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Ato Gebremedhin erects statue for himself

Aba Paulos statueAto Gebremedhin (formerly Aba Paulos, also commonly knows as Aba Diabilos), who claims to be the patriarch of Ethiopia,  has just erected a massive statue for himself in the center of Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa. Aba Diabilos builds statue for himself — like Saddam Hussein — while ancient Ethiopian monasteries and churches are currently falling apart due to lack of funds. This is indeed one of the saddest moments in the history of Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

The following is a commentary regarding the statue and other developments in the Church.

መንፈስ ቅዱስን ካሳዘኑ፥ ቅድስናን ከጣሉ ተሳዳቢዎች ጋር መወያየት አይጠቅምም

በብፁዕ ወቅዱስ አቡነ መርቆሪዮስ ፓትርያርክ ርዕሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ዘኢትዮጵያ ለሚመራው በሰደት ላይ ለሚገኘው ሕጋዊው የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን (ኢት.ኦር.ተዋ.ቤተክርስቲያን) ቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ ምንም እንኳ ቀኖናና ህገ ቤተክርስቲያን በመጣሱና ቤተክርስቲያኗ በአምባገነናዊ የመንፈስ ድቀት በተጎናጸፉ ዘረኛ ቤተክርስቲያኗ መሪ ቤተክርስቲያኗ በካህናቷ በምዕመናኗ ላይ እየተሰራ ያለውን ግፍ አስቀድማችሁ ያወገዛችሁ ብትሆኑም ምናልባት ቀኖና ጣሾች በንስሃ ተመልሰው ልብ ገዝተው ቤተክርስቲያኗ ወደቀደመችበት የአንድነትና የፍቅር መንፈስ ተመልሳ ህገ ቤተክርስቲያን ሊጠበቅና የቀደመ ቦታዋን ትይዛለች በሚል ቅን የእውነት እምነት “ወንድሞች በህብረት ቢቀመጡ እነሆ መልካም ነው፣ እነሆም ያማረ ነው ከራስ እስከ ጢም እንደሚፈስ እስከ አሮን ቂም በልብሱ መደረቢያ እንደሚወርድ ሽቱ ነው። በጽዮን ተራሮች እንደሚወርድ እንደ አርምኒኤም ጠል ነው። በዚያ እግዚያብሔር በረከቱን ሕይወትንም እስከ ዘላለም አዟልና” መዝሙር 132 በሚለው መሪ የእግዚያብሔር ቃል በህብረት በፍቅር ከወንድሞች ጋር ተቀምጦ ለመወያየት ያለ ምንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ ስለ ቤተክርስቲያን አንደነት ስትሉ ሰሞኑን ከጁላይ 24, 2010 ወዘተ… ጀመሮ ባሉት ቀናት ለውይይት ለመቀመጥ ተዘጋጅታችኋል።

አዎ እርቅ ያስፈልጋል የናፈቀንና የራቀብን ነገር ነው። ሆኖም ሰሞኑን አምባገነኑ በክህደት እባጭ በሞት አፋፍ የሚገኙት የቤተክርስቲያኗ የውድቀትና የድቀት ምልክት አባ ጳውሎስ ጭራሽ የምን ቀኖና ቤተክርስቲያን፥ የፈለኩትን ከማድረግ የሚያስቆመኝ የለም በሚል የቤተክርስቲያኒቷ ዋይታ እንዲጨምር፥ መሸከም እስኪያቅታት፥ እስከሚጨንቃት፥ ወደማትወጣበት አዘቅት በመጣል ህገ ቤተክርስቲያኗን በመጣል የክርስቶስ በሆነችው ቤተክርስቲያናችን ላይ ቀልድ፣ ኢ-ኦርቶዶክሳዊ ትምህርት ንስጥሮሱ አባ ጳሎስ ምንም እንኳ በስራቸው ከሞቱ የቆዩ ቢሆንም “ከሞትኩ ቆይቻለሁ፥ እናንተ ግን አይገባችሁም፣ ለኔ ከመስገድ በቀር” በሚል የንስጥሮሱ አባ ጳውሎስ መታሰቢያ ጣኦት ሐምሌ 4 ቀን 2002 ዓ.ም. በቦሌ አቆሙ። አይ ድፍረት!!!

