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Top 20 Richest Ethiopians – 2011

The following is a list of 20 richest Ethiopians in 2011. The list is compiled by Ethiopian Review Intelligence Unit. Except for a few of the individuals in the list, most of them, particularly the TPLF members, have enriched themselves through corruption and outright thievery. Girma Birru and Tadesse Haile, for example, forced construction companies to make them partners if they want to win bid for government projects. These are the parasites who made Ethiopia one of the poorest nations in the world. Only Eyob Mamo, who owns most of the gas stations in the Washington DC Metro Area, became rich through sheer hard work, business savvy,  and some luck. Omer Ali, Ketema Kebede, and Minwuyelet Atnafu are not affiliated with the ruling party, but they pay huge sums of money to Azeb Mesfin and the other TPLF thugs to keep working inside the country. 

The 20 Richest Ethiopian in 2011

(The net worth amount is in U.S. dollar)

  1. Mohammed Al Amoudi, owner of Midroc Corporation, estimated net worth: $10 billion
  2. Meles Zenawi, self-declared prime minister of Ethiopia, head of the terrorist group Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF), estimated net worth: $3 billion
  3. Azeb Mesfin, wife of Meles Zenawi, member of the TPLF politburo, head of the $40-billion Endowment Fund for the Relief of Tigray (EFFORT), partner in several large businesses in Ethiopia, widely known as “the Mother of Corruption,” estimated net worth: $3 billion
  4. Sebhat Nega, former chairman of TPLF, ex-TPLF politburo member, former head of EFFORT, current chairman of Wugagan Bank, owns several buildings and luxury villas in Ethiopia and the U.S., net worth: $2.5 billion
  5. Berhane Gebrekristos, TPLF central committee members, personal investor for Meles Zenawi, paid his wife $4 million in divorce settlement and hush-up money in Washington DC when he was an ambassador, currently deputy foreign minister, uses his diplomatic immunity to smuggle gold and precious stones for Meles, Azeb and himself, estimated net worth: $2 billion.
  6. Samuel Tafesse, owner of Sunshine Construction, partner with Azeb Mesfin, estimated networth: $1.5 billion
  7. Sioum Mesfin, former TPLF regime foreign affairs minister, currently ambassador to China, smuggles marijuana and other types of illicit drugs to Thailand, China and other Asian countries using his diplomatic immunity, estimated net worth: $1 billion.
  8. Omer Ali Shifaw, Owner of Nejat International, until TPLF’s Guna Corporation took over, the largest coffee exporting company in Ethiopia, currently threatened by TPLF’s Guna Corporation, estimated net worth: $800 million
  9. Aba Gebremedhin (formerly Aba Paulos), self-installed patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, part-time priest, full time businessman and gun-totting TPLF cadre, the only “religious” leader in Ethiopia who built a statue for himself, owns shares in several companies, estimated net worth: $600 million
  10. Abadi Zemo, TPLF politburo member, former head of EFFORT, currenly ambassador to Sudan, net worth: $500 million.
  11. Eyob Mamo, CEO and Chairman of Capitol Petroleum Group, Washington DC, estimated worth: $500 million.
  12. Ketema Kebede, KK Trading, Alsam Real Estate, Addis Ababa, estimated networth: $400 million.
  13. Minwuyelet Atnafu,  Owner and major share holder of Star Business Group, Tana Transport, Mina Trading, estimated net worth: $400 million.
  14. Girma Birru, former TPLF Trade and Industry minister, currently ambassador to Washington DC, owns shares in several large companies, including Dembel Business Center in Addis Ababa, owns several real estate properties, estimated net worth: $300 million
  15. Tadesse Haile, long-time state minister of Trade and Industry, invests in several large projects that he himself authorizes, owns shares in construction and trading companies, estimated net worth: $250 million
  16. Tewodros Hagos, TPLF politburo member, owns shares in several of EFFORT companies, estimated net worth: $200 million
  17. Abdullah Bagersh, General Manager of Bagersh International, a leading coffee exporter, currently struggling to survive after Guna entered the coffee exporting business, estimated net worth: $150 million.
  18. Debre-Tsion Gebre-Michael, TPLF politburo member and information technology minister, tasked  with jamming radio, TV and and web sites, travels regularly to the U.S. and Europe to invest his loot, owns shares in companies that work on projects for his minstry, has several real estate properties in Arizona, estimated net worth: $100 million
  19. Bereket Simon, TPLF propaganda chief, owns real estate properties, estimated worth: $100 million.
  20. Yemiru Nega, owner of Dembel City Center, partner with Azeb Mesfin, Girma Biru and Tadesse haile, estimated net worth: $100 million

We would like to hear your views about the Top 20 List. Please leave your comment below. 

