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The terror suspect in the death of TPLF singers caught

Federal Police Joint Anti-Terror Task Force in Ethiopia has caught the suspect that is responsible for causing the death of 9 ruling party musicians.

The suspect, a 2-year-old bird named Al’ula, has been positively identified by the driver of the bus that crashed on its way to South Sudan carrying over 25 members of the TPLF musical group.

The driver, fighting back tears, told investigators that the bird barged into the bus and savagely attacked him causing him to lose control. The bird was assisted by an ox, the driver said. The ox is yet to be apprehended.

The suspect, Al’ula, has been brought to Maikelawi Jail in Addis Ababa today for interrogation. Initial investigation indicates that Al’ula has received extensive terror training in Eritrea, according to TPLF regime spokesperson Bereket Simon.

Reporter has the following report in Amharic:

በአዲሷ ደቡብ ሱዳን የኢትዮጵያን ባህል ለማስተዋወቅ በመጓዝ ላይ የነበሩት በብዛት የሕወሓት ታዋቂ ታጋዮች የሚገኙበት የአርቲስቶች ቡድን በገጠመው የተሽከርካሪ አደጋ የዘጠኙ ሕይወት አልፏል፡፡ የሟቾቹ የቀብር ሥነ ሥርዓት በዛሬው ዕለት መቀሌ ውስጥ በሚገኘው ገብርኤል ቤተ ክርስቲያን ይፈጸማል፡፡

ከቆቦ አምስት ኪሎ ሜትር ርቀት ላይ በሚገኘው ልዩ ስሙ ኾርማት በመባል በሚታወቀው አካባቢ አደጋ የገጠመው አርቲስቶችን የያዘው አውቶብስ የመገልበጥ አደጋ የገጠመው፣ አሞራ በሾፌሩ መስኮት በኩል መግባቱን ተከትሎ መሆኑን የአካባቢው የሪፖርተር ምንጮች ተናግረዋል፡፡

ባለፈው ሰኞ ከማለዳው ሦስት ሰዓት ላይ አደጋ የገጠመው ይኼው አውቶቡስ፣ በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት ሲጓዝ የነበረ ሲሆን፣ ሾፌሩ አሞራውን ለማስወጣት ሲታገል ድንገት መንገዱ ላይ በሬ ገብቶበት ድልድይ ውስጥ የመግባት አደጋ እንዳጋጠመው ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡

በጎንደር በኩል ወደ ደቡብ ሱዳን ለማምራት ያቀደው ይኼው የትግራይ የባህል ቡድን፣ በሕወሓት 17 የትጥቅ ትግል ዓመታት በታጋዮችና በተለይ ደግሞ በትግራይ ሕዝብ ዘንድ እጅግ ተወዳጅ የሆኑ የትግል ሥራዎች በማቅረብ የሚታወቁት ይገኙባቸዋል፡፡ በአደጋው ሕይወታቸው ያለፉ ታጋዮች ብርሃነ ገብረ መስቀል (ጋኖ)፣ ለተመስቀል ገብረ ሕይወት፣ ብርሃነ ገብረ ሕይወት (ሃንደበት)፣ ብርሃነ ዓምዳይ (ኩናማ)፣ ኃይለ ገብረ ሥላሴና ተኪኤ ተስፋ ማርያም ይገኙበታል፡፡ እንዲሁም ወጣት አርቲስቶች ብርሃነ ገብረ ሚካኤል፣ አሸናፊ መንግሥቱና ሃፍቶም ገብረ ማርያም ሕይወታቸው በአደጋው ካለፉት መካከል ይገኙበታል፡፡

የአካባቢው ምንጮች ለሪፖርተር እንደገለጹት፣ ጉዳት ከደረሰባቸው 17 አርቲስቶች መካከል 10 ከፍተኛ ጉዳት፣ 6ቱ መጠነኛ ጉዳት የደረሰባቸው ሲሆኑ፣ የአንዱ አርቲስት ሕይወት የመትረፍ ዕድሉ አጠራጣሪ ነው፡፡