አባ ንስጥሮስ ጳውሎስ ቀደም ብሎ ከሎስ አንጀለስ ጀምሮ የተወገዙ ቢሆንም ህይወታቸው በጨለማ ተጋርዶ በዚህ ቀደሙ ሳይፀፀቱበት ዛሬም ቀኖና ቤተክርስቲያንን በመጣስ በቤተክርስቲያን ትምህርት፣ ታሪክና ትውፊት የሌለ “በላይ በሰማይ፥ በታችም በምድር ካለው፥ ከምድርም በታች በውሃ ካለው ነገር የማናቸውንም ምሳሌ የተቀረፀውን ምስል ለአንተ አታድርግ ዘፀአት 20፡ 4-5” የሚለውን በመተላለፍ፣ የኦርየንታል አብያተክርስቲያናትን ትውፊት በድፍረት በመጣስ አስደንጋጭ ክህደት ስለሆነና የቤተክርስቲኡኗን መፅሃፍት የእውነት ምስክርነት የሚፃረር በመሆኑ፣ ትንሳዔ ሙታንን የሚያስረሳ ነውረና ስራ በመስራት ላይ ካሉት ከጣኦቱ ከንስጥሮሱ አባ ጳውሎስ ጋር በግል የምታደርጉትን “የእርቅ” ውይይት ከቤተክርስቲያኗ የወደፊት ትክክለኛ ጉዞ አንፃር በመመርመር ከንስጥሮሱ አባ ጵውሎስ የግል ግጥር ሰራተኞች ጋር የምታደርጉትን ውይይት በመሰረዝና በመገናናኛ ብዙሃን በማሳወቅ አዲስ አበባ የሚገኘው ቅዱስ ሲኖዲስ ልብ ገዝቶ ሁሉንም የሚወክሉ አምኖበት ወስኖ በመለያየት ቁንጮነትና መሰሪነት በስድብና ከክፉ ባሕርያቸው አድራጎታቸው ከማይጠረጠሩት ተወካይ ብፁአን አባቶች ጋር ታደርጉት ዘንድ እናሳስባለን። አዲስ አበባ የሚገኘው ቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ ሳይመክርበት ከሚመጡት አራት ሰዎች ውስጥ፤

1. አባ ገሪማ የአባ ንስጥሮስ ጳውሎስ እምባ ጠባቂ፥ የመለያየቱ ዋና መሪና ተዋናይ፥ ዛሬም የእርቁ ተቃዋሚ በፓትሪያርክ ላይ ፓትሪያርክ መሾሙን ቀኖና ቤተክርስቲያን መጣሱን የሚደግፉ የጥቅም ሰው ስለመሆናቸው ከዚህ በፊት ለ ቪ.ኦ.ኤ. የሰጡት ቃለ ምልልስ ስላለን በጊዜው በአየር ላይ እናውለዋለን።

2. ሌላው የግል ቅጥረኛ፥ ሰይፈ ይሁዳ ብንለው ይቀላል፥ መቀራረብ እንዳይኖር ብፁዓን አባቶች ላይ ጸያፍ ዘለፋና ቤተክርስቲያንን በማዋረድ በየሬዲዮ የተሳደባቸው መረጃዎች በእጃችን ላይ ይገኛሉ።

3. ንቡረዕድ ኤሊያስ የአባ ንስጥሮስ ጳውሎስ እንባ ጠባቂ ተላላኪ።

4. ብጹዕ አቡነ አትናቲዮስ እውነተኛ አባት በመሆናቸው ለእርሳቸው ያለንን ፍቅርና የመንፈስ ልጅነት ዛሬም በፅናት እንገልፃለንና ልክ ብጹዕ አቡነ አትናቲዮስን የመሳሰሉ ብጹአን አባቶች ጋር አዲስ አበባ የሚገኘው ቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ መክሮበት ብታደርጉ ይሻላልና (የአዲስ አበባው ቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ መጀመሪያ ከራሱ ጋር መታረቅ ይኖርበታል)።

አሁን ለውይይት ከተላኩት ሶስቱ መንፈስ ቅዱስን ካሳዘኑ ቅድስናን የጣሉ ተሳዳቢዎች ለቤተክርስቲያኗ ተለያይታ እንድትኖር መዘውር ከሚዘውሩት ጋር ውይይት ማድረግ የማይጠቅምና በአባ ንስጥሮስ ጳውሎስ ጭምብል የተላኩ “ብለን ነበር፣ እምቢ አሉ” የሚለውን የተለመደ ቅጥፈት ከማለት ያለፈ ለቀኖናና ህገ ቤተክርስቲያን መጠበቅ የሚፈይደው አንዳችም ጉዳይ ስለሌለ ለሌላ ጊዜ ብታስተላልፉት የምዕመንነት ምክራችንን እንለግሳለን።

“ዕርቁ፥ ጠቡ በአባ እከሌና በአባ እከሌ መካከል የተደረገ እጅ የማጨባበጥ ተግባር ሳይሆን ቀኖና ህገ ቤተክርስቲያንን የመጣስና የማቃለል፥ መንፈስ ቅዱስን የማሳዘን ተግባር ነውና የተፈፀመው” ግልፅ ሊሆንና ዛሬ ላለንበት የኢት.ኦር.ተዋ.ቤተክርስቲያን ጉስቁልናና ውርደት ተጠያቂነት ነውና በሁሉም ዘንድ ተወዳችነትና ተፈላጊነት ያላቸው የአዲስ አበባው ቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ አምኖበት ብፅዓን አባቶች ተወክለው ሲመጡ እንደሚደረግ ሆኖ የእርቁ በር ክፍት ቢሆን የተሻለ ነው።

