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Aba Qewstos extends his mission to Atlanta

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Aba Qewstos, a messenger of Woyanne’s fake patriarch Aba Gebremedhin (formerly Aba Paulos) is heading to Atlanta this week his mission of dividing Ethiopian Orthodox Christians in the U.S. Read the report below by concerned Ethiopians in Atlanta. Click here [pdf].

51 thoughts on “Aba Qewstos extends his mission to Atlanta

  1. Wendme Elies lmn gn gizehen setanawi melkt bemsmat taslfalh????????????? I like your collection of news, but please leave Ethiopia orthodox church.

    melkam ken.

  2. First of all,the Canon of the Church was violated in 1968 E.C without the knowledge of the destination of Abune Theophilos (whether His Holiness died or not),our Synod ordained another Patriarck(Abune Tekle Haymanot).At that time,no one knew the death of His Holiness.Therefore,this is the first ordination Patriarck over patriarck(please refer history).Second,from yours explanation,I understood that for the sake of unity,whether they accept Abune Paulos fully or not,Aba Qewestos and Mahibere Qidusan are trying to unit by inviting the neutrals who are also opposed by yourselves.Therefore,what is wrong with this.From the letter I understood that the posted letter has complexity on ethinicity(YEZER POLETIKA ALEBET).With intention,you are preaching this politics.

  3. If the writer was a true christian, he should have written his name on his writings. But he wants to hide himself knowing that he is not religious rather an ethinic infected politician. Any ways, I wish him all the best and come to his clear mind at the end of the day.

  4. The issue in regard to EOTC is very simple. Aba Qewestos is
    working to advance the interest of Aba Gebremdhne, a.k.a. Tagay Paulos (Abune Paulos). It is known by any concerned Ethiopian, Aba Gebremedhne is a functionary of TPLF and he is installed by force, illiegally. This man has his own agents like Mahebere Erkusan (Mahbere Kedusan), Aba Qewstos, Aba Gebriel, Daniel Kibret, Berehanu Gobena and others. The main objective of Aba Qewestos is to divide the EOTC churches in the USA and get as much as he can surrogate (Teletafi) churches). The whole idea that he is doing this is to kill any kind of opposition to TPLF in the USA. Because of this, every member of the EOTC should be aware of Aba Qewstos and his cadres.

  5. oh!People,
    What is wrong with Ethiopians? I think the writer of the Amharic message doesnt have a know how about Mahibere-Kidusan!,a devoted organization for changing Ethiopia,pretty good model for united Ethiopia!
    Believe me for a moment guys,I saw all the activities of MK and future objectives aswell,they are really the ones that Ethiopia needs!,not the ones who wrote ethnic articles to clash people and creat instability which finally lead to failure of unity.
    Pls people,lets stand for unity and change Ethiopia!,,,Atafrum gin hul gize sile zer,haymanot, eski sile Ethiopia edget enawra,????

    God Bless Ethiopia!

  6. here we go agian!

    Tsebate who is priest of atlata gabriel is the same feather of the bird the late aba melaku of st michael in DC. He is a sold out pirest to be ordained bishop from the fake patrirach. Tsebate is trying to do the sameto be ordained as fake bishop by transfer the church to aba g/medhin. The atlata people should safeguard their church from this evil mission.

  7. It is time for the people of Atlanta to show your solidarity against the weyane propaganda carriers Aba Qewestos. The people of Atlanta should show us their undivided actions against weyane cadres as the people of state of Texas, the people of other states in the US and Europe shows us their aggressive anti weyane actions. Come on Atlanta….Are you all ready? …..We all are expecting you outrage against these weyane hodam cadres…..and make sure you also have to reject the MAHEBERE KIDUSAN propaganda through churches. Those youngster weyane cadres are organized them selves to dismantle the whole orthodox church in the name of Christ. Say No to Mahebere Kidusan and Say NO to Aba Paulos and his message carriers……

  8. መሃበረ ቅዱሳን? ይሄ ማለት የቅዱሳኖች ማህበር ማለት አይደል? እንዴት ሰው እራሱን ቅዱስ ያረጋል? ነገ እኔ ወይም እኛ ጌታ እየሱስ ነን ሊሉ ይሆን? ከመጤ ሃይማኖት በምን ተለዩ?

    ዛሬ እንደ ዘበነ ያሉና በየዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪ ተብለው የተላኩ በአመት አምሳ ሺ ብር ክነቀለባቸውና ከነትምህርት ቤታቸው የተለገሳቸው ስራቸውን በቅጡ ተያይዘውታል::

    የሚገርመው ደግሞ ሌላ ሰበካ የጀመሩት ሰዉን ዲስፈንክሽን ማረግ ነው:: ስለወያኔ ጥሩነት ሳይሆን ስለኦፖዚሽን እና ስለ አጠቃላይ ዲያስፖራ የማይታመን እንደሆነና የማይሆን ወሬ መንዛት ሆንዋል:: አንዳንዱም እራሱ ዲስፈንክሽን ሆኖ ሌላውንም ስለ ሃገሩ እንዳያስብ ዲስፈንክሽን ማረጉን ይዞታል:: ከምር ክፉኛ እየጠላሁት የመጣሁት እና ከአጠገብ ማራቅ የሚገባው እራሱን ከወገን ማሰብ አርቆ ሌላውን ሰው እንዲርቅ የሚሰብከውን ነው;፡

  9. Hgaos is right. These so called” Mahibre Kidusan” have bases in Minnesota and Dallas and scattered supportes in DC Atlanta and a few in California. I heard they tried to infiltrate the church in Houston but failed. Their mission is to accomplish Aba Gebre medhin’s plan to divide the church in America. We as well need to expose their dirty mission and all churchs in America need to be vigilant against these groups otherwise division among churchs will be immenent.

  10. Last week Bertu posted this valuable history of Mahebere Kidusan (Erguman) on ER, which I have found it to be most telling. Tahnk you Bertu:

    The current members of this organization may not even be aware of the history of this hideous organization, as they were not even born when the organization was first formed.

    It all began as opposition group of the late Abuna Tewoflos as “Atekalye Gubaye” for three primary reasons.

    1) Abuna Tewoflos began in earnest the ground work for making the church to be economically self sufficient especially from the grips of dictatorial regimes. This Gubaye opposed this plan from the start and in 1975 they used the Arat Kilo Property as falls evidence to bring a drummed charges of corruption against the patriarch which was used by the Derg for the massacre of the Holy Father. Ironically today almost 40 years later these properties are providing the intended benefit to the church proving the Abuna Tewoflos insightful vision

    2) In order to forever curb the influence of menafekan and “Atekalye Gubaye”, the patriarch in acted the formation of “Sebeka Gubaye” allowing every member of the parish to participate in the daily activity of the church till this very day.

    3) Unlike today’s state of the church “Teneshewa Mekele”, The Holy father was a staunch Ethiopian who vehemently opposed to ethnic preferences in order to serve the body of Christ which ran to the contrary of “Atekalye Gubaye” main goal.

    After its successful role in the assassination of the Holy Father, in 1981 the organization had a nerve to submit application to the Holy Synod to freely organize within the Church without any kind of accountibility. The Late Abuna TekleHaimanot sealed its fate by denying its request and later on its ultimate refugee in Zewaye region where it adopted the current infamous name “Mahebere Kidusan”. This coincided with the invasion of Woyane in 1991 who perfectly knew the history of the organization to successfully used it as a readymade tool to infiltrate the Church for its own agenda. From that time forward “Mahebere Kidusan” was allowed to organize for the first time free from the church’s authority in every parish throughout Ethiopia except Tigray region.

