A must read piece about the cycle of failure in Ethiopian politics, particularly in regards to the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party (EPRP), which one Ethiopian scholar referred to as an “organizer of failure.”
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የውድቀት አዙሪት
ከመጸሃፈ ዕዝራስቱኤል
ጸሃይ ትወጣለች፤ ጸሃይ ትገባለች፤ ይህ ዘላለማዊ ህግ ነው:: በዚህም መምሸትና መንጋት ሁልጊዜም ይኖራሉ:: ስለዚህ ጊዜ ይሄዳል:: በዚህም ሰዎች ለመኖር በሚያደርጉት የማያቋርጥ ጉዞ የሚፈጠረው ክስተት ታሪክ ይሆናል:: ታሪክ ለመጥፎ ትውስታም ሆነ ለበጎ ትዝታ የሚደረገው ሁሉ ቅሉ ታሪክ ተብሎ መዘከሩ አይቀርም:: የታሪኩ ባለቤት ከሆነው አካል ደግሞ ታሪክ የሰራውም ታሪክ የተሰራበትም ከታሪክ ጥሩ ጥሩዉን ለራሱ ለመውሰድ ድርጊቱን እንደየፊላጎቱ ከመተርጎም ጀምሮ የማያደርገው የለም:: በዚህም ለታሪክ ሽሚያ በሚደረገው ገመድ ጉተታ ብዙ አይተናል:: ችግሩ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ በሂሳብ ቀመር የሚመራ ባለመሆኑ ሁልግዜም የማይሆነው እየሆነ ማንም ገዥ ሀገሪቱን በመልኩ መቅረጽ ሳይችል እየቀረ ነው እንጂ::
በዘመናዊት እትዮጵያ ውስጥ ማለትም ካለፈው አርባ አመት ወዲህ ሁለት ጊዜ አብዮት ተካሂዶአል:: የ1960ዎች እና የምርጫ 97ን የተከተለው መሆኑ ነው:: የመጀመሪያው አብዮት አንቀሳቃሽ ሃይሎች ተማሪውና የወታደሩ ክፍል ሲሆን አብዮቱ በወታደሩ አሸናፊነት ከተጠነቀቀ በኋላ ወታደሩ የራሱን ኑሮ ኖሮ የማይቀረውን ሞት ሞቷዋል:: የታሪክ ሽሚያው ግን አልቆመም:: ከሞት ተርፎ ስደት የገባው እራሱን “ያ ትውልድ” ብሎ የሚጠራው እና በሌላ በኩል “ብሶት የወለደኝ ተራሮችን ያንቀጠቀጥኩ” ብሎ እራሱን የሚጠራው የወያኔው የአማርኛ ክፍል “ኢህዴን” መካክል የተጀመረ ቢመስልም በተለይ ይህ የወያኔ ቅርንጫፍ ለማን እና ለምን አላማ እንደቆመ ወቅቱ በቶሎ የገለጠበት በመሆኑ የቱንም ያህል አልተራመደም:: በመሰሪዎች ጥንሥሥ የሰከረውን ያንን ለጋ ትውልድ ከሁዋላ ነድተው ከፊት ቀድመው ያነደዱት እራሳችው መሆናቸው ያደባባይ ሚስጥር ነው:: ዛሬ አለምም የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብም በራሳቸው የደርግ ባለስልጣናት ላይ ወያኔ የሞተች አይጥና የጥጋበኛ ድመት አይነት ጨዋታ የሚጫወተው በለጋነቱ ተቃጥሎ ለረገፈው ትውልድ ጥብቅና መቆሙ ሳይሆን ያንኑ መከረኛ ታሪክ ለመውረስ ያደረገው ጥረት አካል ነው:: ታሪክ እራሱን ይደግማል የሚባል የተለመደ አነጋገር አለ:: አንዳንድ ሰዎች አንድን ወንዝ ሁለት ጊዜ አይሻገሩትም:: ታሪክም የራሱን ድርሻ ተዎጥቶ ይሄዳል እንጅ አይመለስም ይላሉ:: ያም ሆነ ይህ ካለፈው ውድቀት ሳንማር ተመሳሳይ በሆነ የውድቅት አዙሪት ዉስጥ ተመልሰን የምንገባው ታድያ ለምንድን ነው?
