Federal Police Joint Anti-Terror Task Force in Ethiopia has caught the suspect that is responsible for causing the death of 9 ruling party musicians.
The suspect, a 2-year-old bird named Al’ula, has been positively identified by the driver of the bus that crashed on its way to South Sudan carrying over 25 members of the TPLF musical group.
The driver, fighting back tears, told investigators that the bird barged into the bus and savagely attacked him causing him to lose control. The bird was assisted by an ox, the driver said. The ox is yet to be apprehended.
The suspect, Al’ula, has been brought to Maikelawi Jail in Addis Ababa today for interrogation. Initial investigation indicates that Al’ula has received extensive terror training in Eritrea, according to TPLF regime spokesperson Bereket Simon.
Reporter has the following report in Amharic:
በአዲሷ ደቡብ ሱዳን የኢትዮጵያን ባህል ለማስተዋወቅ በመጓዝ ላይ የነበሩት በብዛት የሕወሓት ታዋቂ ታጋዮች የሚገኙበት የአርቲስቶች ቡድን በገጠመው የተሽከርካሪ አደጋ የዘጠኙ ሕይወት አልፏል፡፡ የሟቾቹ የቀብር ሥነ ሥርዓት በዛሬው ዕለት መቀሌ ውስጥ በሚገኘው ገብርኤል ቤተ ክርስቲያን ይፈጸማል፡፡
ከቆቦ አምስት ኪሎ ሜትር ርቀት ላይ በሚገኘው ልዩ ስሙ ኾርማት በመባል በሚታወቀው አካባቢ አደጋ የገጠመው አርቲስቶችን የያዘው አውቶብስ የመገልበጥ አደጋ የገጠመው፣ አሞራ በሾፌሩ መስኮት በኩል መግባቱን ተከትሎ መሆኑን የአካባቢው የሪፖርተር ምንጮች ተናግረዋል፡፡
ባለፈው ሰኞ ከማለዳው ሦስት ሰዓት ላይ አደጋ የገጠመው ይኼው አውቶቡስ፣ በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት ሲጓዝ የነበረ ሲሆን፣ ሾፌሩ አሞራውን ለማስወጣት ሲታገል ድንገት መንገዱ ላይ በሬ ገብቶበት ድልድይ ውስጥ የመግባት አደጋ እንዳጋጠመው ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡
በጎንደር በኩል ወደ ደቡብ ሱዳን ለማምራት ያቀደው ይኼው የትግራይ የባህል ቡድን፣ በሕወሓት 17 የትጥቅ ትግል ዓመታት በታጋዮችና በተለይ ደግሞ በትግራይ ሕዝብ ዘንድ እጅግ ተወዳጅ የሆኑ የትግል ሥራዎች በማቅረብ የሚታወቁት ይገኙባቸዋል፡፡ በአደጋው ሕይወታቸው ያለፉ ታጋዮች ብርሃነ ገብረ መስቀል (ጋኖ)፣ ለተመስቀል ገብረ ሕይወት፣ ብርሃነ ገብረ ሕይወት (ሃንደበት)፣ ብርሃነ ዓምዳይ (ኩናማ)፣ ኃይለ ገብረ ሥላሴና ተኪኤ ተስፋ ማርያም ይገኙበታል፡፡ እንዲሁም ወጣት አርቲስቶች ብርሃነ ገብረ ሚካኤል፣ አሸናፊ መንግሥቱና ሃፍቶም ገብረ ማርያም ሕይወታቸው በአደጋው ካለፉት መካከል ይገኙበታል፡፡
የአካባቢው ምንጮች ለሪፖርተር እንደገለጹት፣ ጉዳት ከደረሰባቸው 17 አርቲስቶች መካከል 10 ከፍተኛ ጉዳት፣ 6ቱ መጠነኛ ጉዳት የደረሰባቸው ሲሆኑ፣ የአንዱ አርቲስት ሕይወት የመትረፍ ዕድሉ አጠራጣሪ ነው፡፡
ጉዳት የደረሰባቸው አርቲስቶች ተገቢው የሕክምና አገልግሎት እየተደረገላቸው ሲሆን፣ የትግራይ ርዕሰ መስተዳደር አቶ አባይ ወልዱን ጨምሮ የክልሉ ባለሥልጣናት የጠየቁዋቸው መሆኑንና የሟች ቤተሰቦችንም እንዳፅናኗቸው ምንጮች ገልጸዋል፡፡
180 thoughts on “The terror suspect in the death of TPLF singers caught”
Friends and comrades of the nine Tigrai police orchestra who died by the horrific bus accident are .being asked for their contributions to comfort the families . You can wire transfer your contribution to Silassie Branch of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
I heard the bird confessed to being a Ginbot 7 agent. he has also implicated the bere as an accomplice. The government needs to start crackdown on birds and beres so this kind of behavior can be contained prematurely.