    In 2001 the division within Woyane’s rank gave a new golden opportunity to “Mahebere Kidusan” when the surviving woyane entity (Melese’s flank) who moved to seek alliance with other nationalities as its lost a significant Tigray base. In this endeavor Aba Geberemedhene was quickly summoned to give a legal authority to “Mahebere Kidusan” to legalize its activity for the purpose of recruiting Woyane’s support as well as purge anyone who remain against woyane in the church. This 36 pages proclamation which was signed by 15 archbishops of Aba GebreMedhin on Ethiopian Calander Nehase 12/11/1994 (EC August 2002) with Synod doc # 187/275/94 gave “Mahebere Kidusan” unprecedented authority to destroy the Ethiopian Orthodox Church from within.

    Since that time a high level delegate led by Daniel Kebret have been given limitless financial and diplomatic latitude with double mission to infiltrate the Diaspora Church’s primarily to reject the legitimate patriarch of Abuna Merkorios. If this initial plan fails, to campaign for the Diaspora church’s in proclaiming neutrality which of course is unheard of in the Orthodox Christian Faith for the last 2000 years. This clever tactic if successful provides the dilemma of an “Orthodox Church without Archbishops” a misnomer as it will create “Wefe Zerash” generation that forever excommunicate itself from its mother church. Anyone who calls for ‘neutrality’ knowingly or otherwise is practicing from the playbook of “Mahebere Kidusan” ultimately Aba Gebgremedhin and Woyanne. One can simply refers the truism of the 700 million strong orthodox family worldwide which phrases, ‘if one cannot recite his/her baptismal and archbishop’s name one cannot call himself/herself an Orthodox Christian”. (But this should be left for a later date for broader discussion.)

    Seeing and calling for what it is, there is a contract on Ethiopia and the Orthodox Tewahedo Church as this priceless institution which defines the country we know staggers to behold. As Abuna Gorgorios once defined it, ‘the church that gave Ethiopia its faith, its language with fidel, its existence with freedom …….’ Therefore, to all of us the church and the country is the two faces of the same coin. For anyone to argue with the Editor of ER to restrain from exposing the sinister contract to destroy the church (and their by dismembering the nation of Ethiopia) is simply asking all of us to standby within the bound of artificial boundary and surrender everything that define us.

    My heart goes out to those young members of “Mahebere Kidusan” who unknowingly are complicit with the most evil alien ever to occupy our nation. Christ the Lord has given all of us the passage of repentance to join the everlasting mercy of his kingdom, and we shall pray for that day to come upon them. Today however, I am more concerned with millions of faithful of the church and the people of Ethiopia to make sure the agent of nation-killers are not left without measure.

    Long Live Ethiopia and her Church

  11. Ja,what do we mean “Mahibere Mikael”?According to your definition,Mahibere mikael means “yemikaeloch sibsib” ,Mahibere Mariam means Mariamoch yetesebesebubet” malet new?because you said Mahibere Kidusan means “yeqidusan sibisb”.But your definition is wrong .Mahibere kidusan means an association which testifies the intercession,honour,graces ,etc os all Saints of the Church.A person who utilize the names Gasha,Bertu,Hagos,kahessay ,is the same person in different names,who became angry at the good deeds(works) of Mahibere Qidusan and the unity of our Church.The history which is narrated by Gasha name is unbelievable and full of contadiction,as I know.There is no any relation between weyane and Mahibere qidusan.But this for the betterment of the Church.Weyane who forbade the millinium celebration of this org.hates and tries to close this Mahibere with the help of Abba Paulos.

  12. To those of you who are trying to use our church for your political gains please leave our church alone. We believe our Lord Jesus Christ will keep our church united and solve all our problems. We will stick to our prayers to get help from God. Our church does not need the so called politician’s guidance since they do not even have a clue how to solve their own earthly problems.

  13. I think, the people like the above comment writers was created by God and abused by devile. First of all as ethiopian, you should have benn cultural norm .I think you didn’t know how to respect the elders. secondly, the comment, that you write about abune qewstos, not belived even by satan. As apostle john in his third letter wrote about a desciple called demetrius ”all testifies about demetrius,even the truth itself testifies, and we all also testifies”. WE all ethiopian orthodox chrstians testifies the apostolic accomplishments of our Father Abune Qewstos, even the truth it self testifies, not alon, the deviel him self knows his good and remarkable works. that is why,using the person like some one who write an aricle full of false,he trails our father.

    A person who couldn;t pray a single ”abatachin hoy’ aday, a person who didnt pass a singl hour in a monastery, a person who is nothing for the church and the country; couldn’t say a single word about the Father like abune qewustos.

    may GOd will change your hearts to good.

  14. thanks,elias for bringing this.

    Though not as per their expectation,woyanne-aba paulos(now aba gebremedhin)stategy of conquering the diaspora orthodox christian is working to a considerable extent. they had allocated a very good budget,and day to day propaganda to take over all the ethiopian orthodox churches in diaspora.

    We know in history the ethipian orthodox church has played a major roll in keeping ethiopia the only african country never been colonized by foreigners. abune peterose preferred to take a bullet on his chest rather than alligning himself and betray his country for mussolini.all those determined and true fathers gone a long time ago. thank God still we are not totally in loss, we have true fathers of the church.

    In the contrary there are those illegally surfing over the church and living in their own fantasy..while trying their best to do their part in destroying ethiopian and the church. it is very heart breaking,but it is the sad truth.

    the woyanne-aba paulos machine lead my aba kewstos in north america trying to silence the voice of the people.i mean they have their own labelling tags. those who ask about freedom in ethiopia,,or for that matter any person who loves his/her country …labelled as a politician. there is nothing wrong to be a politician. but,every body can not be a politiican. but,every true ethiopian loves his/her country. if some one asks why patriarch on patriarch,,they give them another name. u know what i am saying?

    this woyanne-aba paulos machine has also mahibere kidusan on the front. talking about expos,,and other things that distract people attention..pretending as if there is no problem in the church or the country..trying to sedate the people so,they can be quitely worship woyanne as long as possible.

    Those who love your country and your church , do not be the victim of this machine,,fight it or never fall for it. this machine speaks so nice ,,that u would think telling u the truth. but, not…watch it. love your country , love your ethiopian orthodox church. look for yourself.

    May God keep our church and our beloved ethiopia from pretenders and judas.


  15. ትልቁን ችግር የፈጠሩት ካህናቶቹ ናቸዉ:ከዚህ በፊት አቡነ ጳውሎስ ሰይጣን ናቸዉ: መሳሪያ ይዘዉ ነዉ የሚዞሩት: ከመንግስት ጋር ተመሳጥረዋል ዘረኛ ናቸዉ ወዘተ.. እያሉ ለህዝቡ ሲያስተምሩ የኖሩ ናቸዉ: ባለፉት ሁለት አመታት
    ደግሞ አቡነ ማርቆስና አቡነ አብርሀም ከተሾሙ ጀምሮ ደግሞ መዘምራንን መሳሪያ በማድረግ እስከ አሁን ድረስ የ ኢትዮጵያን ሀይማኖት እንዳይጠፋ ይዞ የቆየዉን ህዝብ (ዲያስፖራ) በተለያየ መንገድ
    1.ካሁን ጀምሮ አቡነ ጳዉሎስን ነዉ የምንከተለዉ
    2.የተቃወማቸዉ ሁሉ ፓለቲከኛ ነዉ
    3.ትግርኛ ያልተናገረና አስተያየት የሰጠ ሁሉ ቅንጅት ነዉ ወዘተ….
    አቡነ ማርቆስና አቡነ አብርሀም ከመጡ ጀምሮ
    ነገሮች እየተስተካከሉ ህዝቡን እያስተማሩ ;የ ኢትዮጵያ ሲኖዶስ አንድ እንደሆነ እያስተማሩ ነበር:: አሁን ደግሞ ባለፉት ወራቶች አቡነ ማርቆስ ከስልጣናቸው ተነስተዉ አቡነ ኢውስታቲዎስ ተሾመዋል :: ይህን ሁሉ ያረጉትና የሚያረጉትም ካህናቶች ናቸዉ:: የክህነት ካባ ለብሰዉ ፈሪሃ እግዚአብሔር የሌላቸዉ;ዘረኞች;ፓለቲከኞች; ገንዘብ አፍቃሪዎች; ትግሬዎችን ከሌላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ለመክፈል የሚታገሉ ውሽታሞች
    ናቸዉ;; አቡነ ጳዉሎስ ሁለት ሀገረ ስብከት በአሜሪካ ምድር ስለመሰረቱ ይህ ፍቅረ ነዋይ ያደረበት ቄስና መነኩሴ ነኝ በይ ሁሉ ጉዱ ፈልቷል
    ይህንንም ስል ሁሉንም አያጠቃልልም

