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Fund raising concert for Addis Dimts Radio

Abebe Belew, Addis Dimts RadioThe Washington DC-based Addis Dimts Radio will hold a fund raising concert Sunday, July 29, 2007. The concert will include a cultural show involving several popular Ethiopian musicians.

Place: Unification Church, 1610 Columbia Road, Washingon DC.

Time: Starting at 7 PM

For more info: [email protected]

4 thoughts on “Fund raising concert for Addis Dimts Radio

  1. He is not a coward flip-flop. He is Abie from Gonder tell it as it is. We know who hat him. Mehal sefari flip-flops and liks of Selemon Tekaligh. By the way, Protestants are more religious and more Ethiopians than Aba Paulo’s. So, be it. Maferiyawoch…hulu…. The days have gone to flip-flops

  2. Personal Opinion

    Re: Addis Dimts Radio & Abebe Below:

    The integrity of any media is measured by the quality of broadcasted materials, dissemination of timely news and urgent messages to the targeted audience. Despite its short history, Addis Dimts radio has earned popularity and credibility not only from supporters of the movement for a true democracy in Ethiopia but also from opponents of the struggle and TPLF Cadre. Case and Point in recent weeks , I have heard two unanimous callers identifying themselves as TPLF party members gave a positive feedback to the producer during a live broadcast and further asked for his mailing address to contribute their share. This is a clear indication that ABE has earned the respect of all sides by allowing open dialog from both sides of the political spectrum.

    Who is Abebe Below ?

    Abebe Below as most of his listeners prefer to call him “ABE” out of love and affection is a genuine , focused individual who is working tirelessly to bring all political and social issues that are affecting Ethiopia to the forefront for open and democracy discussion. Just to mention a few, here are some of the relevant and critical issue ABE has been broadcasting to our community to engage listeners for live discussions:
    a)HR2003 and its importance to build a long-lasting democracy for our Ethiopia
    b)Live interview of recently released Kinijit Leaders from Kaliti and their message to the Diaspora
    c)Exposing and condemning the hidden Woyane cadres sabotages who are manipulating religious believes and Ethiopian Churches for their political gain
    d)Inviting respected guests and Kinijit leaders for a live broadcast of Peace, Hope and National Reconciliation to bring end to political unrest at home once and for all.

    Brother and sisters, when we have such a dedicated and honest Ethiopian, we have the moral obligation to support such a productive radio program. As brother Obang Ometho stated once “Do Your DIRSHA” by supporting Addis Dimts Radio. I must also emphasize the unique quality of ABE, he is and always has been willing to debate and dialog with all sides of the political field to bring the ruth and ABE doesn’t believe nor promote in Ethnic politics !

    ABE -Keep up the good work for you are a voice for the voiceless diaspora community.

    Long Live Ethiopia !

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