134 thoughts on “Top 20 Richest Ethiopians – 2011

  1. Its amazing story!! Do you have the official source for this information or where did you get from please;cos ii was thinking some of these will have robbed us more than the declared amount.

    አኖኒምስ replies:

    I guess this is yesterday`s Elias`s nightmare revelation. Look even Haile G/Selassie could not rank top 20. It is true that most of these guys are rich. But this statistics is blind estimation of Elias. Dear Elias please sometimes take a time for yourself and try to consider that what you say today will discredit yourself tomorrow if not today.

    gwaan replies:


    The best part is the “Ethiopian Review Intelligence Unit”… it sounds so grandiose! I bet the carefully checked all accounts, national and international, and i also bet they did careful calculations on each propiety and business…

    Anonymous replies:

    The demand that Elias Kifle has to bring hard evidence like a bank statment to prove his report is futile. Even Forbes magazine do not support their list with bank statement.

    That said, I believe the list is as accurate as one can possibly get. Just analyze the evidence.

    1) Girma Birru has sent his daughter to a boarding school in Kentucky at a cost of 20k/year 5 0r 6 years ago. This is a fact. Just tell me how could he afford to do that? We all know Girma Birru was a no-body, in the sense of wealth, when EPRDF took power. It is this and similar kinds of eveidence and situations one need to analyze to arrive at a certain number.

    2) How is it Taddesse Haile continues to be a State Minsiter of Trade for over a decade when many are rotating? Does the fact that Tadesse has many investment interests in companies that one way or another work with the Ministry of Trade have anything to do with it?

    3) Haile G/selassie is rich but not to the extent of this theives. Mind you we are talking dollars and not birr.

    Woyanne killer replies:

    How on earth do you think that Haile G/Selassie with the plunderes in line he has earned his money in hard work that can never reach or only a fraction of the parasites who are on the list except the son of mamo catcha who is in diasspora who has been born rich.

    Anonymous replies:

    This is an amazing piece of info and highly probable. Dictators and kings have a way of siphoning money and there is no way to put an exact figure.

    What Elias generated should be regarded the best estimate and he should get credit for putting this together.

    I am sure the CIA and other insiders should have the info. Other indepedent journalists probably can piece further from here to start exposing Woyanes slowly, but surely.

    Meles has never cared for Ethiopia from giving away Assab and making Ethiopia landlocked, giving away part of Ethiopia for no reason to Sudan, dividing Ethopians among ethnic lines so that they can kill each other in order for him to stay in power are good evidences that Meles is here to loot and destroy Ethiopia. This is another evidence for those who care to wake up and take the fight to Meles, hopefully soon before it is too late, if it is not already too late.,


    Tadele replies:

    u r sooo stupid. really i am ashamed!!

    Anonymous replies:

    to who exactly did he give Assab away?

    ye gulele fendata replies:

    k chat behual merqeneh new yeTsafkew ? i think so! maferiya neh !

  2. Thank You Elias,

    This idea was stirring my mind. I beg Ethiopians to substantiate with factual data and keep for the record. Please Ethipians and friends of Ethiopians this is a crucial info to all of us.

    Atriteh Ewoke

    Worku Amara, replies:

    It is funny to ask the source of the full lie report, Elias has sitting and Fabricated a lot of nonsense reports every day, This shows as how he is frustrated , We will expect the next report Elias Suicide himself,


    Anonymous replies:

    it is funny how you catagorized yourself to amhara group when we all know you sound and write like TPLF THUG. You might have a hard time accepting your cruel action of your bosses but know that when times comes you wil pay a great deal. i assure you that before you hear about Elias’s suicide, you will be reading the draging of meles, azem and rest of hodams like on the street of addis. mot endeante lalu wodamoch!

