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Kevin Myers explains himself – must read

Harsh as they were, my views on Africa had to be expressed – Kevin Myers

(Belfast Telegraph) — Last Friday week, with famine approaching yet again, I wondered about the wisdom of forking out yet more aid to Ethiopia [see here].

Since the great famine of the mid-1980s, Ethiopia’s population has soared from 33.5 million to 78 million. Now, I do not write civil service reports for the United Nations: I write a newspaper column, and I was deliberately strong in my use of language — as indeed I had been when writing reports from Ethiopia at the height of that terrible famine.

Since dear old Ireland can often enough resemble Lynch Mob Central on PC issues, I braced myself for the worst: and sure enough, in poured the emails. Three hundred on the first day, soon reaching over 800: but, amazingly, 90%+ were in my support, and mostly from baffled, decent and worried people. The minority who attacked me were risibly predictable, expressing themselves with a vindictive and uninquiring moral superiority. (Why do so many of those who purport to love mankind actually hate people so?)

We did more in Ethiopia a quarter of a century ago than just rescue children from terrible death through starvation: we also saved an evil, misogynistic and dysfunctional social system. Presuming that half the existing population (say, 17 million) of the mid-1980s is now dead through non-famine causes, the total added population from that time is some 60 million, around half of them female.

That is, Ethiopia has effectively gained the entire population of the United Kingdom since the famine. But at least 80% of Ethiopian girls are circumcised, meaning that no less than 24 million girls suffered this fate, usually without anaesthetics or antiseptic. The UN estimates that 12% of girls die through septicaemia, spinal convulsions, trauma and blood-loss after circumcision which probably means that around three million little Ethiopian girls have been butchered since the famine — roughly the same as the number of Jewish women who died in the Holocaust.

So what is the moral justification for saving a baby from death through hunger, in order to give her an even more agonising, almost sacrificial, death aged eight or 13? The practice could have been stamped out, with sufficient political will, as sutti in India once was. And the feminists of the West would never have allowed such unconditional aid to be given to such a wicked and brutal society if it had been run by white men.

But, instead, the state was run by black males, for whom a special race-and-gender dispensation apparently applies: thus the two most politically incorrect sins of our age — sexism and racism — by some mysterious moral process, akin to the mathematics of the double-negative, annul one another, and produce an unquestioned positive virtue, called Ethiopia. I am not innocent in all this. People here remained in ignorance of the reality of Africa because of cowardly journalists like me. When I went to Ethiopia just over 20 years ago, I saw many things I never reported — such as the menacing effect of gangs of young men with Kalashnikovs everywhere, while women did all the work. In the very middle of starvation and death, men spent their time drinking the local hooch in the boonabate [buna bet] shebeens.

Alongside the boonabates were shanty-brothels, to which drinkers would casually repair, to briefly relieve themselves in the scarred orifice of some wretched prostitute (whom God preserve and protect).

I saw all this and did not report it, nor the anger of the Irish aid workers at the sexual incontinence and fecklessness of Ethiopian men. Why? Because I wanted to write much-acclaimed, tear-jerkingly purple prose about wide-eyed, fly-infested children — not cold, unpopular and even ‘racist’ accusations about African male culpability.

Am I able to rebut good and honourable people like John O’Shea, who are now warning us that once again, we must feed the starving Ethiopian children?

No, of course I’m not. But I am lost in awe at the dreadful options open to us. This is the greatest moral quandary facing the world. We cannot allow the starving children of Ethiopia to die. Yet the wide-eyed children of 1984-86, who were saved by Western medicines and foodstuffs, helped begin the greatest population explosion in human history, which will bring Ethiopia’s population to 170 million by 2050. By that time, Nigeria’s population will be 340 million, (up from just 19 million in 1930). The same is true over much of Africa.

Thus we are heading towards a demographic holocaust, with a potential premature loss of life far exceeding that of all the wars of the 20th century. This terrible truth cannot be ignored.

But back in Ireland, there are sanctimonious ginger-groups, which yearn to prevent discussion, and even to imprison those of us who try, however imperfectly, to expose the truth about Africa.

53 thoughts on “Kevin Myers explains himself – must read

  1. Hey Kevin, i agree with most of what you wrote. My fellow Ethiopian men of this generation live only to eat, live in nice house, drive nice car, and f*k as many women as they can. There is no sense of higher purpose in their lives such as freedom, justice, patriotism, honor, etc. The women are not much better. They ar It’s indeed a sad generation. God help us.

  2. I applaud Mr. Kevin Myers unrepentant response to those hypocrites and criminals who cried racism to his enlightening arguments about the sad situation in Ethiopia and other African countries. My only comment to his writing is that he appears to blame the society as a whole as much as the bad governance that caused all of the social ills.

    In my opinion, however, it is criminals like Meles Zenawi and his Woyane thugs who are responsible for the contemporarey misery of millions of Ethiopians. The irony of it is also that the the make up the Tigrean Army serving Meles’s tyranny are those whom the charity of the rest of Ethiopians and the world saved during the 1984 famine…. this is the moral irony that he should have addressed in greater detail. The unspoken truth isd that the once starving Tigrean children of 1984 are now occupying the rest of Ethiopia, killing, torturing, raping millions of Ethiopians!

  3. why is kevin so worried about african issues and demographic? get a life africa is not your backyard anymore.he is acting like as concerned colonial master. those days are long gone my friend. infact ethiopia never had one of those days. we wooped someof your fellow white asses and send them back from where they came from a century ago. so don’t even try are a low life journalist write about your ireland.that where you belong scumbag

  4. I don’t know what is to be apluaded about Kevin. You guys you jsut respond as you pereceive. Please think. Any human that loves disrespect should not live. It is not about the facts that Kevin tells us, it is about the kind of words and tones he used to present the facts. He has no respect to the balck race, especially for us!

  5. This cannot be a justification for his biased view and
    a rather ridiculous article. Fact is fact: Africa is abused, poor, and is getting poorer each minute of the hour. The reasons are many, but mainly political and international relations. The problem with Kevin’s view is
    that he has never explained the reasons for African misery but simply that Africa as a whole is dirty. He only want to make one point throughout his very biased article: The whole Africa is the sum of two things; sexism and racism. Therefore, according to Kevin, they should be let die because, after all, when they grow up all they will become is sexist and racist. Unbelievable!

