Over the weekend, the Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America’s (ESFNA) board decided to invite Birtukan Mideksa as a guest of honor at its annual event (read here.) Today we have learned that the Woyanne-infiltrated 9-member executive committee of ESFNA is in the process of reversing the decision of the 39-member board to invite Birtukan. The executive committee took up the issue for reconsideration under pressure from Woyanne cadres and Al Amoudi’s thugs who made physical threats against the board members. For the past 5 years ESFNA has been hijacked by the Al Amoudi mafia led by Abinet Gebremeskel, even though most of the soccer players are patriotic Ethiopians. It seems this year the players have finally decided to fight back. The following are members of the ESFNA executive committee and board members. Let’s Bollinger them.
Name | Phone | Terms | Location |
![]() Mekonnen Demisiew President |
619-820-4425 | 3rd yr | San Diego, CA |
![]() Abiye Nurelign Vice President |
972-668-4472 | 3rd yr | Seattle, WA |
![]() Samuel Abate Secretary |
614-327-2608 | 5th yr | Ohio |
![]() Taye Wogderes Treasurer |
202-746-0010 | 4th yr | Washington D.C. |
![]() Abework Abay Finance Chair |
617-699-3037 | 2nd yr | Boston, MA |
![]() Bisrat Desta Business Manager |
206-962-9596 | 4th yr | Seattle, WA |
![]() Fassil Abebe Public Relations |
323-351-7215 | 4th yr | Los Angeles, CA |
![]() Zelalem “Zulu” Seifu Internal Auditor |
301-526-7628 | 2nd yr | Maryland |
![]() Endale Tufer Tournament Coordinator |
Clubs & Board Members | Board Director | Location | Phone |
Dallol Ethiopian Sports Club (Desc) | Fekadu Yohannes | Culver City, CA | 310-781-0786 |
Ethio S.C., Atlanta, GA (Primary) | Kassa Kuma | Atlanta, GA | 404-668-1950 |
Ethio S.C., Atlanta, GA (Secondary) | Dagmawi Tsegaye | Atlanta, GA | 404-819-4223 |
D.C. Ethiopian Stars (Primary) | Sebsebe Asefa | Clinton, MD | 240-461-5934 |
D.C. Ethiopian Stars (Secondary) | Tamru Abebe | Silver Spring, MD | 301-509-7807 |
Unity, Washington, D.C. | Michael T. Mariam | Arlington, VA | 703-309-6217 |
San Jose Anbessa Sports Club | Melaku Aynalem | Campbell, CA | 408-373-0606 |
Houston Ethiopian S.A. (Primary) | Sherif Mohamed | Houston, TX | 713-256-9294 |
Houston Ethiopian S.A. (Secondary) | Derja Mekonen | Houston, TX | 832-755-6201 |
Dashen Soccer Club Seattle | Ayele Beyene | Lynnwood, WA | 206-218-9900 |
Ethio-Maryland (Primary) | Solomon Abdella | Silver Springs, MD | 202-494-6584 |
Ethio-Maryland (Secondary) | Ojulu Lero | Silver Springs, MD | 301-922-7285 |
Ethio Stars, Toronto, Canada | Surafel Mengistu | Toronto, ONT | 416-878-4273 |
Virginia Lions, VA | Melaku Banteamlak | Springfield, VA | 301-221-5855 |
Nyala, Minnesota (Primary) | Zewdy Abebe | New Hope, MN | 763-843-7629 |
Nyala, Minnesota (Secondary) | Andu Debebe | Minnesota, MN | 612-384-8147 |
Ethio S.C., Boston, MA (Primary) | Wondewossen Kebede | Cambridge, MA | 781-608-3312 |
Ethio S.C., Boston, MA (Secondary) | Wubishet Wubie | Cambridge, MA | 617-595-1476 |
Ethio S.A., Dallas, TX | Mengistu Yilma | Dallas, TX | 972-375-1150 |
L.A. Ethio Stars, CA | Samson Mulugeta | Los Angeles, CA | 310-384-4793 |
Addis Dallas Sports Club | Solomon Ayalew | Dallas, TX | 214-280-3613 |
Walya, San Francisco, CA (Primary) | Dangu Bezabeh | Oakland, CA | 510-847-2128 |
Walya, San Franciso, CS (Secondary) | Gritty G. Meskel | Oakland, CA | 415-850-8879 |
Tewodros S.C. of San Diego | Binyam Seifu | San Diego, CA | 619-243-9021 |
Blue Nile Ethiopian S.C., Chicago (Primary) | Denekew Getahun | Chicago, IL | 773-251-7790 |
Blue Nile Ethiopian S.C., Chicago (Secondary) | Tekaligne (Shaft) H/Selassie | Chicago, IL | 773-366-9722 |
