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17 Ethiopian artists defect to the U.S.

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Tadelech Dalacho
Tadelech Dalacho
Minister of Culture
and Tourism

Ethiopian Review’s Intelligence Unity (EIU) has learned that all 17 artists who have been touring the U.S. with the Ethiopian Minister of Culture and Tourism, Wzr. Tadelech Dalacho, have defected today and are now seeking political asylum.

Wzr. Tadelech has returned to Ethiopia by herself… more details shortly.

15 thoughts on “17 Ethiopian artists defect to the U.S.

  1. Well ! we can’t say this has any political motives but we wish
    them well because ethiopia is not going to right direction at
    least they will be safe and sound here in the US…

  2. In the most moserables of conditions in which Ethiopia currently finds itself, even Melles would like to defect if only some one from the opposition may give him some reasonable and believable helping push. He can’t just walk away by himself, otherwise his TPLF camarades would grab him back by force and in chains.

  3. Elias – thanks for shedding this info to us. Should there be anything that we do to the artists until they settle down here we’re here ready to contribute as need be.

    Otherwise good for them to enjoy a sigh of relief from the tyranny.

    God bless!

  4. Elias,I am addicted of ER web.I think one of the reason is b/s you always get fresh information.For example,the news of 17 artists defect is a breaking news.Good job ER.

  5. I pray that God almighty stays in Ethiopia and keep her safe. With selfish woyanes Ethiopia does not have any future. her leaders hate her and work day and night to destroy her. Only God himself knows where and why this people even if they are Eritreans hate this country.

  6. The defection continues and at the end only Meles (Saddam) and Chemical Ali remain in Ethiopia until they hide in a KEBERO GUDGUAD like Saddam Hussien

  7. Sad news for our artists who love their country.
    this is not the time to defect from their mother Land.
    actually they may have economical problem because not artist even educated peopels

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