    Anonymous replies:

    You stupid damb ass, where were u when the durg killed many many Ethiopians and rubbed the country for 17 years, you too stupid to know ofcourse all leaders of the world take things that does not belong to them Ethiopia is no exception, even leaders of the highly indusrial nations do take from time to time what is not theirs’. So that being said the report above is bullshit and most of it fabricated nonsense, there may be some truth to it, but if u read carefully what this mad author is saying is a total bullshit, he goes on even to accuse the leaders as drug smagglers to asian countries, ofcourse these asian countries are not stupid as the author to beleive this propaganda, it seems the purpose of the report is descredit the present Ethiopian government, the parasite is may be the author himself, it is clear he may have fabricated some of the stories, John F. kennedy once said “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” instead of fabricating story may be mr. author you should get real job and help some poor kids in Ethiopia. Ofcourse the present leaders will take things that does not belong to them, our kings did it, the durg robed the country too as much as they could, there are derg memebers who stole millions from funds that suppose to go for starving ethiopians in 1980s and they still live in usa, where were u how damb ass you never write any thing of those who destroyed our country got us here, The durg gave us TPLF by killing all the great Ethiopians, There are those losers from old durg regime and now they try to distabize Ethiopia through thier cheap stories this guy is one of them , for those of us who seen hundreds of thousands of young Ethiopian being slaughterd by durg through out 1970s and 1980s, 1990s, including our best Ethiopian generals and our beloved king, these TPLF regime is doing very great compared what durg gave us, at least Ethiopia is now raising again and will be soon the best successful country of the african continet. Tell this lier to go fuck himself, long live Ethiopia, Ethiopa unite, our enemies are those who try to divide us.

    Kebde replies:

    Why are you writing your name as Worku why can’t you have the confidence to come under your ethnic name, which is HAGOS. we know you are part of the terrorist group TPLF. so no one is gona buy your attempt of hiding under Worku Amara name. LEBA you are being exposed every day. and soon your demise is in the works. Eliase keep up the good job. bring this fiftieths, to the public EYE. It is amazing to see, how this cowards can’t even come under their name, and try to hide. that is because they suffer from major inferiority complex. as they say, you can’t take a man from the bush, but you can’t take the bush out of the man. That is what they were bush men, and now they are bush men, and for ever even with the millions and billions they have stolen, they will continue to be bush men.

    Ahadu replies:

    Worku such a dude woyanne of your caliber doesnot have the moral capacity to ask for the source of the information ,peoples like you yesterdays barabarso and lewach experts transfer to an overnight millionair has also its share so you are doing your share defending your cult masters zenawi and mother of all corruption his wife from ghadarif gojo restaurant

  3. I Think the list immplicated and showed us the how corrupted TPLF Woyanne made our country Poor and poor.

    I agree with you Ilyaas , and I think you can help the FORBES Magasine to this list.

  4. This is the result of Woyanne’s day light robbery of and looting of Ethiopia over the past 20 years. One day, may be soon, it will all end. As usual, great job Elias.

  5. do you have any factual evidence or just roumers?

    Waka replies:

    What a factual evidence are you expecting in some of those individuals who are becoming ovrnight billioners from Ghadarif gojo restaurant promoted to a thieves to loot 10000 tons of cofee overnight and changes the bank reserve gold to batlamera (15 Kilo)

    galt replies:

    dear waka i understand this info is just a heresay,,where did you get the source,,just simple question ? otherwise very difficult to accept ,,like a normal lie

    Wessen replies:


    Anonymous replies:

    The factual evidence we hear all over that Azeb spent over a million in shopping spree in Europe is more than evidence. Check out also Wikipedia that Meles Zenawi has an estimated 27 billion all over the world. So Elia’s estimation is very very low.


    The amount especially for tplfites is very low because they have diverted most of their money under another group, friends, relatives and foreigners.

  6. so what?

    Anonymous replies:

    It will be the final warning for your criminal gangs before you all exterminate form mother land

    eliaslunaic replies:

    what are you waiting for?

  7. Elias,
    If these are facts, then why do you ask for readers views? Facts cannot be altered by comments. I suspect this is a ‘creative chaos’ to lend your friend’s saying!