I am sure more than 80 million Ethiopians are quite happy that these parasites were gone. And the same amount would pray that more from the same tribe would follow their fallen mates sooner than later. This will to some extent lessen and sooth the pain that we suffered under the most barbaric and evil tribe, namely the Tigre! I have my own personal experience with the barbarians in Dhedhessa in 1992! I will not forgive and forget! May the Almighty waaqa Oromo perish all this ungrateful, evil and devilish mafia grouping!
I am from Tigray and I am disgusted by the the hatred and uncivilized bashing of fellow human beings. Even, I am so ashamed to be called Ethiopian when I know people like Elias are also Ethiopians. How can anyone claim to have any human cause when he uses his cutting edge against the dead! In a way, I am loving it because it has opened up for the entire world to see the psychic of people like Elias Kifle and some Eritreans who have no gust to confront the living, which by the way symbolizes the truth, but the dead! May god save our country from the grips of such filthy, uncivilized people.
a snincere message to the woyane keyenti:
please accept the fact that it is impossible to live in a two sword world without excpecting a reaction. If you choose to be the appendages of cliques of “Abay Tigaray” then it is only natural to expect the “unexpected”. You either join the forces of “Ethiopia” or else get smashed by the foreces of “Ethiopia”
Dear ahadu
Have you expressed this “civilized way” when the agazi forces of hell were unlishing the bullets against the unarmed civilinas during the 97 election. I know the answer is “no” so why bother listining to your ignorant comment!!!!
Comment 50 annonymus
Aye amara, gudegnoch… you ran with your Migs, Tanks and countless missiles for 11 AK-47 but now you have the gut to go after the dead. Coward ahyoch, one day you will pay the price.
My good jungle boy amara whom your crime minister calls (bozene) is by far bright thinker than your likes and about some from your hated Ethiopian ethnic has some how helped your chimp who is hiding in minilik palace to survive that long and believe me had it not been the case you would have been long history to say the least
Elias you are very creative and fantastic journalists unlike the woyanne dudes accumilated by woyanne tv or journalists kkkkk
Meles is the evil twin brother of Alula Zenawi.