  16. I agree with Gasha. Aba Kostos is working with” evil alien” Mahibere Rikusan to distroy the EOTH, the Ethiopian Nationation & the People of Eth. Aba Kostos now you need have to stop dividing Ethiopians & the church.
    good job Elias, keep going.

  17. Mahbere Requsan is the top agents of woyane led by the ring leader called Daniel Kesret. Their moto is defaming the diaspora bishops and preachers and create division among the memenan so that those confused church members will joing aba g/medhin. If not to take the whole church to ba g/medhin. Since they have failed their satanic misson with the leadership of daniel kebret and ato kes belachew(chairman of mk-usa), they are trying to resucitate by using their beloved father (aba kewstos) who are on the payrol of mahbere erkusan. It has been known aba abrham (N/Y), aba kewstos, aba yeshaq(current secratary of arat kilo office of aba G/mehdh are on Mk standing payroll. Mahbere erkusan are collecting thier money from their cult like foot slodiers in the form of “asrat”(tie). I want to extend to those young foot soldiers of MK. Asrat should be given to the church not to this murderers. Givng money to mabere erkusan means giving to agazi, we would never forget that aba g/medhin beth khnet gave out money for agazi keleb on the last elction.

    Elias keep the good work. people in atlanta should use your informaton to abort aba kewstos and mahbere erkusan mission

  18. What do you mean “mahibere Kidusan and Aba Kewstos are tying to divide the church? Isn’t the church in the Diaspora already divided in to three parts? According to your own definition “they are trying to bring the church under the control of abune Paulos” means to me (unless the definition of divide is changed) they are trying to unite the church step by step from 3 parts to 2 so what is the problem unless your personal and political interest is affected? Please before you post any comment just think about what you saying. Since your own words contradict to each other.

  19. Be correction do you know what you are talking about? How on earth makes it similar with ሚካኤል ማህበርን ወይም ገብርኤል ማህበርን ከ ማህበረ ቅዱሳን? እነሱ እኮ መላዕክቶች ናቸው ፡፤ ማህበረ ቅዱሳን ማለት ግን እራሳችሁን ቅዱሳን አረጋችው ማለት ነው። ለመሆኑ ማንን ነው እርግጠኛ ነኝ ሌላ ማስተባበያ እንደምትፈልጉ።

    ሌላው ልክ የወያኔ ወይም የታጋይ ጳውሎስ ተቃዋሚ ለመምሰል ትሞክራለህ ወይም ትሞክራላችው ምነው ባታስመስሉ! ከዚህ በፊት ማህበረ ቅዱሳን ባዘጋጀው በስታዲየም ከታጋዩ ጋር አላከበራችሁም? ከዚህ በፊት እኮ በተሃድሶ ሞራችሁት ነበር አልሳካ ሲላችው ዛሬ ማህበረ ቅዱሳን ብላችው መጣችው። ተው ተው ህዝብን አታኮላሹት ይሄን የመጤ ሃያማኖታችውን አምጥታችው ሰዉን አትፐውዙት።

  20. Keep eye on the fake young monk at Ledeta Mariam Church in Virginia.Members do not know what he is up to. The revealation will come out to a shocking surprise soon. The guy is also ready to give the church to “Abune Paulos” in exchange to his big ambition to become a bishop.The church may face some serious charges if it does not keep eye on him.

  21. ማህበረ ቅዱሳንማ በማለት እራሱን የሚጠራው የውሸቱና የህገውጡ ፓትሪያርክ የታጋይ አባ ጳውሎስ መጠቀሚያ መሳሪያ ሲሆን ትክክለኛ ስሙም ማህበረ እርኩሳን ነው. እንዲሁም አባ መላኩ, አባ ገብርኤል, አባ ቀውስጦስ, ዳንኤል መላኩና መሰሎቻቸው ለሆዳቸው ያደሩና ለኢትዮጵያ ደንታ የሌላቸው ስለሆነ ምእመናን ከነዚህ ግለሰቦች ተጠንቀቁ

  22. Be ware next move is Dallas. ” aba Paulos” claims St. Michael Church is founded by him and would like to take it over. He might have some agents working for him inside the priest panel and among the boardmembers. If you have some members of “mahibre Kidusan” in the church that is a Red flag. Dallas save your fantastic Church!

  23. #21 WhY call the monk (Abba Philipos) fake. He is not fake, he is a really priest we all know. Please challenge his idea, if you have some thing better, dont go for character assassination like MK.

  24. There is going to be a gathering in the DC area on August 31, 2008. It also coincide with the opening of the new Techlehaimanot Church in DC. In the gathering there are going to be a lot of people including Abune Qwestos and Abune Abreham from NY. The church to be opened is going to serve as Hagere Sebket, and will be a direct branch of the Church in Ethiopia : The Sinod in Ethiopia.

    See you all in DC on August 21, 2008 (Nehasse 24, 2000)

  25. #25, There would be a show down on aug 24th the truth children of ethiopian would confornt the unrepent kebat menukse aba abrha and the power monger aba kewstos. See you body. Yelayal zendro yowayne nuro.

  26. በወጣቱ ላይ ዘመቻ አያስፈልግም :: በመጀመሪያ ካህናቶቹን ማጋለጥ ያስፈልጋል:: ዲያስፖራ እያሉ
    እንቅልፍ አሳጥተዉ እንዲበተን ያደረጉት ከ እግዚአብሄር ስልጣን ተቀብለናል የሚሉት ; ለገንዘብ ሳይሆን ለሀይማኖታችን ቆምናል የሚሉ አንዳንድ ካህናቶች ናቸው:: አሁን ታድያ በማህበረ ቅዱሳን ስም በመጠቀም ህዝቡን በተኑት:: ኢትዮጵያውያኖች ሞኝ አትሁኑ ላባችሁን አንጠፍጥፋችሁ የሰራችሁበትን ቤ.ክ ጥላችሁ አትሂዱ : ታረቁ: እነዚህን ታክስ ከፍለዉ የማያዉቁትን አሳሞች አጋልጡዋቸዉ: ህግ ያለበት ሀገር እንዳሉም አሳይዋቸው: ግሪን ካርዳቸዉን ከቆነጠጡ በሁዋላ : ስለ ሲኖዶስ ማውራት ይጀምራሉ : እሄ በየከተማው የተደረገ ወንጀል ነዉ:: አሁን ወሬ ከማዉራት አንድ የሆነ ዳታ ቤዝ
    መፈጠር ያለበት ይመስለኛል:: ወይ ደግሞ ለዚህ የተዘጋጀ ዌብ ሳይት ቢኖር ይመረጣል;; ከዛ በያንዳንዱ ቤ.ክ ላይ የተደረገዉን ግፍ ለማጋለጥ ያመቻል:: የተበተነዉም ኢትዮጵያዊ በየከተማዉ እንደገና ተሰባስቦ አንድ መሆን የሚችልበትን መንገድ መፈለግ አለበት::
    thnk you

  27. Go on & keep it up Dn.Daniel kibret and do good job.Because the persons who don’t want the unity of our Church are crying much(look the above cries).But they can’t stop our unity since God of Saints wants you and others who work for this holy effort.Don’t give your ears for those who are known in insulting,undermining,confronting,dividing,etc our Orthodox Tewahido Church.They are in great jealousy.We are on your side who work for the unity with mother Church.We have to oppose persons who try to destroy our identity by division in the Church in the name of Politics.

