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H.R. 2003: Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007 passed the first hurdle

The U.S. House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Africa has unanimously approved H.R. 2003 (Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007) today.

The bill, if passed by the full House and the Senate, would restrict, among other things, military assistance to the Meles regime unless the human rights condition in Ethiopia has improved.

The bill would also ban travel to the U.S. by the Meles regime officials who have authorized the use lethal force against peaceful demonstrators in Ethiopia. Such a travel ban directly affects Meles Zenawi himself who ordered his Federal Police and Agazi special forces to use deadly force against civilians.

An inquiry commission that was appointed by the parliament charged the Meles regime of using excessive force against peaceful protesters, causing the death of at least 193 civilians.

Meles has been paying the Washington-based DLA Piper lobbying firm $50,000 a month to quash H.R. 2003.

Meles and his high-powered lobbyists had succeeded in derailing a similar bill in the U.S. Congress last year after it had passed the Subcommittee on Africa.


24 thoughts on “H.R. 2003: Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007 passed the first hurdle

  1. Kudos ! to all Ethiopians in the diaspora who worked hard to have this bill passed. This is a blow to the the EPRDF regime who is financed by the foreign powers to kill his own people. Lets go and do what ever we have to do to have this bill translated in to action. This is the begining of the end to the EPRDF regime and those bunch of liers.

  2. Thanks to the Democratic take over of congress, I expect this bill to sail through the U.S. Senate also. Since this is an unanimous (voice)vote, it can withstand a presidential veto (unlike what the woyane MORON at hager f** is suggesting.) Kudos to Congressman Don Payne.

  3. if we work hard for our people ,not matter what happen we will see bright light for ethiopia. we must carry Gad evry where we go, b/c he has the power to do aything evrything in minte. pelase my peopel don’t give up this is the time to save ethiopian, ruly it will not take us 17 yrs we know it. ONE DAY NETA ENWETALEN

  4. sorry Bereket, though you will sucide your selfe, the bill has passed to the full house and senate, and this will also repeated in europe parlament. 12 million dollar you paid for lobbyists taking from poor Ethiopian do not work, money paid for criminals (lobbists)

    congradulation for Ethiopian in America for your strugle for democracy and freedom from hodam bandas specially.

  5. viva H.R.2003!
    Well said above by Kachisaw.
    That’s right.It is a blow to the handful gangs of the so-called Eprdf fanatics.
    Since it’s passed unanimously thanks to all who worked out day and night to accomplish this sacred job.
    Specilal thanks goes of congressmen Mr. Payne and Mr. christ. Smith, prof. AlMariam and other activists.
    You are making history.

    Man proposes god disposes. With the help of god and the assistance of concerned Americans the Ethiopian people would gain everlasting peace and tranquility.

  6. Dear Prof Al

    Can you tell us what you were doing during Derg`s regime while thousand civilian were being slaughtered or you were too young to know about the HR?

    You have been failure on your HR project and you will never succeed.

    No Ethiopian leaving in Ethiopia is expecting a single thing from you.

    It is a fun to you making yourself busy corresponding with US govt officials on boycotting aid to Ethiopia. But that is not a fun for a poor farmer leaving in Ethiopia.

    I am not trying to say an Ethiopian farmer will negotiate an aid over his basic human right. After all, it is the Ethiopian farmer who fought against the most dictator Derg, not you ,a “human right activists” siting in the US.

    So it is better to leave alone Ethiopians leaving in Ethiopia.

  7. Good Job! to the people who worked so hard to have this bill passed. i hope the bill quickly translates into action. God bless all the people who stood firmly to make this happen. you are the true children of Ethiopia.

  8. Okay let us see..

    Who is Meles’s lobbying agents in Washington? DLP Piper.
    What will they do they will start running around to stop the bill at house or senate level?
    How much money did the DLP piper lobby firm gave to Hilary? somewhere 170,000 usd…..
    okay so ….
    Well… let us hope that i am wrong.

