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May the New Year bring an end to the national misery in Ethiopia

Most Ethiopians mark our New Year with sadness, while hoping that the the coming year, 2004, will bring an end to the long national misery that has been inflicted on the country by a {www:ravenous} ethnic apartheid junta.

Enjoy this New Year song by Teddy Afro. Ethiopia shall rise up.

19 thoughts on “May the New Year bring an end to the national misery in Ethiopia



    In this hour, in this minute, in this seconed sixty(60)universties are under construction with limit less buget in some part of the world, where do you think this miracle is happening?





    The answer is believe it or not in ETHIOPIA

    That is why i am defending the current ethiopian government.

    Think fellow ethiopians redemption is possible.

  2. Amen to that. Inqutatash to all peace loving fellow Ethiopians in and outside of Ethiopia. May this year be the end of the master mind of all evil — the inhumane tyrant Melese and his bloodsuckers and slaughters of Ethiopians–Agazi Army.

  3. 60 unversity! are you crazy? 600,000 peple in jail and 6000 added daily, This trouble thing is happened in Woyanes Ehiopia no where in the world.That is why I hate Woyane.

  4. Dear bloved Ethiopians,
    I look to Our Ethiopian New Year & my wish for all of you;

    I wish you Health…
    So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

    I wish you the Love of friends and family…
    And Peace within your heart.

    I wish you the Beauty of nature…
    That you may enjoy the work of God.

    I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities…
    For those things that really matter in your life.

    I wish you Generosity so you may share with all …
    All good things that come to you.

    I wish you Happiness and Joy…
    And Blessings for the Ethiopian New Year.

    I wish you the best of everything…
    That you all so well deserve.


  5. The guy who calls himself tells us about the construction of 60 universities in Ethiopia. You must some one , the the EPRDF who does not have any idea what is required for a building to be called a university. You are counting buildings, get into it earn your degree if that is what you want. It doesn’t make sense to argue with a person like you as you may have not attended any educational institution like your brothers in the government.

  6. melbournian

    Go to any major Ethiopian government universities . If you are government supporter they give you Degrees and Diplomas without attending school even for a one day . It is all corrupt . You got money you can buy doctorate degree in Ethiopia without actually learning at the schools. How do you think the University deans get position like that ? They support Woyane you become a dean without the proper qualification while the qualified scholars become jobless just because of not being Woyane supporters . So please save your empty promises to your masters you are supporting because we will not be biased by it .

  7. Happy ‘Enqutatash’ to all Ethiopians and Eritreans and let the new year brings peace and prosperty to the two nations. I have a question to all Ethiopians, why are we functioning with a Julian calandor eight years behind the rest of the world which follows the Gregorian? Many cultures have adopted both one for their religious practice and the other for everyday business. What prvent Ethiopia from adopting both calandors similar to the Greeks, Egyptians, Eritreans and Israel?

  8. Please do not waste your time responding to the Khat addicted woyane named melbourne. Only drug addicted and greedy people stand on the side of a world known dictator that has looted Ethiopians, sold Ethiopian fertile land, given every inch of our sea port and who also set up bombs to kill innocent Ethiopians just to blame it on opposition group. One has to be totally brainless and heartless to support a tyrant whose hands are dripping with the blood of countless number of law-abiding Ethiopians.
    Melkam Addis amet to Freedom Fighter Ethiopians. Christian and Muslim Ethiopians say a prayer to God/Allah to bring the end of Meles and his criminal gangsters for the sake of humanity.

  9. Happy new year! Our New Year’s resolution is to rise up against Meles Zenawi’s regime. This guy is a rotten egg, he will not produce anything good. We should not let him stay in power otherwise he will starve us to death.

  10. Happy new year for every body.I can tell you what will happen in Ethiopia this year.Whether we like it or not Ethnofashizim will be buried by the peopel of Ethiopa.The only way the banda could stay in power is by killing atleast 20million peopel and arresting millions of ethiopians for ever.And I donot think T:P:L:F is cape abel of that.Even if the diaspora would stand with T:P:L:F and support them it cant change any thing.The peopel of ethiopia will stand together and get rid of these evil bandas who stolen billions of dollars and made our mother land landlocked and sold the country bit by bit and arresting any body who is ethiopian can not continue like this.Atleast 40million peopel are not even eating twice a day.And every ethiopians know 400thousend Bandas are living in villa which is stolen from the rest of ethiopians by T:P:L:F and there families.That will be confiscated and given to (KIRAY BETOCHE)which is the property of the peopel of Ethiopia.Nothing will stop them from erradication not even NATO or CHINA.Long live Ethiopia and donot forget to support the oppositon economically and in any way possibel.ESAT must stay on air untill ethiopia is free from GENTAYENA ASGENTAY:MELKAM ADDIS AMET:

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