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Neway Debebe receives silent treatment

Ethiopian singer Neway Debebe received a silent treatment on Saturday at a wedding in Washington DC.

There were others singers, including Efrem Tamiru, who performed at the wedding. They were treated normally and politely. In Neway Debebe’s case, apparently most of the guests did not approve his recent cozy relationship with the Woyanne ruling junta in Ethiopia.

The big wedding party thrown by Virginia insurance agent Shewit Woldemichael and bride Aster was attended by hundreds of people.

Ethiopians are increasingily using social rejection against collaborators of the Woyanne ruling junta as a form of protest and a way expressing their disapproval of those who collaborate with Woyanne. It is a warning to others that if you have to do business in Ethiopia, do it quietly without being used by the ruling junta for its propaganda campaign.

After publicly opposing Woyanne for a long time, Neway has angered the Ethiopian community by traveling to Ethiopia and appear on Woyanne-controlled TV and radio stations.

It’s not too late for Neway to appologize, as Mahmoud Ahmed did, and return to the people who have supported him and made him a successful singer.

Meanwhile, Ethiopians in the Washington DC area have kicked Woyanne-controlled ETV off the air this week. The cable company RCN has removed the program after receiving complaints from several Ethiopians that ETV is being used as a weapon of repression by the genocidal regime in Ethiopia.

59 thoughts on “Neway Debebe receives silent treatment

  1. We know the interview was not conducted at the air port.The interviewer asked Newaye what changes has he been seeing.Newaye must have been walking around or driving around the the neighbourhoods in the city;as the question raised to him had been directed as an open ended question;it meanse,it must have been answered in depth;not on the surface,it must have included all he had observed in relation to the existeed rality of the situations in Ethiopia.

    What if the poor,the imprisioned,the homeless asked him what he had been observed or had been seen in their existed situation as an observer? Would he tell them that nothing or something?

    What is important to him? Seeing changes in air ports and buldings or seein observable changes in the poors and the homelss life?

  2. If we hate each other how are we going to fight the enemy? Are we already doing our enemy assignments if we are at each other’s throat.


    Fight start by uniting against the common enemy Weyane/TPLF.

    Don’t lose your eye of the BALL
    PUBLIC enemy No 1 TPLF.

  3. #47
    so in other word you are telling as you a DOG your master is Melese Satnawe.i think you are the one and the hodam who is bringing division among Ethiopians not Elias so get lost.

  4. #47,
    It is fun and game for you to the point of laughing your ass off. But for far too many Ethiopian parents, brothers, sisters and close relatives of the victims of Meles, they are living in a never ending nightmares. Obviously, you are one of those hard-core blind supporters, that have sold your soul to the mighty dollar to go here and there to blame the messenger, instead of the very man that is responsible for the death of too many Ethiopians, and the very man that has thrown way too many Ethiopians in jail and that has given and sold our land to foreigners. The Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have been keeping records of the human abuses in Ethiopia under dictator Meles. And the Woyane govt. and the likes of you have been blaming the organization for speaking out against Human Rights in Ethiopia. I am pretty sure, Woyanes like you try their hardest to make sure the crimes they have committed kept hidden, but the whole truth will come out in time. While Meles, his wife and his acquaintances enjoying life and becoming multimillionaires at the expense of 76 million Ethiopian Tax Payers…. according to UN 15 million Ethiopians depend on Food Aid, and the other 12 million Ethiopians are expected to die of starvation. Which record are you proud of the most.. .Building cheap buildings and roads — Your ethnic group controlling the whole Ethiopian government and loot — Giving our fertile land to Sudan and other foreign countries —Throwing innocent people in prison — Torturing people — Killing innocent people — Taking Freedom of Speech and Press — and Letting 20 t0 25 million Ethiopians starve to death. Let me repeat again, you have the same mentality of those who lacked conscience and stood on the side of Adolf Hitler when he was slaughtering innocent people. I wish you nothing bad, but I pray to God, to give you conscience, so you can see and understand the suffering of others for the sake of humanity.

