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Kinijit letter to Meles Zenawi

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This is the letter allegedly written by jailed leaders of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit) to Meles Zenawi asking forgiveness. Source: The state-run Ethiopian TV. (Click here to enlarge)

Kinijit letter to Meles Zenawi

3 thoughts on “Kinijit letter to Meles Zenawi

  1. This letter is either forged or our leaders were forced to sign the letter by the TPLF security forces. Let alone accepting responsibilty for the 2005 killings and ask for forgivness from the Crime Minister Meles, our leaders never recognised the jursdiction of the kangaroo court and its shame trial. This is juts another scam of the Weyane Thugs trying to decieve the Ethiopian poeple. Do they think we were born yesterday?? Come on guys, let’s do something, anything. These juntas are peeing on hou heads and they are getting away with it. I am really ashamed to be a CUD supporter now!!

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