  28. #24 Please do not be decieved. There is something i know which will come out some day for your surprise. You called it character asassination so be it. He is no good for EOC.
    Trust me he knows what I am talking about. Al i am saying is be cautious for right now. ” Aba Phillipos” is the wolf indisguise. Board members need to tighten up and protect Lideta Mariam church from the predetors.

  29. I think enough is said about the intention of Aba Gebremedhin. Let us all pray so almighty God save our churches in America from the weyane pop.As for Mhibre Kidusan i can give an eye witness account for their rudness
    in Irving Texas. They came in groups at Kidist Mariam Church with well planed intention to Distract the famous known preacher in the USA. Most of them very immature. The preacher had not even finished the first sentence he was bombarded by all kinds of words.Chaoes after chaoes. To their liking they were recording it in their video. some were transmitting it live with their cell phone to their assosiates outside. None of them are the member of the churh and all came from Dallas.Their behaviour was not less than The mellese’s Federals. They were vocal when it comes to Aba Gebremedin” His Holiness the Patriarch ” Should any church here want peace get rid of them.

  30. Hello brothers and sisters,

    the major problems of above most of the commentors are three
    1. having not up to date information about your country
    1.having not the settled mind to understand things correctly, and
    3. driving your life through ”a one way direction” only, and you couldn’t make a ‘u’ turn to the reality.

    mahibere kidusan; help, rehabilitate and support more than 100 monasteries and parish churches for the past ten years. you can visit asebot, menagesha maryam,bale tekle haymanot,mertule maryam-gojjam,tana kirkos, dalshah,gunda gundi,rama kidane mihiret,etc. to know its miracleous work, please by a five dollar phon card,hang up your call and make a call to one of the parish churches or the traditional schools out side addiss abeba.

    you, live here in america will talk too mach, but do nothing. But your brothers, memberes of mahibere kidusa, preach in the remot areas, give thier money to hire clergies for the parishes and also they sacrify thier souls for the development of thier mother church.

    the best knoen chinese religious leader confishious,said ”rather than talking against the dark,it is better to light a candle’. brothers and sisters, most of you want to condemn the dark, but those members of mahibere kidusan want to light a candl. That is why they can do what you can’nt do.

    more than 30000 college students, more than 4 million layties, more than 300 preachers are organized by this association, to serve the church,to devout thier life for the life of the church.

    Our lord Jesus christ,said ”even if you donot believe in me, belive by seeing my works”.About MK, thiere webpages,thier magazins and news papers,thier constructions in monasteris and traditional schools, thier books and DVDs, thier exhibitions and documentaris will testifies.

    duiring the era of the old testament,all people went and conffese for the arch priest. The arch priest put his hand on the innocent goat,and transfer all the people’s sins to this innocent goat, then He sacrifies the Goat in he place of all people with out doing nothing to die.In english litrature, they call it “”the escapt goat”. Now MK seems the escapt goat for bad poleticians,evil reformers and for those didn’t want to do something rather tahn talking. If they commit a sin ,they transfer it to the innocent MK.

    our brothers and sisters, who hase innocent heart and free mind,while you go to your country, please visit any monastery or ”yegeter betekrstiyan”and ask the people about MK, they will tell you the correct information.
    God may give all of us peace, heart and mind.

  31. The splitting of the church is as old as the birth date of Jesus. Do you remeber the 9 Saints, they came as a result of split and persecution. During the early days of the Russian Revolution the Metropolitan divided in to two, some of the Diaspora were in Europe. But what makes our different is that, we live and die by polarization. There is no room for negotiation even in the church.In this ANGEL-DEVIL image I believe that Ethiopia will be under perpetual conflict. Even if we have a new regime in the future, the population will have its own DEVIL and ANGEL. It is the effect of perpetuation of polarization by the regime supporters and the opposition that is also choking the historical church. It will never stop unless we end our labelling and seek reconcilliation in the spirit of forgiveness be it in the church or political parties. Trust me, so long as the current stalemate continues we are losers, Weyane is a loser, our people are losers, our faith is a loser and our country is a loser. I am thinking how to stop this madness and channell the intellectual capital wasted in eating each other. We do not respect even the elders. Even if Jesus comes today
    we will crucify him again without any question! All opposition parties and woyane supporters would compete to kill Him first. Worst of all all the Diapora Churhes and the Churches under Aba Paoulos will kill Him in an instant. I am not exagerating! Looking Ethiopians souls inside out in the Diaspora and back home they are gullable to be polarized. They are easy prey for sharp propaganda, and politicians play it well. Polarization is in our gene. Polarization is rampant in Ethiopian history, in a normal measure. The polarization now is very embarassing . If my Ethiopian compatriot (male or female) does not give me an Ethiopian hospitality and greeting in the street of Washington like our fore fathers, some thing is wrong with us.You idiots greeting is the GIFT FROM GOD!I do not know whether we eat too much berbere or spices. Some doctors have to examine us including myself. I am not outide this strange phenomena. I have learned a lot from my people. May God give us the wisdom and the embarassement to change with courage. balcha

  32. These are the main tools of Woyane Fachists to control and manipulate the Ethiopian Orthodox Church:

    Aba Gebremehdine, a.k.a. Aba Diablos/Tagay Paulos
    Aba Kewstose
    Aba Gebriel
    Aba Abrehame, a.k.a. Kibat/Efugnet
    Aba Melaku
    Daniel Kibret
    Brehanu Gobena

  33. እኔ ገጠር ተወልጀ ያድግኩ ሰው ነኝ , ነጆ ይባላል ከተማው;; ለብዙ ዓመታት ጉባኤ የሚባል ነገር አይተን አናውቅም ነበር;; ለመጀመርያ ጊዜ በ 1988 ዓም የማህበረ ቅዱሳን አባላት ከመዘምራን ጋር ሆነው ሲመጡ ህዝቡ የነበረው ደስታ ወሰን አልነበረውም;; ለ3 ቀን ያስተማሩት ትምህርት ዛሬም አይጠፋኝም;; እኔ እነዚህን ልጆች ዛሬ አይደልም የማውቃቸው;; በዚያች ገጠር ነው የማውቃቸው;; እናንተ አሜሪካ ስትንፈላሰሱ እንርሱ ገጠር ያስተምሩ ነበር;;እና የምትነግሩንን እንመን ወይስ በዓይናችን ያየነውን;;

  34. some people who live in west get confused . please learn truth from a country what you live. i am from remot south Ethiopia before we vanished God establish MK and send for us . Brothers, have u seen church without kes ? even Dakon ! in Ethiopia . Do you Know small groups of critians are proscuted ? i was one of those . To have kes we were small in number and poor but we pray ( Egziota – be Shimagle abatoch merinet ) .but GOD heard us and send MK for us now our community had 2 kes & 1 DAKON paid by MK,and Kesochu YASTEMERALU my 2 small brothers became deakon with in 2 years my MOM is very happy , so do i . i am now in US i help my church as i help my MOM but i help more MK because they are devoted and well organized than me to reach others churchs like ours.
    MK yain misiker negn bertu . yetula cristianoch misikr nen. Ene Geterie negn , yayehutin sinager yisedbugnal Geterie silehonk nuw eyalu.des yilegnal Egziaber lezih abekagn betekritianen lireda bu computer lemetsaf .MK kids are waiting u in remot ethiopia , Endenie aynetoch Yaltemaru – Geteriewoch . i am plaing Mega milion to give U them huge mony – i told this to my MOM in Geter .She said to me , forget me but don’t forget them . Bertu ! WEREGNCHEN forget.
    siruu Dehochina ,Meskinoch kenante gar nen . Fetari yiredanal.