    Kevin, who is from the West that advocate human rights, give a verdict that no aid should go to Africa and no child, no matter how hungry he/she is and can be saved, should not be saved because after all he will turn to be a sexist and racist. Did he notice that by his own assertions, Kevin’s father made a mistake to raise Kevin because all he became is such a biased and an immoral individual; a disgrace to humanity.

    By the way, is he suggesting that Africa should be wiped off the face of earth?

  6. Yes, Sir. You are dead right, but the problem is not only African leaders and the bulk of the society. Western leaders like the disgraced Tony Blair and George Bush are the ones who instigate and aggravate the problem of our society.

    They help Wicked governments like Meles Zenawi. They gave him free ride to kill, detain, torture and loot the people and the wealth of the country. They gave the name “an ally,” because he kills “terrorist.” How funny!
    We would rather prefer to suffer and die hungry, so that the next generation learn a lesson and take care of the situation. How can we do that when these looters and killers, collaborated with your leaders stand in our way?

    Would you say smth. about your leaders, Plz!

  7. MR Kevin gives too much importance for himself as if he and his likes are the ones who save people. In this day, every country, every nation is succeptible to draught/famine. He should stop worring about ethiopia – the land of Cush – and start worrying about himself.
    Mr Kevin: ethiopia – the land of Cush – doesn’t need any help from you and your likes. This nation has exixted for millenia with you knowing nothing about it.

  8. Mr Hey Kevin: I know as a lonely old white english man it is enogh for you if you get this much attention and have so many latters to read about yourselves. I consider this the main mottoo of your article. In addition since ethiopia is under a pupet government which doesn,t care about the ppls and the country in general, you found ethiopian ppls as a perfect target with out any retaliation legally and diplomatically. I just want to mention to you that this kind of defamation of ethiopian is not a one time incident but there is a pattern showing that for some apparent reason from the britishes. In the past couple of months the british so called society of psychology published a flowed journal,based on ethiopian jews in Israel, by one Japaness by the name Nagasawa or something claiming that IQ is not related to poverty. Also one american nobel prize winer hahah spoke that blacks are inferior from british but suspended in america and he is found in his gene 30% black may be that makes him to win the noble prize.As you did he choose ethiopia becouse there will not be any retaliation from the pupet government that you are supporting it to promote this kind of evil thought. I guess you didn’t like the gut of the ethiopians. Their good looking, their pride for not being colonised, their love of the country and fellow ethiopians, their hospitality desipite scarecity. You also claimed you didn’t report what you have seen 20 years before and you gave a fulish reasoning assuming that some one will belive it. That time the britsh and the american were supporting tplf to remove mengistu and as british you will not be in good postion.I can go on fore ever explaing your hipocracy and lie and rasist mentality. But you are i guess to hard headed to change and no need to do that. The dispora told hipocrats like you not to give any aid to the present government but you never metioned that and brag about helping and saving the childrens. You never mentioned how many childrens your aid workers molasted stilll from the money collected by the name of ethiopians. Why do you think most of aid workers divorced their western wife and married or full around the vulnirable ethiopian girls.You have never mentioned that TPLF uses rape as a method of war and they are thene responsible for the spread of HIV in the country. You can see the statstics. It is during the british supported TPLF era HIV got its highest rate. TPLF has been mass arrested about 100,000 ppls by the name OLF or Dergue and sheved each and every one with HIV infected razor. You have also over looked this one. What about the proxy war that you initiate with somalia. Is it your method of population control or you have some other agenda may be you ppls are inferrior to us especially ethiopians. It is clear that if they got the oportunity ethiopins excelll in eveery thing and you can see this even in your country. I advice you hate will kill you and stop this gibrish of yours and find some other thing to aliviate your bordom in UK.

  9. I am Ethiopian and currently residing in the West. His statements are fatually correct. I believe what he is stating is fact.
    Just one question for people who think his assertions are worng:
    1. why African government couldn’t take action regarding populaiton issue? Take china for example. You are only allowed to have one child. African populaiton was used to be controlled by natural disasters mainly desease and hunger. Now, Western aid is helping to florish African populaiton. But, the government and its people still conduct theselves by the rule of a jugle.

  10. Qobo, You are Qobo Koba like your Nick name.Wreie somthing more about Ethiopia,Ethiopian generation live only to eat(like you) and give this Drunker irish Mr Myere.

    Mr. myere wriet one or the ather may be truth, but His solution is Unhuman.(let the starved children die,becous any how they die at the age of 12 or 13 ,if they live nothing to do for this world……)

    Mr. Myers i think nobody needs your human hater artikel even for the sack of servis report for united nation.

  11. The problem with this Knows all red neck is his judgment. Well he does not want to save a starving child because some times in the future she ma be raped, have more children, starve again, and die. I wonder if he say7s the same thing to a white old man and women in their sevnties who got a heart attack. Thousends will be spent for these age elderly with heart attack. I wonder what the judgmental bastard will say

  12. I read Mr.kevin’s acount about our ethiopia, He boldly and truthfully presented what he saw in a way he believes approprite. I was sorry for those hipocrites who just want to fan kevin’s article as a racist,but he told us the truth . I read the first srticle and some articles against him.i appriciate him for sticking to what he believed true.
    he just called a spade a spade.

  13. Kevin your argumet might have some truth, but lacks analysis. Let me add some;
    Who did help the corrupt regims in Africa? The West, because they …
    Who did the Irish blame for the Potato failure some 160 years ago?, The British…
    You give medicine and food 20 years ago and you think the problem in Ethiopia is solved? you are hyprocrite and unrealistic person, How is Irelad improving economically? Is it not the continous investment of EEU, US companies.

  14. He did repeat the same fault.How an idiot.Most foriegn journalists including kevin meyers have hidden political agendas. They always strees on our weakness or bad cultures .They started to tell us about us since Menilik regim by the name of aid, missionary…etc.but they dont bring any difference.except showing our bad immages to the world through there biased tellevisions.Avery simple example,they dont want talk about our hospitality,respect, uncolonised nation,hard work…etc. Yes,we know circumcission is one of our bad culture and its getting avoided now. How about if i tell him there lesbian gay story which is the most disgusting evil in the world. They are the cause of every bad begninings and then they would spread that to lovely Afrca.

  15. I think he is making sense. He is right in most of the issues. The Ethiopian society is disfunctional. that is why it created so many corrupt individuals who are not trust worthy. the leaders, officials, soldiers, priests, sheiks etc are children of this corrupt and disfunctional society. so we see all unhealthy things in almost every institutions whether it is governmental, social or religeious groupings.