    Dorch replies:

    Do you believe thieves come with witnesses? In no circumstances corruption would be substantiated by evidence based data, for the simple reason that corruption always takes place in a concealed environment, and its primary actors do all they can to obscure possible signs of its existence. However, general public are largely believed to be conforming witnesses through the changing lives of corrupted within their communities. Therefore, I believe Elias was right to request further recommendations from readers/wider public.

    Ahadu replies:

    Mamarou your bosses 20+his jungle years lies and crimes needs a book series that can be 200 we are only waiting for the time to print it and the rest is it is only the official sum but in the name of fools like yourself will also being followed by the int finance controller around the world

  8. Elias good job;

    Your finding very similar to what my sources provided me. We have been plundered by TPLF for twenty years and counting. TPLF begs in the name of Ethiopians. While millions and millions are being starved to death, members of terrorist groups buy properties in foreign countries. The group kills our people with impunity. It pimps our fertile land to foreigners. Our people in their own land do not have freedom. People we need to wake up and eliminate these parasites before it are too late. We are not living a dignified life as long us our country is under ‘Dedebit’ mercenaries.

  9. Dear Elias

    I thank you for your remarkable effort, Every single of us if we are working our share as you doing the Thugs might disappear from this world sooner. These mafia group they are looting the country money so do we have any authority or mandate to freeze their account as it is not their money. I know you are a journalist and off course a concerned Ethiopian you might not answer the question but you can ask and post for us. If you do that I would appreciate.



  10. Hi Elias:

    I like your news clips because it makes woyanes react to your news story. I am kind of discouraged by other news sites because they report what woyane wants them to. TPLF creates stories and other websites react to the news created by TPLF. In your case you bring fresh news and force woyane to react to the news. In other words you are proactive. As far as I am concerned, the main weakness of all opposition parties is, they remain reactive even after twenty years of woyane jungle rule. They fail to be proactive. They just wait to whatever woyane throws their way and then they try to react to it. In other words, TPLF has kept them busy by giving them homework all the time. They cannot bring themselves to be teachers and to this day remained students who cannot graduate to maturity.

  11. bereket simon just 100 million? why is he not getting the larger portion of the loot? is he not the right hand of dictator meles? Ethiopian will have this loot back when the weyane apartheid rule is gone.

  12. Elias … I do not doubt this list. However why we do not report for US government and European union as well as why lawyers such as professor Almariam and many more lawyers create some kind of task force internationally and bring back the looted money to Ethiopia back and use through the united nation organizations or other means to benefit the people.

  13. Thank you Elias – Please document the names of all their family members of the above twenty – They have been laundering the money in the name of their closest and loyal family members and friends. If at all we can make public of the names of those who are close to the above twenty criminals, justice can be served one way or the other – It is simply a matter of time.

    It is also very important that you bring this topic once every week so as people can come out and point or direct us in the ways the money is being stolen from Ethiopia. We have to bring this evil woyanes to justice!!!

  14. Elias Kifle the poorest man in Ethiopia with an estmatied debt of -$265,000.00 US dollar indebted to Mohammed Al Amoudi.

    weyGud replies:

    you are the dumbest man in Ethiopia, mucus filled the inside of your skull. If Elias is willing to stop exposing Amudi and Weyane, they are more than willing to give him millions of their looted money.

    Yigermal replies:

    What did you for your country except begging money from your master by insulting Elias. Elias is a very rich man with principle and love of Ethiopia unlike your master the looter Mohammed Al Amoudi.

  15. You are right brother Elias,

    Wedi Ethiopia like we say it in tigrigna,
    transilation “son of ethiopia”.
    when meles zenawi is finally captured and killed
    we will give you the honor to nail his coffine, so he can
    be discarded.
    Then we all shall sing on his funeral
    let him burn in hell- let him!!!
    let him rott in hell- let him!!!

  16. Ethiopian Review Investigation Unit is doing a fantastic job. Elias I just sent $500 to be used for more investigation work on TPLF looters. Keep up the wonderful job you are doing.

