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That Day! What will happen to the Tigreans?

EDITOR’S NOTE: We believe that the majority of the poor and exploited people of Tigray must not suffer because of the criminal and anti-Ethiopia acts of the Tigrean elites, including some of those who claim to oppose the Meles regime, but continue to promote Tigrean supremacy. A public dialogue is necessary to avoid potential violent backlash against fellow Ethiopians of Tigrean ethnic group as a result of the evil deeds of the politicians who claim to represent them. It’s is with this spirit that the following article is published.

By Assta B. Gettu

When that Day comes what will happen to the Tegarues (Tigreans)? That Day is to some a Day of doom; to others a Day of Joy and celebration, and that Day is the final Day of Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi).

After Meles Seitanawi’s regime is terminated and all of his political gangs have vanished from the face of the earth, I always fear many Ethiopians who have been marginalized for so many years under Meles’ political party whose main purpose has been to enrich the few selected tribes may retaliate disproportionately against the Tegarues, who are also to be Ethiopians but badly misguided by one of their evil sons – Meles Seitanawi.

To protect such fallen victims from being completely erased from the map of Ethiopia, the avengers – the Amharas, the Oromos, the Somalis in the Ogaden and the other Ethiopian tribes – must gingerly take immediate actions against those hot-tampered Ethiopians who want to destroy the Tegarues because of Meles’ vicious political leadership.

As in all wars or conflicts, the victors do not always completely destroy their enemies: some they capture and send them to jail, and some they pardon and send them home without harming them. In this way, all Ethiopians, it is my hope, are expected to do better than this toward the Tegarues, their own people, not their foreign enemies. This does not mean the few criminals must go unpunished, and most Ethiopians well know who these hard core criminals are and who have been terrorizing Ethiopia for almost twenty years. If captured, these evil men and women who have been eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the unfortunate Ethiopians should face justice and should be told what they have done to their own people and why they have done such heinous crimes against humanity.

The conflict in Ethiopia is a family conflict, and as such it could be solved by the Ethiopians themselves; in fact, it could have been solved long time ago if, for instance, Washington’s support for Meles Seitanawi were a legitimate one to help Ethiopia elect a democratic government.

Conflicts occasionally exist in a family, no matter how strong, or spiritual, the family is, and when the family is unable to solve its conflicts, a good neighbor comes in and tries to solve the conflict; however, Ethiopia, at this time, does not have a very concerned neighbor, thanks to Meles Seitanawi for a job well done in rendering Ethiopia almost a friendless nation.

The friendship between Ethiopia and the West is an artificial one on which Ethiopians should not rely at all; if it were a genuine one, the West, with all its overwhelming power and economic might, could have helped Ethiopia to remove the dictator Meles Seitanawi from his corrupt regime as the West helped Iraq by overthrowing Saadam Hussein; rather, the West has emboldened Meles Seitanawi by training his army and by financing his criminal activities continuously and shamelessly.

Therefore, when the conflict in Ethiopia comes to an end naturally or by waging war against Meles Seitanawi, the Tegarues who have not committed any crime should not fear any retaliation from the oppressed Ethiopian tribes, for most Ethiopians could remember the divine words: “Vengeance is mine” – and they should prevent themselves from shedding the bloods of some innocent Tegarues. The Apostle Paul firmly declares: “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19). These particular divine words should be learned diligently and practiced effectively by every Ethiopian who has the propensity to harm another Ethiopian from the region of Tigray.

When Meles Seitanawi divided the country on ethnic lines, the main purpose was to give the Tigreans an economic and political advantage over the other tribes without first thinking carefully what would happen to them after he leaves office. By doing special favor for them, he is, in fact, isolating them from the rest of the Ethiopian people and making them an easy target to fall into the hands of an angry mob from the other tribes of the Ethiopian people as soon as he is removed from power.

So in the long run, Meles is hurting the Tegarues rather than helping them, and some of the Tegarues may not yet realize the danger they are heading to after their master Meles Seitanawi abandons them and flees the country and asks for an asylum in America or Saudi Arabia to save his life before he is caught and handed over to the International Court for his crimes against his own people.

We may fail to identify all the criminals, but we will never fail to identify Meles, Azeb, Abune Paulos, and Al Amoudi when that final Day – a “Day of Reckoning” – comes, and those who escape from the wraths of the Ethiopian people on that final Day are those who have never given up their struggles to overthrow the Meles regime, and these heroes are the ones who can determine the final fate of the Tegarues.

These well-disciplined Ethiopian heroes will not automatically destroy everyone who speaks Tigrigna but carefully examine if one has been involved with Meles criminal activities when Meles was in power and bring him/her to justice. In this way, the innocent Tegarues are spared from being executed, and they will be reconciled with the rest of the Ethiopian people.

After all, most Ethiopians follow the teaching of Jesus, that is, they can forgive the Tegarues as many times as the Tegarues ask for forgiveness; what matters here the most is not revenge on one’s own people but forgiveness for the sake of Christ, who taught us to forgive our brothers and sisters and live together in peace. As it has been difficult to live in peace with our neighbors during Meles’ reign of terror, it would be possible for every Ethiopian to enjoy freedom and to live in peace under a democratically elected Ethiopian Prime Minister whose priority is the Ethiopian people not his/her own interest.

Someone may say that the Jews persecuted, one by one, the Nazi criminals wherever they had been hiding but forgave the world that failed to protect the Jews, and it would be the same thing with the oppressed Ethiopians: they would hunt the Meles family and his death squads and impel them to confess their atrocities toward the helpless Ethiopians but allow the peace-loving Tegarues to go free and work in their country without a fear of any reprisal from the other oppressed Ethiopians.