ነፍሳቸውን ይማርልንና አለቃ አያሌው ታምሩ በአንድ ወቅት “ግለሰቡ አባ ንስጥሮ ጳውሎስ ቀኖና ቤተክርስቲያንን የሚፃረሩ የካቶሊክ እምነት አራማጅ ናቸው” በማለት አውግዘዋቸው በመቃብሬም እንዳይገኙ ብለው ነበር። እነሆ በገሃድ ታየ። ጣኦቱ ቤል ንስጥሮ ጳውሎስ ቦሌ ላይ ቆመ። ታዲያ ተዋህዶ ምን ትጠብቃለች? አለን የምትሉትስ የአዲስ አበባ ቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ አባላትስ ምን ትላላችሁ? ወይ ፍርሃት! ወይ አሳምኑን፥ ወይ እናሳምናሁ። አሁን የቦሩ ሜዳን ታሪክ መድገም እንሻለን። መቼም ከጣኦት ጋር ህብረት እንደማይኖራችሁ እርግጠኛ ከመሆን ጋር፡፡ ቸር ይግጠመን።

አምላካችን እግዚያብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይባርክ!
ከፀሐዩ ደመቀ፥ ለንደን

77 thoughts on “Ato Gebremedhin erects statue for himself

  1. Don’t worry christians because the erecting of a statue alive person signifies that aba diabilos has admitted that he is as dead as a stone. Let the revenge be taken by our God.

  2. If the intention of constructing a statues is to put a cross over Addis Ababa, why most churches of Addis Ababa have put woyane’s flag over their dome above the cross.

    Please, at least, do not collaborate with the internal enemies (a green snake in the grass) of the church such as Ato paulos. It is time to identify aba diabilos from his camoflaging with holiness. After all holiness cannot be manifested by dressing the closes of patriachate. Rather it is by being practical holiness, doing holly deeds in practice

  3. According to the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church doctrines, the Church leaders are suppose to elect and ordained their Patriarch. This Diablos was picked and assigned by tyrant Meles. A friend of a tyrant is also a tyrant. Aba Diablos never once criticized Meles for all the Human Rights Violations he has committed on innocent people. He never said a word against Meles when young men and women gunned down around Ethiopia in 2005. In fact, when a lot of people run in Ethiopian Orthodox Churches to save their lives from Agazi Army in 2005, Aba Diablos was the one who ordered the priests to chase out the people and hand them to their abusers. What kind of religious man is this? iwnetem diablos!

  4. Meles ordered his slaves-the security to prepare a nice song for him self and they(the security) prepared a nice one using the voice of the dead pig called Solomon Tekka….now his spritual father, Aba Paulos has erected a statue for him self!! They tried to get a respect from the public using azmaris’ song and statue!,,,I’m really surprised!!
    why don’t they tired to get a respect moving on the right track-doing a good job!!!

  5. For everyone that reads this message. We have an earnest plea to make, that is for all of us who honestly believe that there is a curse made by the ELDERS on our country and its people because of the ocean of innocent blood that was and is being shed by evil regimes for their selfish ego of power and a never satisfied greed had brought the terrible and untold suffering on our people and country. Therefore, it is our obligation to fast and pray until GOD ALMIGHTY turns his face toward us and save us from Armageddon. Egzio Belu, all of the monks in the monasteries have foretold that days that are far worse than these are to come. Egzio Enbel!! As if what is going on in our country was not enough, look at what is happening to us in the Diaspora, the Dallas and the D.C. St. Michael Churches, everywhere where there are Ethiopians they cannot live together in harmony. Why? Because we have been cursed by the elders of our country. I know this makes sense to those of us 30 and above, I don’t know how many of the younger generation understands the gravity of what is happening to us or to our country. Egzio Belu!! Entsum, entseley, Egziabeheren enematsen!! Yesewun enetewew, menem yetekemen neger yelem. Egziabehere Yirdan!!

  6. The statue of Lenin was walking toward the airport, when the time came it did crumbel. Aba Diablos is standing and waiting for the gates of hell to open and for Lucifer to receive him, it won’t be too long for he and his cronies to catch fire.

  7. ኦሪት ዘዳግም

    1፤ በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ የተጠላ የሠራተኛ እጅ ሥራን የተቀረጸ ወይም ቀልጦ የተሠራ ምስልን የሚያደርግ፥ በስውርም የሚያቆመው ሰው ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ መልሰው አሜን ይላሉ።

    2፤ አባቱን ወይም እናቱን የሚያቃልል ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    3፤ የባልንጀራውን የድንበር ምልክት የሚገፋ ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    4፤ ዕውሩን ከመንገድ ፈቀቅ የሚያደርግ ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    5፤ በመጻተኛ በድሀ አደጉም በመበለቲቱም ላይ ፍርድን የሚያጣምም ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    6፤ ከአባቱ ሚስት ጋር የሚተኛ የአባቱን ልብስ ገልጦአልና ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    7፤ ከማናቸይቱም እንስሳ ጋር የሚተኛ ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    8፤ ከአባቱ ወይም ከእናቱ ልጅ ከእኅቱ ጋር የሚተኛ ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    9፤ ከአማቱ ጋር የሚተኛ ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    10፤ ባልንጀራውን በስውር የሚመታ ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    11፤ የንጹሑን ሰው ነፍስ ለመግደል ጉቦ የሚቀበል ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።

