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Ethiopian protestors in Washington DC arrested

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Ethiopian protest rally in Washington DC - photo by ReutersHundreds of Ethiopians in Washington DC held a protest rally in front the White House on Monday. The protesters demanded the immediate release of opposition leaders and journalists who were sentenced to life in prison by a kangaroo court in Ethiopia yesterday after a sham trial.

Three of the protesters — Dr Meqdese Fekade, Ms. Lishan Akuma and Ms. Zelekash — had been arrested by the park police and secret service agents for allegedly trespassing police lines and refusing to obey police orders.

Dr Mqedese and Ms. Zelekash were released in the afternoon, but Ms. Lishan was sent to a hospital to get treatment for a dislocated shoulder which occurred while she allegedly resisted arrest. She will stay over night in a hospital, according to the police.

The rally was organized by leaders of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Kinijit Washington DC Chapter, UEDF-DC, Tegbar League and other civic groups in collaboration with members of the media, particularly Addis Dimts Radio and Netsanet LeEthiopia Radio.


44 thoughts on “Ethiopian protestors in Washington DC arrested

  1. This is the kind of character that makes the struggle looks like a collecton of some misbehaving individuals OR is it?? Are we supposed to follow orders given from the plice OR do the same misorderly conduct that got a lot of people killed back home?? And then we go back and blame the security forces who do their job. Are we blaming the secrete service for arresting these individuals? I’m sure we would have it was in Ethiopia. We should look ourselves and behave properly before we accuse someone for our own idiotic behaviours that puts a shade on the big picture.
    Just a thought…

  2. shebelaw,
    what a comment! have u not ever seen people fighting with police in the past? we are protesting not with out sentiment. we are not doing it to pretend. and such conflicts with police happens often and as u read the news the police didn’t jail Dr mekdes and others. that is the difference with woyane.
    don’t be hypocrite!

  3. Shebelaw,
    Shame on you idiot.Do you know the meaning of rules and orders?Do you want to compare this with your Agazi force?It was strange for your savage warriors to see many people putting on clothes with different co lours that they started killing innocents.I am really sorry for that.Now you want to teach us about rules and order.At least you should have learned how the police force handled here in the US case.They did not put them in prison forever or shot them to death.They released them soon.

    Please shape your stubborn mind to the majorities demand.In the contrary, You idiots are the one violating rules and orders in the country.You put publicly elected CUD members,journalists and civic rights activists in prison without justice.Whereas the people of Ethiopia are demanding justice in the country.But you kill savagely or put them in prison etc.Unless one is mentally disabled no one listen to your stinging,illogical and unwise words.Please mind your mouth if you can.

  4. I don’t believe that CUD leaders asked the Weyane government to appologise as presented yeseterday on ETV, rather Melese & the US Embassy of Ethiopia made forged by changing the real agreement documents that initaited by Melese himself. Really it is shame to US.

  5. Shebelaw, Why are you writing against the women whose parents are thrown into life time preason? It is understandable they are out of patience when America see
    things idle in partner land Ethiopya, worse it supports the dictator government. America shame!!! We know God will set them free!!! America supports state terrorism in

  6. No justice no peace! No struggle no liberty!

    However, while plausable and positive by itself as such, why should such a struggle needs to be mainly the project of the Orthodox church alone?

    If the Ethiopian people are struggling to liberate the wretched Ethiopians from the grips ruthless dictatorship I strogly recommend that we should cross the narrow traditional ethnic, religious, regional, etc. boundaries and form strong pluralistic movements that makes real difference and alternative, both nationally and internationally.

    For example why in this 21st century struggle both the Ethiopian Orthodox church and the Ethiopian muslim communities come together in solidarity and struggle against the common criminal hman rights violators. That is pluralism in action and citizen’s grass roots democratic struggle.

    If almost half of the Ethiopian population are practioners of the Muslim faith why not include them in the struggle? Hmm…

    Old habits die hard, but If it were me, I mean Ron River, I should have included even our faithful Waqqefatas and let the whole energy and the whole River flow all over the cancerous hard dictator and erode them to nothingness within no time. That in fact is the destiny of all the dictators. But genuine unity in diversity is the way to victory.

  7. I’m proude of u guys from america the way u responding to oppose the devil leader in ethiopia, for what on his doing on innocent people in Ehiopia,now pls tel for europe people to stand like u againest this evil bold leader.death for the whole woyane,long live and victory for KINIJIT.