Abebe Bikila S.C., LA, CA | Million G/Yesus | Los Angeles, CA | 323-401-2570 |
Seattle Barro (Primary) | Teshoma Negeri | Shoreline, WA | 206-854-1800 |
Seattle Barro (Secondary) | Amha G. Aklog | Seattle, WA | 42 |
Abyssinia S.C., Portland, OR (Primary) | Ayele Gessesse | Salem, OR | 971-219-0696 |
Abyssinia S.C., Portland, OR (Secondary) | Daniel Girma | Tigard, OR | 503-318-8443 |
Abay Ethio S.C., NY | Apufia Beko | New York, NY | 646-320-2317 |
Liberty Walya, Philadelphia, PA (Primary) | Tewodros/Girma Tamiru | Yeadon, PA | 215-901-5846 |
Liberty Walya, Philadelphia, PA (Secondary) | Albert Alema | Philadelphia, PA | 215-266-2011 |
St. George Colombus, Ohio | Daniel Biru | Blacklick, OH | 614-353-4293 |
Las Vegas, Nevada | Mulat Melesse | Las Vegas, NV | 702-336-5961 |
Saint Michael Sports Club | Getachew Tesfaye | Dunkirk, MD | 301-855-8894 |
Tana S.C., Denver, CO | Alemu Sinke | Aurora, CO | 720-290-9312 |
Toronto Ethio Stars | Yohannes | Toronto, Canada | 647-701-8527 |
33 thoughts on “Woyanne thugs fight to disinvite Birtukan”
i think if this woyanes do not want to be considered as one of the sister organazations of EFFORT. They have to honour Birtukan whom devoted her life to peaceful strugle.
thank you so much for your continous fight from outside to inside as you are tirelessly fighting the weyane criminal elements and thier trojan hodam servants..
yes we shall call the board members directly and urge them to consider birtukan as honor guest irrepsective of the weyane thugs inside ESFNA..particularly those players and other groups surrounding ESFNA should stand up and clear the weyane agents
Elias, GREAT JOB as always exposing woyanes. Thank you for posting the phone numbers so we can protest!
For some reason this hoddam woynnes undermined how much the 82million Ethiopians are suffering as long as their master Alamudi give them few dollars. I THINK WE NEED TO BOYCOTT the tournment period:: ESFNA has been a summer picnic camp for alamudi as far as I remmber pls again lets BOYCOTT!!!!!It is about time to show this hoddams who we are. Bertukan had been in jail for the 82 million voicless ppl please let her be her voice now.
Yes Birtukan is our hero. Yes we like her to be the guest of honor. But let us not be so childish and destroy what we have left. It is easy to destroy but not easy to build. Urging for the right thing to be done is very wise. Boycotting is destroying some good thing we have for more than 25 years.It will be doing exacttly what Ehadege(Melese Zenawi)is doing. Pleas let us not fulfill his wishes.
What is the purpose of Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America? In my opinion this event is only vacation for those who can afford. If we want to invite any political activist we have to make other event so we can judge our intention if we are true supporter of owner Burtukan Midiksa
Unbelievable audacity. Even if they reverse the board of director’s decision, we should invite Birtukan to be among the rest of us and watch these Woyanne Askaris levitate into their shattering glass house.
A Glass House is a perfect target for… you know what.
Peril to the enemy of Ethiopia!
Long Live Birtukan!
great job!
I know you have been doing a great thing for this country. I’m with you till forever.
I need Yaya Arega’s phone number
I have seen Sebesebe Assefa’s phone number in the board member list but we haven’t seen Yaya Arega name and his phone mumber
The message should be clear to these wodams. NO BIRTUKAN…NO SOCCER TORNAMET.
Everyone with right mind should boycot this event if they decide to disinvite our lady of liberty.
this the time to show this thugs enough is enough.
Weyane is a parsaite that has to be removed from the face of the earth.