Artists no matter where they are bring a sense of identity to a particular group of people, and culture. In Eritrean Culture as well as Tigrayan culture, from the days I remember of our struggle time, Singers were part of our struggle and help the morals of the soldiers going. Though I personal don’t remember all the singers who have died from this unfortunate accident, I do understand what a great job they have played and the sacrifices they have made to the cause of Tigraian liberation and also Ethiopian freedom at large. Our political differences aside, I want to personal y give my condolences to the family and friends who suffer and to the millions of people be in Ethiopia or Eritrea who enjoyed their songs, that no one, and I repeat no one, should mock the death of this fallen Heroes. It truly breaks my heart to see, jokes being made over dead fallen Heroes, what does it really say about this? to me this is not a joke? we have to ask, who is behind this? as I have said in the past, the CIA has to be behind this, to create animosity between people. Just as the case in Somalia causing problems, now between brothers in Ethiopia are causing problems. So only you can solve your own problem, and we must fight foreign interference, because only we together can solve our problems together. While I am on the subject, I would like to categorically deny that, Eritrea has nothing to do with such act of terror. We, even during our 30 years of struggle, have never been involved in such acts. Finally, I want to ask of you, to stop this kind of jokes that are very insensitive to those who are suffering. plus it will not help you to advance your cause, because you are mocking the few that are dead. This singers/Artists will be missed and my the family get comfort in the knowledge their loved ones have made a great sacrifice and paid with their life, to the cause they believed in a better humanity. And the living we must continue to honor their work. And I am not saying this because I want the sanctions to be lifted, as some of you might say, just like you said that is why I came to NY, but because i have great respect to traditional hero artists. It would be great if such type of jokes are not part of this website, and would also be even better if the editors remove this article all together with an apology. , Last but not least, to my dismay, I have not heard prime Minister Melese give his condolence on this occasion, I had hoped he actually would be there in their funeral, as I was during our hero singer yenmane bariya’s funeral, but I guess, we all have our priorities when it comes to our fallen heroes.
This is hilarious. I like it. ER please update us on the condition of this terror suspect…poor Al’ula lol
kinf awetecha leberara
kinf awetecha leberara
Dear bro Elias, editor of the voice of the voiceless ER,
Please allow me my bad forgeting to add paying condolence to the victims of the brutal bird/as the agazi army/ along with his unreliable his right hand one soldier,ox whom by now probably raised up the white flag in the land of sarsay/ykalo to seek poletical amnesty, cowardly abondoning his bold as Zeray Deres and brilliant as Elexander the great bcommander in cheif ‘Alula’ to fend himself alone.
My fellow former comarade in the fox whole of the nakfa frot trenches just reminded me that ato Brhane Gano/halefay was infact one of the lucky who won prestigious full scholarship to take advantage for further advanced gratuate studies in sahel whom woyane sent under the pretention of defending the derg offensive in order not to raise jelousy among the rest of the amuteur musician crowds alghough they were not that much known outside of Tgray unlike the late legendary Eyasu Berhe. In any case, anyone no matter thier sexutual orientation who bravely fights dictatorial oppression for the common good whether using pen, picking up ak47 or thru financial/sychological support deserves full honor just like those who perished and have been arrested in the unfortunate woyane’s Ethiopian for the sake of justice and democracy for all.
In the late of 1980’s the song HALEFAY which means in the local tgrean langauge ‘nature has been unkind to us tgreans so far but good time is coming for ammasing wealth when strategically renaming ourselves as newly minted patriotic Ethiopians’ made him an instant undiputable like a rock star artist to the late brother Brhane, alah bless his soul. Neverthless, i would rather say in a clear and loud voice ‘AIMOTEN EDLEGNA EYU HALEFAY!/mr. Brhane is lucky and still alive and kicking for he witnessed his wishes come true that Tgreans specially the woyane supporters are living large.
Yes, should they make honest self-check infront of the never lies mirror, i bet they wouldn’t have noticed any rinkled faces or rough hands other than smooth sexy skins and lots of extra kilo wiethts hard to shed away even hitting the gym daily, thanks simply for having the membership of belonging and associating to a corrupt minority rule. As a matter of fact, if they have to make quick brake from their busy once in a life time chasing easy fortune and travel for lazy vacation to the once thier kind second home, it’s highly doubtful that beloved mama Eritrea would ever able reconizing her estranged childeren even using the might planetary telescope who long time ago kissed her goodbye understandably in search of easily accesible greener posture for good.
