the blood of Woyanne mercenaries. What the Woyanne leadership didn’t understand is that the Sudanese government has not appetite for conflict with the EPPF, they too occupied by other conflicts within their country to want to fight a disciplined guerrila force that can humiliate the Sudanese army anytime. What Melles can’t control in this scenario is the free access and friendly relationship between the EPPF and the Eritrean people and government. There will be more good news as the EPPF and other opposition groups intensify their operations hastening the demise of Woyanne. As long as the bulk of Woyanne military is stuck on the border with Eritrea the Ethiopian armed opposition groups will have military advantage over Woyanne until they fall completely.



  5. This is a good news that herd from “EPPF” go ahead We are at the side of the heros in all direction.That is the cost of waynne!!!! The people of ethiopia is at the side of you!!!!!!

  6. This is agood news from “EPPF”go ahead our heros,we are at the side of heros in all aspect!!!! all the Ethopia people is at the side of heros!!!!!!! wandeferw

  7. A good news from “EPPF”go ahead our heros,we are at the side of you in all aspect!!!!!go your move in a tactical means all Ethopians are looking eagerly, good job!!!!!!!!

  8. i hope to see more of these kind of attacks targeting the ‘chigaram’ officials. EPPF which is now motivated with the success in this operation, should continue to put heavy pressure on woyanne and cannot slack in its blessed military engagement.

    Bravo EPPF freedom fighters.

    Idget le Ethiopia, widket le woyane!

  9. Semahegne is not from Tigrai at all. His mother is from Gonder(Dembia) and his father is from Eritrea. Moreover, he has never been in Eritrea through out his life and he doesn’t speak even a word of tigrigna either.

  10. It is interesting to understand the only language the TPLF shiftas speak and hear, that is the language of the bullet…that is what the recent attack on their security official tells us.

    It is encouraging to hear news of arms struggle in north shoa, my favourite place, and gonder. These people are the vanguards of the territorial integrity of Ethiopia. TPLF knows this and started urinating in its panties…haaaaaaaa

    Keep it up and Ethiopians ever where are on your side. It is time for the rise of a person who delivers ethiopia and ethiopians from this 18th century stalinist regime that sucks the blood and soul of ethiopians and humilitated our dear mother ethiopia in every possible way it can.

    Keep it up the partiots of ethiopia.

    There is no freedom without struggle and sacrifice!

  11. The least we can do is show we are 100% behind them and contribute in everyway we can to expedite the demise of the cancer of the horn. It is due to lack of unity among the oppositions the tplf is having a free ride. “United we stand, divided we fall”.

  12. O,Belachew/3/!Let me ask you this:why didn’t this group go to Addis,dessie Dire Dawa,Nazreth,Awassa,Shashemene infact all over the land in our country where 98% of the church 92% of all administration,89% ofthe investment,75% of the financial activities held by the Woyanes.
    no wonder to see these happenings to keep happening every where in Ethiopia human right and freedom prevail.

  13. Like they say here in west “The end justify’s the means”theses murders probably think they will continue to get away with it ah ah ah not so you sons of Bitches you gone pay for every one of them soon we will make sure of that.

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