Mengistu Haile Mariam and Meles Seitanawi slaughtered many Ethiopian students, priests, and political leaders without giving them a chance to defend themselves in the court, but such offensive and arbitrary killings will never happen again in Ethiopia once Ethiopia has a democratically elected leader from whatever tribe he or she might be. This is my dream, and, I think, it is also the dreams of many Ethiopians in the diaspora and at home; of course, dreams sometimes may not come true, but I hope this time they will come true because Meles is morally, economically, and politically weaker than ever before.

The good Tegarues, the Amharas, the Oromos, and the many other Ethiopian tribes should stick together and work hard never to bring to power the evil leaders to govern them once the Meles regime is over through peaceful negotiation or arms struggles or through what ever means necessary.

No one in his or her right mind wants to see Ethiopians wage an ethnical war except Meles Seitanawi so that he could stay in power indefinitely; an ethnically divided country, like Ethiopia, may not prosper because of the conflict that exists among the different tribes, each tribe claiming superiority over the other tribe instead of thinking as one nation, as one Ethiopia. If, for example, the Tegarues believe in the Abay Tigray; the Oromos in their big number; and the Amharas in their Imperial dynasty, then such conflict of interest would take Ethiopia further to more disintegration and instability. Such uncalled for disintegration and instability would create continuous hostility between each tribe, and each tribe claiming victory over the other tribe and trying to subjugate the weaker tribe. In such rare or perhaps common cases, the weaker tribe may ally itself with the other stronger tribe, and the internal conflict will continue until a lasting solution to the conflict is found through a democratically elected leader, and this democratically elected leader will benefit not only the Tegarues who fear retaliations from the other tribes but all the tribes of Ethiopia after that final Day of doom for Meles Seitanawi and his entire political advisers.

(Originally posted on Aug. 11, 2008)

92 thoughts on “That Day! What will happen to the Tigreans?

  1. Before the Hutus exterminated tutsis, they were saying we will bring to justice the “bad tutsis” and we will not hurt the innocent Tutsis.
    But at the end of the day, tutsis from all spheres were massacred in hundreds of thousands. what a shameful article by ethiopian review.

    The rwanda radio media was charged by international criminal court. this ethiopian review article is on record to hold elias kifle responsible for any future ethnic based massacre.
    May God help Ethiopia and keep our peace and tolerance.

  2. Elias! its true that we can’t blame the whole Tigreans population; HOWEVER, up to this moment we haven’t seen any Tigreans opposing to the weyane crimes against the people of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea; and for these and other reasons not only are they becoming suspects by their fellow brothers and sisters but they seem to be awaiting for the weyane dream, THE GREATER ABY TIGRY IN THE HORN OF AFRICA. As long they don’t voice their opinions directly or indirectly, with-in or with-out then it is anybody’s guess as to where they stand with the crimes of weyanes.

  3. SILENCE!!!!

    SILENCE ! I KILL YOU! said an ad of the day, which symbolizes a dead “terrorist” body threatening as if he is able to kill!

    I cannot afford no to laugh by your writing Gettu.

    Tigrians are always Tigrians, do not forget …!!!


  4. Dear Elias
    You are still kid.You made me laugh. U still couldn’t understand how powerful Tigreans are. No body can do any thing to us-believe me. U forgot how we topple the dictator-who helped us???–No amhara, or oromo will step a foot on Tigray soil-one can try if they have made their grave ready..We are over confident my dear that we are safe by our racist-one day we will kill u-believe me when u come to Ethiopia any time..we will slaughter u-am sure. We are waiting for your arrival any time.

    from Tigraway

  5. Don’t forget also the “Agitators from within” claiming they were against Meles, but in fact are for the Tigrean supremacy all the same. The Belai Abrahas of “Ethiomedia” is such spoilers to our Ethiopian unity! They must be held account on their hate mongering and usually for unfounded enmity within Ethiopia and outside Ethiopia. If one is dumb enough to listen to their “Doom and gloom” message, Eritrea and Ethiopia would never be friends for Shabeya is set to destroy Ethiopia. Of course, nothing could be farther from any truth. But, again those types of Tegarus are destined to never come out of their inferiority complex, which keeps them in their self made insecurity and blame it on the only power that really could save all of Ethiopia from a premature death.

  6. Elias

    You should remove this article before people say this website is promoting violence against Tigrayans.

    Assta Gettu shame on you for inciting ethnic violence!

    We are looking for a democracy in Ethiopia not another Rwanda.

    I hope the Orthodox Church & Islamic Mosques will pray that these issues will not happen in Ethiopia.

    Shame on you Assta gettu!