  8. Mr Shebelaw, the problem lies on the title of the report. You always find three or more people to violate intensionally or unintensionally out of HUNDREDS. But why the reporter has forgotten the core of the theam such as: How many people protested? What was the response from whitehouse? What do the coordinators of the rally say?…
    in his/her report and why not the title has been such as:
    Hundreds attended the DC rally.
    Journalism and reporting is a profession and no body can get it by blessing. If someone cannot get a chance to attend a university, search the net about journalist ethics, how to write good reports, title selection…..this could help.

  9. Look! No comparison in respecting freedom to protest against injustice in the USA to the one back home. This one did not end in killing 193 people. Angry protestors may cross a line but were not shot down.
    Dont try to justify what had been done by Meles’es killing machine. Soon enough the struggle shall bear fruit and he will be tried.

  10. Pople like Shebelaw may believe what Meles is doing is to maintain law and order. Shebelaw, yours is even more sad if you really believe the comparison on your comment especially if you are living in this country. A government orders its special forces to shoot sharp to kill its citizens as peaceful demonstration by
    hundreds, gathers and put all known peaceful demonstration leaders in jail and orders its special judicery to sentence them guilty of genocide and treason crimes is in no way to be compared as such tried. This shows you and your leaders will not stop believing yourselves that you can stay in power like this for ever. I have no concern for your soul but I have a concern for the peace loving of all people including inside your government if there are any.

    Dear Kaliti Prisoners,
    We most of Ethiopians inside and out side of the country know why the Woyane Government is doing inhuman acts to you. You are so committed to do the right thing for your country and people! Time and again, the Woyane court system and its court actors show that they can only follow what they have been told to do by their masters! No human reactions they have what so ever! In Woyane

  11. Can’t you understand from others this is a symbol, showes the depth of the protest,and done by many of the political leaders, example Jesse Jackson it does not mean he has idiotic behaviour. unless you say so.

    Just a thought

    For my sisters you are Ethiopian Tayetu’s

  12. Only freedom quenches the deep thrist of Ethiopian’s for democracy,rule of law,and a just system.”Fake”Ron rivera get lost,your comment “old habits die hard” is tastless and out of place here.No one has a monopoly on the struggle for democracy,of indivdual right,justice,and peace for our citizens. The call for this community event went out for all concerned.Those who believe they can make a difference on this event become participants.What makes you think the church leaders were a gate keeper turning the group you mentioned back:what makes you think that the church is responsible in this. What can you say for those who didn’t show up for this event,regardless of their faith? Are the church leaders to be hold responsible for their absence?:the struggle for freedom and indvidual right is a matter of personal choice:those who refuse to be slaves stand up and fight using avery means.Believe me no freedom is to be secured without sacrifice; it requires responsiblity,accountiblity, commitment ,and sacrifice to actualize national emancipation.Your empty babble here is not helping the struggle;rather is calculated to create unfounded suspicion among people who lived in peace for generations.Please don’t be comfortable with the notion of blame,projection,transfering responsiblity to others.First,let us assume personal responsiblity for our behavior,and only then we can have a balanced perspective.


  14. we have to stand to fight for freedom and democracy against woyane, American and British politicians. These are the real enemy of all Ethiopians. Don’t bow to the ferenji. Show who like the son of Belay and Minilik to repeat your history again. let them remember it again. Show who was Alula

  15. Face the realty hear if you become violent cross the line as well as don’t obay the police officers orders you’ll get arrasted and have your shouder twisted in prosess.
    So if you had gun,stones,knifes,sticks and so on you’ll get shot at. That is the realty unfotunatly.
    So i say lets respect the rule of the country where ever we are.
    thank you
    ethiopia tikdem her enemy’s yewdemn!!!!!!!!!

  16. Dilnesaw tergaga nefsu! There is time for every thing ,time for sing, time for cry , time to pleasure, time to be sad , time to build, and time to burn the Embassy…. we are in the beginning of new millennium.. We need to have a different thinking. We should learn from the past let

  17. Dilnesaw tergaga nefsuu! There is time for every thing ,time for sing, time for cry , time to pleasure time to be sad time to build, and time to burn the Embassy… we are in the beginning new millennium.. We need to have a different thinking. We should learn from the past . let

  18. Dear BRAD

    I read your retarded TPLF cadre comment following the Ethiopian protest in Washington DC. How much $ are you TPFL cadres being paid to betray your motherland and countrymen? you have a nerve to comment on my brothers and sister who were protesting in DC.