That’s why we, the prodemocrat freedom activists strongly oppose it for it’s taking place in the expenses of millions of poletically starveed souls who has been systematically denied equal access to opportunities and the right to normal peaceful living in the region. By the way, it’s good news that nobody onother human right advocate that walkes by two legs is wrongly accused again as prime suspect terrorist for we know for sure the merciless consquence in the hands of the fear and hatred filled bloody woyane cadres would be.
Alula great Job !!!next time we are expecting from your group to spray chemical to those bastards.
kkkkkkkkk, er you are killing me, it’s really a nice joke…….kkkkkkk…and yet it’s true that the tplf stupid criminal members are doing the same stupid game on ethiopians……
Former TPLF member who lives in Mekele has a very interesting piece as to who is responsible for the death of the artists. OMG!
Good reading.
http://ethiomedia.com/andnen/who_is_res … _death.pdf
I thought the name of the Amora was Ashebir Zenawi mistakenly thought the bus was that of UDJ. But, one thing that comes into my mind is why would a cultural troupe from a small region represent Ethiopia in South Sudan?? Why not a ” hibre-biher Ethiopian musical band” ?? I know the Weyane regime is on a competing course with Eritreans. Whatever the Eritreans do the Weyane regime has to replicate it. If Shaebia sends his bussiness people and musical bands to Juba,then Weyane is jumping here and there to do the same. Anyways, condolences to the families of the victims.
LOL! Hey one more ‘evidence’ for IGAD to strengthen the Eritrean Sanction!
i cant believe you guys are bitching about the people who fought in order to give us our freedom. I can not believe I’m reading this…just shut the f**k up…and if it wasnt for woyane, all amhara people would have been starving and the rest of the people in ethiopia would have been considered animal…just like it was in the 70s and before that too… Its funny that u guys probably consider yourself educated just because you are write something bad on the computer. SHAME ON YOU!!!!
to #50 56 70 and likes
Just know that I’m from the Ogaden.
Allahu Akber.
Ye wendem wend not ye paltalk Jegna
You ask if I did something, then go on to conclude I did not, and then make a judgment not to admit what I said.
You do not seem to have the right mindset to make informed analysis and judgment based on facts, let alone to use your moral value which requires higher level of thinking capacity. Unfortunately, these days many people like me are confronting people like you who have no morals to appeal to. I hope your humanity will set you free one day!
Alula and the Ox have done what they have done. I mean, who ever ordered them for the action, mission was accomplished and the damage has been done irreversibly.
Now, what is the moral of this story? The nature and strategy of the struggle against Woyane Tugs has changed dramatically, from simple opposition to suicide attack. Time to call this new development, “terrorism by suicide bombers”. Right, PM Ashebir and Bereket? This is from me just in case you run out of name calling and labeling.
Berqi ychersachu amara pigs says
Comment 56 (illitrate and backward woyanne)as there is no civilized woyanne on the planet earth you are not worth for any respond as if we are responding with dedebit chimpanze i dont know if you have one in your dry territory.
coward amhara, we have only a few years then you will be dealing with the oromos. you bloodsucking senseless donkeys have brought us these down for 3000 years but make no mistake that those heroes and heroins have done their duties and produced millions who are determined, strong, and educated citizens who will make you pee in your pants as usual if you were to try what you preach on cyber. Thanks GOD, every Ethiopian tribe, small or big now knows how savage you are and what kind of animals we are dealing with. so, even if a miracle comes and save you from the oromos(which is highly impossible, looking on your crimes), the rest of the tribes will finish you cowards. so don’t be too excited since your stinky mouth against the dead only facilitates the cause of our struggle not the other way around. who even thought they will survive all the rain of bombs and missiles that you cowards&the USSR have dropped? It is only 20 years but i’ll tell you our future is 1,000,000 times brighter.
your endless fantasy by your jungle justification and lies has brought the country only one number better from the last even though by the name of Ethiopia your jungle master has collected about 30 billion from donors which is the second high anount after indonesian but your shifta groups has been practising luxury life which they have been dreaned of for centuries and looted when ever they can and you put the blame not on your incapable jungle inhabitants rather on amhara or Ethiopians in general as your group is rejected by aprox 97% of the peoples ,the shifta group whom you are trying to defend might have enable you to eat belly full as the other Ethiopians which are very smart and the nations future starving of hunger unlike your likes eat belly full and be seen as a cancer of the nation.and at last what i would like to tell you is that your days are very numbered ,your comrades have been killed by a terrorist allula and you get your justice from a civilized Ethiopian jusice, dont worry it will never be woyanne like justice which is a jungle one.