  35. Here we go again. Ethiopia who has been a Christian society as long as Christianity itself, is now being paraded to be baptized by Mahebere Kidusan only. St TekeHaimaot are you listening to this? Shame on all off you who have forsaken Christ for keeping your ancestors within his church only to attest for him since 1988.

    Please read the bible Hawareyat sera (Acts) 8 26-36
    “The Ethiopian eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?” 35Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. 36As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?”[c] 38And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.” ……… Ethiopia has chosen, believed and asked to be baptized in his name since 34 a.d. not 1988.

    Mahebere Kidusan old claim

    1-We fund repair and monasteries even the bete Kehenet does not know
    2- We protect and safeguards Ethiopian relics even the selfless monks cannot guard.
    3- We preach the gospels even our 2000 years old church cannot interpret
    4- We bring unity by bringing all the Diaspora church by making every living Ethiopian subservient to Aba Gebremidhin

    Do you know Mahebere Kidusan is a federal secret agent of woyane within the church that no one will be appointed even to be deacon without their consent? Even the Archbishops are terrified for their lives of these murderous groups who are known for assassinating monks. Did you know for absolute secrecy, that each member does not know the hirarchy no more than one rank of the organization ? Imagine Christianity ever been preached by clandestine underground organization like Mahebere Kidusan. Did you also know Mahebere Kidusan member can NOT get married to anyone outside of the cult group even it is to another Orthodox Christian? Did you know members are only allowed their first allegiance by placing their hand on the bible and swear to protect Mahebere Kidusan even it means to abandon their Orthodox faith. By the way , have you ever heard such an organization in any other church even in the Catholic church? The answer is a resounding no.

    The reason for that is:
    Mahebere Kidusan is the third army who has marched in to destroy Ethiopia and its church on behalf its masters, ie WOYANNE. It was never nor will it ever be a Christian group dedicate serving Jesus Christ, and the Ethiopian people know it more than we give them credit for.

    In the Diaspora, we do not leave under dress of punity. We will expose this evil group everywhere like it was done in Los Angeles, In Seattle, and in Denver in 2004 and continue all the way in the recent struggle in DC area churches.

    Mahebere Kidusan, the cult, the woyane Vanguard, the fetal fetus of Tewahedo will be spitted out like the aids virus ones its life vaporizes with the sunset of woyane regime. We will never surrender our church!!!!!!!

  36. From
    I accidentally stumbled up on an article on Ethiopianreview about the most blessed Abune Qewstos’s visit to Atlanta. It is not a news article to announce his visit, but an arrogant conglomeration of insults which this blessed man never deserve. I was really astonished to what these people in the West are doing?

    I should mention a point about the host Ethiopianreview. I know he is a strong opponent of Weyane; Abune Paulos too. I could not understand why he is waging a war against the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. There are two recent articles about the Church, and all of them were deliberately targeted to defame our Church. Who is interested in this?

    1. Politicians,

    People who lead a failed political system, residues of the communist anti-religion stance, now controlling many of our Churches in Diaspora, at least trying to be a board member, or befriending one, crying in the name of Ethiopia, are killing our Church. These people hate Abune Qewstos and the ideals he stands for.

    2. Tehadiso guys like Pastor Melaku, who write whatever they like, and use the forum, like what Elias Kifle is giving, denounce our Church and fathers.

    3. The failed bishops, who tried to migrate the Synod to USA. They know they have a failed Cannon and now try to divide the believers.

    Watch out guys!!! It is over!!!!

    No politics in our Church!!!!

  37. Hello all!

    I am an ordinary young (21) boy who grew up back home, who has no affiliation what so ever with the gov’t or any political or religious leadership. As I said, I am an ordinary person who attended orthodox church and tried to practice the good works when I was back home.

    I was in Wollega (Nekemte) when Abba Qewstos was the papas of the Wollega region and I have attended church personally when he was there (I was may be 10-12 years old by then). I don’t know anything about politics but all I saw there was him teaching God’s words and trying to guide ppl on their right way. I am honestly telling you my own experience. But, now many years later after I come here, I hear ppl saying all sorts of things about him and others. How can I even believe anything or anyone anymore! Its really sad.

    All of you, do you think you are helping the young or Ethiopia at all? You are all talking and working for your ego and your personal ambitions, not thinking for a second what you are showing to the young Ethiopians.

    Now, I am abroad and been here for a while. What’s sad is how ppl who say they are religious (from both sides) are trying to destroy each other. It hurts me so much whenever I read the comments here (or even the news itself). Its very sad how we young Ethiopians are growing up abroad seeing our parents and uncles calling each other all the names in the world. Specially when it comes from those who say are concerned about the country and the church. What are you all really teaching us? What are we really learning from you? I am honestly and deeply saddened with whatever is happening. I had all sorts of dream when I came abroad, hoping I will be a good boy who will do well in school and help my family and my country. But, after coming here and seeing all those who came here and think they are educated are fighting each other, its really hopeless and saddening. I really mean it. How can we young Ethiopians ever get motivated when our parents and relatives are fighting and hating each other. I can’t even go to church anymore because it doesn’t make sense. Its really sad, I am really sad. How can any EThiopian parent tell their children to do the right thing when none of them are doing anything right?

    What can I do, just be sad forever!!!

  38. for no.38
    I wonder that people like you has a little knowldege about EOTC and other sister churches, want to write a lot. For your knowledge the coptic church has 1400 youth association like mahibere kidusan,the syrian church has six and the catholic church has so many. let me add some knowledge to the personalities like you. the jesuites, who work for the renisance of the chatolic church were socities that founded by voluntires.

    you leave ethiopia 30 years earlier, so you donot know about the contomporary ethiopia, and your mind filled not by the correct information but the gossip and lie.

    if you want to know about MK, read

  39. Gasha-
    my brother tell me- Should i blieve you ? or Should i blieve what i saw ?
    I didn’t say they (MK) baptized me .Of course ,kidus TekeleHimanot baptized my ancistors at that area. But we neglected by persons who talk too much but do nothing . I testified what i saw about MK . My brother, I don’t care about their back . They did good for us , by GOD will they helped us . Gasha ,do something good practicaly . if i see that i do aprciate you . MK do good job not only in my area but also in other places too . Brother ,we don’t have KES and now we get KES and we get Dakon also they theach our brothers ; when you listen this you shouLd be happy as a cristian .
    what is wrong ETHIOPIANS in the US ? What is wrong with your mind ?
    Help poeple who need help ; appriciate pople who did good , learn this from Americans . Ke jerbaw something sefeligem alegegn .
    Brother, whether you sad or not I testify what I saw and what I knew about them . Tell me,if you have web sight as they do at least I can read you . Tell me what you did practicaly or your Mahiber . Then I can compair it with MK . KIS ( accusation ) by itself is not show you or somebody is good . SATAN IS not good because he accuses human. show me your practical works , to compair .
    MK kids are waiting your suport in our poor nation ,continue what you start on educathon. They are waiting you for both school system . I will suport you and all who are doing practical work .
    I am tired of WERIE .
    GOD BE WITH US !!!