  7. I think this is a very crucial issue for all Ethiopians. I would say this is a responsibility for both Tigrians and non Tigrians ethic groups of Ethiopia. The reason that I said both parties have responsibilities is that the tigrians who are not members and supporters of the TPLF regime have to be able to speak out that they are not supporting this regime regardless of other people reaction. Specially the tigrians who live in Diaspora have to speak up against Meles Seytanwai on the behalf of the majority of the Tigrians who lives in various parts of Ethiopia but not a supporter of weyane regime. There are only a few Tigrians who are a supporter of the Weyane regime compare to the vast majority of tigirans who doesn’t support the regime. Actually, there are about three or four major categories in Tigrian ethnic towards the Weyane regime. There are Tigrians who are members of TPLF and strongly supports the Meles Seytanwai legislative plan of destroying Ethiopia. There are also Tigrians that are members of TPLF but strongly hates Meles Seytanawi but have already been involved in many crimes along with Meles Seytanawi and benefited from the corruption cycle of Meles Seytanwi in the EFFORT. This second group of Tigrians have also a huge hate against the other ethnic group especially the Amahars. This group also fear Meles Seytawi because they don’t want to be victims as Seye, Haylom, Kinfe and other major ex-officials of TPLF and believes that they have to perform their duties under the command in chief of Meles Seytanwi. There are also Tigrians who are not direct beneficiers of TPLF but hate Meles Seytanawi personally but also hates the other ethnic group in Ethiopia especially the Amahras. These group just support the TPLF criminal group for the sake of the above reasons eventough they are not part of the current criminal activity and corruption of Weyane. The other category of Tigrians are those who hates weyane but are victims of the poor propaganda of Weyane. These people assume that they can be destroyed by other ethnic group if weyane gives up power, so these group again support weyane even though they are victims of weyane government. Actually some of the individuals of this category receive a daily verbal torture from the TPLF officials in Ethiopia and abroad as well. Finally, I would say there are minorities in Tigrian ethnic that persistently opposes and speak up against weyane for its criminal activity. Some of these last group are Dr. Hailu Araya, member of UDJ , Ato Abrha Belay editor in chief of ethiomedia website. Ato Gebermedihn Araya former finance minster of TPLF, Dr Giday of one of the leaders of the newly formed strong party Ginbot 7, Ato Aragawi Berhe ex-chairman of TPLF, who was also one of the founders of TPLF and so many other individuals that are restlessly fights the weyane regime including myself. At this moment I would like to ask an apology for those people who are ethically Tigrians but hates and fights the Weyane regime in different aspects but didn’t mention your name here. I personally know that there are many many Tigrians even here in diaspora that don’t support the inhuman daily atrocities of TPLF. I also guarantee you that the majority of the Tigrians in Ethiopia are not supporters of TPLF, however Meles Seytanawi has been purposely appointing those Tigians to committee his daily atrocities just because he wants the other eethic groups in Ethiopia can establish hate against the Tigrieans. In addition to that the Meles Seytanawi network has again purposely invoving the Tigrians in the corruption activities and has made purposely millioners and made them to own big companies those few Tigrians who lives other parts of Ethiopia but Tigriay. When the non-Tigrians ethics observe what is going on with the few Tigrians they assume that all the tigirans are involving in the corruption along with the daily criminal atrocities.
    That is why I said we need to work from both sides to exactly identify the criminals in Tigrians. Again, the tigrians who had not spoken up against meles have to begin their outrage against Meles as soon as possible to show how much they are concerned for other ethnic groups in Ethiopia and to show how much they love and respect other Ethiopians. At the same time the non-Tigrians Ethiopians have to get out from ethnicity baised politics and try to be able to identify those crimainl tigrians under the weyane cave. The non-tigrians Ethiopians should avoid their hates against the whole tigrians and only focus ways how to bring the tigrian criminals along with the other ethnic groups criminal under the weyane party. I didn’t mean that all non-tigrian but those who are emotionally developed hate against the Tigrians have to stop a blindly hate and know that by hating the big ethinc we would allow the Meles Seytanaiw dream come true. The only beneficiaries when we hate each other would be the MEles seytanwi group and its self owned TPLF party. We Ethiopians cannot afford to divide anymore, we also have no place for divide and rule game politics that has been destroying our country for the last almost two decades by the set up of Meles Seytanaiw group. So let’s say no more hate politics and lets be able to open our eyes in order to determine our exact enemies under the TPLF party. We all have to know that Ethiopia has never had an ethnic enemy rather we have had a regime that is surrounded by a few people. So lets all focus how to remove this regime by strengthening our solidarity irrespective of our views, ethnic, tribes, religion. Let’s not give any more time for Meles Seytaniw divide and rule game. No more dictatorship and enough is enough. At the end of the day whether we like it or not Ethiopia is made of over 80 ethnic groups, so we have to protect that from falling in to apart. Let say no to haters.
    TPLF doesn’t represent neither the will of tigrians nor the interest of tigrians. TPLF is just a party created by a few Tigrians in the name of the tigrian nation to destroy Ethiopia.

    Death to weyane Members and Ethiopia shall prevail!!!!!

  8. We love all Tigrian noting will happen after EPRDF give up. we are (oromo , Amhara, Tigria, somalia, Guraga etc) Ethiopian.
    Please avoid such rubbish article which spread hatred among Ethiopian. Please the man who wrote this article think what you are doing; try to see different aspect of the scenarios.
    God Bless Ethiopian

  9. What a malicious, irresponsible article. It is obvious that this article is written by Elias’s cousin from Eritrea.
    I have no doubt about that no Ethiopian in his/her right mind can write this.

    Elias cursed be your fate, son of a bitch. I can not wait to find you and dismantle your cursed body into hundreds.

  10. I think it is a good reminder that we should be well prepared to avoid an ugly surprise. You cannot assume it will never happen in Ethiopia. The tplf junta has created a fertile ground for such a disaster. We may not fill it here in the diaspora, but back home our people are in great pain. My advise to our Tigrian brothers and sisters is to join hands with the rest of the Ethiopian people and struggle as one people of Ethiopia not as one ethnic group to get rid off this disease called tplf. Except the few bandits, almost all of the people of Tigray have suffered like the rest of their Ethiopian brothers and sisters.

  11. we should tell our tigray bro and sister’s that they are not the one who are our enemy’s .our enemy is woyanne and woyanne is in each and every etnik group .

  12. That day! That day …yeah … that day they will hide behind eritrean skirts. They’ll deny they r tigres, they will claim they r eritreans. But why r u worried about what will happen to them that day … why not worry abour what is happening to us now. They know that we good-hearted Ethiopians will not hurt anyone indiscriminately … that is y they r doing what they r doing

  13. First of all, I am not crazy about this article because it could put some evils in readers mind. We do not have to forget that we are crying to bring democracy in Ethiopia. What does that mean? In my opinion, it means that the rule of law would be exercised thoroughly. If somebody is a bad guy whether they are Tigrians, Amharas, Oromos, Guraghes, etc. the law of the land will take care of it. It is unfair to target crimes committed during Woyanne Regime to Tigrians only. Plse cool it off guys. We have a long way to go.