You will burn on earth and in hell. This is not how an Ethiopian reacts to the death of another human being. I don’t know what your problem is. I may not like the government but I don’t hate the people of Tigray. Your hate is intolerable. You need to tone down your unprofessional way of fighting with a pen. Choose your enemies wisely. Anyone who hate any one based on ethnicity, religion or belief is a TERRORIST.
Let there be more suffering upon Woyannes as they have tormented us for too long.
Ye tigeray yebahel budin adega yaderesew amora sayehon hone tebelo seochu behezeb zend tekebayen selalachew betechemarim ye arena tigrgn abal selehonu hon tebelew weyane yasmetachew!
thank you brother for your correction. I was in hurry after Woyane when i made that mistake.
Lion #97
Your comment is very interesting, but i don’t believe that the miracle which in 570 AD happened on Abraha’s fighters, who were on the way to destroy the ” cube ” which was built by Prophet Abraham, will happen to Weyane. We pray to God and His son Jesus for help, but we have to act when praying for help.
The dead are humans and fellow Ethiopians R.I.P…but as members of TPLF they can die 100 times and fk their sacrifices, it did nothing for the rest of Ethiopia except for their narrow minded groups within tigray (not all tigrians)
R.I.P as Ethiopians and fellow Human beings, and F U as TPLF’s.
weyane lemanoch think they can get away with their inhumane treatment of Ethiopian people.
good news God is punshing the ekekam kimalam leman Woyanne. we need more alula to finish the rest of them
#50, 56 and 70.
God in his mysterious ways has sent a message through the death of TPLF singers. One of the songs those woyane signers during their bush days was “Ye Tigrai Lij Wondime, and Amhara gidelilign.” You can imagine they were singing for the death of Amharas as if every single individual Amhara was part of the Government of Ethiopia during the Emperor and Derg. The facts speak for themselves, but you banda woyanes have to find someone to blame for the curse of God on you and your barren landescape. Today you are snatching fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives from their family and incarcerating them as if they are the enemies of Ethiopia where us you the real enemies are enjoying life with your family. The black bird is a sign of death as opposed to the white legendary pigeon that brought the sign of peace. Trust me, this was the act of God and punishment for those singers who considered Ethiopia as the land of their enemies. You Tigrians as a group are clanish and backward in your thinking. It might take another century before you can think and act as real human beings. For now I consider you a little better than wild beasts for you enjoy the flesh of fellow Ethiopians.
All Woyanes Go To Hell!
Ahadu#103 and the likes,
Lighten up! Probably, the nine singers were murdered by the Agazi army and put the blame on the patriotic Ethiopian Bird Ras Al’ula. Nothing, my friend, NOTHING in the world can be compared to the atrocities Meles and the TPLF thugs have been doing to Ethiopia and Ethiopians for the last twenty years. Even the Ethiopian birds noticing the crimes of dictator Meles and Co.
Ene yemigermegn neger binor woyanewoch Amharan kaltesadebu ena lemawared kalmokeru ayhonilachewim malet new? Please leave the Amhara alone. The amahars won’t waste time in fighting you but the animals will finish you. Because you are so little in your thinking, little creatures like amora, kimal and other insects will finish you soon. Then Ethiopia will be free from the rats of woyane. We will wait and see.