ጉዳት የደረሰባቸው አርቲስቶች ተገቢው የሕክምና አገልግሎት እየተደረገላቸው ሲሆን፣ የትግራይ ርዕሰ መስተዳደር አቶ አባይ ወልዱን ጨምሮ የክልሉ ባለሥልጣናት የጠየቁዋቸው መሆኑንና የሟች ቤተሰቦችንም እንዳፅናኗቸው ምንጮች ገልጸዋል፡፡

180 thoughts on “The terror suspect in the death of TPLF singers caught

  1. #68,
    Please understand that these singers were staunch supporters of a mad tyrant that was trained to be a merciless coldblooded killer by your won dictator Isayass. These singers should have known the difference between a great leader that loves his fellow Ethiopians and a heartless hateful dictator like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. These singers praised, clapped and danced around, while countless number of peaceful Ethiopians were thrown in the hellhole of woyane prisons and tortured, law-abiding Ethiopians gunned down by the Agazi army all over Ethiopia, when the entire Ethiopian government controlled by one minority ethnic group, when Ethiopia’s businesses, banks, limited natural resources controlled and looted by TPLF and giving away thousands and thousands of acres of Ethiopians land, our ancestors and yours spilled their blood for to foreigners.

  2. Meles needs to demand that the U.N. send a biological weapons investigation team to Eritrea quickly to find out if the Eritrean gov’t is working on a secret program that transforms birds to be used as weaponized drones. I just don’t believe that a Bereket Simon-look alike bird singly handily forced the bus driver off the cliff. I’m convinced that it is an Eritrean drone that took out the bus full of Woyanne propagandists.

  3. weyanewoch wherever they go they will be haunted by the ghosts of their victims.yehabesha Amlak hailena new.besides these aktarioch yeweyane military band are not innocent civilians.they are tigray army.nobody should feel sorry for them.

  4. Though, I feel sorry for the deceased and their families, I kept coming back to this forum for more loughs. I have never written a comment here, but today the comment in NO. 124 cought my attention and decided to write him/her a reply.

    You wrote, “Anonymous says:
    You will burn on earth and in hell. This is not how an Ethiopian reacts to the death of another human being. I don’t know what your problem is. I may not like the government but I don’t hate the people of Tigray. Your hate is intolerable. You need to tone down your unprofessional way of fighting with a pen. Choose your enemies wisely. Anyone who hate any one based on ethnicity, religion or belief is a TERRORIST.”

    You are so correct in your last phrase, “Anyone who hate any one based on ethinicity, religion or belief is a TERRORIST.”

    However, you forgot to add “based on the color of their eyes” as your master said it once on an interview about the 70,000 Eritreans he deported conficicating their life time hard earned wealth. Meles said at that time, “one has to leave, if we say leave because we don’t like the color of your eyes”. Beased on your defination of terrorism Meles and his TPLF tags are all terrorist. So many people have been perished, tortured, arrested, raped, burned alive in their homes, fled their country to saftey because of their race. All these happens on a daily basis on the Amhara, Oromia, Gambela, and Ogadeni regions. No Tigrean voiced these atrocities of the TPLF on the other ethinic groups. So, according to your defination of terrorism, Meles and Co. are number one terrorists. Meles and Co. “will burn on earth and in hell,” according to our friend in comment #124.

    Some other TPLF cadres in this forum are insulting the Amharas as “ahyoch,” Yes, all the donkeys, oxes, birds, and all the domestic and wild animals are fed up of the woyane’s atrocities and standing up for their rights. Wey Yane! when they stand up in full blown.

