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Artiste Debebe Eshetu arrested, charged with terrorism

Woyanne-controlled ETV reported that prominent Ethiopian artiste Debebe Eshetu has been arrested today and charged with terrorism. Watch the report below:

42 thoughts on “Artiste Debebe Eshetu arrested, charged with terrorism

  1. weyane is peeing on thier pants as they are accusing every single ethiopian with so called terrorism, this shows the end of weyane is coming and we should not let our self down as we should stand tall and strong to completely destroy the weyane racist, and criminal members once and for all from ethiopia, lets get united by joinining the new corrdinated struggle started by g7, olf, onlf and others, lets make weyane histroy as we should not be hinder by the so called hyena members of some worthless eprp, mead and other anti ginbot 7 individuals who are screaming like a mad dog day in and day out on cyber world without any alternavtive to our people. now it’s time to join olf, onlf and ginbot 7 to destroy the weyane evil elements who are abusing our people.

  2. Tyrants have long and open ended list of victims. The list is open ended for the very natural reason that it MUST be ended by the power of the people just like in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, etc. In addition to counting the increasing open ended list of tyrants we also need to struggle to stop it and close the chapter or the end. The opposition’s role needs to be seen and felt slowly but surely.

  3. Someone is kidding me? This shows the midget is having a wet saggy bottom. How in the dickens anyone would arrest Debebe Eshetu on terrorist charges? This shaitan and his hussy concubine have gone maaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will prove to the honest doubters out there that this deacon of Enver Hoxha, Moa, Stalin, Lenin and Marx is living every day true to his conviction. That translates into – ‘If you don’t shut up while I am doing all to have my ways, you are terrorizing me and I will throw you in jail. And no one, I say no one can do anything about it. I am a partner against terrorism. Hilary, Obama, Merkel are all with me. And they love me to death. It is My way or Your death wish highway.’
    I have a fond memory of Debebe and his co-star Wogayehu Nigatu in the 60’s. They were both trail-blazers of contemporary acting in our country.

  4. የመጀመርያዋ ጥይት ስትተኮስ ግምባር ቀደም ፈርጣጭ ሃብታም ሁሉ መጀመርያ ይሞቃታል ሲል ወዲ ዜናዊ የሰጠው ማስጠንቀቂያ መተግበር ተጀመረ።

  5. hahahahahah…..Here we go again. Next thing you know, we might hear an ox gave a birth or as we say it when such a complete fabrication surfaces “BERE WELEDE”, Who knows, or something even crazier than that. Do this people know what terrorism is? I mean there are some things worth giving the benefit of the doubt but to what extent are they going to keep insulting our intelligence? You know what; they are not even good at laying. What a shame! They have really lost it man!

  6. Ethiopians,your strength is the strength of the rest of Ethiopians;your success is the success of every single citizens in Ethiopia and abroad.

    The enemy is freakening out and reacting not only madly,also disperately.The enemy on its inevitable deafeat the road it goes on,we know the enemy will react and cause harm on the country and on the people because the enemy it is what it is and has to be hit on the head and cut on its stealing and murdering hands and ha to be tossed away and let it decay death.

    Victory for all Ethiopians!!!

    Eternal defeat for the enemy!!!

  7. Meles is doing this horrible things out of frustration.Let’s squeze them till they can’t breath.
    ayzoh Debea,a courageous people who stand by Birtukan, Teddi AFRO and all people who are arrested will stand by your side too.

  8. The end of LEGESE ZENAWI is Coming much sooner than I thought. He is peeing on his pants. This is a good sign for our brothers and sisters.
    The day is coming. The day is coming. The day is coming.