  14. Whoever scribbled this crap should know that not everybody lives in your gloom and doom little world. Get out of your whisky glass and sober up. Your hate and bitterness is an open book for your unfortunate readers. Get a life mr snake oil salesman ………….

  15. Elias my brother i am really ashamed to have read this article.

    I have been a reader of this website for many years, most article are border line pushy but i agree you must attack TPLF in every angle.

    I am very sorry you post this rubbish article like this.

    I had tears in my eyes reading this article.

    What would Tewodros, Yohannes, Alula Aba Negga, Menelik say about this!

    I am going to pray now that you remove this article in the name of Ethiopia and it’s unity.

  16. I believe that the writer has the natural right to go the extent of even saying let’s go ahead and sloughter every tigre. I also have the right to respond to it in a way that suits it.
    I see a coward in this article. This is bemar yetelewose kosso. The writer is trying to articulate a psychological warfare on tigres. I have no doubt this is written by supporter of meles zenawi. This is the type of campaign that is being under taken by meles and the gang. Yes like HIV the tactics are evolving to avoid being detected. There is no difference between the poor in ethiopia. If there is a problem, it is among the elite blood suckers of different ethnics that are used to sucking the blood of the poor. I hope that vampires from all ethnics will disappear. God bless ethiopia.

  17. When the story is finally told, the genocide that is being perpetrated against the people of Ogaden in the interest of Tigreans or ‘Greater Tigray’ would eclipse that of Rwanda, which Meles and his Woyannes tribal gangsters like to talk about. Tigreans, for their own sake, if not for the sake of other people of Ethiopia, need to distance themselves from Woyanne.

  18. Most of you do not even know the Tigrians (the real ETHIOPIANS) and if you do not know them by now you will never know them and I will not blame your ignorance because you need more than eighteen years may be another 3000 thousand years to know and figure out what the Tigrians are . They will keep you guessing all your life.I am glad they are ETHIOPIANS and I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. They are my HEROS.
    The same thing goes for you MR . ELIAS KIFLE one day you will be where you belong.

  19. we aare all ethiopian and mixed with oromo amhara tigray and other ethnics so what we want is change we don’t want to radicate anyone from the face of ethiopia!! we will forgive but not forget meaning it’s a part of history that will exsist for many many years. hate should only be converted to love and we must bring all tigrays who have lived with fear and propoganda we need to bring them close to us than ever make and we have to creat in their state of mind that they do not need to fear other ethiopians what we want is change for all!! even why not be eriterians ethiopians don’t have a bad spot in their heart for anyone we are god loving people we follow the bibile or quran. from now on we have to be closer than ever enough with divide and rule we need unity and we want it now!!if we promote this within our people we could make a dramatic change soon!! god bless ethiopia and ethiopians

  20. Here you go again clown with your BS. I love coming onto your “website” to read the joke of the day. Nothing will happen to Tigreans my brother. But what i do know is, you will never go to Ethiopia because that will be the end of you ahahaha!!! How does it feel knowing you can’t go back to your country EVER!!! Sorry, but i do feel bad for you.

  21. Assta Gettu – the author,

    Your article is about tolerance toward Tigreans who may not have participated in the evil doings of the TPLF regime but in whose name crimes were committed.

    In the process ,however, you showed lack of sensibility toward 50% or even more of your compatriots by saying: …”most Ethiopians follow the teaching of Jesus”… and …”what matters here the most is not revenge on one’s own people but forgiveness for the sake of Christ”….
    For your information there are millions of Ethiopians who follow neither Jesus nor forgive for the sake Christ but may well agree with the main thrust of your article for the good of the country.

    For so long Ethiopia was ruled by certain ethnic groups and their faith and culture are made dominant and standard at the expense of others. If not taken care of and checked properly at ordinary people’s level, ethicity and religion may prove two explosive issues in Ethiopia. That is regardless of the policies of the politicians of the day.

    It would, therefore, help you and Ethiopia as a country if each of us cleanses their bias from the thoughts and picture they have of Ethiopia.

  22. Elias

    This is a very good message to the people of tigray in general and to those banda tigrians in particular. We, tigrians, know the intentions of the extimists like Ginbot 7 and Elias. That’s why the people of tigray is always with TPLF, despite few individuals are benefited from TPLF.
    Elias, be aware that if the worst comes, if tigrian can be a military with in weeks time. We will offer article 39 to OLF, ONLF, gambela liberation,Afar and Benishangul. we have our own military, we have article 39 then we will declare independence. That time the mission of shabia will be accomplished.

  23. How is this article any different from the propoganda used
    by the government, when it compared with the Rwanda case, in fear and hate mongering between ethnics? When is this nonsense of blind associations of butchers and dictators with the innocent and poor people of their ethnic background to stop?

    Hopefully, the rational and peace loving Ethiopians would not sink that low and narrow, as B. Gettu’s provocative
    call. The website and the author of the article must be responsible for any developments.

  24. Yes I ask our Tigrian brothers and sisters to act now and be with us don’t wait any longer please. There is a lady {Gedey}who calls on Mebit radio in Washington DC and attacks the opposition all the time. This lady talks about how a good warriors weyanes are and how they have experience.Gedey doesn’t want to have peace if weyane is not in power. Gedey tells the listeners there is prosperity and growth in Ethiopia and warns the opposition not to try to change it with peace full or armed struggle. So I tell to Gedey you are in America to do the dirty job of weyane (the 53 page paper from the Diaspora minstir) but it doesn’t work ,ignore you master and be with your people if you believe we are part of you

  25. Dear friends: Felasha, Dil le Ethiopia, and Mola,

    The purpose of this short article is not to incite hatred or to divide the already divided country but to unite it by reminding the oppressed Ethiopians to avoid the same mistakes that Meles Seitanawi and his political gangs have committed by pitting in one tribe and arming it against the other tribe. The article strongly warns when that final Day arrives, when all Ethiopians are empowered to determine their own destinies, they should not gloat over their victories over Meles Seitanawi and persecute the innocent Tegarues just because they are Tigreans from the same country where that evil man, Meles the dictator, originated.