    12፤ የዚህን ሕግ ቃሎች ያደርግ ዘንድ የማያጸና ርጉም ይሁን፤ ሕዝቡም ሁሉ አሜን ይላሉ።


    For the purpose of impressing upon the hearts of all the peoplein the most emphatic manner both the blessing which Israel (Ethiopia) was to proclaim upon Gerizim, and the curse which it was to proclaim upon Ebal, Moses now unfolds the blessing of fidelity to the law and the curse of transgression in a longer address, in which he once moreresumes, sums up, and expands still further the promises and threats of the law.

    THE BLESSING. If Israel(Ethiopia) would hearken to the voice of the Lord its God, the Lord would make it the highest of all the nations of the earth. This thought, with which the discourse on the law terminated, forms the theme, and in a certain sense the heading, of the following description of the blessing, through which the Lord, according to the more distinct declaration would glorify His people above all the nations of the earth. The indispensable condition for obtaining this blessing,was obedience to the word of the Lord, or keeping His commandments. To impress this conditio sine qua non thoroughly upon the people, Moses not only repeats it at the commencement but also at the close in both a positive and a negative form. The way in which Israel was to be exalted is pointed and thus the theme is more precisely indicated, and the elaboration of it is introduced. All these blessings (those mentioned singly in what follows) will come upon thee and reach thee. The blessings are represented as actual powers, which follow the footsteps of the nation, and over take it. The fulness of the blessing of God in all the relations of life is depicted in a sixfold repetition of the word blessed. Israel will be blessed in the town and in the field, the two spheres in which its life moves blessed will be the fruit of the body, of the earth, and of the cattle, i.e. in all its productions; blessed will be the basket in which the fruits are kept, and the kneading-trough in which the daily bread is prepared; blessed will the nation be in all its undertakings (a coming in and going out; … Moses not only proclaimed the blessing to the people, but desired it for them, because he knew that Israel would not always or perfectly fulfill the condition upon which it was to be bestowed. May the Lord be pleased to give thine enemies . . . smitten before thee; i.e. give them up to thee as smitten (to give up before a person, to deliver up to him), so that they shall come out against thee by one way, and flee from thee by seven ways, i.e. in wild dispersion. “May the Lord command the blessing with thee (put it at thy disposal) in thy barns (granaries, store-rooms) and in all thy business. The Lord will exalt thee for a holy nation to Himself… so that all the nations of the earth shall see that the name of Jehovah is named upon thee, and shall fear before thee. The Lord had called Israel as a holy nation, when He concluded the covenant with it. This promise, to which the words “as He hath sworn unto thee” point back, and which is called an oath, because it was founded upon the promises given to the patriarchs on oath, and was given implicite in them, the Lord would fulfill to His people, and cause the holiness and glory of Israel to be so clearly manifested, that all nations should perceive or see “that the name of the Lord is named upon Israel.” The name of the Lord is the revelation of His glorious nature. It is named upon Israel, when Israel is transformed into the glory of the divine nature. It was only in feeble commencements that this blessing was fulfilled upon Israel under the Old Testament ; and it is not till the restoration of Israel, which is to take place in the future according to Rom. xi. 25 sqq., that its complete fulfillment will be attained. ”Superabundance will the Lord give thee for good (i.e. for happiness and prosperity), in fruit of thy body” etc. He would open His good treasure-house, the heaven, to give rain to the land in its season and bless the work of the hands, i.e. the cultivation of the soil, so that Israel would be able to lend to many, according to the prospect already set before it. By such blessings He would “make Israel the head, and not the tail” a figure taken from life, the meaning of which is obvious, and is given literally, “thou wilt be above only, and not beneath” i.e. thou wilt rise more and more, and increase in wealth, power, and dignity. With this the discourse returns to its commencement; and the promise of blessing closes with another emphatic repetition of the condition on which the fulfillment depended.