  10. የወያኔ ውድቀት የመጨረሻው መጀመሪያ::

    ለመሆኑ ጆሮየ በትክክል ነው ያዳመጠው – አቶ ደበበ እሸቱ የተባለ ‘ግለሰብ’ በግ7 አሸባሪ ቡድን ስር ተደራጅቶ የሽብር ተግባር ለመፈጸም ሲያሴር ሲያስተባብርና ሲያደራጅ በመገኘቱ የፍ/ቤት የመያዣና የብርበራ ፈቃድ በማውጣት በፌዴራል ፖሊስ ግብረሀይል በቁጥጥር ስር መዋሉን ግብረሀይሉ ገልጿል::

    አይ ወያኔ ደበበ እሸቱ እኮ አንድ ግለሰብ የሚባል ሰው ሳይሆን ኢትዮጵያ ካፈራቻቸው ድንቅ ዝናን ካተረፉት ጥቂት የስነጥበብ ሰዎች ውስጥ አንዱ ነው:: ስራዎቹ እኔን ጨምሮ በብዙ ህዝብ ጭንቅላት ውስጥ ተቀርጸው እንዲቀሩ ያደረገ የተፈጥሮ ስጦታ ያለው አርቲስት ነው:: አለመታደል ሆኖ እንጅ ነጻነት ባለበት ሀገር ተፈጥሮ ቢሆን ኖሮ እድሜውን ሙሉ ላበረከተው ድንቅ ስራዎቹ ምስጋናና ክብር በተገባው ነበር:: ዳሩ ምን ያደርጋል የወያኔ ጎራ በቅናትና በመዋዕለ ንዋይ ሰክረው በመደናበር ጨለማው ቀን እንደቀረበባቸው ስለተረዱ የሚሰሩትን አሳጥቷቸዋል:: ለመሆኑ ፍርድ ቤት ገና አልቀረበም: ፓሊስም ደረስኩበት ያለውን የአሸባሪነት ክስ በመረጃ አቅርቦ በፍርድ ቤት ተጣርቶና ተረጋግጦ የዳኛ ፍርድ እስካላገኘ ድረስ ማንም ተጠርጣሪ በህግ ፊት ነጻ ነው:: የፍ/ቤት የመያዣና የብርበራ ፈቃድ በማውጣት በፌዴራል ፖሊስ ግብረሀይል በቁጥጥር ስር መዋሉን ግብረሀይሉ ገልጿል – አይ ንቀት የብርበራ ፈቃድስ የተጠቀሰው የውጭ ዜጎችን ለማሳመን እንደሆነ ሰው ያውቀዋል:: ፌዴራል ፖሊስ መበርበር ከፈለገ ማን ያቆመዋል? ህግን ፈርቶ? ድንቄም:: ነገሩ ዶሮን ሲደልሏት… ነው:: ብቻ የሰሞኑ ግርግር አላማረኝም መለስም እንደጓደኞቹ ሙባረክና ጋዳፊ መቃብሩ ታይቶታል:: የማፋጠኑ ስራ ግን የኛ መሆኑን አንርሳ:: ይህም ጉዳይ ነግ በኔ መሆኑንም ጭምር:: እሮሮ ነኝ

  11. Woyanes don’t have to go too far to look for terrorists in Ethiopia, all they have to do is look in the mirror. There has never been these kinds of threat and terrorism in the thousands years of Ethiopian history than the current ruthless and lawless TPLF regime that have done to the country and the people in the last 20 years. They have been robbing the country, abusing, arresting, and killing innocent Ethiopians and selling our country. According to the recent report of Wiki-leaks, even the US govt. is aware that the TPLF regime have been planting bombs and blame it on the opposition parties. Woyanes would have been history by now, if it weren’t for the few greedy Ethiopians that have sold their souls to the likes of evil thieves like Meles and Bereket Simons.

  12. Hi Elias,
    you are great as usual and continue your noble job please.
    Woyane is living in a paranoidical situation that it created by himself. Let us kill this bastard once and for all. My proud Ethiopian people, how long is he going to kill us? Without the help of the Americans, Woyane is an already dead person. Let us protest and make aware that the US-administration should not interfere in our internal afairs.

    Woyane is already dead. It is high time for oppostion leaders especially in Addis Ababa to sacrifice themselves for the good of the people. Fear is not a solution. We must pay something (even life) to get what we need.
    There is always a light at the end of a tunnel; and let us follow the light and overthrow this tyranny from within. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE must be done everywhere. This time, Meles and Co. will run away as soon as a demonstration starts. Corrupt leaders have never resisted in history because they have billions of dollars outside their country. Unless, when shall they enjoy the immense wealth they accumulated unlawfully. As such, let us have no fear!!!!!
    A peaceful Ethiopia will prevail.