    To All TPLF Cadres you are not Ethiopian
    To all True Ethiopians keep on fighting for justice and democracy and we shall prevail !

  19. Hi Guys,

    DON”T BE FOOLISH OVER AND OVER AGAIN. DON”T TOTALLY expect to see all of them free. This is a game. We have seen so many times the government is playing a game with the people, In Ethiopia every body knows the game of Govrt. It is only for a couple of week to say this so that they can easy the people heart. I don’t think so they will be free. They will not even be part of the party even if they are free. Please do not be fool………. you seem all are fool

  20. Hi:
    The TPLF thugs are idiots. They do not understand how the world view rule of law.

    Ethiopians have to put together money to purchase weapons from the so called east europe including the US that can buy them their freedom.
    Idiots do not understand rules.

  21. Participate.

    If you are such a sweat head antagonist and spineless creature and cannot even accept any constructive comments from concerned Ethiopian sisters and brothers what would you have done if you were in place of dictator Meles?

    Instead of your chest drumming swear words why don’t you learn to conduct constructive dialogue without your emotional baboonic traditional taboos that may not carry you even an inch during this 21st century.

    As I said I personally prefer that all Ethiopian religious groups organized and participate in such protests. The problem is the problem for all the 77 million Ethiopians and as such all segment of the Ethiopian population must be included and involved in the struggle.

    This is only an idea since I force none and I have the right to it. If you don’t like democracy, pluralism, inclusion and broad based popular participation, then you are justifying also that Meles have the right to kick your very aa… in a similar way.

    The fact that you are thinking it is inviting trouble if Ethiopians of different region and religion harmoniousely work together is utter madness that needs therapy.

    My heart felt appreciation goes to all the sensible and understanding organizers and participants.

  22. Shebelaw: You are the one with the idiotic behaviour. You have seen nothing. You know nothing. you are just passing your idiotic judgement. No surprise! You know nothing better.

  23. Aye Shebelaw,

    your type of frifari lekame asamas are too busy running after scraps the woyane fat cats are throwing your way to be of any consequence. Happy vulturing!!!!

    Kudos to the sisters!!!

  24. What happened to you, diaspora guys and girls? Why Wowwwwwwwwww!Did you forget , Ethiopia is in Africa and not in North America? Don’t you know , Ethiopia is a sovereign country ? Why else could ex-compatriots ,like you guys &girls demostrate around the white house and not here ,around Arat kilo? I’m ashamed of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Ato Shebalwe,

    What part of a protest you don’t understand. when ever there is a protest there is also an arrest. there is nothing new it is not something you can make a federal case about. you need to go back and look at history. It is not that people are being disorderly or out of control it is normal. you don’t go to protest to stand in the corner and watch.

    you need to wake up and face the reallity.

  26. my fellow ethios don’t exspect from “roro adebaby” or (white house)our voice stallen the past 16 year’s there is nothig they bring for ethioia or the world. now it is the time 2be unit & jion “eppf”!!!! jion “arebegoch”

  27. It seems that many Ethiopians have just opened their eyes and see how badly Meles and his TPLF henchmen are misbehaving.Didn`t you people see what happened and still happening to the people in Ogaden?They are not handing out life-sentences there,they are staughtering innocent people.Let me ask you emotional Ethiopians,where is your indignation about Meles`s wholesale killing in Ogaden?

  28. The high light of the Washington Protest was to see the The Ethiopian Tewahido Abunas lead the march walking through the streets of the capitol. It was very touching and affirms the Human Right concerns in Ethiopia. The EOTC has become controversial, however, there is no denial that the clergy in exile under Patriarch Merkorios are the ministry serving in front of GOD

  29. Ron River what are you talking about;instead of blame take personal responsiblity for your action.What have you done to fight for your rights?none other than being critical of people who chose to participate in peacful struggle.No body sayed “united Ethiopian opposition is inviting trouble”Neither is the idea of unity among all original to you,my respond is to your iresponsible level on the part of those who participate:”narrow,traditional…” “old habit die hard”;this and and more of the foul words in your respond to me.
    You need to educate yourself; lack information in this issue is what I belive that led you to utter error.First,a call went out for all Ethiopians for this protest.It is up to each individual to participate or not,those who were committed to the case were there:those who merly talk didn’t show up,because they will prefer to use the net to disseminate discord.Second,C.U.D is a member of A.F.D;that means it is working with all differing parties that have a stake in the future of Ethiopia.It is in this background that I respond to your unwaranted level to the people mentioned.What wrong do you see here?Any way I still say Ron River is fake!