    THE CURSE, in case Israel should not hearken to the voice of its God, to keep His commandments. After the announcement that all these (the following) curses would come upon the disobedient nation, the curse is proclaimed in all its extent, as covering all the relations of life, in a six fold repetition of the word “cursed, as above and the fulfillment of this threat in plagues and diseases, drought and famine, war, devastation of the land, and captivity of the people, is so depicted, that the infliction of these punishments stands out to view in ever increasing extent and fearfulness. We are not to record this, however, as a gradual heightening of the judgments of God, in proportion to the increasing rebellion of Israel, although it is obvious that the punishments threatened did not fall upon the nation all at once. The bursting of the threatened curse upon the disobedient people is proclaimed in all its forms. First of all, quite generally in “The Lord will send the curse against thee, consternation and threatening in every undertaking of thy hand which thou earnest out till thou be destroyed, till thou perish quickly, because of the wickedness of thy doings, because thou hast forsaken Me? Curse or Malediction; consternation produced by the curse of God, namely, the confusion with which God smites His foes is the threatening word of the divine wrath. “The Lord will make the pestilence fasten upon (cleave to) thee, till He hath destroyed thee out of the land . . . to smite thee with giddiness and fever, inflammation, burning, and sword, blasting of corn, and mildew (of the seed); “seven diseases there fore (seven as the stamp of the works of God), whilst pestilence in particular is mentioned first, as the most terrible enemy of life. To burn, and to glow, signify inflammatory diseases, burning fevers… Instead of Sin, the sword as the instrument of death, used to designate slaughter and death, heat or drought, according to which there would be four evils mentioned by which human life is attacked, and three which are injurious to the corn… drought is threatened to singe or blacken, to be yellowish, to two diseases which attack the corn: the former to the withering or burning of the ears, caused by the east wind the other to the effect produced by a warm wind in Arabia, by which the green ears are turned yellow, so that they bear no grains of corn. To this should be added terrible drought, without a drop of rain from heaven. Instead of rain, dust and ashes should fall from heaven. When the heat is very great, the air in Palestine is often full of dust and sand, the wind assuming the form of a burning sirocco, so that the air resembles the glowing heat at the mouth of a furnace. Defeat in battle, the very opposite of the blessing promised. Israel should become “a moving to and fro”, i.e. so to speak, ”a ball for all the kingdoms of the earth to play with. ”The corpses of those who were slain by the foe should serve as food for the birds of prey and wild beasts the greatest ignominy that could fall upon the dead, and therefore frequently held out as a threat against the ungodly. The second view depicts still further the visitation of God both by diseases of body and soul, and also by plunder and oppression on the part of their enemies. Four incurable diseases of the body are threatened: the ulcer of Egypt the form of leprosy peculiar to Egypt, elephantiasis (Acgypti peculiare malum) which differed from lepra tulerosa, however, or tubercular leprosy in degree only, and not in its essential characteristics. A swelling, rising, signifies a tumour, and disease of the anus: in men, tumor in posticis partibus; in women, durius quoddam in utero. It was with this disease that the Philistines were smitten to scrape or scratch, also a kind of itch, of which there are several forms in Syria and Egypt. In addition to this, there would come idiocy, blindness, and confusion of mind, three sychical maladies; mental blindness. Israel would grope in the bright noon-day, like a blind man in the dark, and not make his ways prosper, i.e. not hit upon the right road which led to the goal and to salvation, would have no good fortune or success in its undertakings. Being thus smitten in body and soul, it would be only utterly oppressed and spoiled evermore. These words introduce the picture of the other calamity, viz. the plundering of the nation and the land by enemies. Wife, house, vineyard, ox, ass, and sheep would be taken away by the foe; sons and daughters would be carried away into captivity before the eyes of the people, who would see it and pine after the children, i.e. with sorrow and longing after them; “and thy hand shall not be to thee towards God”, i.e. all power and help will fail thee. This threat is summed up in the following manner: the fruit of the field and all their productions would be devoured by a strange nation, and Israel would be only oppressed and crushed to pieces all its days, and become mad on account of what its eyes would be compelled to see, “the Lord will smite thee” Moses resumes the threat to set forth the calamities already threatened under a new aspect, namely, as signs of the rejection of Israel from covenant fellowship with the Lord. The Lord would smite the people with grievous abscesses in the knees and thighs, that should be incurable, even from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head so-called joint-leprosy, a form of the lepra tuberosa, “from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head”; it is evident that the threat is not to be restricted to this species of leprosy, since “the upper parts of the body often remain in a perfectly normal state in cases of leprosy in the joints; and after the diseased parts have fallen off, the patients recover their previous health to a certain degree.” Moses mentions this as being a disease of such a nature, that it would render it utterly impossible for those who were afflicted with it either to stand or walk, and then heightens the threat by adding the words, “from the sole of the foot to the top of the head. Leprosy excluded from fellowship with the Lord, and deprived the nation of the character of a nation of God. The loss of their spiritual character would be followed by the dissolution of the covenant fellowship. This thought connects and not the thought that Israel being afflicted with leprosy would be obliged to go into captivity, and in this state would become an object of abhorrence to the heathen. The Lord would bring the nation and its king to a foreign nation that it did not know, and thrust them into bondage, so that it would be obliged to serve other gods, wood and stone and would become an object of disgust, a proverb, and a byword to all nations whither God should drive it even in their own land the curse would fall upon every kind of labour and enterprise. Much seed would give little to reap, because the locust would devour the seed; the planting and dressing of the vineyard would furnish no wine to drink, because the worm would devour the vine. They would have many olive-trees in the land, but not anoint themselves with oil, because the olive-tree would be rooted out or plundered. Sons and daughters would they beget, but not keep, because they would have to go into captivity. All the trees and fruits of the land would the buzzer take possession of… to buzz, a rhetorical epithet applied to locusts, not the grasshopper, which does not injure the fruits of the tree or ground sufficiently “to take possession of” to be applicable to it. Israel would be utterly impoverished, and would sink lower and lower, whilst the stranger in the midst of it would, on the contrary, get above it very high; not indeed “because he had no possession, but was dependent upon resources of other kinds“, but rather because he would be exempted with all his possessions from the curse of God, just as the Israelites had been exempted from the plagues which came upon the Egyptians… with the terrible threat, ”These curses shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever” for the purpose of making a pause, if not of bringing the whole to a close. The curses were for a sign and wonder that which excites astonishment and terror, in as much as their magnitude and terrible character manifested most clearly the supernatural interposition of God For ever “applies to the generation smitten by the curse, which would remain forever rejected, though without involving the perpetual rejection of the whole nation, or the impossibility of the conversion and restoration of a remnant, or of a holy seed. The fourth view. Although in what precedes every side of the national life has been brought under the curse, yet love to his people, and the desire to preserve them from the curse, by holding up before them the dreadful severity of the wrath of God, impel the faithful servant