  13. This whole thing shows either how arrogant or idiotic they are. For me woyanes are out of reality and on a suicidal modus. Their propaganda machines show us how bulling and primitive their mind set is.
    No wonder, it is a typical characteristics of dictatorial machinery. Shortly before Tripoli was freed, Gaddafi and his lie machinery were talking about how they destroyed the enemy and how the masses are behind him and love him too. Romania’s Nicolae Ceaușescu was telling the firing squads few seconds before they pull the trigger that he is their father and love them! The crazy Iraqi Information Minister Muhammad Saeed al-Sahaf information minister known as comical Ali was talking of how the enemy was destroyed and is on the retreat whereby the Americans were just few blocks away from him. The East Germans were shouting and demonstrating against Honecker outside the banquet halls of the republics palace while the crazed dictator was talking about keeping the wall for the next hundred years to come! His illusion of hundred years to enslave his people ended up after few weeks.
    Now the desperate woyane’s regime is repeating the theatrical sequences of their comrade dictator’s failure. It is the nature of such animals. They are intoxicated of power and greed. They have no feeling s for facts and realities. When they accuse someone like Artist Debebe Eshetu or Journalists like Elias and many other colleagues of him as terrorists, any dummy can see that they are at the end of their wits. They are desperate and exposed. That makes them dangerous as is Assad or Gaddafi and the other mini dictators like ours.
    It is a terrorized terror regime in limbo. They feel that they are being disregarded by the masses of Ethiopian people. They are losing face around the globe as undemocratic and brutal dictators. They are even losing former supporters who honestly want to give them chances and time.
    One commentator put it this way “this government missed so many opportunities that can define himself for his people.” yes they missed the train these hodams. I myself had the illusion that they might make a difference to no avail.
    And now they come with such fraud news accusing innocent people as terrorists etc..
    They are truly themselves a terrorized terror regime. That is what you call the boomerang effect. You throw a boomerang and miss the target it is possible that it fly back and hacks the throwers head. These accusations are in its true sense like the badly thrown boomerang that missed the target.
    Boy! woyanes you are exposing yourself! This news on the ETV bounced back on you. Man, your propaganda machine is broken… Well you can do nothing more anyway except to lie to the bone..
    Concerned Ethiopians should contact and send the videos to unions and orgnizations of artists, journalists, friends, schools, radio stations, community based TV stations etc.. To expose this ridicules, and appalling day-to-day fate our people from places where you are living.
    All signs say they smell their end!
    God Bless Ethiopia!

  14. Our time are here and by this way we will finsh Woyane now.Our blood will never be like dogs.our revange is in our hand.

    “Wibiye Metalo wibiye be dil

    Tint Yabati new telatn megdeln….

