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Political prisoners case referred to Amnesty Board

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Shortly after the court in Ethiopia sentenced the leaders of the country’s main opposition party, the state-run media reported that the case has now been referred to the Amnesty Board chaired by Minister of Justice Assefa Qesito.

ETV reported that it has received an information from the Prime Minister’s office today that the jailed leaders sent a letter asking forgiveness from the government. ETV showed the letter signed by Ato Hailu Shawel. Tomorrow the Amnesty Board will submit its recommendation to President Girma Woldegiorgis, who will then decide on the recommendation, according to ETV.

The Prime Minister’s office did not disclose the information until now so that it will not influence the court’s decision, the ETV reported added.

Meanwhile, the Federal Police are rounding up suspected members of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit). Homes are also being searched, including computers and personal files without search warrant.


46 thoughts on “Political prisoners case referred to Amnesty Board

  1. What is happening with in Ethiopians ?
    what are you expecting from these people ?
    They killed us for the last 17 years and they are telling us they continue to kill us.
    What are you expecting from now on ???
    Your are waiting an amnesty from woyanie !!!
    Shame !!!!!

  2. This is a woyane trick advised by US and British Embassies and journalists as they are doing always playing their unfair games against the country for many years. It is a tactic to cool down the fire coming from good people all sides against woyane.

    Remember and don’t be foolish again and again. woyane will not release them and respect freedom, human right and democracy if we(the people) give them a leading role to decide about. We have to lead them deciding what to do about the country matters. Gorillas like them know how to kill and destroy as they are doing for 34 years. They must not be trusted and counted as human beings but evils looking to survive another day committing crimes against the nation.

  3. Once again patience, Dear respected Diaspora, hold your breath guys…. The verdict has now passed! The Government will now get a mandate to pardon them… let

  4. This could potentailly be the starting point of peace in the horn of africa. Let’s build strong Ehiopia by democratizing our institutions.

    Thank you for both the government and the opposition parties.

  5. Hey! Do not mix almighty with devil. Meles drinks the blood of many Ethiopians. Still he is in thirsty. How come amnsty comes when there is no crime. Do not get foolish by the man of the bush.

  6. Dear respected Diasporas and Disporat
    It seems that the reconciliation and forgiveness is on its own way!!
    The leaders of CUD have formally asked the government and the people of Ethiopia for pardon. The Time of restoration has now officially begun. Praise the Lord!! Halleluiah!! Don

  7. Meles is once again playing it to cool down the anger. It looks like he will get away with it after the life sentence decision.

    My question is what is wrong with Ethiopians? TPLF is doing whatever it wants and Ethiopians are submissive to anything. The only answer to such submissiveness is luck of good leadership. unless all the opposition political leadership vanish from the scene of Ethiopian politics and replaced by new younger and hot blooded people, we will be dragged on like this forever.

  8. Here we go again Meles the devil playing with our minds playing his tricks. It is all about this monsters survival and he will do what is right for his survival not what is good for the country.
    Woyane time to go.

  9. Hey! This is a damn tactic pioneered by Meles and his Junta.. He is giving them amnesty?! Do you think that there would be peace between Jesus and the Devil? Meles and his thugs are hell-bent to destroy our country…They sow a seed of dissension and hatred between and among all Ethiopians…

    They can’t go back and make amends with the people who they treated with malice…that would happen only if they relinquish power….

    The only fear that I have now is what if these some Amharas come to power with their empty pride despising others…

    No Oromia ballons either…

  10. ER, (Kifle) what happen to those words like kangaro, Weyane and crime minster. Overnight you start calling them with their right name. What’s make you to change your mind????????? EMMM that is a good start keep it up.

  11. Folks:

    The possible release of the jailed is great, becaus they shouldn’t have been there even to begin with.

    There will never be an end to such games until the life span of the dictatorship system ends or rdically trasformed whether the jailed leaders are released or not. The releasing of the jailed leaders is not meant to be an end in itself.

    The objective is pluralistic and genuinly democratic Ethiopia and good governance where no one is a refugee, fugitve, in jail, or killed for his/her political views.