The easiest solution is to create few more ESFNA.
Ethiopians will embrace the right one! Not those Hodams and Al Moudi KIT ATABIS…….
Let them wash his ass for the rest of thier dead life.
Elias can you highlight ESFNA executive committee and board members WHO ARE WOYANE THUGS.
You work hard Man,
Good job!!!
The easiest approach to deal with this situation is to campaign to BOYCOTT the event, if they infact DISINVITE BIRTUKAN.
As long as the name of the fedration is under Ethiopia, we Ethiopians have a right to demand what best for the nation. After all we living in the free world get used to it. I as an Ethiopian I will Boycott. I also Ask my good Atlanta Ethiopians to Boycott! Bertukan stand for 82 million Voiceless Ethiopians under the most undemocratic junta govt. She deserve more than this!
If they change their mind for the sake of Weyane pleasure, we need to stand for our right and boycot them. OR we will shaw them 6 years latter the same place what we did for our country when Weyane rigged the election. I can not believe them they call themesleves Ethiopian while they dont understand the heart & mind of Ethiopians
Elias i have all the way said it again and again that you are one of the precious Ethiopian pearl and i hope you wont be tired till we catch this dedebit zenjero and bring him to i.c.c and build a true democratic wonderful Ethiopia and live with our brothers and sisters in Eritrea with love and harmony as we truely are brother and sisters for ever
God bless Ethiopia
God bless Eritrea
God bless our brotherly and sisterly relationship and bring peace in horn
Shame on the corrupted ESFNA executive members for being bambozzled by woyanes.
The solution is so easy, though.
1. BOYCOTT ESFNA event and organize a parallel event in Atlanta at the same date and time when Ethiopian night is scheduled by them.
2. Expose the bank accounts and other dirty back grounds of those corrupted executive members.
ESFNA is clearly compromised. Al-Amoudi has given the organization $750,000 to date, if not more. It should be known that Al-Amoudi’s alms to his worshipers and his self-interest go hand in hand. Forbes’ rich man, wheather tyrant or a no tyranant, like almost all his Syrian-descent compatriots, O. Bin Laden included, influcence the mass these days. Among the typical servants of his types are the backbone-less bribe taking “infiltrators” and “እኛ እናውቃለን” raiders.
The entire family of ESFNA, players, coaches, board members and Executive Committee members etc., would like to say “Thank You” to Dr. Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Alamudi for his generous gift of $300,000 to our organization. It should be noted that this is not the first time Sheikh Alamudi has given a large amount of money to help and encourage ESFNA. In the year 2002, he donated $450,000 that helped our organization reach new heights. Again, thank you and we wish you good health and long life. -http://esfna.net
Leaving politics aside, it would be considerate and a class act for ESFNA to invite W/R Birtukan. After all, we live in a country where Midwest sensibilities and Holywhood fair taste prevails. She is a popular public figure who was incarcerated and then savagely humiliated. The incarceration and humilation deserve her millions of dollars if not the presidency or both like Nelson Mandela. The rogues are everywhere including at ESFNA. No surprise. Christmas 2003 or ’04, former ESFNA officials showed rare Ethiopian ingenuity when they showed up at George W. Bush’s Crawford, TX, ranch along with Cindy Sheehan, the war protester, and made headlines for their beloved country. Is ESFNA a degenerate?