  15. It’s really unbelievable that weyane didn’t stop from attacking innocent Ethiopians where tplf tigrean racist gangs new strategy is to torture, kill and abuse innocent Ethiopians in the name of terrorism. But I cant believe that we Ethiopians still either keep silent or talking about irrelevant things here in diaspora while millions of Ethiopians are being killed by torture, manmade famine, unaffordable cost of living, preventable diseases and others where the cause of our enormous problems in Ethiopia is manmade and it’s the tigrean tplf racist and criminal groups. Of course, the majority of Ethiopians live in unspeakable endless misery and destruction these days, but the saddest part is that aside a few dedicated and brave Ethiopians who are striving their best for the struggle in a number of ways from Ethiopia and diaspora most of them seem to be tolerant intolerable things. Amazingly, for the past few month in a row, the so called eprp, mead and other worthless self-appointed individuals have been screaming and writing a long gibberish to attack the new coordinated struggle started by a few groups including g7, olf, onlf and others while our people are dying every day. These shameless and arrogant individuals are claiming as if they are concerned for Ethiopians unity while they Ethiopians unity has been destroyed purposely by tigrean tplf members for over 20 years. Of course, it’s really disappointing to see some concerned type Ethiopians engage in such garbage and irrelevant type of argument though these few individuals that have been flooded some website by their rhetoric non sense mumbo jumbo in the name of Ethiopian unity as well as screaming on some paltalk rooms are just exposed their own savage and evil character as they have been showing a crocodile tear for Ethiopians where as if they are real concerned to Ethiopians they should either contribute for the struggle to remove the tplf cancer group or atleast condemn weyane instead of barking like a rabid dog all over the planet day in and day out. And when we see Ethiopians of course innocent Ethiopians like Debebe, and other journatlists , are being tourted by weyane in the name of terrorism as well as when we see the oromo students are being thrown in jail and tortured by weyane and when we see ogaden Ethiopians are raped, burned, killed and tortured and when we see in general other Ethiopians throughout Ethiopia is being oppressed by evil members of weyane it’s really another torture that is being conducted by a few eprp, mead and other shameless worthless individuals to attack genuine oppositions like g7, olf and onlf….anyway the only solution that Ethiopians have is either to join the recent coordinated struggle by any means possible and support them finically or by any other thing in order to remove the weyane cancer group once and for all, or simply wait until we are eaten one by one by tigrean gangs. Until then may the almighty god help debebe and other ten thousands of Ethiopians who are now suffering in jail.

  16. As we predicated, Meles & his mafia group, have lost any control of the events on the ground. Weki Leaks has exposed the true nature of Legese Zanawi’s mini-dictatorship. He has no friends in the region. Even Bashir has been exchaned for dollars, in Meles’s world betrayl is normal.

    So what is left for him is a despirate attempt to move from one drama to another……singing what has got to do with love & dancing with Berket in the rain!

    Fellow citizens of Ethiopia, bright days are ahead of us. The united forces are gathering more bickering among ethnic divides or wasting time mending other TPLF created crisis, etc. The goal is simple the Ethiopian citizens want peace, democracy, justice and a government elected by the pepole and for the people. The time has come for Meles & his mafia group to pack up their bags, without all the stolen money, & leave the country and ultimately face justice for all the crimes committed against innocent citizens of Ethiopia from North to South and from East to West.

    Arresting citizens with silly charges will not buy any time for Meles,
    but makes everyone aware that it is the time, for folks in the so-called inner circle, to defect before it is too late. Meles is good to no one: Yamamoto said it, Vicki H. wrote to State Department about it, Beshir found out the hard way about it, Seye & Arkebe new all about it, and the Ethiopian Citizens have to live with it for over 20 years.

    The time has come to say not only ENOUGH but everyone to DO something about getting rid of Meles & his criminal group from the face of our land.

    God/Allah Bless Ethiopia and may our UNITY brings the sudden departure of the mini dictator!

  17. Guys, don’t be lul by this idiots, the so called journalist.if u act,u are not journalist. U have to pay the price for what u did. Eliase kifle was charged long time a go. If u are true citizen of that country, u have to dig dawn to find a full information of this case. Don’t be follower, try to research the true. We are in a very speedy information technology.
    Don’t hide under the curtine of journalist. To be journalist you need to have a faire out look for any matter u entend to put-on a paper. Specialy, avoid hatred from your mined, otherwise every body is a journalist. Don’t hate them love them.
    Long live all the tribe of this beautiful country name Ethiopia.

  18. It seems that the woyannes honey moon comes to its end 20 years of blood succking like a (Tihuan)makes all the crime families and their conciousless sympetheisers and slaves paranoid and could do more harm to Ethiopians more harm as they know they will never scape justice and each and every one of them

  19. This message is for PM Meles Zenawi. Deep down in your heart you know this is just another fabrication that will not be accepted by the majority Ethiopians. Ethiopia needs a reconciliation now. I am afraid you are going back to the jungle law. Please free all prisoners with out any delay.

  20. I am very sorry to hear artist Debebe Eshtu’s imprisonment and accused of terrorism related to Ginbot7, what i knew about Mr. Debebe is an inocent artist who loves his country, it is sad to hear inocent peolple like him spending time in kaliti.