119.Sara awol,
Interesting “revelation?” If that is the case, how can they publicly get organized in such a way right from Mekele and go on an international trip as official governmental representative Aga’azi musical troop? Sounds unbelievable!
elias, you are welcome with opposing woyanes. But, this time you are making fun of yourself. you are merciless person. I hate your sadistic behaviors.
Number 93 Tesfa you are really funny. Did you say Ethiopians have felt bad or did you say would feel bad for the death of these dead foreigners or TPLF Tigrean musicians you must be crazy. First of all if you ask me as an individual I do not listen any Tigrean song unless someone who is a passer forced me to listen it by a chance. Understand man most Ethiopians do not think Tigreans and Tigrea as part of Ethiopia rather you are thought by Ethiopians as occupier actually you are an occupier without doubt that is what you have exhibited for the last 20 years. So do not wait for condolence from Ethiopians if I was you people I wouldn’t say about these Tigrean so called musicians I would rather keep silent. Do you expect from Ethiopians to feel bad for those TPLF foot soldiers they did not sand for unity or for the rest of us instead their songs might have been saying kill the Oromo, Wolayita, Gurage and the rest of Ethiopians etc. I am sure they might have sang more for Eritreans and Shabia after they sang enough to TPLF and Tigrean people.
Don’t you idiots know that EliASSSSS is a lunatic mercenary of Eritrea?? You people who applaud for a stupid diatribe like this have no class!…Yes hating Melese and EPRDF is one thing, but to vent your anger like this is tasteless and crass!
the latest breaking news is this hero Bird has been identified as its birth place is on his father’s side is from part of Gondar land that was taken by Tigrea and his mother’s side is from part of Wolo land that was taken to Tigrea. According to some birds who saw him in his last days he was crying and shouting slogans such as down the Tigrean colonialism and their Mafia TPLF regime. This bird was unhappy with most of Ethiopians for being silent for the 20 years colonial rule the bird specially was mad on with Gondar and Wolo origin people for being silent after Tigrea took their land.
Eyandandesh Amora
eyandandesh Amhara
What i don’t get it dear ER visitors is why the hell do the ox bail out himself from the fierce battle ground scene by bullshiting and later escaping thru the safest flank? For gods sake, isn’t size supposed to mean some thing here or do the poor creature miserably failed to use it properly? I’m just totally lost folks!
When certain Americans allegedly accused of bragging in the department of…..and jokingly say ‘once you are b***k/tqur you can never come back’, i used to think it must have some sizable wieght behind it until ofcouse the ‘operation-alula’ bird landed out of the blue like the woyane mafias did in the honorable Menelik Palace. Now, forgive me but as a member of the tqur-aleit myself, i’m sadly starting to beleive that the statement is just an empty rhetoric baloony!
I don’t mind double-checking the component substances with my tiny studio landlord, a nice elderly frengi lady fondly named Mrs. Jones but on the other hand, i’m scared to death risking and hitting with 2% rental increases that could possibly send me packing all my earhly possesions to the nearest hopefully available homelss shelter; in the event of my innocent questions might as well classified one of those old despicable signs like ‘no-colored’ restrictions.
After all, i’m already short in cash recovering my rusting taxi-cab from the bodyshop that almost looks an ancient Fords’s T-Model car.
Elias can you please post the story of Ethiopian air force pilot captain Teshome Tenkolu jail time in TPLF prison. Everyone must watch ESAT TV about this Ethiopian air force pilot how he suffered for 2 years in the Mafia TPLF criminal jail people I am sure after you watched his sad jail time you would wish if there were many more hero birds were for each Tigrean.
…..The above moral story is at leat i got it now why the shaebia cadres used indoctorating us, the young recruits with thier brulal propoganda machines LIKE THE ALULA COMMANDO BIRD that sizes and numbers do not matter in the battle field at all but principle, hope and persverance do so as they call it ‘SNKA-MNKAS!’