  5. Elias why are you letting this impost-er Anonymous @47 using the other Anonymous @54 name please dont let him confuse people as Anonymous.. please if he want to post any comment he souled use other name.
    thanks Elias

  6. # 53

    Number 39 I really have respect for you because you ,at least, have tried to lay down the facts though again I feel it’s far more exagerated mainly blamed up on by yours truely ER.
    But # 53 your arguement is simply lame. I don’t have words to express it how low down it is. Don’t act like the other african nationals that have been colonized who think the white man knows everything. Do u expect me to blieve that Amnesty intl. and the so called ‘human rights’ organizations are reporting solely based on facts and without infulence? come on brother give me a break.
    Let’s take the instance of Zimbabwe. Do you think Zimbabwe’s democracy is poorer than some countries to the level that all that hype was about it by Amnesty and the likes? absolutely NO. And your ‘arguement’ about land I believe shows your level of intelligence. I believe people like you are easy prey for the likes of Elias and their Ethiopian destruction target.
    # 39 you seem to be a reasonable and educated person and please don’t use that mind of you for destruction. Like I said we all agree that the current gov’t has got so many many bad policies and had made some bad decisions but the way of opposing it is not in Elias way of doing business because if we do that we are helping not Ethiopians but the damned and ruthless EPLF.

    # 53 please read and analyze…that’s all I can say to you brother.

  7. Yes! What deos it take for Neway Debebe to appologize from the bottome of his heart to the public for betraying Ethiopians?

    Honesty,responsibility,and most of all,it needs a gut to shake off the shame that he is drenched in and come out dry and clean.That is what we are talking about.

    Eyes,if they can’t see,they are not eyes.Neway Debebe,if he can’t appologize,he is Solomon Tekaligne.What does it take for Neway Debebe to remove the Solomon Tekaligne from himself? It is true that Mohamud Ahmed had been collaborating with enemeis of Ethiopia and Ethiopians for too long causing significant damage on the security and terretorial integrity of Ethiopia and the men and women who were fighting against the enemy tooth and nail.Few individuals,like Solomon Tekaligne stepped out of the right track and fell in the hands of the tyrany,Meles Zinawi and became disgusting hodams and simply became the propagands mouth of Zinawi’s regime.

    Neway Debebe is carried way by selfish desire and has become unfaithful to Ethiopians; now in Zinawians’ camp,being assigned a role,Neway Debebe has begun to appear on tyrany’s propaganda media talking back insults to Ethiopians.Yes,indeed;Ethiopians have taken immediate actions.”Fight us with zinawi’s propaganda machines.but we will definitely defeat all of you.” Now, Neway Debebe unable to face social rejection from all directions,which Solomon Tekaligne and the likes were unable,there were not choices left for him but to roam around in the neighbourhoods being brenched in shame.

    The Shame on Neway Debebe is sticky it won’t go away by scrabing it with a knife.But soicial rejection is quite powerful than a knife in a hand and more lethal than a flying bullet.

  8. Chaka Zulu,
    I am assuming that your #56 comment meant @#54. Regardless, you seem to have sympathy for dictator Meles and you try to justify Meles’ hateful actions. My friend, you might argue with the actual numbers of Ethiopians, Somalis and Eritreans that have been killed by Woyanes — But, even taking one innocent person’s life is one too many, let alone hundreds of thousands. Any ways, I wish you well.

    I wish all Peace Loving Ethiopians and all EPPF fighter my best wishes for Ethiopian New Year! Inqutatash! May the coming year be the end of tyrant Meles and his criminal friends.

  9. Gigi, please shut the f* up, you don’t know what you are talking about!!! you are entirely removed from the country and don’t know the day-to-day life of those poor people in Ethiopia. Now, you say it’s possible to change the way weyane thinks, really? you are delusional!!

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