  9. We all hope that the protracted and all round attack being waged by the “Ethiopian govt.” can no more impede the passing of H.R 2003 through the next stage. This is because, Melese’s lobbying firms possibility to derail the process is getting weaker and weaker thanks to the concerted and untiring efforts of committed sons and daughters,friends, of

  10. With God and good friends of Ethiopia we will make it. For those of you who have been watching on the side and still standing there, if you are still neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. God bless Ethiopia!!

  11. Dear Professor Al-Mariam:

    His Almighty God will bless your work and your colleagues for it is a means to rescue Ethiopian citizens from human right violation, random assasination, detention and in human attrocities by the simullated and purchased,Banda Woyanne regime and its tennants.

    Proceed your struggle in an alarming pace for our generous society or nation seek an urgent help to alleviate itself from the sick devil administration.

    I have the confidence that it will be annonymously approved by the senate,for the fact that every higher authority figures has got full description and objectives of Woyanne regime in Addis.

    Mr. No. 6, please stop your break dancing. You got no more time to dance. It is time for Ethiopian population but not for staff working for enemies of Ethiopia.

  12. Thanks to all who did help pass H.R 2003. Now what blood sukers. what can you do? You like it or not our leaders will be free soon. No place for weyanes and bandas. The truth shall previl.
    God Bless Ethiopia!

  13. Wh…aaa….t!!
    Well,let’s give Subcommittee and senators a big hand.The blood-sucking Woyame regime ,which has alreday scrumbled is fastening its end.I can’t wait to see our beloved brothres and sisters mercelessly massacerd would get justice and thousends of Oromo,and Ethiopins,sent to cell would shake away their free hand and start praising.

    Waayyaanee wa hin yaannee…..kkkkkkkkk.

    What ablow like the biggest tree from the sky.

  14. Good Job for the true childuren of Ethiopia !!!!!!
    Thanks to the Democratic take over of congres!!!!!!!
    We will see son bright light in Ethiopia.
    Dod Bless Ethiolpia & America

  15. Well done dear compatriots!!!!!!!!! the reconcillation should began immediately!!! Keep it up!!!

    May The almighty God protect you and our land for ever & may peace prevail on it!!!

  16. No. 6 who are you!? talk with your layman. we don’t think you & your guys an Ethiopian so find your places go hell,leave Ethiopia for real Ethiopians. Readers have no time to heard your WOYANNE(anti-Ethiopian music) mouth.
    BRAVO Prof. AL and Dispora.. million thanks..GOD with us.We never give up!

  17. Republican Congressman Christopher Smith said

    “The war on terrorism is very important, we all know that. But no regime that terrorizes its own citizens can be a reliable ally in the war on terror. Terrorism isn’t just a military issue; it is also a human rights issue,”

    Dear congress man, you got the heart of the matter. What a delight to hear /read this. I congratulate those wonderful Ethiopians who worked hard day and night to change the mind of these congressmen especially the republican ones to say what they say now and to say too enough is enough the cry of Ethiopia is heard. In short I am proud of you. And it proves me Ethiopia is not only a land of few bandas who can shade the lives of their beloved (mother, wife, children etc) just to fill their bellies/ stomach but also a land of determined coragious people who can succrifice everything including their life for their people.

    God bless Ethiopia and its true children

  18. Most of you anti Meles types keep talking about how much money Meles is spending to derail this bill, I wonder how much money the so called Diaspora opposition spent lobbying the Donald Paynes

  19. Thank God! This is the time to have a wonderful weekend.Thank God/Lord Christ. The time is near to avoid the Woyanes and their backers/ Ethiopian cancers from our beloved motherland ETHIOPIA.

    Long live mother Ethiopia!

    Like I said ….”Time to have a good weekend and best regards from Scandinavia for my Ethiopian brothers and sisters.

    Always V!!!!! The struugle will continue!!! and It is the time to show the TPLF mafias who we are.

    Peace and I am out!

    Mr AGG/ Mr woyane hater from Scandinavia!

  20. This is a moment we have been waiting for.
    It is hard where to start from about those who are
    against this bill ,this bill simply advocates the rights
    of all human being living in the country to have the right to live freely ,which baand sically consist of
    free speech,free election and etc

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