    Who is to blame for this ethiopian govt. or Ginbo7(Berehanu Nega), as we all knew a number of inocent ethiopians life is destroyed related to Ginbot7 previously, Why the leader of G7 run away from ethiopia and victmised such a people. No one is to blame for this Bere aradawe you will take full responsibility for this all suuffering of individuals and their family. Why people don’t learn why they chaeted by “Belta Beltu Bere”.

    Sorry for Debebe again

  21. Just wait what you will hear from wyane. They arrested him and his house is under their control. Then they will put their own weapons, money, computer etc in his house and they will invite their TV guys to record video and broadcast to the publice. There is you go an evidence for his terrorist act. What an idiot and moronic people!

  22. TERRORISM is a Card given to Meles to play dirty games

    If meles did not like the clour of your eyes, he wil call you terrorist.

    If meles did not like the comments you write , he will call you terrorist.

    If meles did not like the way you dance , he will call you terrorist.

    If meles did not Like the food , he will call the cook terrorist.

    We feedup……………..

  23. I really don’t care for ginbot 7 but some of you really have to use your brain. Why is Ginbot 7 blamed for what happened to the artist ? I thought that every one who loves his/her country and wants to struggle has the right to do so.

  24. I’m certain Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) is going to surprise his wife Jezebel (Azeb) some time early in the morning or in the middle of the day by arresting her not for marital infidelity but for terrorist action against his well-trusted friend Al Amoudi. Both Al Amoudi and Meles are working secretly and devising a plan to bring her down from her power, for she has become too powerful in the eyes of all Ethiopians.

    Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) himself is very suspicious of her that she might harm him while asleep because, one day, he found her reading the Bible, particularly the Book of the Judges, Chapter 4:17-21. She was learning how Heber’s wife, Jael, murdered Sisera with a tent peg and a hammer while he was resting on her bed.

  25. Happy Ethiopian New Year! May the coming year be the best ever! remember to support and make contributions to the GTP plan and other innovations from EPDRF. Don’t be against EPDRF views or provide other options, unless you want to be called a terrriorst and end up in jail. It is okay that Hagos and Goitom live in G + 3 houses and drive cars you never seen before, it is what they fought for, so get over it. Yes, we won the last general election and we will win the next one and the one after that, so don’t bother to run!

  26. Assta B. Gettu#30

    Please brother, it is better if you will quit this this website. You are making only troubles by mixing politics, religion and ethnic hatred. Please, please retreat back and remain at your home in peace. Because where ever you appear the problems rise up.

  27. Demelash #32,

    In sincerity and honesty, you are the one who is confusing my readers and giving them problems by using the word “this” two times. Why don’t you go to school and learn English so that you could save yourself from repeating the same thing?

    If you are a Muslim or member of OLF, disregard my comments; they will give you a severe headache, a stomachache, a burning heart, a dry mouth, a watery eye, a bloody nose, a shaking knee, and a deaf ear if you read them repeatedly.

    I enjoy discussing about politics, religion, ethnicity, war, peace, poverty, prosperity, freedom, slavery, death and life: all of them are parts of our lives, and they all go together. If you try to avoid them, they will hunt you down, find you, tantalize you, motivate you, and finally dominate you. You cannot avoid any one of them; therefore, you must learn how to live with, and how to appease, them.

    Don’t flatter me by calling me “brother,” and at the same time you hate to see me commenting on this lovely web site. This web site belongs to every body that has an interest to express himself/herself without fear and intimidation, and this is the beauty of Ethiopian Review.

    Now the curse: I hope no good thing ever comes to you, and it is my great pleasure if a drunk driver hits your car and kills you; that is the only way I can avoid an idiot person like you from this web site.