  40. To #39, We now. The article is from MAHIBERE RIQUSAN by thir hiddin name Dejeselam their website. you see who they are? thank for your information you are one of the member of the’ Mahibere Riqusan organization of NAZI’
    No body can stop! we are fighting thos nazi groups mahibere Riqsan to protect the unity of Ethiopians & EOTH.It is not politics it is freedom of Tewahido, It is freedom of EIthiopians from thos evil so colled Mahibere Riqusan.

  41. For # 38, 43 and to those of you who post simillar messages

    Why are you guys filled up with back biting, rumors and poisions accusiations. Is it because your intentions are only politics and you have nothing to do with the bible or the word of God?. Or is it because you aren’t doing what is expected of you for your church and you expect every body to do the same thing like you?

    All you guys talk about is how bad Mahibere Kidusan is. Specially # 38, do you have some kind of pshyic problem? may be Paranoya? For God sake the members of this mahiber are doing what ever they can for thier church. Are you accusing them for trying to unite the church? Do you know how the protestant church first started? Martin Luter protested and started his own congrgation, but today there are countless diffrent congrgations under protestant relegion. Is that what you wnat to see in your church. Mahibere Kidusan is trying to prevent this to happen to our church in addtion to what they doing other relegious activities. They are not funded by any governmet or Synod. They get the money out of thier own pocket. Eventhough you guys are not lucky enough to do the same things like them, please don’t get in thier way. God doesn’t reward you for your hatred and rumors against MK. So my advice to you is, to open your eyes and see only the religon part of the story. If you try to solve the problem by your political perspective, you will end up in the middle of no where. and also don’t relate religion to politics they have nothing in common in case you don’t know.

  42. እራሻችሁን “ማህበረ ቅዱሳን” ብላችሁ የምጥጠሩ ደፋሮች ነቅተንባችሁዋል እናንተ ግን የመሰረታችሁት ማህበረ እርኩሳን ወይም ማህበረ እጭበርባሪዎችን ነው::

  43. Missioneries or Merceneries
    Although it brought the catholic wrath against the Orthodox Christians during the time of Sysnios, The Society of Jesuits was founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius Loyola as missionary (not mercenaries) for the Catholic Church. As for the thousands of youth association in Ethiopia, they are Ye Adbarat Senbet Mahebere, confined within the bounds of Kale Awadi’s (Orthodox by laws) strict religious guide lines.

    The material composition and intent of “Mahebere Kidusan’ is neither Jesuits like nor Senbet Group like. This is a political organization wrapped with the bible cloth, very much like the old colonialist who came to subjugate Africa. It is an organization which has now promoted itself above the church itself, and is purposely used by Woyane to control the youth. The entire nation knows that the legitimate Senbet Group cannot even have the funds to buy Shama for daily service let alone have the audacity to plan in building skyscrapers in Addis Ababa or open satellite branch office worldwide to spread Aba Gebrmedhin’s kingdom.

    After MB have looted the youth and quarantine every parish within Ethiopia, We know its intentions for the Diaspora Churches. Much like his kin, the criminal Meles Daniel Kebret who is half Eritrean is the right hand man of Aba Gebremedhin. Since 2004 he has been dispatched to the US with utter desperation to take over as many churches and when all fail to resign opening Mahebere Kidusan Churches with financial help from Woyane (California, Colorado, Minnesota etc). However, fully vested and legally protected Diaspora Churches which are fortified by her heroic faithful will not be an easy prey for Mahebere Kidusan poisonous fangs. Today we are glad to witness this organization is successfully exposed everywhere along with all Hodam so called priests and the likes of Zebene.

    To refer to their illegal patriarch as ‘holy father’ and demand for unity in the church is like saying “Let us compromise and do it my way”. This Organization and Woyane is the main cause of the division within our church and our nation, and we pray to God for the end of this tribulation.

    I agree with #10 conclusions about the innocent and confused victim of the organization. The merciful God can peel through the vail cover to find their true intent and may bless them for their deed. However repentance is not a license to re-sin by stubbornly sticking to Mahebere Kiduan, thereby harming his church and people even more.

    Let us pray for speedy end to Ethiopia’s plight and suffering. Let the enemy of Ethiopia know him and surrender to him so that her Dagmawi Tensaye of our beloved country is within the horizon and will await his second coming in peace and unity. Amen!!!