    Antidote! replies:

    Keep your $500 in your pocket idiot… If you want to keep fighting the enemy (i.e. EPRDF) you are better off giving it to the people who are starving and living in the streets of Addis. Elias is the worst that can happen to Ethiopia and don’t waste your hard earned money from feeding his drug addiction and lunatic outbursts…

    Waka replies:

    You are a baboon who thinks of the starving kids when it comes to the wipe out of the criminal gang and justice after ,tell your chimp bosses to give only a fraction of their own money back and Elias you will get the same amount in the next 6 months from me to strengthen your investigative work

  17. ኤልያስ ያስቀመጥከው የገንዘብ መጠን በጣም አነሰተኛ ነው። የአሜሪካ ድምጽ እንደዘገበው በግልጽ የሚታወቅ ከ11 ቢሊዮን ዶላር በላይ ከኢትዮጵያ ተዘርፎ ወጥቷል። መለስ ከአላሙዲ የማይተናንስ ገንዝብ ነው ያለው። በደንብ አጣርተህ ፃፍ።

    $11.7 ቢልዮን ዶላር የሚሆን ገንዘብ በሀገ-ወጥ መንገድ ከሀገሪቱ እንደወጣ ተገለጸ – VOA

    Tazabi replies:


    Elias is doing a superb job here. Are you trying to correct him with his own earlier post? …

  18. You are a lunatic bastard!…Yet again, you are luring some of the idiots here to keep sending you money to fund your stupid way of life…

    weyGud replies:

    Why are you weyanes so upset at reading such exposing stories? In reality, truth should never upset anyone. But you cadres are idiots who live for the crumbs from your weyane masters. Weyane invested millions to lure Ethiopians and failed. Elias has only this website to reach out to Ethiopians and he has millions of followers. Mr. idiot saying idiot, why do you think is that? Only because he exposes weyane, only because he sticks to the truth.

  19. Search info for these too

    Getu Gelete
    Tekebirhane ambaye
    Zeraburk the husband of Berket Simon’s cousin
    Abay Tsehaye
    Arkebe Ekubay
    Samora Yenus
    SatCon, Sur, Berta, etc construction owner

  20. Bereket Simon is so dumb. He does the dirty work for Meles and he has such a small fraction of what Meles and his wife jointly looted. Those affiliated with the ruling party are no different from drug dealers and petty criminals in their greed and cruelty.

    Mr Editor , thank you for the information. No one should ask you for your source. Your guide is your journalistic ethics.

    Woyanne killer replies:

    Engida what? since when is 100million few amount in which you can save thousands of sweet kids on the street and shifta like bereke (Mebrahtom) does not deserve a penny let alone such a huge amount of money

  21. well done Elias!!

    but i think Yemru Nega and Ketema Kebede (KK) were already in the business before woyane, any way people should notice that the title just says top 20 Rich people, its up to people to see who is weyane and not, cause just being Rich is not a crime by itself :) even though 18 of them are weyanes anyway

    Anonymous replies:

    Ja, they had been in business before woyane came to power, but they become rich overnight after weyane.

  22. No No that is not the whole story. Hibret/Unity money transfer from the usa to ethiopia which is owned by Sebhat Nega and Meles alone estimated to collect in foriegn currency 1.8 billion anualy. the money nevewr transfered to ethiopia. Amezingley the US gov nows more than we know. in a rotary meeting of high former and current US officials aknowlwged the loot are far beyoned many of us estimated. Even AIGA the chief right hand of Meles did not suspect that much money is looted by thier pure tigre leader.

  23. The greed of Meles and co will not be satiated and the bleeding of Ethiopia continues unless we unite and get rid of these blood suckers. Over 80,000 Addis Ababans live on trash and greedy Ethiopians are amassing wealth at the expense of millions of Ethiopians.How about General Tsadikan who owns Raya Brewery??????????????

  24. Mamaru,

    Lets not over-state these peoples fortunes.

    Lets not under-state these peoples fortunes.

    Please ONLY post what you can verify.

    How can random peoples comments on this post be taken into consideration when compiling the top 20 Rich list of Ethiopia.



    weyGud replies:


    I believe what Elias said is true for the most part. Even if it is not true, you said


    I love any propaganda that devastates weyane. If you are one of the millions of Ethiopians who are affected by the weyane scheme then you should not be worried about the “facts”. Fact is that weyane’s send their children to prestigious schools in Europe while majority of Ethiopians live under the poverty line. Fact is weyane cadres drive luxury cars while children of age below 12 live on the streets. if you are not blind or unless you just arrived from mars you should notice these facts.