  30. Participate:

    “Any way I still say Ron River is fake!” you wrote.

    That statement is baseless and you wrote it only from your head out of frustration.

    How do you know as to what is fake and what is original in matters concerning individual opinion and cyber discussion? I have all genuine sympathy for the demonistration but I have my own individual desire and and comment to make if it is possible to include all religious, region and ethnich groups inorder to mobilize a genuily representative and broader grassroots demonistration. I have only mentioned the issue in case it may teach us joint efforts for achieving common objective. what exactly makes mad in here?

    Is it some sort of taboo for you that people of different religion, region and different ethnicity come together in broad solidarity and oppose the dictator, while supporting jailed Somalis, Amharas, Oromos, CUD, etc?

    You must learn tolerance and develop the practice of mutual support. You can learn a lot, for example even from the ONLF people who came out with big heart and condemned the life long imprisonement decision against the CUD leaders. As an individual, you are the mother of all fakery for which you try to blame others, pointing one finger at them while four of your fingers directly point at you. It is also this selfish behavior patter of yours that can be characterised as an old habit going strong. So, why don’t you shut up and stop bickerin, as if another Zenawi on the making?

  31. Get over It! you know you lost the argument earlier;you dont apper to be commited to make a difference by being ,sacrificial and ,accountable for personal behavior.From what you have put before me it was clear,it shows youur only desire is only to pick faults in others; Conterary to what we believe a person’s thought is disclosed through what he/her puts before us.Every Ethiopian has been called for this protest;I mean every one in the real sense of that word.Under such condition,if we want to contribute there “.Your rhetoric why not thy include them is out of place.Who has the right to include or exclude any one from such event?Beside, you truly know all Ethiopians have been called,and only those who are commited showed up?Bear in mind no one has made any form of remark to those who fail to show up.I think you wear your emotions under your skin!what ever you want to portray your self you are only ( 2% )jenuine.

  32. To all of you ethiopian in abroad

    it is time and urgent
    to awaire and understand Ethiopian’s enemy and how they are bad enough to destry our country Ethiopia.
    So, please I am asking to unit and act collectively to protect and save one ethiopia,one people and one flag nation.

  33. All I can say 2 anyone out there want 2 make a change is! Help Eppf. Lets put our money where our mouth is Gobze /Ezhe Mechachahe Waga Yelewem.Just do something !

    Get up Stand up , Don’t give up de fight !
    Long live EPPF.

  34. Participate:

    I don’t undestand as to why you are so sensitive to positive feedback that is not even particularly directed to you. In any case, it is quite clear that we may not be able to finish arguments by counter arguiments alone.

    There needs to be both honesty and goodwill as well. As I have mentioned already, I simply thought that the idea of a broad based inclusive united grassroots movement may have better impact.

    In an area where I reside, immigrants and national minority associations always get more attention, more funding, more benfits, more lobbying power when they unite and broadely and advocate for their common objectives. When Immigrant and minority associations are divided, competitive, exclusive, mutually suspicious and go to perform their their own individual affairs, they ususally achieve nominal goals.

    That is the background on which I have based my comment which might be a little bit utopian and some sort of irritating issues for most Ethiopians used to keep to themselves. Ok, call it as a 2 cents idea, but even 2 cents or 2% on the plus side is a good step forwards. So thank you for acknowledging even that 2%.

    But if you are part of the organizers as well as the entire organizers themselves I genuinly give the 98% points for the well done job.

    As the wise old saying states, “danger is only one letter short of anger.” So why not end our discussion with a positive frame of mind and continue the good job so that it may bear some good fruits for all in the future.

  35. I am all for the fight ! Weyanee never respected us and will never will. So we need to teach him a lesson once and for all ..Thank you Aba Ethiopia .

    Le Ethiopia Wondoche Bemulu ,Beteley Lewetatoch! Menew Bakachu Kemeis New Weyes Suree YeaTelekachehut? Mawerate Becha Hone Zendero Serachu! Aleblezeya Surena Kebetowen Fetuna Andefeteunu Asheretu!

  36. Wow!!! Dc abesha what is wrong with u guys? All u do is talking shit and act like an animals!! U have to understand ppls, Here is u deal. This is AMERICA not ETHIOPIA!! Respect USA rules and regulation!!

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