  28. TPLF rats have reached to their lowest point, and even they would not leave well respected citizens like Debebe. As we all know, no one has more experience in terrorism than TPLF bandits. Our ground transportation system would have been number one in the world, if our bridges would not have been blown by this ‘shifats’ group. This mercenary group was responsible for the death of many innocent people in the Haouzen region in Tigray many years ago. Since this mafia group invaded our country, many innocent people died and many more left their country.
    I really do not think these ‘shiftas’ understand the meaning of terrorism. It is very high time in our country. We should NOT stand by and keep quite when these parasites destroy our country. We have to come together and uproot these mercenaries and looters. TPLF RATS ARE NOT BETTER THAN TALIBANS. We have to act and act now!!

  29. Assta B. Gettu#33

    No doubt, not only me, but many Ethiopians know that you are a sick and mad person who have been poisoned with curse and insult. You Devil, any one who comes across your way will be insulted and cursed to death. My religion and political out look does not concern you. Your English in which you sing is your idol. You can insert it into your anus or swallow it and then explode. You idiot and the son of harlet who is uncultured, incompatible, crooked, untamed, uncivilized, wild and cursed. I know such complicated person like you were born with family complex. Now you are forcing me to go to the ethnic topic which i don’t like to hear. You can neither benefit the Amharas nor harm Oromos or others Ethiopians.


    Tigray liberation Front= a good liberation front
    Oromo Liberation Front = Terrorist
    Ogaden Liberation Front = Terrorist
    Oromo Parlamentarians =Terrorists
    Ginbot 7=Terrorists
    Oromo Intelectuals = Terrorists
    Gambela Intelectuals=terrorist
    Amhara Journalists=Terrorists
    Amhara Actors=Terrorists
    Radio VOA=Terrorists
    Radio DW =Terrorists
    Swedish Journalists=Terrorists
    BBC=not good
    Amnesty International= not good
    Human rights Watch=not good
    European Elcetion Observers=not good
    Anna Gomez=Terrorist
    every one who is anti woyane is = anti peace element = terrorist.

  31. Demelash #33,

    Demelash, the descendant of the Sudani Dirbush, was born while his wicked mother was smoking hashish, his adulterous father collecting the neighbors’ trash, his hooligan cousins hiding in the bush not to hear the unexpected birth of the monkey face Demelash, and his old and blind grandmother eating a spoiled squash.

    Growing up as an orphan in a dog house, Demelash hates the English because they have sold his mother for cash. Demelash never forgets the whipping his English teacher gave him in front of the other students because he had stolen his teacher’s mackintosh. Demelash never cares to brush his teeth, so they remain always yellowish.

    Demelash is not British, is not Scottish, is not Irish, and is not Danish: he is simply a rotten fish, a dirty dish, a badly designed Spanish moorish, a powerless fetish, a dormant volcanic ash, a deceiving and useless wish, an untidy sash, and a dirty ash, who writes in English slapdash; therefore, he must be deracinated and his dead body thrown into the River Awash.

    Let me now correct your broken and meaningless English writing:

    -My religious, not religion…
    -wild and cursed (what?)
    -person like you was born, not were born
    -…born with family complex (meaningless sentence)
    -…or other, not others Ethiopians

    I have not finished correcting all the errors you have blundered in your English writing; you don’t even know the right cursing or blessing words because that slutty mother of yours didn’t care to teach you good manner like a noble Amhara woman who takes plenty of her precious time to raise her child properly to be a king or a queen or a well-respected person in his or her communities when he/she grew up.

    My your eyes be darkened, never to see the light; may your ears be deafened, never to hear the sound of music, the voices of sweet damsels; may your tongue be divested of its power of testing good food; may your back be as dry as a solid rock, and never let you turn right or left; may your neck be as stiff as iron; may your feet fail you to walk even to the restroom, may your hands be afflicted with painful earthrises, may your brains stop commanding all your muscles to do their jobs, and, finally, may your heart halt beating, and that will be your end in this world of the living while you go to the world of the dead.

    Have a good journey and a peaceful living with the departed ones until the Lord Jesus Christ comes for the second time, wake you up, and send you to your final destiny.

  32. Assta B.Gettu,
    I always love to read your comments with interest but unfortunately,I am not happy with the way you are replying to your detractors like Demelash.Thats not what I expect from you to say the least.You are a smart man who can teach us a lot so please don’t use those kinds of words.

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