  44. From
    ‹‹የጎንደር ምንቸት ውጣ … የትግሬ ምንቸት ግባ›› <> በቤተ ክህነት
    (ነመራ ዋቀዮ ቶላ –
    በውጪ የሚገኘው ሲኖዶስ በቅርቡ ያደረገውን ስብሰባ ተከትሎ መግለጫ አውጥቷል፡፡ መግለጫውንም የተለያዩ ድረ ገጾች አስነብበውናል፡፡ ሌላውን ታሪካዊ ሐተታና አመክንዮ ወደጎን ብለን ውሳኔዎቻቸውን ስንመለከት፡-
    1. ‹‹በሥሩ ያሉትን መምሪያዎች›› ለማጠናከር ምዕመናንን በገንዘባችሁ እርዱን ብለዋል፡፡
    2. ባለፈው የፈጸሙት ሲመት ብዙ ምዕመናንን ‹እንዳስደሰተ› ጠቁመው አሁንም ‹‹በምዕመናን ጥያቄ›› በሌሎችም አኅጉራት ማለትም በአውሮፓ፣ በአፍሪቃ፣ በአውስትራሊያ ለመሾም መቁረጣቸውን እንዲሁም
    3. በኢየሩሳሌም ያላቸውን ተሰሚነት ለማጎልበትና ያሉትን ቅዱሳት መካናት ለመቀናቀን እንዲመቻቸው በሥፍራዎቹ ርስት ለማበጀት መወሰናቸውን ጠቃቅሰዋል፡፡
    የቤተ ክርስቲያን ነገር እንዲህ ‹‹አነሰ ሲሉት ተቀነሰ›› እየሆነ፣ እንዲመሯት የተሾሙት አበው እንዲህ ከጎረምሳ ባላነሰ እልኸኝነትና ማን አለብኝ ባይነት ሲመላለሱ ነገሩ ሁሉ ብዙዎችን ግራ እንዳጋባ አለ፡፡ ይህ ዛሬ በቤተ ክርስቲያንና በሃይማኖት ስም የሚፈጸመውን ታሪክ-ይቅር-የማይለው-ድርጊት ለመቃወም ብዕሬን በድጋሚ ለማንሳት ወደድኹ፡፡ አስቀድሜ የቀድሞው 4ኛው ፓትርያርክ ሲመቱን እንዳይፈጽሙ ከሚጠይቋቸው ጋር ለመደመር አንዲት የተማጽኖ ደብዳቤ አቅርቤ ስለነበረ ነው ይህን ‹‹በድጋሚ›› ያልኩት፡፡
    የዚህ ጽሑፍ ዋና ዓላማ ‹‹በእውነቱ ይህ ሁሉ ቱማታ ለኦርቶዶክሳዊት ቤተ ክርስቲያን በማሰብ ነውን ወይስ ከጀርባው ሌላ ምክንያት አለው›› የሚለውን ጥያቄ ለመመለስ መሞከር ነው፡፡
    በኢትዮጵያ መንበረ ሥልጣን ለመቀመጥ በተለያዩ ገዢዎችና ነገሥታት መካከል አያሌ ጦርነቶች እየተደረጉ አንዴ አንዱ አንዴም ሌላው እያሸነፉ፣ አንዴ መንግሥቱን ወደላስታ ሌላ ጊዜም ወደ ሸዋ በሌላውም ወደ ጎንደርና ትግሬ ሲያዘዋውሩት እንደቆዩ በመጨረሻም ጠንካራ መሪ በጠፋባቸውና መሳፍንቱ የይስሙላ ነገሥታ እያስቀመጡ እስከመግዛት እንደ ደረሱ የቅርቡ ታሪካችን እማኝ ነው፡፡ ይህ የጥቃቅን መሳፍንት ዘመን በታላቁ ባለ ራዕይ መሪ በቋራው አንበሳ በአጼ ቴዎድሮስ ከተፈጸመ በኋላ አገሪቱ በአንድነት ለመቆየት ችላ ነበር፡፡ እርሳቸውን ተከትለው የተነሱት የትግሬው ዮሐንስም አገሪቱን በአንድነት ለመጠበቅ ችለዋል፡፡ የአድዋው ባለድል እምዬ ምኒልክም ዓለምን ባስደነቀው ጀግንነታቸው፣ ለዕድገት ከነበራቸው ትልቅ ተስፋ ባለፈም ከሁሉም በተሻለ የአገርን አንድነት ለመጠበቅ ችለዋል (ምኒልክንና ኦሮሞን አስመልክተው ለሚነሱት ጥያቄዎች መልስ መስጠት ከርዕሱ ውጪ ስለሆነ ታልፏል)፡፡ ከዚያ ወዲህ አንደኛውኑ መንበረ መንግሥቱ ወደ መሐል አገር ተሸጋግሮ ሊቆይ ችሏል፡፡
    ዘመነ መሳፍንት እንዲህ ባለው መልኩ ፍጻሜ አግኝቷል ቢባልም ሽኩቻውና ፉክክሩ ዛሬ ድረስ ቀጥሏል፡፡ ይህ በተለይ ግዘፍ ነሥቶ የታየው ባለፉት ሠላሳ ዓመታት በተደረጉት ‹‹የራስን ዕድል በራስ የመወሰን›› ትግሎች ነው፡፡ በዘመነ መሳፍንት አስተሳሰብና ኋላም ከኮምኒስቶች በተዳቀለው አመለካከት ላይ የተገነባው ውየናና የአገራችን ዘመነኛ ፖለቲካ ሁሉም ራሱን ለቤተ መንግሥቱ ሲያጭና ሲያፎካክር ቢቆይም የተሳካለት ግን የትግሬው መሳፍንት ልጆች የሚመሩት ወያኔ ነው፡፡ እነሆ እስከ ዛሬ መንበሩን ጨብጧል፡፡ ታዲያ ይህ ሁሉ ታሪክና ሐተታ ከቤተ ክህነቱ ጋር ምን አገናኘው መባሉ ተገቢ ጥያቄ ነው፡፡ በእኔ አመለካከት የቤተ ክህነታችንና የመነኮሳቱ ችግር ይኸው ሥልጣንን ለመያዝ የመሽቀዳደም መሳፍንታዊ አመለካከት ነው፡፡ ሐሳቤን ትንሽ ዘርዘር አድርጌ ላብራራ፡፡
    ቤተ ክህነት ምንም እንኳን መንፈሳዊ አገልግሎት የሚከናወንበት መንፈሳዊ አስተዳደር ቢሆንም ለብዙ ዘመናት ከቤተ መንግሥቱ ጋር በነበረው ቅርበት ምክንያት ቤተ መንግሥቱ ውስጥ ያለው በጎም ሆነ ክፉ ስሜት ተጋሪ መሆኑ አይቀርም፡፡ ከዚህም ስሜት አንዱ ሥልጣንን በአካባቢ የመያዙ ጉዳይ ነው፡፡ ቀደም ብሎ ለረጅም ዘመናት ግብጻውያን ጳጳሳት እየተሸሙ ይላኩ ስለነበረ የአገሬው መነኮሳት ራሳቸው ከሁሉ በላይ አድርገው አዛዥ ናዛዥ ለመሆን ዕድሉ አልነበራቸውም፡፡ ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን በአስተዳደር ራሷን ችላ፣ የራሷን ልጆች ጳጳሳት አድርጋ መሾም ስትጀምር ግን ለብዙ ጊዜያት ታፍኖ የቆየው ‹መሳፍንታዊ› አስተሳሰብ ተገለጠ፡፡ የሚሾሙትን አበው ሃይማኖት ሳይሆን ወንዝና አውራጃ ማጥናት፣ የራስን ‹ወገን› ለማብዛት መሽቀዳደም ተጀመረ፡፡ በዚህ ረገድ ሥልጣን ‹ከእጄ አምልጣ ሸዋ ገብታ ቀረች› የሚለው የጎንደር ቡድን በአቋራጭ የጥንት ‹‹የበላይነቱን›› (የበላይነት ከነበረ ማለት ነው) ለማስመለስ ቆርጦ ተነሣ፡፡ ከራሱ ቡድን ውጪ ያለ ቄስንም ጳጳስንም ከመጤፍ ሳይቆጥር ራሱን ብቻ እያኩራራና እያጋነነ፣ ሌላውን እየናቀና እየገፋ፣ የዘረኝነትን አዝመራ እያስፋፋና እያጎለመሰ ሄዶ ድንገት በትግሬዎቹ መሳፍንት ልጆች ኃይልና ብልጠት ተበልጦ ሁሉን ለማጣት ተገደደ፡፡ ፓትርያርኩ ከሥልጣናቸው ወረዱ፡፡ ሌሎቹም ጎንደሬዎች ይዘውት የነበረው ወንበር ከሥሩ ተፈነቀለ፡፡ ‹‹የጎንደር ወጪት ይውጣ … የትግሬ ወጪት ይግባ›› ተባለ፡፡ ሥልጣን ከጎንደር ወደ ትግሬ ገባች፡፡ መርቆርዮስ ወረዱ … ጳውሎስ ወጡ፡፡ በዘመነ መሳፍንትኛ ብትመለከቱት የቋራው ካሳ ወረደ የትግሬው ካሳ ተሾመ እንደማለት ነው፡፡ ዘረኝነትን እያስፋፉ በሌላው ሲቀልዱ ኖረው በራሳቸው ብልሃት የመጣ ሌላ ዘረኛ ወንበራቸውን ቀማቸው፡፡ ተደላድሎም ተቀመጠ፡፡ ዛሬ እርሱን በዘረኝነት ቢያሙት ማንም የሚሰማቸው የለም፡፡ ‹ስልቻ ቀንቀሎ … ቀንቀሎ ስልቻ››፡፡
    መቸም ዛሬ እውነትን መፈለግ ሞኝነት ስለሆነ ‹‹አንዱ ባንዳ ሰደበኝ›› ወይም ምናልባት ‹‹አንዱ ወያኔ ስሜን አጠፋው›› ሊሉ ይችሉ ይሆናል፡፡ በእነርሱ የዘር ጨዋታ ውስጥ የለሁበትም፡፡ የማንም ፍርፋሪ ፈላጊም አይደለሁም፡፡ ሁለቱም ቡድን ቤተ ክርስቲያናችንን እያጠፋና እያመሰ መሆኑን ነው የማውቀው፡፡ ስለዚህ የዘረኝነትን በሽታቸውን በሃይማኖት ስም ከሚያስታምሙት ‹‹በሽታቸውን አውቀው መድኃኒት ቢፈልጉለት›› ይሻላል፡፡ ዘረኝነቱን እነርሱ ሲያስፋፉት ትክክል የሚሆንበትና እነ አባ ጳውሎስ ሲያደርጉት ግን ስሕተት የሚሆንበት ምክንያቱ አይታየኝም፡፡ ሁለቱም ቡድኖች የመሳፍንት ዘመን ተፍካካሪዎች እንጂ የሃይማኖት ሰዎች አይመስሉም፡፡ ግባቸውም ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱን መጠበቅ፤ ማሳደግና ማስፋፋት አይደለም፡፡ ጭንቀታቸው የወንበር ጉዳይ ነው፡፡ የሚያሳዝነው ግን ይህንን ሁሉ ምዕመን እንዲህ ያለጠባቂና እረኛ ማስቀረታቸውና አባት አልባ ማድረጋቸው ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ በእውነት ለቤተ ክርስቲያን የሚያስቡ ሁሉ የነገሮችን ምንጭና መነሻ ማጤን አለባቸው፡፡ በሃይማኖትና በአገር ስም የግላቸውን ፈቃድ ለመፈጸም ደፋ ቀና የሚሉ ሰዎችን ስሜትና ፍላጎት ስናስፈጽም መኖር የለብንም፡፡ በተለይም ምዕመናን ከነዚህ ዘረኛ መነኮሳት ቅጥ ያጣ ውድድር ራሳቸውን ገሸሽ ማድረግ አለባቸው፡፡ እኛ በምንሰጣቸው ድጋፍ ነው እንዲህ ቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱን መጫወቻ ያደረጓት፡፡