    Among the commentators of the article, the following commentators have clearly grasped the spirit of the article: #7, #10, and #11, and I cannot add more than what they have said, and I’m so glad they have understood my intention to remind my fellow Ethiopians never to retaliate against my Tigrean people when that Day of recompense comes in unexpectedly.

  26. Let us not entertain such a terrible idea please.

    Are you serious that there are Ethiopians who are contempleting such thinking? I think it will be the end of Ethiopia. Let us not forget that Hailesellasie with the help of the British bombed Tigrai during the first Woyane against the poor peasants. Don’t forget that the Mengistu regime bombarded Tigrai for more than 17 years killing thousands of innocent people. I don’t think Tigrians revenged on fellow Ethiopians for the attrocities commited on them by the Amhara elites. Are you telling me you would do the same thing again if what you are requiring from Tigrians is not met? come on that is not even fair and you know, the consequence will be much more dangerous. We are tlaking about servival here.

    Sure Meles will be caught and pay his due. However, the idea that some how Tigrians must pay as well is irresponsible. We have failed to identify the beneficiaries of the meles regime. You will be surprised that the benefciaries are all kinds of Ethiopians from all kinds of ethinic groups in Ethiopia. So let us not pin down our frastration on helpless Tigrians.

    It seems like that Tigrinas are becoming the scapegoat for all the failed political organizations in Ethiopian politics. First of all the opposition leaders were not up to the job and by that I mean they extremely underestimated the evilness of meles and co. and when they failed to grab power, their fellowers started blaming Tigrians in general when in fact, it is all kind of ethinic groups who are enabling the meles and co. to live and rule Ethiopia longer. I really don’t buy the idea that Tigrians are benefiting more than other ethinic groups in Ethiopia. Do you know who is building the schools in Tigrai? do you know who is building some of the clinics in Tigrai? do you know who is running those technical schools in Tigrai? do you know who is feeding and helping Tigrians in Ethiopia? let me tell you it is Tigrians who are in Diaspora period. Not the mafia meles and co. Sure they may have built some cement and clothing plants to creat the impression that they are the guardians of Tigria. However, the engine behind the reseruction of the region of Tigrai are Tigrians who live inside Ethiopia and outside of Ethiopia. Please, ask your neighbours who are Tigrians, talk to them and get a feeling on how they are helping their homeland, then you will have a good idea. And hopefully you will understand that the Tigrians are just like other Ethiopian people who have aspirations to become educated, prosporous and happy Ethiopians.

  27. Selam

    The international Courts are a joke. Look who they are charging with crimes against humanity and who they are praising as good doers.

    You are right in one point, the west is not the friend of Ethiopians.

    When the time comes Meles and Co will get what is coming to them.Not from some self serving western entity, but from the sons and daughters Ethiopia.
    Meles and Co have betrayed and sold Ethiopia it is important
    they face the people they betrayed and be judged by the same people the looked down upon.

    Lastly when is the last time you saw the west or a wstern entity not base every and all it actions on its own interest?

  28. Shame on you Elias!! I can’t simply pass with out saying something. It is so sad to see that you go down so fast, as if being an agent of Eritrea is not enough. Do you realize what you are posting and what are the consequences? Think about for a second, my learned friend! Don’t even think that I am Woyane or whatever. Don’t fool us, please. This is a carefully worded, full of coded language telling us who really wrote this. I believe this is not really written by Ethiopian. If so, he must be really, really sick, like u. Period. Please, please take it down.

  29. simply, what a garbage idea. Tigreans never have been knell down under any circumstance and we never will, you idea just dream on. Hate mongers keep dreaming TPLF is here for life. I will not go any further because you are not worth my time.

  30. most part of the writting is good. however; the title and the language used is not right. the titlte should have to be what will happen to the weyanees including: Amahra.oromo,tigreans,and other members of the ethipian tribes who are active members of Weyane. not all tigrans are the supporters of Weyane. please let us to be carefull in what we speak and write. Ethiopia with out all its people is not ethiopia.I thinck the person who write this articel is either the member of Shabia or the affilate.they are good to sneak in to ethiopian politics by wearing ship’s out the way I am not a member of EPRDF. I am an ethiopian with no ethinic mentality.try to see my comment with no bias.

  31. Hans (Comment #9)and Tekorkuary (comment # 28)

    What has Eritrea to do with this article? It reminds me when some jokingly stated that even if there was an earthquake in Weyane land, the Weyanes (and apparently the Weyane sympathizers) would quickly accuse Eritrea of the natural mishap! How foolish can some people remain and for how long? Have mercy on us dear God!

  32. Elias,

    This reminds me of a knocked out boxer lying on the stage threatening to kill the victor when he manages to get up! Let your ‘dooms day’ and we’ll see who is doomed! ‘Kewedeku behuala menferaget lemelalat!’

  33. The main master of tribal politics is the adwa tigreans of Meles – all those associated with him will pay for it be it tigre amara oromo or any other group – if they continue to play this cheap backward politics of ethnicisim they will suffer for it – Ethiopians are extremely cultured and civilized not like the ascaris ruling the country who are slaves for the white man – their parents were slaves of the italians and their children are again have sold their souls

  34. There is nothing wrong with this article. It might or might not be happen. But history tells us when regime is removed by force, certain groups will be victimmized. Members of dictator woyane who have been enjoyed during the tyrant regim will face the worst.