    Ethiopia need a lot of hard working social workers. Moral need to be thought to both the men and women to behave and be productive instead of killing their time on unnecesary stuffs. Political solition alone is not enough. Something need to be done to change the backward culture we are in. Superior cultures created powerful countries like the U.S, Canada, Europe and Japan. we have to recover the same way the chinese recovered which is a work hard and direct intervention of the good government

  16. The fact that we have accepted his previous article is based on the recognition of the realities in our country as well as our continent. I expected, however, that he would write something more analytically oriented rather than repeating himself all over again. Now i am very confident that the dude is an angry irish who loves opening up his mouth whenever he gets the chance. Hey Kevin where is that good old journalistic balance where you analyse facts rather blurting out emotional racist blunder.
    Shut up already Kevin

  17. Kevin let me help you expand your theory since the Ethiopians are complaining .

    Let us give one last pill for those Irish (your old fathers, old mothers, people who are on disability, your Irish kids who are terminally ill, those who are in Irish mental hospital, those who are in Irish prison, etc ) because as you said what is the moral justification for saving a this people from death, they are useless, do not contribute to the society, they are unproductive etc. I hope you agree with my idea.

    Kevin look how you are narrow minded

  18. quobo, you are no better than this man. You cant generalize all Ethiopians and say we are not this or we are not that. Your an idiot! Probably an erterian banda. F*** you

  19. No BS. Ethiopia can handle it’s problems without foreign interference. Get off and leave the matter to the people.

    No more horrors and terrors than the west as the writer would like his audience to believe. Very cheap.

  20. Mr. Myers ,you have a beautiful mind . Could you,with the same unbiased mind, help ethiopians by exposing the west’s politicians atrocities committed against the ethiopian people-
    pumping money through WORLD BANK and IMF in the name of aid to the starving people bla bla…,while in reality ,they very well know that the money goes back to the bank A/Cs ,owned by corrupt regimes like Tplf gangs of ethiopia, of the countries it came from.Do something body before your white people silence you(blow you on aplane like mitchel-did I forget his name ,I was talking about the brave british journalist who died in cameroon plane crash!)

  21. I have no idea from where to start from. You responded with absolutely nonsense arguments. U tried to argue every aspect from sexism and poverity, still with little or no hard reserached evidences. Given the undenayable poverty ethiopia is experiencing, the genuine reasons which led the country to such backwardness has not been clearly researched and presented, rather u just want to stick to your controvertial statements. I am outraged by your original article and the response which is far-fetched and inappropriately supported and documented. I understand u are highly applause by some of your hard critics, however, believe me u are wrong on this one.

  22. Min hono new yihe necha chiba!! This article is so ridiculous it doesn’t even deserve the attention we’re giving it. I expect this kind of writing from a Nazi propagandist than from a so called reputable journalist. Instead of providing constructive criticism, this low life so called journalist wrote a borderline racist article condemning an entire society by more or less stating Africans should be eliminated from the face of the earth because, they don’t contribute anything to the world except H.I.V. This is not journalism this is hate speech. This guy is giving ammunition to all the white supremacists that walk around thinking they are better than us. What’s your real agenda Mr. Myers!! THE REAL MR MYERS PLEASE STAND UP. Hmmm lets take a look at some Irish history, courtesy of our friends at Wikipedia.Two very cold winters led directly to the Great Irish Famine (1740-1741), which killed nearly 400,000 people. The second of Ireland’s “Great Famines”, An Gorta Mór struck the country severely in the period 1845-1849, with potato blight leading to mass starvation and emigration. The impact of emigration in Ireland was severe; the population dropped from over 8 million before the Famine to 4.4 million in 1911. Mr Myers, maybe the U.S shouldn’t have allowed all the starving Irish to immigrate to America and just let them die. It’s funny how these so called journalists pick and choose some parts of history to demonize an entire society. All you Ethios out there should start thinking crtically before you say you agree with this guy.Don’t beleve everything you read. Question it first.

  23. email to Mr. Myers

    Again I read your second article, again all I can say is that you may be suffering from some kind of depression. You are trying to tell us just because kids get sexually abused and killed by family members or strangers they should die when they are young(these are things that happen in the west and there are plenty of them). You come up with all kinds of nonsense. You can start a campaign and you will never be able to hide the continuous crime by your family(the west). You have proven to be so arrogant, uneducated and rude. You are worst than Osama Binladin himself. You keep trying to justify your idiocy and you will never get it. I say you are uneducated because you dont even know that when the Ireland suffered from a continuous and severe famine a million made it to the U.S. and millions died there. In your theory, then the Irish toddlers should have been dead and John F. Kennedy would never have been the President of America.

    Again I call you a blood thirsty vampire, don’t come back to my country because you are in my personal black list.You are a loser.

  24. This guy is afraid of the growing black population in Africa. His frustration has far deeper feel, probably, for the guilty in their midst for the denegration and humilation they caused for centuries and the increase in number of blacks with its own awakening is not going to give the whites no sleep in the future. China has a smaller land mass than Africa with the population more than 1 1/2 times. The population of blacks is less than one billion worldwide. Think wiser, my fellow blacks. Who knows: one day what happened on American Indians might happen on Africa. We are completely dependent for our health on non-blacks (medicines) and we have corrupt leaders forcing us to be injected with imported medicine in the name of protection against, even, almost extinct disease causing organisms. Which physician and pharmacist knows what is ial except reading the labels.

  25. Sure Kevin’s language could be a bit more polished and PC. I find it curious that many find justifications for how we got here that somehow remove the blame from us.
    To blame Meles is actually to give this man more influence and power that he ever would have imagined – can one man single handedly destroy the life of 70 million ? If you take Meles out of the picture, were we a very prosperous nation before his time – as in the Mengistu or Rastafari days ? NO. We have been PROUD and POOR for over a century. Well, is it because of Western influence ? Apparently not since our PRIDE is purely based on remaining an independent nation and kicking invaders ass. My friends, I hate to take you through this exercise for long but at the end of the line there will be no one else to blaim. We own Ethiopia, we are responsible for where the country is and while it is comfortable to use Meles or some simple-minded person as the scapegoat for our problems, that is just a way to avoid the painful discussion that is long overdue.

  26. Zenash,
    I almost agree with you except that ,it isn’t the whole society(generation) that is being disfunctional,they are these
    “the 17 years generations” hatched by scumbags woyane which made the leaders, officials, soldiers, priests, sheiks etc
    cartoon generation in their respective fields using the power of money they get from their US and UK financers.