    FACT SEEKER replies:


    Yes, I agree with the points you have raised.

    But look at it this way, we all know that there are many people who have become extremely wealthy overnight due to the corrupt nature of the government in Ethiopia. That is beyond doubt.

    But tell me, what use is it to sit here and waste more time, divert more attention, money and resources in deliberating over the specifics of exactly how much they have.

    There are 20 or 30 articles about the wealth of certain Ethiopians associated with the government on this site, more than is necessary in my opinion.

    If we are really angry, and we really want a change, then we have to pro-actively make that happen, and believe me writing a top 20 rich list is not going to do that.

    I think these people want you to sit here and write, deliberate, comment and argue about the exact level of their riches. It’s great distraction from the real issue. Just like the Abay damn.


  25. You are just lunatic.It is the only the lunatics like you who are clapping for you. No one will take you serious.

    weyGud replies:

    Dude, before you make any comment here please learn some English.

    “It is the only the lunatics….” worng

    “No one will take you serious.” wrong

    Andargachew replies:

    Why the hell do yo care about his English? Are you telling us that you are an English Professor? No one is, and focus on what he wants to say. For example, your english also lucks something if you can see it again, but it doesn’t matter as far as someone can understand it.

    As for Elias, he is of course a liar, looser, and he is bringing all these lies because he has been exposed trying to terrorize Ethiopia. He will never win as he has doing it for 20 years without having any gain.

    If you are like him, you are a loser as well. Woyanes are woyanes, and they know how to defeat their enemies. If you are brave enough, just face them directly!

    “New york Freedom fighters” has been your nick-name!

    Ali replies:

    Andargachew you are not worth of any respond as you are surviving with a damaged brain as for facing woyannes who are assigned by Ethiopian enemies as they are good in traitor job that they got from their ancestors wont be that hard and will be defeated in the near future either with Gadafis fate or facing justice in den hague

    weyGud replies:

    @ Andargachw

    your English is even worse than the your cadre brother.

    ” your english also lucks something…” wrong

    “As for Elias, he is of course a liar, looser…” wrong

    “He will never win as he has doing it for 20 years without having any gain…” wrong and illogical and meaningless.

    ““New york Freedom fighters” has been your nick-name!” wrong

    Once again, I tell you mucus head swines to learn English before you show up here.

  26. Elias, you should see suicide as an option for you. While people are prospering you still remained begging to the very existence of your ‘hametegna’ website. Love it

    weyGud replies:

    ABC, you said,

    “While people are prospering you still remained begging…”

    That’s what we are saying, weyane people are prospering through the way of corruption while the rest of us are still begging. Hard earned foreign currency reserve of the country is vanishing fleetingly, while the nation mires under poverty.

    Solution is, idiot fawns like you should stop the blind support to the corrupt weyane officials. Until then we keep rummaging all corners to expose thieves.

    Anonymous replies:

    Only shameless cold-blooded leba woyanes take pride and see looting and taking foods from the mouths of starving children as prosperity. God works in his timetable and your time will come soon and you will be humiliated in front of the world as it happened to subhuman tyrants like Mubarak, Gaddafi and their family and criminal friends.
    Indante yalewn wonjelegena sebsbo beesat makatel nebere: Yedeha Amlake inantene afer yasbelchehu, yatfachehu::

  27. What a great shame! The country millions of Ethiopians died for is being run by Lawless Organized Criminals. There got to be some kind of legal rights out there, for Ethiopian people to sue the TPLF thieves at the International Court of Justice for robbing the country empty while millions of Ethiopian children starving to deaths. These TPLF professional criminals must be Satan worshipers, there is no way, one can believe in the merciful God and turn around and commit multiple unspeakable, despicable crimes as Woyanes do. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

  28. Meles has managed to seduce the expats and the upper class with land, investment and access. Meles’ regime flourishes because We want to travel to Ethiopia, live like a villan , retire in a place where we can hire house maids and cooks by the dozen if needed , show off our money among family and friends, enjoy the attractive and comfortable entrapments of pseudo capitalism—the saunas, the restaurants, the resorts, the spas, the hot hotels, the even hotter young and nouveau rich who litter the scene. All of it makes our beloved country so beguiling. A few days in the fashionable metropolis known as Addis and we too are resentful of the poor. We want to divorce ourselves from the machinations of the regime at the same time that we enjoy the byproduct of its policies.