    The arts and crafts of Wayane game is all too known for long.
    “They have committed genocide and will be excuted.They have committed an intended genocide and they will be condemened to die. They have been condemned to death, but we will be kind enough to convert the death penalty to life imprisonment. They have been condemned to life imprisonment but we will consider the prisoners appeal through the local Amnesty chairman. Due to the very humble and heart breaking appeal to the Prime minister, the jailed people have been granted their freedom by the gracious Ethiopian leader.”

    And the story continues. Folks everything have been already pre planned arts and crafts of psychological warfare and psychological torture. What the after they have been released?

    A whole spectrum of preplanned jazz will be put in place praising the prime Minister for pardoning master criminals already condemned to death conconcert and earth shaking propaganda will be put in place.” The Omnipotent and benevolent leader have pardonded master criminals almost condemned to death.

    No one on earth may be able to do this except the most gracious and most humane leader of Ethiopia. Vote for the PM, vote the TPLF, donate funds nationally and internationally to the accounts of the gracious and forgiving leader and his party. Donate! donate! and keep donating! this can be the starting point of peace in the Horn of Africa. Let us bild the strong Ethiopia by democratizing our institutions. Than you for both the government and the opposition.” The propaganda game may go on and on until it will culminate in the Millenium propganda, all meant to stregthen the TPLF dictatorial grip on the lives and liuvings of the wretched. Tactics and techniques chnage for manouvering but ditatorship strategy will stay intact and strong.

  12. I have just laughed from the bottom of my heart! You know what?
    If they are sentenced to life in prison, how they gonne participate in politics so they were not also allowed in the sentence?
    Is politics in prison or the juge already know they are going to be released though he do that?
    Oh men, State childish game.
    Anyways SHAME on all of us.
    And shame specially on KIL-Kinjit Int. Leadreship.

  13. Oh lord we have got all kind of virous.
    Yezimita,Yetizibet Ye HIV.Guys forget all the past.Lets stand united and make our country servive.As it is valued more than my life your life their life or every bodies life.Ofcours, every body knows not only why a specific decision it takes but also what action it will take.

    Freedom,democracy and progress to motherland.

  14. Oh lord we have got all kind of virous.
    Yezimita,Yetizibet Ye HIV.Guys forget all the past.Lets stand united and make our country servive.As it is valued more than my life your life their life or every bodies life.Ofcours, every body knows not only why a specific decision Woyane takes but also what action it will take.

    Freedom,democracy and progress to motherland.

  15. I am saddened by Mohamed’s two comments above. He is probably one of the Kangaroo court judges that gave today’s verdict? I suspect he is the woyane horse Adil. I will assure you that those judges will not be long before the Ethiopian people will see them in the trial box together with the woyane mafia group, that time tried by the true judges.

  16. I don’t see the points of out crying on this issue. As far as the convicted criminals apologized for the crimes they committed (conspiracy to overthrown elected government, responsible for the death of 199 peoples) and the court already pass appropriate decisions, the country constitution allow the government to give Amnesty. This is what is happening in the country now. Things are under going according to the country constitution. So when you jump up and down like a monkey, try to remember you are within the constitutional framework. “CONSTITUTION”!!

  17. This is what is happening in the country now. Things are under going according to the country constitution. So when you jump up and down like a monkey, try to remember you are within the constitutional framework. “CONSTITUTION”!!

    I don’t see the points of out crying on this issue. As far as the convicted criminals apologized for the crimes they committed (conspiracy to overthrown elected government, responsible for the death of 199 peoples) and the court already pass appropriate decisions, the country constitution allow the government to give Amnesty.

  18. I only have couple of things to say here:

    shame to President Bush and the out gone Prime Minister Blair. I said that because you chose the terrerist than citizens of the nation, Ethiopia. We,Ethiopians will fight and concore our country, make sure protect the citizens not only from you and your alikes but also the terrerist who are the so called the leaders of the country, Ethiopa for good; I feel ashamed when I admit and write that. We, Ethiopian will do all the necessary in your witness to bring the country together and hand over to where the country is belong, to the people of Ethiopia. Time will be near to justify you that. You both have done all of these to this great nation, Ethiopia in order to fulfil your failed ideology across the Universe. I say this as Ethiopian and further being a citizen of the Universe. No doubt soon or leter, you will be in history book of what you have done to my country, Ethiopia.