  27. I believe that Myer’s bias is one of the key indicators of today’s Anti-African and Anti-Black sentiments among certain entities in western society-likes Myers. It is a problem I have observed both at close first hand and at the distance of their like thoughts and ridiculous judgment among white biased and racist society.
    So, from all these perspectives, the problem reveals itself as coming from the same source: the pseudo-science, fake white supremacy advocated by eugenics and their greed and voracious desire to re-control African resource. This gibberishness of Anti-Black and Anti-African sentiment among white entities in western society has existed for long time and will continue to exist as we have witnessed by Myers and likes.
    Individually, Myer may not appear to be dangerous however he was used and will continue to be used by those groups behind the screen as a tool to reveal their true evil essence. As far as we know, the personal life of Myer, even if he is a career journalist with long year in journalism, his personal life is messed up with corrupt and wicked stuffs. He is three-time divorce, alcohol addict and known for his big-mouse with hardly any regard for others. He was once, arrested by police, back in 1980 for raping 14 year kid.
    He is frequently critical of ant-war activist and he has endorsed Bush’s invasion of Iraq. He has always been pro-destruction, pro-death, and pro-survival of the fittest, a pseudo-science advocated by Eugenics.
    I have always contended that dealing with this problem at its roots will require nothing less than the complete philosophical re-education of our people about these evil agenda and engage them in every possible way, politically, and legally.
    This is the only way to challenge the endemic anti-African bias which expresses itself as partisan political freedom, freedom of speech with the institutions and figureheads of racism and hatred as its principal objective.
    Myer represents the disease. Some journalists, writers, pseudo-scientist and artists who make up that class of entity suffer broadly from the confused values that have characterized Western racist entities since long time. There is political passion without deeper knowledge of their evil agenda. There is a nihilistic tendency that goes beyond the call of reason, and summons those afflicted with it to a fundamental blemish and ardent racism against Africans and its people in which they have relied for their greed resources for centuries. They are jealous of our resource, jealous of our culture, jealous of our value in which we give priority and dignity for human value, social life and respect for people. Conversely they are extremely greedy, individualistic life and abnormal close association with animals(Dogs) as a defenses mechanism for their stupid and individualistic greedy life style which they call it western” value”. Their value is home sexual, rape, murdering children, depression, raping their own children just like animal-these are not Ethiopian nor Nigerians nor Chadian.

  28. Yes, we have to hammered again, again, again until we, Ethiopian, wakeup from our slumber and do something about hunger.
    I am tired of hearing, us Ethiopians, being starved. Be it, the government or the whole society, we Ethiopians should do something about it.

  29. All I can say to people like Qobo, Dirba, Lemu, Wako, Kassa, Zenash and Wonchif is educate yourself, read and raise your level of consciousness before you hit your keyboard in haste. I understand that some of you have a hidden agenda of hating Ethiopians for any number of reasons. But leaving that aside, the garbage that was camouflaged as a journalistic piece by Mr. Meyers in nothing but racist, sexist and convoluted way of expressing a white mans’ burden.

    In trying to elaborate on his previous vomit, Mr. Meyers went down straight to the gutter. He said more than ninety percent of the response to his writing is in support of his degenerate opinion. I find that very hard to believe coming from a person so consumed with hatred, but if that is true, the only thing I can say to that is Fascism and Nazism are getting a good hold in Ireland. I think the supporters of Hitler and Mussolini should breathe a sigh of relief for the relentless work exemplified by Mr. Meyers.

    The main argument of Mr. Meyers is why bother helping the starving Ethiopians if the end result is a geometric increase in their population. If Mr. Meyers’ concern is about the overpopulation of the planet, it is a legitimate topic and it should be the concern of countries that have very large population such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, etc. Ethiopia’s population is about three percent of the combined population of these countries. If Mr. Meyers is so concerned about the overpopulation of our planet, he should address his concern to the leaders of these countries. But if one reads between the lines, this Nazi’s concern is the dramatic increase of black Africans while the rest of Europe is suffering because of zero, or in some cases, negative population growth. In other words, if the population of Africa continues its exponential growth and moves in the direction of the northern hemisphere, eventually Europe would be overwhelmed and the Caucasian population would be in danger of extinction. But I would like to assure this person that eventually Africa will sort its problems and find a way out if, for one, the west stops its meddling in its internal affairs. It took Africa decades to untangle the colonial legacy of Europeans and it will free itself and take care of business eventually by feeding its population like Ireland came out from devastating famines that consumed millions of its inhabitants.

    Some of our ignorants amongst us have embraced the racist and sexist ideas of this person and are proud to insult and look down upon our own people oblivious to the venomous attack that includes all of us. But nothing is new here; history is full of traitors and bandas who have no qualms to side with the enemy to fill up their stomach. This Nazi supporter hates everyone in Africa and some us of did not even get this simple fact in our head or do not care one way or another.

    The solution for the famine will come from us, the inhabitants of the land. It is a given that the leaders of most countries in Africa are corrupt beyond description. The major problem that is affecting this continent as a whole is lack of proper governance. One can hardly find a working democracy in any of more than fifty countries in the continent. Properly administered, Africa can support many times the size of its present population because of its rich and varied resources. Therefore, any which way we look at it, we all know what ails our continent; the people have no say in the administration of their affairs. And mysteriously, this simple but basic fact was missing from the garbage that this Nazi had the gall to write.

    The way I look at it, this Nazi is in dire need of attention and the most convenient and easy way for him to do that was to take advantage of defenseless victims in our homeland. According to him, since the west has done everything to help the ever-demanding African population, let them die and nature will take care of the rest. Hitler himself could not have said it better.

  30. asheber
    I have not lost hope in my fellow ethiopians becuase individuals like you.
    Qobo and others, how can you applaud such shit wrtten in the name of journalism? Take asheber’s advice and read. Let’s even forget reading-do you know the typical Ethiopian peasant- he is not lazy and and immoral- just a victim of circumastances. To be sure I deeply feel the predicament of Africa, and I know we have to do better and take charge instead of blaming others for our miseries.
    But but I am not gonna take any shit from the descendants of colonizers, who after all belive we were sub-humans and and enriched themselves and still are at the expense of Africans-yes african labor and resources.
    Remenber how they kill the spirit of our brohters in america-they told them they were nothing “look how you live, something must be wrong with you, you are beyond saving?” If you accept such degradation and lost your self- respect, you can not change things and take charge.