  5. Do you think Elias don’t know these artists were poor comparing to those Woyane party officials who spend 10000 Bir for a bottle of whisky?
    However, he watns to show Woyanes and their sympathizers the other side of Ethiopians daily feeling, their sorrow when their children are killed, the sorrow of women who lost their husband, the anger of farmers whose land is given to non Ethiopians! What is the response of Tigreans to all these msery caused on fellow citizens by tigrean party?

  6. According to aiga jungle law and order: if you speak oromo you are a terrorist; if you speak amharic you are a terrorist; if you speak english you are a terrorist; if you are educated you are a terrorist; if you are ox you are a terrorist; if you are an eagle you are a terrorist; if you are Somalian you you are a terrorist; if you are Eritrean you are a terrorist; if you know how to read or write you are a terrorist; if you are any other Ethiopian you are a terrorist; if you are shorter than Zenawi you a terrorist; if you are toller than Zenawi you are a terrorist; if you are better looking than Zenawi you are a terrorist; AND SOON EVERY HUMAN BEING ON PLANET EARTH WILL BE CONSIDERED A TERRORIST..

  7. Hey#56.

    You are the most vicious man like animal. True to your color you belong with the Woyane pigs. You have no business name calling Amharas for unrelated issue to the subject under discussions. If the sky falls on the land of Tigrai tomorrow you will not stop blaming Amharas. Your nonsesical remarks against Amharas will contribute to the already inflamed feelings against Tigrians. Escapegoating is the hallmark of Woyanes. Have you head the adage that hatred does a great deal more damage to the vessel in which it is sotred than the object on which it is poured? Let me remind you again that hatred is like a rifle with a plugged barrel. The backfire can be much more dangerous than the shot. If you wish to know I am from Wolkait-Tsegede, the land Woyanes incorporated into the dust ball known as Tigrai. We will never rest until we evict you and take back our land. The sooner you leave the better it is for all of us. You are sitting on a time bomb that will consume you by its flames. Stick to the reason for the death of Woyane signers and leave Amharas alone. Did you read what one of your comarade – Asegid somebody wrote? That should give you a clue why the woyane singers died. The driver and the bus were not Amharas. Get lost you Woyane Pig!!

  8. ET where is my comment was it something that i said that hurt your head and ignored to post it.
    Thanks for that
    so much for your fight for democracy
    you guys are nothing but hipocrats

    you guys don’t know how eritrean people are sadened by the death of these inocent singers

    yet you make fun of them
    you guys are nothing but useless, hipocrats.

    Awet nihafash
    true eritrean

  9. Who would forget what Woynes said to a TPLF dictator that is responsible for looting, deaths and incarcerated of countless number of Ethiopians!
    “We are proud of you” and “Keep up the good work” it was disgusting and disheartening hearing woyanes giving praise to the world known brutal dictator to keep on looting and killing Ethiopians.

  10. hahahahhah
    this is the end of so called elias kifle.
    i nwver see a human being with right mind can joke with the dead ones.
    i belive nobody willn`t use as a source of information in this site.

    as you know those heros made you crazy. you will never ever see ethiopia again. you are refugee and you will die as you cry in the foriegen land.

  11. Amoraw be ayer lay Berew bemidir ,,, 9 sew aleke Melese Nigusachew Maninim sayikebir ,,, dergochun fetachew hasab liyaskeyir ,,, ahun hulum nektowal hodamochum chimir ,,, plane engine mokuwal esu china liber ,,, anget yalachihum zuru wede hizbu yibelachihu yikir ,,, yalebeleziya gin malekiyaw ayamir ,,, wey kelalu menged ke ahunu kofru gudguwad le kebir ,,, beseferut gudguwad ayiker mesefer ::