  45. People like Gasha ,Aleka and everyone else that is filled with hate for a Holy father Abune Kewistos (EgeziAbeHer Behiwot betene yetebekelen ena) who are you going to love? I have seen different comments that try to tell you about His holiness. Abune Kewistos is Holy Father how has the Power to touch so many hearts, He would make you see the lives of saints through Him. All I say to you is go get a blessing from the Holy father and you will see for yourself but meanwhile don’t bring curse upon yourself for God is zealous for the Holy. Do you think hate is the solution? I have seen you wrote more that 3 pages (all comprised) of comment and every thing with hate ,hate and hate and pointless. You have mentioned Abune Paulos; the whole world knows him as the father of the church whether he is a good father or not. Even the 5 oriental Churches (now 6), who do you think they will address as the father of the Church – Abune Merkorios? – don’t be fooled it would be Abune Paulos, whether you like it or not. You have mentioned Aba Abreham He is the bishop of NY and DC whether you like it or not and with the help of God He is going to make history for the Church in North America by establishing a strong diocese for the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church which the whole world will recognize as the true church whether you like it or not. You have mentioned Memher Berhanu Gobena and Dn Daniel Kibret these two who have written more than 18 books which has become an educational tool for the young orthodox followers to know about their religion and faith .They have sacrificed their life for the church and had the heart to stand up and reveal the truth. They will be preaching, writing, teaching and keep on standing for the Church whether you like it or not. You have mentioned Mahibere Kidusan condemning it with all your energy.The EOT Church needs Benjamins who believe in the Lord of our holy fathers and lead the people to the true image of the church(not the poltical corrupted “Church”), to the hopeful future especially for us in the west where the chaos and dishonesty are conceived and born. We need a father like Meleke Tsedik that prays “Yehezeben tefate atasagne” or even as our father Qedus Paulos “Elete elete yemeyasasebegn yeAbeyate Kristianat neger new”. With truthfully viewing the past 20 years, at the time when people’s need and greed come before the integrity of the Church, the only genuine and uncorrupted system that has been standing for the church is Mahibere Kidusan. It has gone through devastating and discouraging times yet all the difficulties have not shake its foundation that is all because it has believed in the God of the our Holy fathers and moved forward through the walled water of the Red Sea. This is the foundation that we, this generation, need so that we can proudly and successfully pass on the Holy Church to the next.
    Attacks, both physical and emotional, comes upon this Church in every direction . After all being a coward – is to die twice but to be a soldier the death is once and is a victorious death. That is what I see in Mahibere Kidusan – Church soldiers. I would like to say thank you Mahibere Kidusan for taking the insult, the abuse and the discouraging critic for you have taken the first step to the bright future. I believe Mahibere Kidusan will keep on growing whether you like it or not. You know why because this is destined by God and God performs in all this do you think all this is happening with human power? No.
    In any of these I have not seen your part where are you? You buff on cyber do you think it will let the world see what a beautiful belief we have? No rather it will make them question how and who raised you. Do you think that will be food for the hungry Abenet Temari who are sacrificing their life to pass the Church to the next generation? No. All you have said you know it is not true how long you are going to live with ignorance. You have mentioned unity which unity are you talking about? You and your type have already taken your part, your side and “divided” (Lotu Sebhat) the church. Believe me my brother history will write about you and your type but the question is what will be written about you? STOP the hate, correct yourself with love and forgiveness, be a Christian and learn from those who have not listened when told like Juda, support those who live for the Church, preach love, bedefert yetnagercacheyen Abatoch yeketa teyeqe then only then die like a soldier for this Church then only then history will proudly mention your name.
    Ere wegene gebenachen deje weta
    Ere wegene BeteChristianen yewelade mekan andergat
    Abatochachenen beselam yetebekelen,Mahibere Kidusan members EgeziAbeHer lemahiberachehun agelgelot befirelay fire yestachu,Ayezwachu bertu.

    For your reference please read

  46. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

    “LOM kale hiwot yassemalin.”
    Ignorance and fear breed hate and envy. It is difficult and almost impossible to fruitfully discuss spiritual things, on a worldly (which politics is a part of) stage like this form, but Christians are in the world (though not of it) and will have to face the temptations, insults, and sufferings that the world brings.

    When we are holding discussions, in order for them to be effective and friutful, we need to be “comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” 1 Corinthians 2:14

    “You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?” 1 Corinthians 3:3

    Christians who truly seek to serve God’s Kingdom remember:
    “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
    1 Corinthians 2:15 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged by no man. 1COR 2:16

    Please don’t judge our fathers through a political mindset. That is not reasonable, its like they say here ‘comparing apples to oranges’. Its the same way colonializm and slavery were justified that is through a ethnocentric view (looking at things only through one perspective). Don’t be quick to judge Mahibere Kidusan from what i have seen thus far they are openly transmitting the teachings of the Holy Spirit that passed through our fathers, I know I am not doing a .0001 percent of what they have done to confess and preach God’s message and will to the world, as revealed through our fathers in faith. In conclusion, to quote LOM above, “whether you like it or not”, the work of the Church/gospel will continue, and as scripture reveals “the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Let us choose righteousness, lets not blame others for the problems of the world, lets be kind, lets not perform character assassinations on anyone, lets think positively, let us reject bad and strive to do good, lets not gossip, let us be quick to forgive and not seek revenge, lets think good all the time, lets seek to love, which is light, and not hate which is darkeness. Ofcourse we WILL ALL stray away daily (sin), but THE CALL IS TO REPENT (come back from bad to good), Our Lord revealed to the world, “FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND, REPENT AND BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL” MARK 1:15 Let us seek to see through the mind of Christ, which will reveal to us the truth. All in all, Egziabher yerdan, yeredanal, bertu. Egziabher ye temesegene yehun.

  47. Beloved All,
    I really would like to turn your attention to the right direction. We don’t have to complicate things. For me EPRDF, Abune Paulos, Mahibere Kidusan, Daniel Kibret.. Belachew… Gobena…, Ex-communicated Bishops/Arch Bishops in diaspora are totaly different with differences in the way of their current functionalities. Let’s us discuss on this basis so that we can come up with better results if we do like our country and church.

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