አረ በቃን እባካችሁ። እስከመቼ እነሰብስቤ በኢትዮጵያ ስም የተመሰረተን ድርጅት ሲያምሱ ይኖራሉ? ብርቱካንን መጋበዝ ለርሷ ሳይሆን ጥቅሙ መዝረፍ ለለመዱት ለነሰብስቤ ነበር እኮ ቢያውቁት? ምድረ ሆዳም። እዚህ ላይ ስለሼኪው ብዙ ባንጨቃጨቅ ጥሩ ነው። ግን የዚያን አንጋፋ ቡድን ማሊያ የለበሰ ቦዘኔ ሁላ ዛሬ በራሱ ኮንፊደንስ ስለሌለው ብቻ ለሆዱ ሲል ይህን ያለ ተግባር እፈጽማለሁ ቢል ውስጥ ያላችሁት አብዛኛው የቦርድ አባል በወሰናችሁት አልገዛ ካለ አስፈላጊውን የስነስርዓት እርምጃ መውሰድ የአብዛኛው የቦርድ አባል ውሳኔ ነው። ሌላው ግን በስብሰባ የወሰናችሁትን፣ ውሳኔ ላይ ሳትደርሱ ለውጪ ሰው ማድረሱ አግባብ አይመስለኝም። ሰብስቤና እያያ ከመቼ ወዲያ ነው ጸረ ኢትዮጵያ አቋም ያላቸው? ይገርማል እጨማለቃለሁ የሚልና ለአብዛኛዎቻችሁ ውሳኔ አልገዛም ካሉ ግን ማስወገድና ለሕብረተሰቡ ማሳወቅ ተገቢ ተግባር ነው። ፌዴሬሽኑ እኮ የነሱ የግል ንብረት አይመስለኝም። ሌላ ያላወቃችሁት ካለ ግን ስም ባልጠራም ከወደሲያትል እናንተ መሃል ያለውን በጣም አትመኑት በዚህ ነገር ላይ። በጣም ስለማውቀው ነው። ቸር ይግጠማችሁ። ተስማሙ።
#7, If there is going to be a boycott of the events it must come after efforts to cleanse ESFNA from anti Ethiopia/n elements including Woyane agents. We must do all we can to preserve ownership of an organization built by patriotic Ethiopians long ago!!!
It never ceases to buffle me about all the titles and prefixes that precedes Al-moudi’s name. …… Dr, Shiek & all that?!
He hasn’t earned anything close to a bachlor’s degree let alone to doctrate…… but true he can buy the title and plaster it before his name. How about the “Shiek”?! This man is a serial adulterer that sleeps with teenage girls and visits strips clubs in the 1990’s in London where he is known as a valued customer in Spearmint Rhino with an exclusive VIP table, splashing his cash on pole dancing girls, while his entourages, the hodam servants, scramble in the bar with their other eyes almost popping out of their sockets staring at the rest of the nude girls. That doesn’t earn him the title of “Shiek. He has no fear of God. He himself is a slave of his money as much as his ashkers are. This man is un-Islamic in every sense of the word. I know people can buy titled but not necessarily earn it.
His name is more appropriate like this…..
Serial-adulterer Fake-Imposter M. H. Alamudi
God bless your struggle for justice.
I agree with # 25
I dont see it is wise to boycot the events for woyane.This implies and allows woyane to freely manipulate and control ESFNA.It is a defitist measure.Rather we have to keep and step up our struggle inside and outside .The board has to take strong stand to implement the majority’s decision .if these woyane high binders reject and fail to submit to majority’s will,the board need to take a serious major to enforce the decision.To this regard genuine board members have to make aware of the public the prevailing situation within ESFNA.Keep it up buddies ! you are on the war front against agents of the genocidal woyane’s regime.We got to confront woyanes wherever they are.
Thank you Elias – for the great reporting and also the list of both the Executive Officers and the Board of Directors. It is now our responsibility to make sure we pass this information to all brothers and sisters in the community and start a campaign of calling each Board Member to hold fast to its vote thank them for their dedication to the cause of Ethiopia and making such a great choice of a guest of honor, honoring all Ethiopians that have suffered in the past and continue to suffer today in the Woyane prisons.
To the Executive Officers we should call and tell them – to please make the right choice not only for today but for posterity otherwise each and everone will be recorded in the anal of history as really another banda that has fallen in the pocket of Al Moudie. That if ESFNA wants to continue to be a role model for young Ethiopians as their goal states… than Birtukane Medeksa is a role model to follow not the carpet baggers and shulo’s of the Sheik that have been honored in the past.
Tell them that as a member of the Ethiopian Community in America. you have seen them do great service and at times have offended the community. We as a people are generous, and not ignorant and are aware of all their shortcomings. That as a nonprofit organization that they have not upheld their share of responsibilies to the community at large or the players. http://www.ethiosun.com/dla-piper-and-esfna/ this article will give you all the necessary information.
If all else fails and we do not get a full and solid commitment by year end that a Boycott will be called. If we all do this and ask our friends, families and players in the teams to do the same.
We not only would personally do something for the struggle but also awaken the lions in Ethiopia to rise up and fight… if we can not do this in a free land it would be hard for us to ask others to do it in Ethiopia.