    This time I appeal to you, Ethiopians who stood, voiced, cried, marched, attended and in different moment fought to protect the right and liberty of that great Nation, Ethiopia. I ask you stand what you stood for, fight what you fought for, march what you marched for until your objectives are fulfilled. i.e, to librate and protect the nation for the last time. You Ethiopians, this is a generation thing, if we don’t do it now, we don’t find Ethiopia alive as long as these killers are in the country rulling. This is nothing but genaration things! If we expect to see any out come in future, please let us walk the walk together hand to hand help us to revive the future of our only country, Ethiopia. And, give the coming generation the guide help them protect their people and the country, Ethiopia from any out side and inside dectatership.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Ethiopians it is all our responsibility to protect the future of this Nation, Ethiopia. This might require our absolute sacrification to make our objective happen so you, Ethiopians where ever you may be, we have to come together and fight the fight and bring the absolute democtacy to the people of that great Nation, Ethiopia. These indivituals went life in prison for the good reasons, fought the fight the right way to protect us from the killers. Think you Ethiopians, these indivituals are well educated, could have lived life more better than the life we, majority of us would live here in the United States or back home. But they chose to fight to fight the right way and won the fight succesfully because that they throughen to jail being loyal to their promise. It is our turn now you Ethiopians, it is our turn now to pursue/follow their road and achieve their dream in to reality. We, Ethiopians have big responsibilities ahead of us. Let me tell you Ethiopians once we stand together follow their objectives and act the right way, I promise to you that nothing will stop us from winning. Winning to make our country, Ethiopia free from any outside or inside enemies. Winning to make our people live side by side with love, respect and work hard together so that help us bring justice for all in our beloved Ethiopia.

    Together we will win!

  19. The Tigren Government of Addis Ababa is cheating its own followers, the uneducated mass killers Tigreans.No opposition leader is stupid like woyanne followers to sign the said document.It is time to find a way to liquidate Melese,Bereket and all the Bandas like the Wolaita Asefa Kesito.We have no doubt tplf will soon face justice.

  20. Woyane is still Woyane whether it releases the political prisoners or not. Meles must be removed from power. He is a sycopath,dictator and chronic lier.

    Let us just continue the struggle to remove these thugs from the back of our people


  22. Dear Almaz , I have noticed that so far you and Musma , are the only optimistic individuals about the release of the jailed CUD leaders. The power of the Dark ghost still preaching hates and distrust

  23. Dear Almaz , I have noticed that so far you and Musma , are the only optimistic individuals about the release of the jailed CUD leaders. The power of the Dark ghost still preaching hates and distrust

  24. Why on earth would anybody be angry about the EPRDF at this very time,when the CUD leaders ADMITTED their mistakes and asked for PARDON and it is about to be given to them…Alimot bay tegaday malet yihe new…I guess you should get over with your issues with your leaders.At last,the opposition’s struggle has brought its leaders at the mercy of the EPRDF….but all is not lost for you supporters….you can still spit some horrible insults on heaven and earth,as usual…that’s all you got left with.kkkkkkkkkkk

  25. Hey are you for real Mr. ‘iloveritrea’?!?
    you are either not real or you need to be on some medication. Like some eritreans I know, you seem twisted & without fact/hisory! but there are eritreans for your information that think they are ethiopians and don’t buy your bs, i admit i know very very few. i do respect your opinion and to have it, can’t say the same for eritreans in asmara though (excluding party members of course) i don’t think they have the freedom of speech you have.

    Anyway, if eritrean opposition is free or has fair chance to take power, ethiopians will be happy for your people believe it or not.