of the Lord to go still further, and depict more minutely still the dreadful horrors consequent upon Israel being given up to the power of the heathen, and first of all the horrible calamities which would burst upon Israel on the conquest of the land and its fortresses by its foes. Because it had not served the Lord its God with joy and gladness of heart, “for the abundance of all” i.e. for the abundance of all the blessings bestowed upon it by its God, it would serve its enemies in hunger, and thirst, and nakedness, and want of every thing, and wear an iron yoke, i.e. be obliged to perform the hardest tributary service till it was destroyed for. The Lord would bring against it from afar a barbarous, hardhearted nation, which knew no pity… “from afar, from the end of the earth.” The greater the distance off, the more terrible does the foe appear. He flies thence like an eagle, which plunges with violence upon its prey, and carries it off with its claws; and Israel does not understand its language, so as to be able to soften its barbarity, or come to any terms. A people “hard of face” i.e. upon whom nothing makes an impression a description of the audacity and shamelessness of its appearance which spares neither old men nor boys. This description no doubt applies to the Chaldeans, who are described as flying eagles in as in the verses before us but it applies to other enemies of Israel beside these, namely to the great imperial powers generally, the Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Romans, whom the Lord raised up as the executors of His curse upon His rebellious people. Isaiah therefore depicts the Assyrians in a similar manner, namely, as a people with an unintelligible language, and describes the cruelty of the Medes in with an unmistakable allusion. This foe would consume all the fruit of the cattle and the land, i.e. everything which the nation had acquired through agriculture and the breeding of stock, without leaving it anything, until it was utterly destroyed, and would oppress, i.e. besiege it in all its gates, till the lofty and strong walls upon which they relied should fall. It would so distress Israel, that in their distress and siege they would be driven to eat the fruit of their body, and the flesh of their own children. This horrible distress is depicted still more fully where the words, “in the siege and in the straitness” etc. are repeated as a refrain, with their appalling sound. The effeminate and luxurious man would look with ill-favour upon his brother, the wife of his bosom, and his remaining children, “to give” (so that he would not give) to one of them of the flesh of his children which he was consuming, because there was nothing left to him in the siege. ”His eye shall be evil” i.e. look with envy or ill-favour on account of there not being anything left for himself. The delicate and luxurious woman, who had not attempted to put her feet to the ground (had always been carried therefore either upon a litter or an ass: from tenderness and delicacy her eye would look with envy upon the husband of her bosom and her children, and that because of (for) her after-birth, which cometh out from between her feet, and because of her children which she bears (sc. during the siege)for she will eat them secretly in the want of everything” that is to say, first of all attempt to appease her hunger with the after-birth, and then, when there was no more left, with her own children. To such an awful height would the famine rise! The fifth and last view: And yet these horrible calamities would not be the end of the distress. The full measure of the divine curse would be poured out upon Israel, when its disobedience had become hardened into disregard of the glorious and fearful name of the Lord its God. To point this out, Moses describes the resistance of the people as not hearkening to the voice of the Lord to keep all His commandments, which he (Moses) had commanded this day, or which Jehovah had commanded, but as “not observing to do all the words which are written in this book, to fear the glorified and fearful name,” Jehovah its God. Doing all the commandments of the law must show and prove itself in fearing the revealed name of the Lord. Where this fear is wanting, the outward observance of the commandments can only be a pharisaic work-righteousness, which is equivalent to a transgression of the law. But the object of this fear was not to be a God, according to human ideas of the nature and working of God; it was to be “this glorified and fearful name” i.e. Jehovah the absolute God, as He glorifies Himself and shows Himself to be fearful
    in His doings upon earth. If Israel should not do this, the Lord would make its strokes and the strokes of its seed wonderful, i.e. would visit the people and their descendants with extraordinary strokes, with great and lasting strokes, and with evil and lasting diseases and would bring all the pestilences of Egypt upon it. Inasmuch as Israel was set free from them by the deliverance out of Egypt… every disease and every stroke that was not written in this book of the law, not only those that were written in the book of the law, but those also that did not stand therein. The diseases of Egypt that were written in the book of the law include the murrain of cattle, the boils and blains, and the death of the first-born; and the strokes the rest of the plagues, viz. the frogs, gnats, dog-flies, hail, locusts, and darkness an uncommon and harder form of … Israel would be almost annihilated thereby. “Ye will be left in few people (a small number whereas ye were as numerous as the stars of heaven”. Yea, the Lord would find His pleasure in the destruction and annihilation of Israel, as He had previously rejoiced in blessing and multiplying it. With this bold anthropomorphic expression Moses seeks to remove from the nation the last prop of false confidence in the mercy of God. Greatly as the sin of man troubles God, and little as the pleasure may be which He has in the death of the wicked, yet the holiness of His love demands the punishment and destruction of those who despise the riches of His goodness and long-suffering; so that He displays His glory in the judgment and destruction of the wicked no less than in blessing and prospering the righteous. Those who had not succumbed to the plagues and strokes of God, would be torn from the land of their inheritance, and scattered among all nations to the end of the earth, and there be compelled to serve other gods, which are wood and stone, which have no life and no sensation, and therefore can hear no prayer, arid cannot deliver out of any distress. When banished thus among all nations, Israel would find no ease or rest, not even rest for the sole of its foot, i.e. no place where it could quietly set its foot, and remain and have peace in its heart. To this extreme distress of homeless banishment there would be added “a trembling heart, failing of the eyes (the light of life), and despair of soul“. “Thy life will be hung up before thee”, i.e. will be like some valued object, hanging by a thin thread before thine eyes, which any moment might tear down, that is to say, will be ever hanging in the greatest danger.” Thou wilt not believe in thy life” i.e. thou wilt despair of its preservation In the morning they would wish it were evening, and in the evening would wish it were morning, from perpetual dread of what each day or night would bring. Last of all, Moses mentions the worst, namely, their being taken back to Egypt into ignominious slavery. “If the exodus was the birth of the nation of God as such, return would be its death”, “In Ships” i.e. in a way which would cut off every possibility of escape. The clause, ”by the way whereof I spake unto thee, thou shalt see it no more again” is not a more precise explana tion of the expression “in ships” for it was not in ships that Israel came out of Egypt, but by land, through the desert ; on the contrary, it simply serves to strengthen the announcement, “The Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again” namely, in the sense that God would cause them to take a road which they would never have seen again if they had continued in faithful dependence upon the Lord. “I have never seen a passage which describes more clearly the misery of a guilty conscience, in words and thoughts so fitting and appropriate. For this is just the way in which a man is affected, who knows that God is offended, i.e. who is harassed with the consciousness of sin.” This was the way to Egypt, in reality such a return to this land as Israel ought never to have experienced, namely, a return to slavery. “There shall ye be sold to your enemies as servants and maids, and there shall be no buyer.” i.e. no one will buy you as slaves. Egypt is simply mentioned as a land where Israel had lived in ignominious bondage.