  35. የኢትዮሚዲያ ድህረ-ገጽ ዋና የኢንተርኔት ማረፊያዪ ነበር:: አሁን አሁን ግን እውነቱ ፍንትው ብሎ እየታየኝ መጣ ሁሉም ትግሬ ተቃዋሚነቱ አንድ መለስ ዜናዊን ወይንም የኤርትራ ደም አለበት ከሚሉት የመለስ ዜናዊ ቀኝ እጅ ጋር (ስበሃት ነጋ, በረከት ሲሞን, ስዩም መስፍን ወዘተ…) ከመሳሰሉት ጋር ቢቻ ነው ወያኔ እንዲደመሰስ አይፈልጉም:: ስለ ጦርነት ከተነሳ መለስ ዜናዊ የጎሮቤት ሃገሮችን ሁሉ አግባብቶ የኢትዮጵያ ተቃዋሚዎች እንዳይንቀሳቀሱ ማስደረጉን ስለሚያውቁ እኝህ በውጭ ሃገር የሚኖሩ የትግራይ ተወላጆች አብረሃን ጨምሮ በኤርትራ በኩል እየተንቀሳቀሱ ወያኔን የሚወጉትን አርበኞች በተለያየ መንገድ ድጋፍ እንዳያገኙ ያደርጋሉ::
    ሌላው ቀርቶ ኢትዮሚድያ የሚባለው ድህረ-ገጽ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍን የትጥቅ ትግልን የሚያዳክም ንግግር ካደረጉ የኢትዮሚድያ ድረ-ገጽ ለአንድ ወር ፊትለፊት ለጥፎ ያኖረዋል:: ባጠቃላይ የትግራይ ተወላጆች ወያኔ ሲደክመው እንዲወርድ ነው እንጂ የሚፈልጉት ወያኔ ተወግቶ እንዲወርድ አይፈልጉም:: በጣት ከሚቆጠሩ የትግራይ ልጆች በስተቀር አብዛኛዎቹ ትግሬዎች ለወያኔ ወሬ ለማቀበል ነው በተቃዋሚዎች ዙርያ ለመታየት የሚሞክሩት:: የትግራይ ህዝብ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በመረጠው ቅንጅት ላይ ያለበትን ጥላቻ ትመለከቱ ዘንድ በቅርቡ አቶ ስዬ አብረሃ (ሌላኛው ዘረኛ) ክአሜሪካ ተመልሶ እንደተናገረው “ወያኔዎች እኔን ከትግራይ ህዝብ ሊያጣሉኝ ቅንጅት ነው እያሉ ትግራይ ውስጥ ያስወሩብኛል” ነበር ያለው::
    ቅንጅት ነን ባዮች ልትገነዘቡ የሚገባው የእናንተ ሁኔታዎችን በማጣመም ሃገር ሲትፈርስ ስለ አይድዮሎጅይ ማውራት ከታሪክ ተጠያቂነት አያድናችሁም:: ሃገራችን አደጋ ላይ መኖርዋ ታውቋችሁ በማንኛውም መንገድ ወያኔ መወገድ አለበት ብላችሁ የተነሳችው የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች እንደ አብረሃ በላይ አይነቱን ከኢትዮጵያ ዘሩን የሚያስቀድም ዘመናዊ ወያኔ እንድትጠነቀቁ ያስፈልጋል:: የማይቀረው ቀን ተቃርብዋል!!!

  36. ELIAS,
    I am totally confused with the way you handle things. Previously you used to write and posted articles which were interested to read and to examine. But at this time you seem confused and desperate. This is very danger for safety of our poor Ethiopian fellow inside the country.
    First of all, when we see the title of this worthless article, it is threatening a particular group of society which is mind-blowing to read. So, knowingly or unknowingly, you are undermining the harmonious and strong ties of Ethiopian society by spreading such kind of divisive and poisonous articles.
    So, it is totally unacceptable and useless to see it in this website. Pleas try to get back to your mind and examine any articles before you post it here.

    May God extend his wisdom up on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    From Sudan

  37. The writter put his fear well in advance. The article reminds us to work togather irrepective of our racial differences to avoid any bad consequences. The Meles regime will not last forever. Having known that our Tigrian brothers and sisters need to speak up and show their solidarity with all oppressed Ethnic groups. There are Tigrians as Hagos Araya mentioned who are struggling the regime. But we need still more as the Meles regime is enemy of Ethiopia.

  38. Hey guys, please don’t twist what the writer said. I understood the article tries to warn us not to blame the Tigrians for the atrocities of TPLF. And for the Tigrians to scrutinize what TPLF is doing for them. It seems for all the Tigrians and the rest of Ethiopians, TPLF is doing good for the Tigrians. But the fact is that it is not doing any good in fact it is doing damage for all Ethiopians and particularly for Tigrians.
    And we shouldn’t ignore what is happening in Ethiopia. What you hear in the streets of Addis is so terrible. The owners of any major business in Addis are Tigres and you know what the Oromos say? Let them build it and we shall concur it soon. This is just one simple case. Everywhere in Ethiopia, Woyane is doing whatever they can to alienate Tigrians from the rest of Ethiopia and if we are not prepared from now God knows what is going to happen. I understand the Tigrians are caught in a desperate situation. They are somehow confused to choose sides (between the people of Ethiopia and Woyane). I hope such kind of discussions will help them to see the reality.
    So please don’t discourage people not to bring up such issues which we need to discuss and be prepared to avoid what Woyane prepared for us.

  39. Hey! Elais!
    I called you names a lot of times. I still think you are all those.
    But this morning reading this crazy article was very entertaining. Can’t help feeling so good inside.
    I know we Ethiopians are supposed to be forgiving people. But you know what some of us Ethiopians are tired of turning the other chic. In fact I think we are out of it at this moment.
    But why is reading this wicked article felt refreshingly good suddenly? Is it because revenge “an Eye for an Eye” is like a lust?
    O! Boy! God! Help me and forgive me for feeling so good.