    Ethiopians must remember that one must no matter what the pain in life is, that we have to keep the lesson and the wisdom in the lesson is what separates us from those who will repeat it! Please, my dear and beautiful Ethiopians, know that we will overcome anything, the most important thing is – Be proud of who and what you are, never forget your history and never never think for one minute the wishes of others no matter how sick or bad can take anything away from our longest hisorty and rich culture. Know that there will always be those even among us that will cause us pain but this is not new, they have tried many times in our thousands of years of hisotry and FAILED. This we should teach and reteach ourselves and our children and be proud and never stop being proud.

    The leaders will be free in due time. Yes, Meles and his kind will take joy in their torment and games, but they forget that God is the ultimate judge!

    Thank you Elias and keep up the great job you are doing my friend!! You are my hero! Beleive it or not, Elias, there are many silent people that admire you and are watching:)

    Unlike others, I say peace, love & happiness (Aykerim Legna!!)

    God Bless Elias!!

  26. What is going on? Is the TPLF Claim that the CUD leader ship conspire to remove the govt. by force and to commit genocide was true or is the total break down of Prisend CUD leadership to beg from clemency from a tyrant and a mass murderer. If the likes of Hailu Shawel are commited themselves to the cuase of the people, they should shown some defiance and dignity in the face of the TPLF murderers just for the sake of those whose supported them and pay the ultimate price

  27. Dear commentater #19, yetekebru Ato Basha
    It seems you are a little bit offended by my comment, you were even said that I am some kinds of judge Adel or his Trojan horse, peace be with you, sir I am neither of that!! I am one of the individuals who are just celebrating the release of these senior citizens. I have a prospect for tomorrow, will not think about the past.. I am a dreamer and a positive thinker, which firmly believe that reconciliation and forgiveness on the national level will be the bond to bring all of us together as one nation!! Some day our country Ethiopia will hold its former position, and her sons and daughters will be gather from West and East South and North and build the country from within, like Jerusalem has built by its people. Having said this I am very optimistic by the measure taken by EPRDF, and the Government of Meles Zenawi , peace be upon him!!

  28. What a misfortune has dogged us & our country? What an evil is reigned in our sacred land? Does demending for freedom be a crime? am getting mad of these things right now. will our Saviour God heal our wounds soon?
    am always praying? pls. all of u pray!pray!pray! follow up what is going on, now what I need is that to see our true leaders free from that worest jail, by what soever means. So Pls. our Lord Save these innocents from the wrong doers & evils & set them free. You are the only solution for us.

  29. Hi colleagues,

    Do not fool yourself by thinking that the current crisis is about the kinijit leadership who have been allgedly convicted and sentenced to life in prision by the TPLF mafia cangaroo court.

    The crises is about us, we ethiopians every where, not about the kinkjit leaders. kinijit leaders do not need our symphaty; they did what they could to make ethiopia a free and democratic country. they will be out of jail, whether TPLF mafia wants it or not thanks to international attention. That is the ball is in our hands. We need to play it or perish in the hands of a blood thirsty ethnist and dictator from northern ethiopia.

    What we should think about is how should we go from here? The big question we need to come to grips with, if we want to be free…

    the big powers are playing games with us. With their incessant support, the mafia groupd remains defiant…The support he gets hardens its heart and corrupts is will…it is time to think of “other strategies” before we become the next targets of this manupilative and terrorits ethnic regime. Ii is time to form an alliance with all freedome seeking groups in east africa and beyound and engage the enemy before it is too late..

    Stop your non-sense of making sense of a senseless enemy…know your enemy and start mobilizng all ethiopians for the inevitable struggle for freedom by firing the first bullets. The ethiopian people are ready to march behind a freedom fighter… the question is who is that man and when is he/she coming to the scene?

  30. i am very happy by what happened. this is the begining of peace, love and reconciliation. thanks to God. i belive that this is the time to ethiopia become blessed. i know that the CUD leaderships doining nothing. but they pay the price ( the asking of amnesty) for the people of ethiopia. diaspora please see this matter on the eyes of the ethiopian people.

    God bless Ethiopia

    i belive this is the begining.