    ባንድ አሳብ ባንድ ቃል የጸና ልቦና:
    ለወገን ለሃገር ጠቃሚ ነውና::
    እንትጋ ላንድነት እንደ ቅዱስ ቃሉ:
    መለያየት ይቅር ወንድሞች አስተውሉ::
    – ይ.ኃ

    እባክህ ተመለስ በታላቁ መከራ እንዳትከሰስና
    እንዳትወቀስ በማዕበሉ ተዉጠህ እንዳትከስከስ::

  8. While we focus on other misdeeds, we must not forget our own sinful errors. Kidus Paulos, the premier doctor of the church, admonishes us for many of our modern day shortcomings.

    During the historical invasion of Israel by Assyria, which is identical to the present day Ethiopia, Idolatry (love money, Marxism & Lenninism included) of the people was mentioned as being the primary reason why.

    [1 Samuel 15:23 – For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected 1 Samuel 15:23 – For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from [being]king.]]

    Colossians 3:
    Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: in the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.
    But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
    Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new [man], which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond [nor] free: but Christ [is] all, and in all.

    Galatians 5:20 –
    Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

  9. for the sin we made , God has left us to this kind of time ……
    bad goverment and devil prist

    so we have to all come back to our God and ask for mercy

  10. Elijah’s Dramatic Appearance
    Heroes of the past: ኤሊያስ እና ኤልሳ

    Elijah appeared on the stage of public action during one of the darkest hours of Israel’s sad history. He is introduced to us at the beginning of 1 Kings 17, and we have but to read through the previous chapters to discover what a deplorable state God’s people were then in. Israel had grievously and flagrantly departed from Jehovah, and that which directly opposed Him had been publicly set up. Never before had the favoured nation sunk so low. Fifty eight years had passed since the kingdom had been rent in twain following the death of Solomon. During that brief period no less than seven kings had reigned over the ten tribes, and all of them without exception were wicked men. Painful indeed is it to trace their sad course, and still more tragic to behold how there has been a repetition of the same in the history of Christendom.