    God Bless Ethiopia

  40. Response to “Ye Tigrai sew says”

    my brother i agree with most of you ideas and writting. before i go further i wonna say the this the reason why i oppose the meles regime is not because he is “TIGRAY” no not that i oppose it because of his failed policy which he still follow to lead the second most populated nation in africa. my brother when i oppose meles i am opposing his wrong doings, and having said this the last thing i want and the majority of ethiopians want is a another leader following the foot step of meles!!!

    we want change, we want fairness and equality we want unity based on trust and equality we want equal share of the wealth of the country!! meaning the last thing we want is war in ethiopia and we sure don’t want blood shed!! the next generation have to live a peaceful life at least with life expectency of 50+.

    I think it’s time for all tigrays who oppose meles to join this struggle because we need to go forward we don’t wonna be in the same spot forever we want a leader not to divide us but to unite us, we want a leader who we can call a (YEHAGER ABAT) a father of a country that is what true leaders are!! a father to all the people regardless of the ethnic backgrounds!!

    As tigray is the foundation of ethiopian history, so today many ethiopians of tigray region have to help with great pride that ethiopiawint have to exist for the more coming year and they have to be the bridge for change!! we know tigranys are innocent just like anyother ethiopians so let us unite for ONE ethiopia and equality!!
    1 love!! ethiopia le zelalem tenure!!

  41. I think this is very important article becouse its about what may happen after the This Mercyless Regime who killed, raped, torured and burned the people of Ethiopia, The Regime That We Know What they are doing In Ogaden, Gabella, Oromia, Amhara and elsewhere,

  42. The answer to a compelling question if melese’s regime has been doing as monumental damage as almost all the previous regimes which have rendered the country hopeless for centuries and centuries or has been laying down the basic foundation for its eventual renaissance may be as contentious as it could be. Putting the more subjective reactions that could possibly be forwarded out of emotional whim aside, even a reply based on a detailed research and study conducted by dispassionate individuals could widely differ according to the eyes and interest of the viewers

    According to some detractors living in the Diaspora who cry foul that our motherland has been bleeding in the hands of what they call “coward and merciless regime”, in a proportion never seen before even under the matchless brutal regime of the Dergue is so laughable to me. The so called nominal patriots who claim to have been burning with the love of their motherland from a distance have always been fabricating all kinds of lies and defamations aginst the proud people of tigray who have been victims of all sorts of evils under the previous regimes. During the armed struggle there was no one like the people of tigray who challenged the TPLF’s political program and thereby fought them hard until the moronic and despotic Dergues’ regime declared war on all tigreans indiscriminately.

    The people of tigray have always had reservations of their own over some polices the current regime has been pursuing including but not limited to the Eritrean case, a question of port and repression of opposition and dissent in Tigray. Nevertheless, in my opinion most tigreans are fairly happy with the relative peace and freedom they have been witnessing and more so with the foundation being laid that guarantees a more united and prosperous Ethiopia, which recognises the equality of each and every Ethnic group, found in the land. According to some ill wishers, the fact that the power of state has fallen into the hands of some individual Ethiopians of Tigrean origin has and will always be a pain in the neck no matter how better the future of our country has been shaped up.

    As to what will happen to the tigreans post meles, Tigreans have never been vindictive of all the disproportionate discrimination and oppression they have suffered under the previous regimes who regined in powere in the name of Amharas for hundreds and hundreds of years, if by any chance any group of individuals are still contemplating anything cynical against tigreans I would only advice them to learn good lessons from history. To me only unity through equality can lead our country into prosperity, anything less would have no different outcome other than perpetuating the misery the previous regimes have handed over to us by chanting a bravado mantra like “yefeyel wotete” and “Emeye Ethiopia be bado meda”

  43. You are all missing the point. The fact of the matter is
    that we do not hear Tigrayans condemning the atrocities
    the treasonous acts woayne is committing to destroy Ethiopia. No need for anyone to be a tigray apologist, they
    need to speak for themselves.

    All we hear from is the Zeru Hagos of AIGA Forum the gazi
    terrorist forum. How come we do not hear the voice of other
    Tigrayans if they do not support the murderous regime?

    Wasn’t their hero, Yohannes 1V, beheaded by the Dervishes
    fighting to protect the territorial integrity of Ethiopia
    the TPLF is signing off so eagerly to Sudan? Where is their
    outrage? Where is their NOT IN OUR NAME condemnation?

    There is no ethnic group as deeply steeped in tribalism as
    Tigreans. That is a fact and everyubody knows about it.

  44. The article is not bad. This person wrote what he is hearing which all of us are hearing nowadays and what he saw what Woyanes did to Eritreans late ninties. He is educating the public that not all Tigreans are bad,but those who are responsible for all this to happen must get punish.He is also giving them a warning that while they have short time to chose the right direction.
    When an angry people get a chance what do you think they will do ? Read # 9. it is not difficult to understand. Ethiopian people are not ignorant, they know what they are faceing, they don’t wait for Elias to tell them.If we read # 22 we will understand what the article is about.
    One wrote most Tigreans are happy. If they belive they are part of Ethiopia I don’t think they are, because unity through equality is missing here.
    “Gezia Yesetew keal Dengya yesebral” Go ahead enjoy the time there will be time for those ” Emeye Ethiopia be badomeda” also.

    Face the reality and appreciate Elias for posting this.

  45. thank you elias,
    for having big ball being a true Ethiopian that you are to openly put it out there what most Ethiopians are talking about, it is good we have talked about it how we are going to deal with it instead of being quite about it like most of other website do and then one day when it’s boiling out of control it’s going to be too late we have to save them for those tigreans who are not affiliated with current gang woyane ruler, the good thing is non woyane members are much high in number than that of woyane members.

