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East African thugs meet in Addis Ababa

ADDIS ABABA — The 10th east Africa police chiefs thugs cooperation organization (EAPCCO), annual meeting kicks off in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

The meeting is discussing on ways of joint police cooperation to prevent from possible cross border crimes, terror acts, arms smuggling, drug and child trafficking and organized crimes along borders. [These thugs are the worst terrorists in east Africa.]

During the opening ceremony Ethiopian federal police director general, Workuneh Gebeyehu [who had carried out Meles Zenawi’s order to gun down pro-democracy protester in 2005], said at a time the globe is being shrunk into a small village it is being very easy for criminals and terrorists to act. [Stupid]

“We are all threatened by the deadly peril to which we must devote all our energy today” Workuneh said adding “success against criminality largely depends on the global response and mutual co-operation between nations.”

The east African police chief’s cooperation organization was established 9 years ago in the Ugandan capital, Kampala.

Current EAPCCO chairman and Burundi’s police commissioner, Sekaganda Bernard to his side said to curb criminality, member states must closely work together and must enhance information exchange among them

EAPCCO comprises member states of Ethiopia, Sudan,Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Eritrea, Uganda, Ruwanda, Burundi, Djbouti, and the seashells.

Source: Sudan Tribune

4 thoughts on “East African thugs meet in Addis Ababa

  1. By the way:

    what is the difference between Meles Sytanwi and Osama bin laden?

    What is the difference between Al Kayda and TPLF?
    To me Meles Sytanwi has killed more people that Osama and Meles Sytanwi has been terrorized many civilians in Ethiopia and Somalia. Meles Sytanwi has declared an open war against civilians that have no weapon in Addis Ababa and other cities of Ethiopia.

    At the same time, TPLF has carried out many crimes under a command in chief of Meles Sytanwi and other DEDEB and racist Tigrians members of TPLF than Al kayda. TPLF has been a threaten for over 80 million people of Ethiopia and the whole east Africa that Al kayda.

    According to 2006 state department report the TPLF criminal group is one of the worst groups that is terrorizing its own citizens.

    In any way or any how there Meles Sytanwi and its stupid TPLF party are much worst and cruel than Osama and Al kayda. As a result sooner or later not only the Ethiopian people but also the entire world would turn the face against the evil activities of TPLF and would bring each members of TPLF to justice….

    Now that time is coming under the leaders of Ginbot 7 and with the support of many millions Ethiopians inside and outside….

    Lets join the movement of ginbot 7 and end the daily atrocities of weyane….
    Death to Weyane members and supporters!!!!!!

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