    The first of those seven kings was Jeroboam. Concerning him we read that he “made two calves of gold,” and said unto the people, “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan. And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan. And he made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made . . .” (1 Kings 12:28-32). Let it be duly and carefully noted that the apostasy began with the corrupting of the priesthood, by installing into the Divine service men who were never called and equipped by God! Let it be duly and carefully noted that the apostasy began with the corrupting of the priesthood, by installing into the Divine service men who were never called and equipped by God!

    Now it was in the midst of this spiritual darkness and degradation that there appeared on the stage of public action, with dramatic suddenness, a solitary but striking witness to and for the living God. An eminent commentator began his remarks upon 1 Kings 17 by saying, “The most illustrious prophet Elijah was raised up in the reign of the most wicked of the kings of Israel.” That is a terse but accurate summing up of the situation in Israel at that time: not only so, but it supplies the key to all that follows. It is truly saddening to contemplate the awful conditions which the prevailed. Every light had been extinguished, every voice of Divine testimony was hushed. Spiritual death was spread over everything, and it looked as though Satan had indeed obtained mastery of the situation.

    – The Life of Elijah, by A.W.P

  11. Please…leave discussion of Islam out of this as it has nothing to do with anything in this article. Ethiopia’s strength has always be in it’s mix of people and religion (Christian, Islam, and Judaism) together in harmony. Funny thing…All recognize the same God, or did you forget that?

  12. Heroes from the past: Elijah ኤልያስ & Elisha ኤልሳ

    Elisha appears to have come from a wealthy land owning family, if the number of oxen they had for ploughing is anything to go by. When the prophet Elijah arrived suddenly his response to his call was immediate. Elijah made it clear that it was up to him whether or not he responded to God’s call when Elisha asked permission to say farewell to his parents. To demonstrate his determination to follow Elisha dramatically severed his links to his past life by slaughtering the pair of oxen he was ploughing with and cooked their meat over the wood of his plough and gave it to his friends and relatives. Scripture tells us that he then left and became Elijah’s attendant or servant in similar way, perhaps, to that in which Joshua had served Moses.

    Two external factors dominated the early years of his ministry: Famine and war. We know that both of these were signs of God’s covenantal curses being carried out on a stubborn and disobedient nation. Such curses effect both the guilty and the innocent and in many ways Elisha’s activities lifted the burden from those who had been faithful to the Lord.

    Elisha had earlier solved the town of Jericho’s problem with its water supply, but twice now he intervened on behalf of the company of the prophets in order provide them with food. In the first instance one of the company had made the communal meal inedible by adding the gourds from a poisonous plant to the stew. As it appears that the company numbered around a hundred, such an occurrence meant a considerable amount of valuable food was going to be wasted, Elisha therefore performed a miracle and rendered it edible again (4:38-41). In the second incident he miraculously made twenty barley loaves feed a hundred men, anticipating a greater miracle later to be performed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

    When a group of children from Bethel taunted the prophet for his baldness, Elisha cursed them in the name of YHWH and two female bears came out of the forest and mauled 42 of them.

    Excerpts from The Life & Times of Elisha by R I. Bradshaw.

  13. Dear Elias, Chief Editor,

    #73: that is not what I said, and you know what wrote.

    I have no idea why you are afraid of mentioning the name Islam or Muslim? You are not living in Saudi Arabia. If you are able to post what is happening in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, why don’t you also post what is going on about the planning to build a huge Muslim Mosque at the Ground Zero in New York City?

    Elias Kifle replies:

    Dear Assta, Ato Gebremedhin does not represent EOTC. Writing about him is not in any way insulting or expressing hostility toward the EOTC.

  14. These days in-home and abroad Ethiopian religious leaders are getting greedy and change the direction of Ethiopian orthodox religion in to buisiness. These shows the judgement day is getting closer. 1. Any patriarch of Ethiopia should not exile no matter what unless the government force them not to teach christianity. In other words, they can not be exile by making excuse. like the former patriarch the one who resides in America, did ” I can not work with this government” He have to stay in his country whatever the out come will be. 2. The exsisting patriarch, abune poulos should not erect his statue. As a religious leader, he should not strive for fame. Jesus Christ did not teach his appostels to strive for fame. Instead, he teach them to put themselves down and give others a chance or priority. To teach about honesty, love, forgiveness, shring and all the good stuffs. In my opinion, “Abune Teklehaimanot” was the only real God fearning Patriarch in Ethiopian history after the “Abune Petros”- The patriarch during the Italy inveders who lost his life for our religion. The rest …we don’t have yet. Even here in America, it is very a shocking situation what we see among Ethiopian priests. One more thing: no matter what, it is not us to critisize their sins. God will give them judgement himself. We as the people, we are not allowed to say bad things about any patriarch or priest. God is the one who allowed them and give them this precious chance to teach us and God is the only one who make the judgement when it come religion leaders. People, do not make any cusing, foul language to priests. If we do we will carry their sins. That is not good.

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