  46. Why we deceive our selves and pretend and deny the existence of this truth just like Melese. This article bears a lot of truth. It expose the reality that linger in the mind of all non-tigre ethnic groups. Whether we like it or not, this is the facts we were raise with our friend, discussed it at home, in the hotel and coffee bar. The full support of all tigre ethnic group to this heinous and tyranny government brought suspicion on the motive of this ethnic group in mind of all non-tigre ethnic group. Believe me those tigrean who want to portray them self as opponent of Melese such as Abraha of Ethiomedia are liars, and they have hidden agenda and their opposition is phoney. In one way or the other they work hard for the second round tigre supremacy. They operate under one Ethiopia to confuse the rest of us. Look what the so called Abraham of Ethiomedia did when his cousin was released from prison. He tried hard to sell Siye Abraha’s image to innocent Ethiopians. Dear fellow country men and women do not trust them they are all the same.

    I was very surprised by the comment of some people. These is not inciting one ethnic group over the other but it is advising people not to harm each other at the time the evil melese is removed. This is a responsible article that foresee the possible tragic incident that could happen against tegre. The article intended to avert the possible damage. Elias and the writer of this article should be praised for advising the people not to harm each other on the basis of ethnicity. They speak out the issue every body of us were contemplating for years but lost the courage and gut to speak it out. Let’s end the politics of denial just like Melese. If we deny the very existence of this problem how do we solve or avert at the time it will happen. It is better to discuss this matter further and deeper.

  47. Dear Elias,

    It is obvious Ethiopia, when compared to many other countries, has no a strong record on ethnic equality and good ethnic relations since woyane started governing the country. This is true even when set against the current background of extremism, fears about increased conflicts between several ethnic groups in Ethiopia and the changing dynamics of ethnicity, faith and culture. However, now is not a time for complacency or time to make comment to non civil acts.

    We Ethiopian have all seen how issues can be whipped up into mass madia and escalate Ethiopian people tensions. We Just need to think at how one “rumour” or alubalta if it is “alubalta” can set off a chain of events that led to our Ethiopian Tigrian sibling’s death in the future Ethiopia. Imprudent articles like this can make furore and dominate, with many commentating on how Tigrian superiority is still very much alive. This kind of articles and comments should serve as a stark reminder that scaremongering needs to be tackled head on rather scaring people with what might happen to Tigrians in Ethiopia.

    We all should know too well how such irresponsible articles and comments can leave a long-lasting imprint on people’s minds. In this context I want to make it clear ongoing concerns about the impact “exaggerated” or half-substantiated articles and comments can have on people from ethnic minorities. We know only too well of the incidents of prejudice, violence and the negative stereotyping that these groups are often subjected to. Organised ethnic hatred is not confined to any single person or group and we all must remain vigilant whenever it raises its head tackle it. Therefore, We must be thankful that we live in a time where there are mechanisms in place to avoid misinformed and inflammatory articles/languages like this.

    Elias, you should accept our critics to your website because we love you and we are your arduous reader of your Ethiopian review and allow us to monitor the actions and words of those who use such language, and we commend their diligent approach to tackling tigrian ethnic group hatred because we all are Ethiopian citizen.

    We Ethiopians can gain more encouraging good ethnic relations that needs leadership and real interpersonal interaction between and within our Ethiopian communities. It is very important that all Ethiopian including Tigrians are promoted to support inclusion and reject separatist ideas their leaders like Meles Zenawi and extremist cadres were/are practicing in Ethiopia since they took a power.

    This Tigrian´s ethnic superiority issue must be about changing everyone’s behaviour to ensure an Ethiopian culture of mutual respect for each Ethiopian ethnic group differences. We should think firstly as Ethiopian and secondly or thirdly as our ethnic group because that is the way forward to respect each other rather than thinking Tigrian ethnic group superiority to other. Ethiopia is superior to everything. THINK AS ETHIOPIAN! LOVE ETHIOPIA AFTER GOD! AND FORGET ABOUT ETHNIC FEDERALISM!

    God Bless Ethiopia

  48. Hey people, it is just an opinion so just calm down for God sake. For those real Ethiopian who really want a solution, I think it is time to join Eritria, Somalia and other oppostions group and fight with woyane. I know the Ethiopian people who are struggling to live and eat would like to kill woyane before they dye of hunger. For those opportunistc Tigryans who are supporting woyane ur day is yet to come and you will pay ur prize pretty soon one love one ethiopia, Jah love!!!

  49. Fellow Ethiopians,

    I see several comments critisizing Elias as if he wrote the article. This is a country of democracy and he has the right to intertain any article for which it fit to print.

    As a matter of right, however, let me say a few word about the article Assta B. Gettu wrote. He was right in expressing his concern for the well being of Ethiopia, of cource, including Tigray. But Tigrians are the most ruthless and racist ethinic group within the Ethiopian State. In view of this, one MUST express the way our Non-Tigrians treated by Wayane’s Agaze force, the looting of the Ethiopian people and transport to Tigray from property to Bank…etc. Amhara, Oromo and other opressed class of the Ethiopian society must fight from propaganda war to Armed struggle. Amhara and Oromo must liberate themself rather than expecting western powers to liberate us. The time is now, tommorow is too late

  50. I read the article two times to digest well its essence.I came up with this conclusion:It is a forewarning for those Tigreans who are staunch supporters of the bloody regime to think over twice before they immerse themselves in various grusome atrocities.It is agit-prop to disengage them from the regime and join the majority people of Ethiopia.
    The second message of the Apocalyptic article, to my understanding,is the enevitable Day of Judgement for those criminals like the the Agazi thugs of the regime, like the Federal Police Chief, the police who involed themselves in the Massacre of Addis Abeba …
    In short, it is a timely message to oppressors and collaborators of the oppressive regime!

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