  12. The very incident of the accident creates mixed feelings among so many Ethiopians.
    As I understand the main problem is with regard to Emotions rather than reasons.
    There is such a thing as Emotional maturity, Emotional Honesty and Emotional responsibility.
    Let’s be honest regarding what we feel related to our emotions.
    As an impoverished, oppressed and abused Ethiopian by majority Tigreans and Tigirean thug TPLF I do not feel that much sorrow for those who died and harmed by the accident. As a sane human being I also do not as such get happiness from the misery and death of any human being.
    We have to accept and honor what we really feel and better not try hard to deny it.
    These artists have been main collaborators of TPLF thug and when I think of them I think of the misery Ethiopia and Ethiopians experienced due to the rule the masters of such artists and hence how comes I feel that much sympathy for them. However, they are also human beings and Ethiopians and how comes I feel happiness from their tragic death and harm? Is there any body who have absolute control and absolute power over what I feel? What i feel is just what i feel and it is not a matter of mere politics it is rather a matter of human dynamism and human nature. What this event has to do with condemning Amhara or what ever other ethnic identity? I think some guys are totally crazy and have lost total control of their emotions and do not have the slightest clue or knowledge or maturity how handle their emotions.
    For me a courageous man and hero is the one who have reasonable control and understanding over his emotions and has a good emotional maturity. As far as I understand from all the comments so many of us are some how confused with our emotions and that is why I say mixed feelings. If there are many Tigrans who expect that many other Ethiopians will as such feel such a very deep sorrow for the death of the artists, then I think they are perhaps emotionally immature or emotionally ignorant. And if there are many hate mongers who expect that many Ethiopians feel such a great happiness from the death and harm of the artists then they are also similarly emotionally immature or emotionally ignorant.
    We can not acquire or evade any sort of feelings by mere politics or by propaganda or by being a party member or by any other means of appeasement. Feelings are just feelings. If i feel hatred for Ato Meles and TPLF then the feelings are real that can not be denied and then it is a fact.Automatically we can not remove and deny negative feelings that already exist but we can work hard in good ways so that they will gradually disappear and shall not come back again. Negative feelings like hatred can not be removed, rather severely intensify, by name calling like disdaining Amhara who has no any relation to the tragic event. Berqi ychersachu amara pigs on comment # 56 says such a very