Ethiopiaweyanen yemiweklun teklai ministrum patriarkum ye etamajor shumum ye dehnenet azazhum ye telecomunication riginal halafiwochem demtsaweyanum…eskemeche?lenegeru egna zeme benelem derejetachew erasu lelawen endemibelaw yerasunem achebchabiwoch 1 be 1 kemecheres ayimelesum Hayelom Araya,Eyasu Berhe ye Arena degafiwoch… woyane enquan lelelaw ye Ethiopia hezb le seltan labekuachewem ayihonum
abiyot lejochan newe weyane lejochuan tebelalech newe yemibalew egnas weyane ye hager ena ye hezb telat mehonun lemawek gizem alfejeben
geta hoye ante wedajochen tebekelegn
telatochen ene etebekalehu newe yemibalew
egziabher agerachinen ena hezbochuan yitebekelen
You are a psycho!
we wish more death to all weyanes and their supporters!
SA replies:
March 3rd, 2012 at 7:44 AM
you dont now anything about weyane so you should better hold yor mouth becase with aut weyane you’d never born
After i read all the comment posted minus some intruders from the asmera shifta, however, one thing very clearley showed the truth: Oh the people of tigre you are on the wrong side of history: you loved to death the tplf chief meles at the expense of your citizenshiop obligation. that a is big mistake of yours. take time think twice and answer the following question: Does Meles bring respect, glory,friendship, love, comeradship, to your tribe among other ethiopians?
Where were you when the bandera was a cherk
where were you when the land was given to sudan
when were you when you tribe take all benift of the state with no regard to other fellow ethiopians? how many genrals did you tribe have? what is your percentage of tribe compared to other ethiopian?
finaly someone with senses. #68
For those who are looking forward for Ethiopia disintegration ,wait no more.
I read several positive and negative comments on this blog. It is true that it was a tragedy because any human lose is a tragedy , that simple. Of course, all Ethiopians sympathies with such tragedy. However, the point is not about the diseased that the writer is trying to make. It is about the mentality of the Weyane. This regime has killed, maimed, imprisoned and caused other unimaginable suffering to all Ethiopians of all directions in the name of terrorism, democracy and other terms to server its evil intent. If i am laughing, it is not because i am rejoicing the death of the singers regardless of their position in the regime. I am laughing that is simply the true picture of the Weyane. Who knows, if it was not for WIKILEAKS, they might have blamed it on the Oromos or the Eritreans.
Here is what i say to those who are offended by the joke. There is a point to be made here and that is to reflect on the regime mentality in light of the current raid on opposition members by a complete fabrications of realities. What is shame is to me , not what Alula or Elias post to expose the regime but the body of the government atrocious decree on its citizens, if in fact, Ethiopians are really considered citizens in its eyes.
So while i feel sorry for the families and the diseased, I could not help to laugh at writers creativity to use this tragedy in to what is a humor and place the other side of the coin in to its true context. The one side of the coin is that it is sad citizens lost their life and my condolence to their families. The flip side of the coin is that the true side of the TPLF mentality which i could not help to laugh at.
#68.Michael Tesfay,
Any unnatural death is a tragedy although death is also as natural as birth itself.
To my understanding the death of these musicians is a natural accident.
On the contrary, your brutal Wayane minority armed tyrants/Aga’azi for example deliberately gunned down mascaraing close to 200 young and bright Ethiopians on the streets of Addis Ababa in 2005. And now the Ethiopian people think that these Wayane “musical/cultural troops” are the same or closely related Aga’azi troops who massacred young and bright Ethiopians but being revenged by natural forces appearing in the form of a Bird an Ox but not Michael,in the absence of justice being done.
Understandably it itches you most because it is your side of the troops that now incurred the damage while I urge you also to understand that the brutal, cruel and inhuman massacring of 200 young Ethiopian students deeply pains all of their the parents, relatives and the entire community and country at a large.
ቅዱስ ሚካእል ነፍሳቸዉን ይማር!