    Until we decide that these few platitudes are not enough, that the clubs and the resort traps and five star hotels accessible to the few are not what a nation should be about, Meles will continue to rule. Still, many a businessman and woman have complained to us that the tax codes are stifling and that the government exercises eminent domain and imposes harsh penalties without due process. And they say this without irony! As though an otherwise bankrupt government would implement “democratic processes” in its version of capitalism!

    The reality is we are not quite as fed up as our dearly departed brother, Yenesew Gebre. Meles’ government exists more than twenty years after he boldly strolled into the capital because we allow it to. Because we, you, yes YOU, permit it. It is the investor class, the expats, those of us in the Diaspora, who fuel Meles. We are all complicit. You and me. In the interim, our young men and women must employ other protest methods and learn from previous social movements.

    Instead of hunger strikes and self-immolation, let’s look at boycotts and divestment.

  29. This is the latest about the recently imprisoned individuals back home. This was passed along to me from a close relative back home who knows people in and around the leading members of the government. A heated debate has been raging among the decision making members of the Federal Government on what actions should be taken on the prisoners. There are a group of officials who want a death penalty passed on the fiery critics such as Andualem and Eskinder and they want the sentence carried out with out pardon. I was told that those who want to execute Eskinder and Andualem are of a majority who were emboldened by silence of the Western Powers after the 2005 killings. And they want to show everyone that this time they are serious and mean ‘business’. They are not worried about the people who are tired of the past devastating wars and are also tied up in making ends meet. I am devastated and extremely worried that my family and I will be hated by other good folks from the Amhara, Oromo and other nationalities. And there in nothing I can do to save the lives of these powerless prisoners.

    Ahadu replies:

    Kahsay there are always this kind of things happening by freedom fighters and the truth and their names always stays in a golden history book unlike the killers will face the fate of ghadaffi and Charles taylor

  30. May I say Let Almighty God beless you.

    These whom you mentioned are mega parasites accumilating public wealth in foreign banks what about minature woyanes and their slaves recurrited as EPRDF cadres and owned a number of properties and bussiness firms in Ethiopia. Exposing these indeginous parasites should be the duty of us and we should do our bit guys,

    Great job


  31. Elias thx again this is what TPLF is all about forget the dam forget development forget ethnics eqality forget flag ceremony forget the proxy war with alshabab and climate conference of the looter and parasite and self made prime minister represetat of Africa as image repair and sold african interest for dinar after wine and dine with Sarkhozy as it is his part time job , this is the result of 20 years plundering the country to its bones and let its dear children dies in massen for the luck of a bread.

    Thx Elias the dear son of mother Ethiopia

    Ethiopia will prevail and bring its enemies to justice

  32. Reference id: 07ADDISABABA3483
    Cable time: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:59 UTC
    Origin: Embassy Addis Ababa
    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
    Published on: 25 Aug 2011 (original), 1 Sep 2011 (diff) (now)




    DEPT for EEB

    E.O. 12958: N/A
    TAGS: ECON [Economic Conditions], EFIN [Financial and Monetary Affairs], EINV [Foreign Investments], ET [Ethiopia]

    ¶1. SUMMARY: The impending bank foreclosures on two prominent Addis
    Ababa commercial buildings may be an early sign of trouble in
    Ethiopia’s booming construction and building business. The Governor
    of the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE – Ethiopia’s Central Bank)
    recently denied that there is a construction bubble, however the
    sustainability of the rapid growth in commercial construction is
    questionable. Additionally, these foreclosures mark an aggressive
    turn in portfolio management for two of Ethiopia’s largest banks.