shameful thing regarding Amhara.I am afraid that such guys are a sane one. What is after all the essence of cowardice and the essence of heroism? Both cowardice and heroism inherently exits in any sane human being. And it is situations that make some one a hero or a coward and hence no body is born as coward or as a hero. Usually such sort of guys have carcinogenic emotional trauma or disorder like PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and that is why the just gush out such irrelevant emotions on others. Usually such guys are emotionally polluted ones.
    The person has absolute right to hate Amhara or any other and he/she has to be honest and responsible for this feelings. However, what the incident has any thing to do with name calling of Amhara? There is such a concept as emotional pollution. And what I happen to understand is that there exists such a very serious emotional pollution and emotional trauma among many Ethiopians due to this Emotionally polluted politics that has been mainly maneuvered and led by such an Emotionally corrupt TPLF thug. I am really sorry that we Ethiopians happen to be to such material as well as emotional impoverishment and misery. Therefore we need a psychiatric and a psychologist to treat this emotional trauma. The entire situation is not only a matter of mere politics but also a matter of humanity and emotions. I think and I guess that the leaders of TPLF like Ato Meles and others are some how in some sort of emotional trauma or PTSD.And that is why they similarly treat through emotionally abusive ways the rest of the society. And that that is why I raised the concept of emotional pollution or emotional corruption. All they know is sewing the seeds of hatred and disharmony among the society because all they are doing is with regard to calculating their existence in power. One of the main causes for last fall of the Roman Empire was the ethical and moral crisis that results in emotional trauma and emotional pollution due to the corrupt elites in power. And it is evident that human nature is mainly strongly ruled and guided by emotions rather than reason alone.
    Therefore rather than simply arguing on other hate mongering aspects blindly what is the psychological and emotional impact of such incident on the society related to the prevalence of the rule of such racist, abusive, oppressive and corrupt regime in power?
    As a Christian what did Jesus Christ said to his enemies while they were severely punishing him to death? የሚሰሩትን አያውቁምና አባት ሆይ ይቅር በላቸው አይደለም ያለውን?
    አቶ መለስና ወያኔ እራሳቸውን ብቻ ጀግና አዋቂ አራጊና ፈጣሪ አድርገው ስለሚቆጥሩ የሚሰሩትን አያውቁም ለማለት ያስቸግራል፡፡ስለዚህም ሳናውቅ በስህተት ስናውቅ በድፍረት ለሰራነው ሃጢያት ይቅር በለንም ስለሚባል አሁንም አቶ መለስና የወያኔ ባለስልጣናት እንደ ፈርኦን በድፍረትና በእብሪት በእኩይ መንፈስ እየተመሩ የሚሰሩትን አያውቁም እንዳንል እያወቁት ግን የሚያመጣውን ዘለቄታዊ መዘዝ በጥልቀት አያውቁምና ከቻልን አባት ሆይ ይቅር በላቸው ልንል ጭምር ይገባናል፡፡
    እነዚህ ምስኪን አርቲስቶች ግን የአለቆቻቸውን አደገኛና መሰሪ ስራ በደንብ ባለማወቅ ዝም ብለው በስሜት ብቻ እየተከተሉ የጥፋት ተልእኮ አገልጋይና ተባባሪ ሲሆኑ ኖረዋል፡፡
