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Ethiopian protester released from Washington DC jail

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Lishan Akuma, an Ethiopian lady who had been arrested by the police while protesting in front of the White House yesterday, was released this afternoon after appearing in court.

Two other protesters, Dr Meqdese Fekade and Ms Zelekash, had also been arrested, but released the same day after paying a $25 fine each.

Lishan was forced to stay over night at the police station because she allegedly resisted arrest. The court released her today without bail, but ordered her to come back on August 6 for trial.

Witnesses say that Lishan had been mistreated by the police, and Lishan herself is contemplating a lawsuit against one particular officer who injured her arm. Before being sent to jail, Lishan had to receive treatment at a hospital.

Lishan and hundreds of other Ethiopians were protesting the continued U.S. support to the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia that has jailed all the top leaders of the country’s major opposition party, the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (CUDP/Kinijit).

On Monday, the Meles dictatorship’s kangaroo court sentenced the jailed opposition leaders, journalists and human rights advocates to life in prison.

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