  31. This guy is suffering from an incurable complex. He couldn’t take it when he learnt that our rich cultural civilization which pre dates that of whites. Our biblical history, religion, language, Alphabet and our decisive victory against the white army at Adwa is a bitter pill to swallow for him. He is writing more of what he wishes for Ethiopia than the facts that he observes .Do not be surprise about his hate since we debunked the myth of white superiority. We are now poor and desperate but we were not like this before .Once we were among the four old civilization of the world, Persian. Chinese, Egyptian and Axumait .This history of ours is driving him and fellow racists craze. Once we freed our self from the yoke of this oppressive government which is imposed on us by the white world. No doubt about it we will recover our old glory.

  32. asheber abegaz,I can read your frustration, in your rotten brain,to be told the truth,do something about this brain of yours and your way of life .because i don’t believe your frustration is out of a genuine feeling of “ethiopiawinet”

  33. The view Kevin Meyer expressing here is simply a thesis supported by most of extreme right wing European parties. If you go to France you have FN, in the UK, NF (National Front) etc. But keep in mind that you have one racist party in all European countries that says Africans (including Arabs in France) are multiplying in a very alarming rate. So Kevin is simply supporting consciously or stupidly the racist view of the extreme right wing European parties.

    In a way there is nothing new. I have been living in the west for a while and I have seen this kind of views at least once a week. However, this kind of racist view used to be before, for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.As you know, with the exception of Bangledash the other Asian countries are self supporting now.So the racist like Kevin must find something to hate, so this time is our county.

    The problem I see in this kind of literature is how much innocent English or Irish people beleive him? I would say 95%.The majority of the western people have not got a time to read the daily news paper let alone to do a research on poverty in Africa. So they depend on a person like Kevin who could pass like a man who knows everything about our country and Africa and they believe him. Even if he said exterminate black children of Africa.

    I am married to a women from the European origin with a white skin color , so you know we have gatherings during marriages, baptism, new year etc. and we are around 50or 60.We are all from different social status, MD with unemployed son with two kids but had the best education you could imagine , his brother a lawyer making more than 300k in his twenties with his architect wife and so on .But the majority of the family still Owens farms and supply fruit and vegetables to the local supper markets.

    The majority of intelgistta in Europe and America don’t give a damn about Africa or poverty. This includes the politicians. Why, they know exactly where the problem is. They know that they can make a difference in the politics of the world if they intervene on behalf of the population. And they consider people like Kevin as an edit and they use them. But the problem is, my white farmer relatives believe Kevin and that is a tragedy.

  34. Yes you said it correct; we Ethiopians do not like it when the truth presented by a white western man. Just look around your area how the Ethiopians acting, they worry about the price of gold, instead of the starving children’s, they spend their money on alcohol or expensive car instead of supporting their people liberation from a tyrant regime. Our problem will continue until this generation start to scarifies, and work together toward creating a just society. When they tell as the truth learn from it.

  35. The present Ethiopians have become the shame of this planet. Stop the false pride and fight like a real man.
    If you don’t know your history, learn it.
    We have become cowards and selfish. Lets learn from the past like Hailesellasie, Abdis Aga, Zerai Dires, Ras Emru … many many more …
    We have left the fight for very few heroic Ethiopians like
    Dr. Berhanu, Burtukan M., Andargachew Tsigie, Elias Kiflie … to do most of the fighting. Where are the rest of the Ethiopians? Where are we hiding?
    Either we free ourselves or we accept slavery and live as slaves. When will we become real men and stop being the joke of this planet.

  36. Please let us discuss about some thing more important. I have emailed all critical comments against Mr. Myers to himself. This loser never got so much attention like now, we should ignore him.
    Let us not fall for his trick. This white snake many be doing research for some group in the west. I never trust them. What good have they ever done for us. If they stop their aid, we may have some temporary crisis, but in the long term we will end up having good government and we will be prone from their dirty culture. Today in Ethiopia they are exposing the young to so many dirty stuffs like homosexuality. This dirty, so called journalist has a personal agenda. We are so innocent that we will never know intentions of people like this guy. We think he doesn’t know why Africa is this way, but the fact is he is well aware. Please Mr. Mayer(the vampire) help us by stopping your aid and your indirect colony. Get lost please

  37. It is not going to help to respond to an ignorant racist like Mr. Myers or analyze his thoughtless article. What is missing is at stake is the dignity of the Ethiopian people. If you are the subject of pitty of western world for almost fifty years then there is something wrong with the dignity of the Ethiopian people. Yes western imperialists enslaved consecutive Ethiopian regimes to work for their interests but the western neo-colonial powers would not do what they are doing to Ethiopia if there was a government with dignity that said no to their sponsorship, that is the uncofortable truth in this issue. As long as the western neo-colonial powers have willing servant regimes they will use them until their usefullness is exhausted.

    This should give every Ethiopian with pride in the diaspora to join the fight for dignity being waged by the people of Ethiopia in every corner of the country at this very minute. Fals pride will not change the situation, it will only make it worse. Take heart and don’t despair, you have friends in Eritrea that are willing to stand by your side in this dark period of Ethiopian history, when you join this fight it will not be easy, the western neo-colonialists will fight and test you every step of the way, look what they are doing in Somalia, they will not give any people a moments rest as long as they want to be free. So please lets see Mr. Myers article for what it is, a demeaning diatribe that is designed to make you feel inferior, he will never criticize his masters for their role in the famine, if he does he would be fired or won’t be pulished at all, he is doing his mercenary job and the Ethiopian people should do their duty to free themselves from this bondage that never seems to end.

  38. Mr. Kevin Myers,

    I read your article, and you said you have 90% of positive replies from people who read the article. I wouldn’t be surprised, because this is again a simple fact that demonstrates you are in the middle of your supporters who have the same kind of evasive thinking.
    I am an Ethiopian, and I love my people. Some times I would get so frustrated by the blind acts of the west and reach to a conclusion that all of them are against us.
    Superficial journalists like you would add insult to the injury when they target defenseless victims who have nothing to do with bad governance. You must feel ashamed when you say that you are a journalist but fail to connect social tragedy with underlying cause.
    You said you were in Africa, what do you do there? Have you done anything to reduce the suffering? Or embezzle the aid money with your fat salary and profit from people’s suffering by writing senseless garbage?
    If you were really a journalist, unplanned population growth, famine, and other social ills are caused by bad governance. Why don’t you talk about the regime your masters have implanted on us? Why don’t you talk about government failure and the failure of the west even to recognize it.
    When it is Zimbabwe it is the failure of Mugabe and Mugabe alone. When it is Ethiopia (because the government is implanted by the west) it is the failure of the country or its population. WHY? Why the double standard? If there were journalists who serve their profession Ethiopia’s situation could have been different. We do not need aid, we need good governance, the problem is you don’t want us to have good governance, because if we do, the likes of you can not set his foot in our soil.

