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23 thoughts on “Meseret Defar carries the real Ethiopian flag

  1. Elia Kifle, I am your fun but you have to be sensitive to the religious beleives of all Ethiopians. This flag represents Ethiopians that adhare to christianity. Am i wrong?

  2. Thanks Mesi,that is the flag I didnt see it waved in my entire life since I get life on earth and you made me happy waving it infront of many enemies and friends.It is internationaly recognised flag which is dyed with the blood of millions of martyrs

  3. “the real ethiopian flag” u said?..since when? who designed it? was it in accordance with the will of all ethiopians? …I dont like the ‘ambasha’ that is on the EPRDF flag. The real ethio flag, as of now, is the green-yellow-red with nothing on it…

  4. In my opinion, “real flag” is defined from the point one’s political affiliation.

    To those who are anchored to the old monarchical regime of the royal regime, or to those who have benefited from the system, yes, the flag carried by Meseret (the flag with Moa Ambessa’s logo)is “real”

    To those who were against the emperor’s regime, or to those who have suffered from the feudal system, and benefited from the Derg’s regime, the flag with the Derg’s logo was “real”

    Still other people who are against both the atrocities of the regimes of the Emperor and Derg, and to those who have benefited from the current government, the flag carried by Kenenisa and the rest of our athletes could be “real flag”.

    If UDJ could win the hearts of the people and take power in the next election, it is very likely that it would come up with its own logo imprinted on the flag. And that would be defined “flag” by its supporters and beneficiaries.

    By the way, Elias, I never suspected that you would call the flag with Moa Ambessa logo – “real”.


  5. Thank you very much sister for waving our flag.

    I am glad that you didn’t wave that evil woyanes flag.

    Berchi Ehitalem!

    God Bless You!

    Meseret Defar Ye Defar Lij!

  6. this is the real Ethiopian flag!በመላው ኣለም ላይ የሚታወቀውና ክብር ያለው ባንዲራ ይሄ ነው::መሰረት የ አባቶቹዋን አደራ የጠበቀች ጀግና ልጅ ነች::
    በኮከብ ቆጠራና በመተት የሚታወቁት ወያኔዎች ባንዲራችን መሀል ኮከብ ያደረጉት እነሱ እንደሚሉት ለብሄር ብሄረሰቦች እኩልነት መግለጫ አይደለም::በምን ስሌትና ትርጉም ነው ኮከብ የብሄረሰቦችን እኩልነት የሚገልጸው?ከዚያ ይልቅ ከኮከብ ቆጠራና ከጥንቆላ ጋር ያለው ቀጥተኛ ግንኙነት ነው የሚታወቀው:: የወያነን ባንዲራ የምንጠላው ጠንቁዋይንና ጥንቆላን; መተትንና መተተኛን ስለማንወድ ነው::መሰረት በወያነ ባንዲራ ምትክ የኢትዮጵያን ባንዲራ ይዛ ስናያት ደስ ያለንም ለዛ ነው::
    አርበኛውና የኢትዮጵያ እውነተኛው ልጅ ባሻ ነኝ::

  7. real flag?

    I like the lion flag however !!!! the cross kills it………. So the real flag is green yellow and red with out anything on. after all ethiopia is land of all faith, resapct my religion and Don’t try to deny me my country and flag.

  8. I am happy that Meseret didn’t carry the woyane flag which doesn’t represent Ethiopia. This is flag with Moa Ambesa is also not Ethiopian flag but I rather see the Moa Ambesa waved instead of woyane flag. I wish political parties refrain from puting their logo on our flag which is green, yellow and red and nothin on it.

  9. መስየ አባ ደፋር የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ
    ባንዲራሺን ይዘሺ ለአለም ስታወጅ
    ሞ!አንበሳን ደሰ አለው ስናየው በአንች እጅ ።

  10. መስየ አባ ደፋር የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ
    ባንዲራሺን ይዘሺ ለአለም ስታወጅ
    ወያኔን ሲከፋው ደስ አለው ውዳጅ
    ሀቀኛውን አርማ ስናየው በአንች እጅ ።

  11. The real Ethiopian Flag is plain Green Yelow and Red. The flag with the lion was exclusivly for the Kings and Queen often wave in the palaces and on the vehicles they were riding with. There had been another one with Saint George on it that were used at the office of the Patriarch and on the vehicle of the Patrirch as well. Derg used to have something on it too, however the official flag of Ethiopia was not altered until Woyanes came. People never identified themeselves with quilt like bizzare flag like the Woyane’s.
    I can give an eye witness account at the Houston International Festival. EAL and the Ministry of Tourism had spaces at the vendors place fully decorated by this flag. It turned off every one that the next day they had to take it off. Yes plain Green Yelow and Red is our true Flag.

  12. As much as I appreciate your stance on Woyane , I realy think tht you are one of the remanents of the feudal regime. Who said the flag with the emperors logo is the real Ethiopian flag? We are yet to see the real ethiopian flag

  13. Ato Jamal!

    Since it is an open question, I am an answering to you. This flag has nothing to do with Christianity! This is the only “sendkalama” of Ethiopia with our black lion. The lion you see on the flag exists only in our country, Ethiopia. And this is going to be our only flag in the future. If there is a disagreement on this when we create a democratic Ethiopia, we will hold a referendum.

  14. Almost for anything and evreything people talk of referandum… referandum. Do you know it needs money, and where on earth poor ethiopia to get the money for. It can not even afford to buy bread for the needy, medication for the many affacted by AIDS and the kids who need to be educated to change these for the better. You must learn not to politicise national symbols, otherwise you will end up having no nation at all.

  15. እድሉን ካገኘሁ ልጻፍ ልሞንጭር
    ውተት አጠጥተሺ ላስላስሺነ ማር
    ለአትልሌትዋ ጅግና መሰረት ደፋር ፤
    መስየ አባደፋር የቁርጥ ቀን ልጅ
    ባንዲራሺን ይዘሺ ለአለም ስታውጅ
    ሀቅውኛውን አርማ ስናየው በአንች እጅ
    እጅግ ተደስተው ሀበሻ ፈረንጅ
    ወያኔን ሲከፋው ደስ አለው ውዳጅ ፤
    አርማችን ተረስቶ ወድቆ እንዳይረሳ
    ጅግና የጅግና ልጅ አምሳያው የአንበሳ
    የቻይናው ውጤትሺ በሎንደን ይነሳ ፤
    አክሱም ላሊበላ ጎጃም በጌምድር
    አማራ ሳይንቴ ይፋት አንኮበር
    ይጽና አንድነታችን እንኑር በፍቅር
    በቤክንግ አዳራሺ በአትሌቲክ መንደር
    ኮርታ አኮራችህ መሰረት ደፋር ፤
    በአለም ተገለጸ ተገኘ አዲስ ዜና
    አርማችን ከታየ በሀገረ ቻይና ።

    ከአርማጫው የጁየ

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