Let’s put this call for all freedom lovers in Ethiopia to rise up and be counted.
In the past couple of days some websites have carried stories with regards to our recently concluded Board of Directors meeting. In the interest of clarifying possible misunderstandings and setting the record straight ESFNA is releasing this press release.
ESFNA’s Board of Directors presented Judge Birtukan Mideksa to be our guest of honor, in the cultural category, at our October 17, 2010 meeting in Atlanta, GA. Other Board of Directors suggested that Judge Birtukan’s nomination goes against our by-law since she is a leader of a political organization. Judge Birtukan’s popularity was evident at the meeting and a spirited discussion took place. Since ESFNA prides itself to be a democratic organization and there was a nomination on the floor, a vote was taken and Judge Birtukan’s nomination narrowly passed. However, in keeping with the non-political, non-religious and non-ethnic policy of ESFNA and also keeping in mind our non-profit status, which prohibits a non-profit organization from having any kind of political affiliation, some senior Board of Directors implored and urged the Board to review the decision. After another round of heated and emotional discussion, the Board of Directors who supported the nomination withdrew their support. As a democratic organization with internal and external rules to follow, ESFNA chose to stick to its core principal of being non-political.
ESFNA regrets any misunderstanding our decision might have caused to the public or our supporters.
Thank you,
In regard to the ESFNA press release…..” Non political, non ethnic and non religious” that is good in words but is quite thin in principle. How about some with money who can manipulate the loophole in that “principle”……. Like Alamudi who supports & bankrolls the ethnic politics of divide & plunder of weyane that jailed Birtukan that dared to unify Ethiopians.
How come an individual, who is instrumental in propping up ethnic-based politics at its worst by proxy with the power of his dosh, is invited but how come Birtukan who was imprisoned & tortured for a “crime” of daring to unite the people weyane is dividing and Plunering. That is very dishonest and insults the intelligentce of the people. Birtukan doesn’t represent a section of this or that people. She represents Ethiopia and all its people and she paid a dear price for that in weyane’s dungeon, away from her little daughter for years.
What else does she have to sacrifice to earn the invitation that even a teenage-chaser, Alamudi undeservedly received from ESFNA?
As an Eritrean, we even got affected as a result of weyane’s divide and plunder policy let alone Ethiopian people, but to see some self serving Ethiopians tacitly supporting such evil to foster is beyond my comprehension. If a White man invites Birtukan to any kind of function, you bet your life some of this corrupt ESFNA members will jump & switch their master by dropping the weyane tujar like a hot potato for a day or two. The beauty of any organisation is in its fairness &independence in decision making. So far, their argument doesn’t hold water.
God bless your struggle for Justice.
ብርቱካን ማለት ጀግና ናት ወያኔዎች ግን ሊገባቸው አልቻለም እኔ እንደምገምተው ማንም የሚንካችው ያለ አልመሰላቸውም ነገር ግን መውደቂያቸው ድረሶዋል ከዚች ምድር ላይ የሚደመሰሱበት
I am seek and tired of woyanes. The thought they won’t be touched. But, the time is near. They will be disappeared from the world. Birtukan is a hero. They are no deserve even to call her name.
To Ato Fassile of ESFNA;
Please please do not undermine our intellengence. talking about your nonprofit status and not abbiding by its rules and tax filings seems to be hypocracy of the highest degree. As a nonprofit organization your books and all donations etc should be opened records you to the community that you espouse to be doing a service to. The public needs to know what is being done with the funds when you as an organization has not done anything to help or support teams that each team has to finance itself. Pray tell us what do you guys do with the revenue, drive in limos and have large suites, and could you tell us what the money that you are getting form the sheik done? The 450K,-200K- has it helped or offered scholarships to the youth who have made your program possible? Don’t think so! So are you really a nonprofit organization? Some joke..
Nonprofit status does not stop you from recognizing or honoring as a guest of honor any politican, but if so why do you parade all the The Mayors, Congressmen/women etc at each of your events. Also why would you jump in the pocket of Al Moudi who is known to be political affliated and supporter of the Government of Ethiopia who laundries Ethiopias Aid funding from around the world. You do not call that politcs… please stop your Shinanigans this time around you will not survive this. For the sake of keeping ESFNA alive and viable you are truly asked to do the right thing for once for Ethiopia for a change rather than your pockets.