  39. Alas, some people are so painfully predictable. Introducing Asheber Abegaz et al, the promoters of civility… Will I see a time where people similar to these will go beyond the argumentum ad hominem and deal with the issue at hand? Will you ever have a discussion and fail to use phrases such as “you have a hidden agenda, you banda, Kevin the Nazi and so on. “ First I encourage you to tone down the rhetoric and concentrate of substance. Second, I have no hidden agenda and I don’t hate Ethiopians. What I don’t care much for are those who fail to take responsibility for their own doing. I don’t care much for those who can’t see in the mirror and see that they are part of the problem.

    Let me redirect Asheber et al from your verbose tantrum to the issue at hand; that being Africa, Ethiopia as a prime example, has failed to sustain self without begging for help day in and day out. What is the hope of helping such folks? THIS IS THE ISSUE AT HAND with the Irish man. The issue is not a mere mathematical problem of where to stuff 160 million people few decades from now. It is more of how will you sustain 160 million folks with a preponderance of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malnutrition, blinding illiteracy, and so on solely relying on foreign money. How long should this be tolerated? 10yrs, 20yrs, 30yrs, 50yrs ? The mention of China, India, Pakistan, Brazil etc to make a point of how Ethiopia’s population explosion is a “ no big deal “ is bewildering. These nations didn’t just explode their population – they also exploded their infrastructure, IT industry, medical system, education system etc and are the contenders for being the next world powers. Ethiopia vs. China or India is so arabana kobo with any stretch of the imagination. Please don’t do it again lest some confused souls may start to believe you. Few points not to be missed from the misplaced examples are that some of these nations had to overcome dictatorships, some colonization, some civil wars but THEY MOVED ON. There didn’t get here based on decades of foreign help or encouragement is what I am getting at.

    So let’s not get side tracked with the tabulation of people and percentages and how many people you can fit into a square kilometer etc. Please put your slide rule back in the pocket. The main point of all this discussion is that Ethiopia is very sick. A sick country will first need to know that it is sick to get better. Most sickness is not due to external sources but a result of internal turmoil and self abuse. This Kevin character, however harsh he may be, is saying that you have been sick for a while and I am tired of pretending that you are not and giving you a patch here and there. Let the wound ooze and hell break lose – maybe some cure may come out of that. Ash and friends say we are fine. You are the problem. Well, there lies the big challenge for this country of ours we call emiye Ethiopia.

  40. Kevin Myers is an unrepentant,obdurate ‘mule’. All that he has done with this second piece is repeat and, indeed, stress and re-stress the reprehensible views in his first article. In so doing, he has only managed to reaffirm his extreme right-wing, racist credentials. Moreover, I would dare to call him a liar too! He says that 90% of the e-mails he had received are sympathetic to his views. Well, just as a matter of curiosity, I did a quick check of the 42 comments here, that had come in prior to mine. What I have found is that 28 are unequivocally unfavorable, 6 are sort of non-committal, and only 8 are unequivocally supportive of Mr. Myers’ views. That translates into 67%, 14% and 19% respectively. If we take this batch of responses, as a representative sample of all the responses that Mr. Myers’ article has elicited from readers, I fail to see how on earth 90% of the 800 e-mails he claims to have received could possibly be supportive of his views. Or, were nearly all of those e-mails sent by Irish and other white, right-wing rednecks, who share his despicable racist views about Black Africans? I doubt that is the case, but should it be so, then God help us all! First and foremost, the Irish, then Africans!

  41. Dear Myers,

    I am very surprised such comment on Ethiopia/Africa came out from an Irish man. I do admire Bob Geldof and Bono for great work they have done in Africa. When you start judging about Africa, please if you don’t have have evil agenda, THINK. Why is that foreigners who visit Ethiopia, when they go back to their country, they never talk about the positives? Why do they come to Ethiopia in the first place, of course most of them is to spy. To go back and tell their government they way we think, talk, do, etc. so that Western governments could control our resources. People, 5 our of 10 foreigners who come to our country it is not because they love us, it is for strategy to control resources. We believe accepting foreigners is hospitality to them, it is being naive and stupid. That is what happened to South Africans. When the Dutch first went to South Africa, it is to explore resources. As they arrived, the Black South Africans opened their hands welcoming them. The next thing the White ask to the Blacks is that, oh can I settle here? The blacks said, the land is universe it belongs to no one else. The blacks were thinking hospitality but the Whites were thinking occupation and control. The next thing, there were Whites/Dutch, came in ship with full of people and guns to occupy the land. That is the beginning of South Africa’s colonization. We Africans, even until this day, believe it or not worship whites. I don’t mean if you don’t worship them start war. What I mean is, we don’t see ourselves as the same level as the whites. That is why until this day, I appreciate our Menilik and Haileselassie. Menilik and Haile, knew how to negotiate with whites while protecting their country that is why our country was never colonized. Even during Mengistu, why weren’t Americans not able to sneak in the country? He was suspicious of them. America had to kill their citizen Miki Leland on our land in order to let American spies in therefore, that was the end of Mengistu era. Myers’ comments is a lesson for us. We the people own the land. It means sacrificing ourselves for our country in order to achieve democracy and development in our country. There will always be dictators bought by the West, the West will always be searching for resources therefore will do by any means to get that. It is us the population who have to say NO. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to achieve that. As a result we let our country collapse by dictator s and the West. What surprises me the most is that Western citizens such as Myers avoid accusing their governments. It is rare also that they avoid accusing African dictators until the final stage of the dictators are over. They act like they are for humanity while avoiding that the Western governments are the main culprits of African plight. Mr. Myers, don’t forget that if you say you are as smart as Ethiopians or other Africans, perhaps you should investigate how HIV may have started in Africa. Western scientists were experimenting and manipulating polio and viral vaccines in the Congo with monkeys and humans. Every time you blame Africans, please start from your own kind first. Also, Africans may have been blessed with diverse cultures and languages, but it has been nightmares because of this differences, wars have broke out throughout Africa because of these differences. These wars have regressed Africa’s development. This is not brought by ourselves but by nature. We yet have to learn and educate ourselves how to reach conflict resolution how we can live in peace while embracing our differences. This is difficult for any nations such as breaking up of Yugoslavia, so on. Unlike your Wester nations, fortunate enough, you speak the same language with some cultures, as a result your Western nations have remained peaceful for generations, therefore giving you more time for development and democracy. Don’t forget also how the West instigates these African cultures and tribal differences to gain its resources.