    ስለዚህም የእነዚህ ሰዎች ሞትና ጉዳት በጥልቀት ብዙ የሚያሳዝነኝ ባይሆንም ግን ያን ያህል የሚያስደስተኝ አይደለም፡፡ቀልዱን በተመለከተ ግን ከተፈጠረው አሳዛኝ አደጋ አንፃር ትንሽ ቅር ሊያሰኝ የሚችል ቢሆንም ግን የኤልያስ ቀልድም ዋና አለማ በሞቱትና በተጎዱት ሰዎች ለማሾፍ ነው ብሎ ለመረዳት ትንሽ ይከብደኛል፡፡በቀልዱ ላማሳየት የፈለገው የአቶ መለስ አገዛዝ ንፁሃን ሰዎችን እንዴት የውሸት ተአምራዊ የውንጅላ ምክንያት እየፈጠረ ያለአግባብ እንደሚያስርና እንደሚያንገላታ ለመግለፅ መሰለኝ፡፡ስለዚህም በቀልዱ ሊያስተላልፍ የፈለገው ዋና መልእክት ፋይዳው ቀልዱ ከሚፈጥረው ቅሬታ አንፃር ሲታይ የበለጠ ሚዛን የሚደፋ ይመስለኛል፡፡
    ከዚያ ውጪ ገደብ የሌለውንና ካልተገራ ባህሪ በመነጨ ያለን የውስጥ የጥላቻ ስሜት ያለአግባብና ያለ አካሄዱ ዝም ብሎ እንደወረደ ወደ ውጪ ያለስርዓት ማንፀባረቅ ቢያንስ ኋላ ቀር የሚባሉት ፊደል ያልቆጠሩት የጥንት አባቶቻችንና እናቶቻችን ኢትዮጵያውያን ባህሪ እንኳን አይደለም፡፡
    ምግብ በገፍ ቀረበ ተብሎ የተገኘውን ሳይመረጥ ያለመጠን አይበላም ሆድ ያማል ቁንጣን ይይዛልና፡፡እንደዚሁም መናገር ተቻለ ተብሎም ያለአግባብ በነውረኝነት ሳይመረጥ ማውራት እጅግ ብልግና ነው በስተኋላም ጤናማ ሰው ከሆነ ራሱን የተናጋሪውንም ስሜትና ህሊና ያሳምማልና፡፡
    ስለዚህም በተራ ቁጥር 56 አስተያየት የሰጠኸው ሰውዬ (ወንድ ነህ ብዬ አስባለሁኝ) ጀግንነትና ፍርሃት ማለት በመጀመሪያ ምን ማለት እንደሆነ በጥልቀት ለመረዳት ቻል፡፡
    ሰዎችን ጀግና ወይንም ፈሪ የሚያደርጋቸው አካባቢያቸውና የህይወት ተሞክሯቸው ነው፡፡
    ዛሬ ስለ ሰላምና መቻቻል ዘወትር የሚሰብከው ወያኔ ለምን ይህንን አባባል በሽፍትነት ወቅት አልተከተለውም ነበር?ዛሬ በሃይልና በማጭበርበር በተገኘ ስልጣንና በተዘረፈ ሃብት አዲስ የሆነ የድሎት ኑሮ መኖር ስለተጀመረና ይህም የኑሮ ዘይቤው እንዳይጓደል ሲባል ወያኔ እነደ ድሮ ነፍጥ አንስቶ በረሃ ገብቶ እንደ ጥንቱ ባለ አይነት ጀግና ሊሆን አይችልም ማለት ነው፡፡
    ስለዚህም ችግርና ተስፋ መቁረጥም የሰውን ልጅ ጀግና ያደርጉታል ማለት ነው፡፡
    እንደዚሁም በተቃራኒው ድሎትና ባለተስፋ መሆንም የሰውን ልጅ ፈሪ ያደርጉታል ማለት ነው፡፡
    አቶ መለስንና ወያኔ አሁን የበለጠ ፈሪና በዚህም የተነሳ እጅግ ሲበዛ አረመኔና ጨካኝ ያደረጋቸው አሁን ያለአግባብ የያዙት ስልጣንና ጥቅም እንዳይጎድልባቸውና ይህ ሲቀርም ወደፊት የሚከተለውን መጥፎ ነገር እያሰቡ ስለሆነ ነው፡፡ስለዚህም በተራ ቁጥር 56 አስተያየት የሰጠኸው ፈሪ አማራ ያልከው
    ግለሰብ ይህንን አይነት ከፍርሃትና ከስጋት የሚመነጭ አረመኔነትና ጭካኔ ላነተ ጀግንነት ነው ማለት ነው፡፡ውድ ወንድሜ ትልቁ ጀግንነት እራስን መግራትና መግዛትና መቆጣጠር ነው፡፡ምናልባት በልጅነትህ በጥሩ አስተዳደግ ተቆንጥጠህና ተገርተህ በስርዓት የታነፅህ ካልሆንክ ምናልባት እንደዚህ አይነት የብልግና ንግግር ያለ አግባቡ መናገር ላንተ ጀግንነት ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ጀግንነትም ሆነ ፍርሃት በመጠን ሲሆን የጤናማ ሰው መገለጫ ነው፡፡ከልክ በላይ በጭካኔ ላይ የተመሰረተ ጀግንነት በጥልቀት ሲመረመር ከውስጥ ስነ-ልቦናዊ ስጋትና ፍርሃት የሚመነጭ ነው፡፡ስለዚህም ይህ አይነቱ ጀግንነት እንዲያውም ከጤናማ ፍርሃት የባሰ ጤናማ ያልሆነ ፍርሃት ነው፡፡ትክክለኛና እውነተኛ ጀግና ሰዎች ሌሎች ሰዎችን ያምናሉ ለሰዎች ርህሩህና አዛኝ ናቸው፡፡ስለዚህም አብሮ አድጎ አብሮ ተምሮ አብሮ አንድ ገበታ በልቶ በተለያየ ማህበራዊ ህይወት ውስጥ በኖረ በገዛ ወገን ላይ የሚደረገው ይህ አይነት የግፍ አገዛዝና ጭካኔ በየትኛው መዝገበ ቃላት ነው ጀግንነት ተብሎ የተተረጎመው?
    አቶ መለስና ወያኔ አሁን የሚያደርጉት ለከት ያጣ ውሸት ጭካኔ ማጨበርበር እብሪት ሽብር መንዛት ወዘተ አጠቃላይ ጤናማ ያልሆነ እንቅስቃሴ ሁሉ የውስጥ ፍርሃታቸውና እውነተኛ ማንነታቸው ነፀብራቅ ነው፡፡ስለዚህም የኤልያስ ቀልድ ጥቂት የማይባሉትን ቅር እንደሚያሰኝ ቢታመንም ግን ቅሉ ያለውን ወቅታዊ ነባራዊና ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ ፍንትው አድርጎ የሚያሳይ ነገር ነው፡፡
    እኔም ከወያኔ ስብስብ ውጪ እንዳለ እንደ ኢትዮጵያዊ በክስተቱ በስሜቴ ከማዘንም ሆነ ከመደሰት በይበልጥ ይልቅ በክስተቱ እጅጉን ተገርሜያለሁኝ፡፡
    የሌሎችን ሰዎች ሰብዓዊነት መጥላትና መካድ ጥልቅ ትርጉሙ የገዛ የራስን ሰብዓዊነት እንደ መጥላትና መካድ ይቆጠራል፡፡ስለዚህም የሌሎችን ሰዎች መጥፎ ተግባር ግን አጥብቀን መጥላትና መዋጋት ይጠበቅብናል ይገባናል፡፡ሰዎችን በስተመጨረሻ ጠልፎ የሚጥላቸውና በስተመጨረሻም ወደ ከፋ የመጨረሻ ውድቀት የሚያደርሳቸው ሌላ ማንም አይደለም በዋናነት የገዛ ራሳቸው ክፋትና መጥፎ ስራ ብቻ ነው፡፡አትፍረድ ይፈረድብሃል እንደሚባለውም እኛ አጉል ፈራጅና ተበቃይ ለመሆን አንጣር፡፡
    አይነቱ ቢለያይም ሁላችንም የየራሳችን የግል ሃጢያት በውስጣጭን ያለብን ስለሆንን ሌሎችን ሳይሆን ቅድሚያ እራሳችንን ወደውስጥ እንመልከት፡፡እውነተኛና ዘላለማዊ ፈራጅ ግን አንድ ፈጣሪ ብቻ ነው፡፡

    እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቅ!!!

  13. # 56

    You said, “coward amhara, we have only a few years then you will be dealing with the oromos.” What do you mean when you said “we have only a few years?” can you please elaborate on that?

    People can interprate that in different views, for example, one of my friends understood it as: “The TPLF will loot as much as wealth they can from emye Ethiopia in the next few years then if they lose power by any means election or public uprising, then they will use article 39 and create an independent “Abai Tigrai” with the land looted from Gondar and wollo administrative regions.” If this is what you mean don’t be bothered to clarify further, if not clarify it please.

  14. #170 Surprising!!!,
    Try to understand where Ethiopians are coming from. Say your preaching for Sunday morning.
    Most Ethiopians have legitimate reasons for lack of sympathy when it comes to the recent bus accident in Tigrea province. This has nothing to do with our patriotic Tigrean Ethiopians. In fact, from what I noticed, Ethiopians are always careful not to put all the blames on the entire race of Tigreans, because of tyrant Melese and a bunch of ruthless TPLF members who worshiped the dictator like god. Because of the cruelty of tyrant Meles who is responsible for so many human miseries in Ethiopia, including in Tigrea province, Ethiopians have lost sympathy to his staunch supporters who sing and dance when the bloodsucker Melese given orders unknown number of Ethiopians to be locked up and slaughtered and innocent Ethiopians to be gunned down on the streets of Ethiopia. Well, what goes around comes around. Why should we feel sorry for a group of people who jumped up and down, dance and sing with so much joy when Ethiopia got robbed, Ethiopia got left land locked, our Ethiopian brothers and sisters in every part of Ethiopia abused, thrown in prison, tortured and killed by the hands of the merciless killer machines Agazi army?