  31. Woyaanne is still making “good stories.” They are still tunning the same thing. They try to legalize their crimes by displacing facts. Anyway thier end is near.They are on the verge of death.
    Good be with the freedom fighters.

  32. I guess,nowthat they have signed this confession,I think they don’t have any moral ground to claim, infront of anybody,that they are innocent but they just lied and admitted they are guilty only to be freed from prison.That’s soooo pathetic…you remember mandela? He spent 27 years in jail only because he chose to uphold his belief above the tempting idea of his release from jail…During the war time,Woyanne soldiers were famous of dying a slow death rather than leaking any information to the enemy derg when they were caught…that’s a determination of a corporate,let alone a leader of a movement.Anyway..this has confirmed my belief that these people of yours are sheer OPPORTUNISTS.They make use of all opportunities to screw things their way…they used the democratic system,the election results,the violence and now the clemency procedure….all to their personal motives…I think God Loves Ethiopia that He Gave her very principled and iron-willed leaders like Meles and co. to stump out all such opportunists from the ethiopian political arena.

  33. This is sad day for the country. I am ashamed of those guys who signed this document. They should haver rather died than signing this. It is shameful. This is not what is expected from leaders. But the greatest shame is on Woyane who put a gan at their head and make them sign.

  34. Hi all,
    Have you seen the so called ‘signed paper by CUD leaders to ask clemancy’? Look at it, carefully. I took a look at yesterday with one of my friends who is software engineer. It doesn’t took long for him to confidently conclude that the posted paper definetley is a doctored paper. They did peel out the upper text page and substitute with this arrogant text and scanned all the carbon copy signatures of the prisoners.It is a very simple computer application even to fake that kingd of text, late alone in the presence of sofisticated computer application. So, do not be fool until those leaders are released and tell us the fact behind thier signatures.

    Aye woyanne,….
    May god bless Ethiopia

  35. Jaaraw Gale, I read your comment. It seems that you are not happy by the news of their release. For some time now many of you are actively engaged in collecting funds on the name of kaliti prisoners. This is a very known fact. ANDIE knows, the Saga of all these comminicado!!, many witnessed, that a handful of individuals , will eventually lose their income , and will be forced to come up with a new plan how to get the attention of the Diaspora for their sole purpose. . if you happen one of them I have a news for you, there are so many ways you can generate your lost revenues, you may need to work at the Gas station in the Night shift or washing Rental cars (again this can be done day and night) or be substitute teacher at some high schools (if you have some academic background) or be school bus driver on a part time base

  36. What are you talking Woyane “Mehamed.” I want them out, but not at any cost. I do not want them to be humiliated. The Woyane has now humilated them. they should not have signed that despicable document. This is exactly what the woyane wanted, i.e., to humiliate them, so that they will not be considered as strong leaders in the eyes of their supporters. Woyand had accomplished that now. We have to look for new leaders. Kinijit is dead, long live Kinijit!!

  37. The sense of urgency being projected by the US and some quasi-opposition politicians at home to release the Ethiopian heroes through clemency/pardon is a total non-sense. The prisioners were kept in jail not for any crime committed, but for winning election and gaining popularity by the Ethiopian people. What has to be done now is their unconditional release and negotiation to share power for true reconciliation in Ethiopia.

    All other efforts that do not address the root cause of the problem is doomed to fail and and the problem will resurface and the tensions will continue, jeopardizing all development efforts in Ethiopia. As the saying goes, “alebabisew biyarsu, bearem yimelesu”.

    Woyane has to be courageous enough to heed to the people’s verdict of May 2005, which is the only way out.

  38. Drums of total chaos are sounding in Ethiopia. Mr Meles by annihilating political adversaries that have opted for civil disobedience by illegal means and by not bringing the real criminals that have hunted down kids, women, elderly and civilians is crying loudly to be executed by the people he say to serve. People is hungry everywhere. From Gambela, Southern peoples, Oromia, Gondar, Addis to Ogaden what people has for this government is a memory of pain. Those who cry today will hve justice in their side at the end. Drums of war are sounding in Ethiopia not only for the clown puppet but also for those in Ethiopia and in West who promote him.

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