  42. Wonchif

    Nothing of substance again; just defending the indefensible. if you are seriously defending what this Nazi wrote (don’t worry, Kevin will not be offended to be called a nazi) I beleive you should seriously look into your soul. And the soltuion to our problems is not getting rid of the population of Africa (you did not even get that much from your white master) the solution is still within us. All the countries I mentioned find the solutions within, they did not let everyone die. Well, sometime you spend so much time and money going to school with nothing to show for. I am not sorry to offend you, you are just a modern day banda.

  43. Asheber, your Pavlovian conditioning is on track. I ask you a question and you spend a whole paragraph with venomous hiccups. No single counter to the discussion points. Perhaps you should google “argumentum ad hominem” since my first mention of it failed miserably. Simplified, address the messenger but don’t attack the message – unless you are pleading ignorance about the message. However if insulting others gives you a bit of an ego boost for the day, please lean on me since I can take your barking and several more. Offend me? Perhaps if I could hear past your incessant yelping… I couldn’t. Again I invite you to talk.

    As disturbing as it may appear to you, we agree on one point. Ethiopia will need to find solutions for itself. But where did you read in my post a point about getting rid of the African population altogether ? The suggestion made was that Africa can’t keep on getting help from others indefinitely while pretending that all is well. The “ white masters “ such as the Irish and Westerners, as you so choose to address them, are why many who are sick in Ethiopia are still alive. You contend that these “ white masters “ should continue bailing us out, possibly until we figure out how to stand on our own two feet. Well, when is that going to be ? Asheber, do you have a timeline for this endless support from the West ? Is this indefinite ? I guess you think we should just “stay the course“. Is the West responsible for this burden of Ethiopia and if so, why ? If Ethiopia has made any progress to demonstrate that it is moving towards self sustenance in the last 30 years of receiving tremendous help from the west, I suspect that the Irish man won’t be writing his brutal message. The reality is that, Ethiopia is at best stuck, if not moving backward.

    So I ask you and your like, do you have any suggestions or comments to what is being discussed here. If your answer is always going to be in the form of more yelping, my friends, spare me the noise and bow out of this discussion gracefully.

  44. What is it with so many Ethiopians who actually agree with this hateful guy? Is it projection, or conforming with another ‘intelligent white man’ or just plain lack of information. There was nothing positive about this man’s atrticle except hate and disdain for Ethiopians. So, how does an Ethiopian, or any human being for that matter, support such garbage? I don’t underastand it.

  45. This is non sense. Why do we forget about the whites and/or the foreginers who ran out to school doors or Hilton hotel to pick up prostitute. God know how many prostitute you have been too…Crazy… you still didn’t mention the good things you have seen in Ethiopia… I thought for the second time that you will be able to say something postive about your experience and indeed you were not even bothered to talk about other problem…. as a journalist you were supposed to come up and offer a solution…. not just glued to the point you wanted to make….it is not even worth to give a response back to you…