  15. Elias
    I don’t know if the bird allula is alive or dead after this accident ,if it is the case after we wipe out woyanne from our country we will build a big monument for his patriotic act what he had contributed kkkkk

  16. We need a follow up and updates on the condition of Alula and its family. Foreign watch groups including Amnesty International should pay attention to the judicial procedure that might abuse the right of the bird to defend itself freely and its time in Maikelawi jail must be watched closely to protect the bird from being tortured. We can tell by the texture of its feathers if its tortured or not. Regarding the ox, there is a rumor that it has been killed between a gunfight to apprehend it while G7 insiders are saying it has made it to North Sudan later to be picked up by Eritrean Special forces.

  17. #177: Arena#2: We are so tired of your rubbish and ruthless nature. As many bright individuals tried to put it, opposing political orgs. and agendas is one thing making tastless jokes out of victims of a tragedy like this one is another thing. your jokes of hate could really arouse big time war in that small Ethiopia. And you know what could happen when and if we tigrians get upset.
    However we are enjoying watching you peeing in your pants. We have a tigrigna proverb- LEYGEBIRYA WEDS LINUE YINEGIR. Evil doers like yourself do not make this world the best place to live. you ain’t nothing but a waste of space.

  18. 176. Arana#3:There is a correction on #175, it should be Arana instead of arena. Any ways not only your jokes are tasteless, but also stinky and disgasting materials. You are what you eat. Raw meat, Chat and what not. You poke every Ethnicity in Ethiopia. And gues what every body hates you. Unfortunately I am begining to feel the same way. I have to pray for me and you. Our patience is being misinterpreted. We have a big heart. But we do’nt like our liberty,our christianty and civilisation invaded. You people have gone too far beyond and above the lords will and the land’s law. you have no home training or of that nature. It is like we are living with herd of Bulls. Speaking of Bulls, you seemed to be much worried abut that “BULL”, involved in the tragic accident than the 9 real Ethiopian human beings killed then. Of cours you lost a lot of beef, if you know what I mean, you dead meat. We cleaned up your filtzy city, we taught you not to pee on the streets. now you started shitting by your mouth.

  19. #174, u got it wrong the bull/agazi being killed
    …Infact bro Elias i have a change of heart escorting him chained the coward ox/agazi to the electric chair: a) by betraying his patrotic commander bird ‘alula’, he selfishly sold the highly classified military strategy “raiding the ochestra bus” to the highest bidder for safe passage to the free democracy world: b) once he brought stinky ass to the western greener west, he corrupted his host nation by working undertable as night shift pig-sloughter (his favorite bloody job) while saving the cash undermatress which he used purchasing a decent half of his age zero milege habesha bride from back home; He is so backward suffering from 18 century must-be-vergin mentality: c) Since he has also a confidence issue, now and then checks her by calling using landline at odd hrs or surprise visit home unanouncing by excusing from his busy day time horse-grooming and puppet-walking jobs. Cuz he has cofidence issue worring constantly that she might leave him for imaginary younger male any time soon, must score some times quick day time sex for max worth of his bucks.
    To put it simpy, this poor chic was sychologically tortured like house prisoner, denied the right to go school or inviting guests by a taliban in black skin who does not respect women’s right. Frankly speaking, if it was upto me to hit the judgement hummer, i would sentence him a natural death in prison without the possiblity of parol so the parasite junkie lifers burden of law abidding societies out there can use him as a toilet blow job cheap prison slut faget.

  20. Brother Debtera #78: Well said my good friend. Forget not, we are dealing with a whole bunch of losers. After all their dirty comment is not going to make any political improvement.It only worsens the social integration that is already in jeopardy. However, as usual it is our responsibility to build the country not them.
    Let us stand together and fight for democracy, civilization and the betterment of the people’s life. our heroes will always be remembered and may they rest in haven next to Jacob and Abraham.

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