    ¶2. Dembel City Center – The twelve story Dembel City Center is
    perhaps the most visible building in Addis Ababa. Situated on Bole
    Road, the main shopping street of the capital, it houses 114 shops
    and offices as well as several banks. Dembel was completed in 2001
    and is regarded as the most upscale shopping center in the country.
    The government-owned Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) on November
    12 informed the building’s developer Yemiru Nega that it plans to
    repossess Dembel in order to recover 221.4 million birr
    (approximately 24 million USD) in outstanding loans. While Yemiru
    has been in a debt-recovery scheme for the past six months to clear
    25.3 million birr (nearly 3 million USD) in arrears, bank officials
    stated in media reports that he has ceased to make payments and
    foreclosure is necessary. (NOTE: Sources indicate that Yemiru is
    the uncle of Minister of Trade and Industry Girma Birru. END

  33. I think your information should be reliable and correct. It needs to
    identify those robbers and blood suckers from those hard working Ethiopians like Ketema Kebede, who grew up from the scratch ( from semne)to this wealthiness. Please be careful not to mix Gold and copper.

    Thank you Elias

  34. Elias,
    may be you should change the titel to TOP LOOTERS OF ETHIOPIAN WEALTH. Wealth that is obtained through cruel action should allow a person to be catagorized as reachest man.
    mote lewoyane and hodam bandas

    Addis replies:

    Brilliant assessment. Rich is not anonymous with pillagers, thugs, murderer, bandits, alien invaders as well.

  35. Singling out an entire ethnic group for the social problems that Ethiopia faces today is opinionic genocide. More than half of the people mentioned above are Non-Tigrayans . This list is a proof that Tigrayans are not controling the country as many like to say they are. Out of the 11.7 billion dollars smuglled out of the country between 2000-2009 Tigrayans did not get any. Each ethnic group should audit it’s own rather blaming Tigrayans for whatever socio-economic and political situation Ethiopia is in today.

    Anonymous replies:

    more than 12 of them are TPLf and the rest most in someway connected to them. so tell us the dedebit dedeb how is it then 12 at least from the 5% are in the top 20? do ur math.

  36. waka or elias,you are creating a fictious story just to knpw how many ignorant diaspora has following you,,you are just a lunetic lier ,,no fact,,just wishfull thinking..that you feell…you want 5000 dollar ? tell me your pay pal..but stop lies and focus on truth like ethiomedia or EMF,,,

    weyGud replies:

    little nut head,

    you too please go to grandma’s grammer school,

    “…you are creating a fictious story just to knpw how many ignorant diaspora has following you…” wrong

    “…you are just a lunetic lier …” wrong, typical swine English

    “…you want 5000 dollar ?…” wrong

    “… tell me your pay pal..but stop lies …” wrong

    remember!!! don’t show up here untill you get a fourth grade certificate, if you bring a counterfiet card, we will know it right off, and you will be in trouble.

    Waka replies:

    Hayat you said “you are creating a fictious story just to knpw how many ignorant diaspora has following” to be called by lowlfe woyanne
    to be called ignorant is really funny me as a diasspora has never seen any Ethiopian so low and primitive and ignorants like woyanne deffeders the looting money wont make you any better than you as born and raised ignorant can never change ,you in your tiny thinking believes the living of melese zenawi and azeb in Ethiopian palace can change their shifta image that they brought up with ?if you think that way you better enjoy the looted Ethiopian money till scrumble with the peoples of Ethiopia.

  37. Do we have all these money?
    You guys you told us we are the poorest nation in the world.
    Anyway,I believe Meles is one of the richest person in Ethiopia because he is intelligent,smart and healthy leader.God bless him I wish these to all my people including you guys.
    May God have mercy to those who hates.

    Anonymous replies:

    you look a lukewarm weyane,

    please don’t forget to register for third grade next year, but for now keep away from this website.

    “…Do we have all these money?…” wrong (…all this money… better yet …this much money…)

    “…You guys you told us we are the poorest nation in the world…” wrong (you guys told us…. or you told us….)

    “…I believe Meles is one of the richest person in Ethiopia …” wrong

    “…God bless him I wish these to all my…” wrong

    “…May God have mercy to those who hates…”

    remeber!!! unless you go to school you will always be a pig, as you are now.

    Ahadu replies:

    Illitrate dude you are not cut for politics and it is too high for your tiny brain even your cult leader is not cut for politics rather looting lies killing and other different evils that you will be surprised when it comes out after his end

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