  46. What is there to agree with?

    “Massacre All Ethiopians”
    By Tibebe Samuel

    Kevin Myers, in his column for the Independent Newspaper did not only make a hate speech that violated the Irish Law, but also proposed genocide of Ethiopians. Though he put such a façade as someone who cares, what he is saying is that Ethiopians and other Africans should be massacred because they are racially inferior and thus give nothing to the world other than AIDS. It is clear that Mr. Myers does not have an iota of moral fiber in his body and his mean-spirited article defies any common sense.
    His Genocide proposal is nothing new; it is copied from the play book of the Third Riches. During the reign of Hitler, The Third Riches established a policy for the “Racially Pure” Aryan women to have as much children as possible and to eliminate “Racially Inferior” Jews and Gypsies. Today, Mr. Myers proposes the elimination of Ethiopians by any means necessary. For those of us who read between the lines, Mr. Myers’s massage is clear. He even has the audacity to chastise Mr. Bill Gate for his generous program to eradicate Malaria from Africa. In Mr. Myers twisted mind, among other things Malaria should be used to kill Ethiopians. Here is what he said “It is inspiring Bill Gates’ program to rid the continent of malaria, when, in the almost complete absence of personal self-discipline, that disease is one of the most efficacious forms of population-control now operating.
    Mr. Myers knew that those of us who knew the history about the plight of the Irish people in 18th century would remind him that part of Irish’s history after reading his article. Thus, he put his defensive gear forward and told us not to mention that. It would be unfair not to mention that because if the for fathers of Mr. Myers were not saved by the generosity of the world, there would have been no Kevin Myers today.
    Though, the famine of 1845 in Ireland was notable for its vastness only: according to the 1851 Census of Ireland Commissioners, there were twenty-four failures of the potato crop going back 1728, of varying severity. In 1739 the crop was “entirely destroyed”. In 1740 and in 1770 the crop largely failed again. In 1800 there was another “general” failure, and in 1807 half the crop was lost. In 1821 and 1822 the potato crop failed completely. In 1830 and 1831 were years of failure in various parts of Ireland. In 1832, 1833, 1834 and 1836 a large number of districts suffered serious loss, and in 1835 the potato failed in Ulster, Ireland. More over, 1836 and 1837 brought “extensive” failures throughout Ireland and again in 1839 failure was universal throughout the country; both 1841 and 1844 potato crop failure was widespread.
    Like today Ethiopians, the Irish people in 18th century were subjected to starvation due to man made and natural disaster. As Mr. Myers point it out, in Ethiopian case the population have increased. In Ireland case however, the population decreased by 20%. It would have been appropriate for Mr. Myers to suggest that Ethiopia and the rest of Africa work aggressively to control the population growth by educating the public instead of proposing genocide. His hate to other races clouded his judgment and used the Independent newspaper to use his “Intehamway” propaganda.
    Mr. Myers stated that the children saved 20 years ago by the generosity of the world are today killers who carry Kalashnikov and sex addicts who are populating the world with good for nothing human beings. I like to remind Mr. Myers that during the period of the potato blight in Ireland from 1845–51 was full of political confrontation. The mass movement for Repeal of the Act of Union had failed in its objectives by the time its founder died in 1847. A more radical Young Ireland group seceded from the Repeal movement and attempted an armed rebellion in the Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848. It was unsuccessful. These Young rebels were youngsters who were saved from the famine of 1920s and who carried the “Kalashnikov” of their time in Ireland. Mr. Myers can see the similarity between the Ireland of 18th century and today’s Ethiopia. Unlike Ethiopia however, Ireland at that time was, according to the Act of Union of 1801, an integral part of the British imperial homeland, “the richest empire on the globe,” and was “the most fertile portion of that empire”.
    It is intellectually dishonest to assert that Africa only contributes AIDS to the world and to say that those who were saved 20 years ago are the one who carrying Kalashnikov and populating the world with out of control sexual intercourse today. Mr. Myers provided no evidence to this theory. As any credible journalist would have done, Mr. Myers did not do any investigation to learn how many of those saved 20 years ago are today entrepreneurs, how many of them immigrate to the west and became one of the top scientists, and how many of them became Kalashnikov carrying “thugs”. He provided no studies to his ridicules and arrogant assertion. It would be extremely painful for people like Mr. Myers to acknowledge that the positive contribution that Africa had made and continue to make to the rest of the world in material and human intellect. The Uranium for making Nuclear power is not found in back yard of the western world. The diamonds, Gold, and other raw materials are not looted from Ireland to the rest of the world. It is Africa that is “giving” 75% of the raw materials to the goods we see in the rest of the world. In addition to Uranium, enormous raw materials from Africa are robbed by Western powers. Africa’s natural resources are not destroyed by her children as Mr. Myers try to imply but “raped” by greedy westerners and their African stooges. The war in West Africa is created and sustained by the Western Powers so they can continue to loot and enrich themselves with “Blood Diamond”.
    It would also be equally painful for Mr. Myers to acknowledge that the Westerners do not want the development of Africa. If Africa begins to process its raw materials and produce the end products, that would be the beginning of the end for the West. Today, the Western world is scrambling to limit the development of China and India by creating artificial energy crisis. As all the economists clearly stated, the fundamentals are not their for the energy price to be this high. In my opinion, the reason behind it is to strip China’s and India’s foreign currency as much as possible and slow their growth. If China and India created this much fear in the Western world, one can imagine the crisis that the western world would face if Africa stop exporting its raw materials and begin processing it itself.
    It is not news for Mr. Myers that the colonialists did not only create havoc in Africa, but left their poisonous seeds that is going to affect Africa for long time to come. What we have witnessed in Rwanda, and continued to watch the tragedy in Somalia is the creation of the Western Colonialists poisonous seeds. More over, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in proxy war during the cold war and supported despots that looted Africa. By assassinating Patrick Lubumba, and by putting Mobuto Sese-seko in Zaire, the United States insured that its puppet government protected the interest of the United States instead of the people of Zaire’s interest. As a result, today Zaire or the New Congo is in chaos. The Soviet Union initially and later on the United States supported despots like Said Barrie in Somalia and chaos in Somalia was born. The Soviets by supporting Mengistu they insured the destruction of Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s best and brightest were massacred by the regime. I can go on and on to let Mr. Mayer know how his western allies supported despots to loot and “Rape” Africa’s natural resources and massacre her children. Despots like Samuel Doe and Charles Taylor are the product of America’s ill foreign policy.
    Since this is not enough, people like Mr. Myers are proposing the massacre of Ethiopians and other Africans from the face of the earth by hook and crook. Kill them with starvation, with Malaria, and AIDS, that is what Mr. Myers is saying. It is not new news for Mr. Myers to know that the AIDS virus was created in the laboratory by westerners who are working tirelessly to build a weapon for their biological warfare. AIDS and Ebola are not the product of Africa but imported to Africa. Our continent is not contributing AIDS to the world, but AIDS is part of the contribution we have received form our western donors.
    Mr. Myers: The best and the brightest of Africa’s children are leaving their homeland to the western world because with the support of the west, African despots have made it impossible for them to survive in their own land. If you look around you Africa’s brightest children are the engineers, medical doctors, physicists, mathematicians, and so on who are enormously contributing for the development of the West. In 1980s when President Ronald Regan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), one of Ethiopia’s brightest sons was the head of the program. It would be too painful for you to acknowledge such contributions. Ethiopia’s brightest children like Dr. Biruke, and Engineer Kitaw Ejigu, and others contributed a great deal in NASA.
    If you think that the west would like to see a successful black South Africa, you need to think again. Today, there is no conducive atmosphere in Africa for African children to apply their creativity and ingenuity. Thanks for the west; the despots they support and put in power are the main reason for Africa’s brain drain. For Mr. Myers, this painful truth is not acceptable.
    Like extracting medicine from a snake poison, despite the hateful spew of Mr. Myers however, there is a lesson to be learned. We must stop bickering and find a way to come together. The ethnic politics that is sawed to divide us and designed for us so we can kill each other must be eradicated. There is no easy answer but we must put our head together and come up with a solution. Our population growth is out of control. We must educate our public about family planning. More over, we have to find a way to use our natural resources in efficient and effective manner. The solution for our problem is not going to come from the west; it has to come from within. I believe it is not through revolution but evolution that we can bring a positive change to our country and our continent.
    Finally, I would like to express my disappointment regarding our political “leaders”. None of them have expressed their outrage on Mr. Myers. The Ministry of foreign Affairs should have summoned the representative of Ireland and lodge a complaint. Opposition party leaders should have written letters directly to the Prime Minister of Ireland and expressed their outrage. None of that happened. Why? Ethiopians and other Africans from all part of the world should protest by writing a letter to the Prime minister of Ireland. Such hateful spew and a genocide proposal must not be tolerated by any one. Mr. Myers’s Hitlorian proposal should be condemned by everyone. It is not only sad but equally outrageous that the Prime minister of Ethiopia is not expressing any outrage over this hateful spew. Prime Minister Meles and his government should have created a diplomatic uproar. It is also ironic that a single political organization inside and outside of Ethiopia released any formal statement condemning the proposal to “Massacre Ethiopians”. If you are not outraged, may be you should be for ethnic cleansing becomes a reality from such despicable mentalities.

    Check for other articles.

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