ምርጫ 97ን ተከትሎ የተሰራውን የታሪክ ሽሚያ እንመልከት:: በፓቲዎች ጥምረት ከምርጫው ጥቂት ቀደም ብሎ ቅንጅት ተወለደ:: የሰባ ሚሊዮኖችን አጀንዳ በለጋ እድሜው ተሸክሞ ዳር ባደርስም የሃገሪቱን የፖለቲካ መልከአምድር ግን እንዳይመለስ አድርጎ ለጭርሱ መቀየሩን አለም ባይኑ ብሌን ያየው ነው:: ሆኖም ቀጣዩ የትግል ጉዞ ወደየት እንሚወስደን ገና ጠርቶ ባልወጣበት ሁኔታ ግን የቅንጅትን ገድል ለመውረስ በያቅጣጫው የተያዘው ገመድ ጉተታ ደግሞ እንግዲህ ሁለተኛው አብዮት ውስጥ የታየ ሌላው ዙር የታሪክ ሽሚያ መሆኑ ነው::
አንደኛው በነሃይሉ ሻውል የሚመራው ቡድን ጡረተኛ ሚሊሻዎች የበዙበትና በቅንጅት መፈጠር ተክለሰውነታቸው አንሶባቸው ከወደቀባቸው ጥላ ለመሸሽ ጥረት የሚያደርጉ እና መጭውን የትግል አጀንዳ ለመሸከም አልችል ብለው ቀንበሩ ትከሻቸውን የሰበራቸው ናቸው::
ሁለተኛዎቹ ወያኔ ክንዱን ያንተራሳቸው ሲሆኑ አንዱ ስሙን (አየለ ጫሚሶ) አንዱ ምልክቱን (ልደቱ አያሌው) ይዘው በትርጉም አልባው ምክርቤት ውስጥ ‘የታሪክ አተላ” ሆነው የቀሩት ናችው::
ለግዜው ፓርላማ የገባው የነተመስገን ዘውዴ ቡድን በምርጫ ቦርድ መስፈርት ምን ትርጉም እንዳለው ባይታወቅም ከነብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ጋር አብሮ ለመጓዝ በጀመረው መንገድ ለመቀጠል ፈተናው ይከብደዋል:: በቅንጅት ስም ፓርላማ የገባ ስብስብ እንደገና ‘እውቅና’ ካላገኘ ፓርቲ ጋር መዋሃድ ለወያኔው ምርጫ ቦርድ የሚዋጥ አይሆንም:: ስለዚህ ወይ ከጫሚሶ ጋር አብሮ እንዲሰራ አማራጭ ይሰጠዋል:: ወይም ካልተቀበለ እንደ ቀድሞዎቹ የህዎሃት ባለስልጣናት በሃሰት በተሰበሰበ ፊርማ ከፓርላማ ያባርራቸዋል::
የነብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ቡድን በገመድ ጉተታው ውስጥ ገብቶ የታሪክ ባልተቤትነቱን ይዞ ለመቆየት የሚያጠፋው ግዜ ትርጉም አልባ ስለሆነበት ብዙዎች የተሰውለትን የቃልኪዳን ምልክት ቢያጣውም መንፈሱንና አላማዉን ይዞ ምናልባት ወያኔ ደግ ሆኖ ’የማሪያም መንገድ’ ቢለቅለት ትግሉን ለመቀጠል መወሰኑ ቢያንስ ከሶስቱም የተሻለ የሞራል መሰረት ላይ ያስቀምጠዋል:: ምክንያቱም በኢትዮጵያ የወቅቱ የፍርድ ቤት ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ ወያኔን እንኩዋን ብንተወው ከሃይሉ ሻውል ቡድን ጋር ለሚነሳው የባልተቤትነት ክርክር ስንት አመት ማጥፋት ይኖርባቸው ነበር? ያ ባይሆንማ ኖሮ ያለፈውን አስር ወር ስሙን ከማስከበር ጀምሮ ለሚፈለገው የዲሞክራሲ ጥያቄ ሁለ-ፈርጀ ብዙ ትግል ማድረግ ይቻል ነበር::
ከላይ በቁጥር አንድ የተጠቀሰው የነሃይሉ ሻወል ቡድን ብቻውን አይደለም:: የ “ያ ትውልድ” አካል ነን ብለው እራሳቸውን የሚጠሩ ጥቂት ግለሰቦች ከጀርባው መሽገዋል:: እኒህ የቀድሞው ኢህአፓ አባላት የኢትዮጵያ ትግል ብቸኛ ባለርስት ነን ባዮች ናቸው:: ትናንት በነበየነ ጴጥሮስ ጀርባ በ”ህብረት” ስም ነበሩ:: ዛሬ ያ የትም አላደረሰም:: አሁን ደግሞ በሃይሉ ጀርባ ተደብቀው ምንጣፍ ጉተታ ጀምረዋል:: ትናንት የሰላምን ትግል ሲያወግዙ የነበሩ እኒህ የጨለማ ዘመን ሰዎች ዛሬ የመሳሪያን ትግል አማራጭ የደረጉትን በማውገዝ የሰላም ዘማሪ በመምሰል የሃይሉ ሻወል አወዳሽ ሆነዋል:: የሚገርመው ይህ የትም እንደማይደርስ ብዙ ምልክት እየታየበት ያለው ዲያቢሎሳዊ ጋብቻቸው ለጊዜውም ቢሆን እንዴት እንደተፈጠረ ግን ማሰቡ ሚስጥረ-ስላሴ ነው::
በአንድ ትውልድ ሁለት አብዮት የተካሄደበት የታሪክ አጋጣሚ የለም:: ወይም ከባድ ነው:: የዛሬውን ትግል ከፊት የተጋፈጡት ትናንት ወያኔ አዲስ አበባ ሲገባ የአንደኛ ደረጀ ተማሪ የነበሩ ናችው:: ኢህፓን አያዉቁም:: ካወቁም የተረት ያህል ነው:: ይህ በያመቱ ሻማ ሲያበራ እና ሲያጠፋ ሰላሳ ስድስት አመት ያስቆጠረው ቡድን እድሜውን ሙሉ ዉጪ ሃገር ተቀምጦ ትግሉን በቀላጤ መቆጣጠር የሚፈልግ ነው:: አባላቱ ትናንት በቅንነት የሞቱ ወንድሞቻችንን ስም መነገጃ አድርገው የትናንት ታሪክ ብቻ ሲያወሩ የራሳቸው እድሜ ሶስት እሩቡን አገባዶባቸው አያት እስከመሆን ደርሰዋል:: ስለሆነም እኒህን ጽንፈኛ የኮሙኒስት እርዝራዦች ጨምሮ ሁሉም የቅንጅትን ስም አና ታሪክ ለመዉረስ የሚያደርጉት የጠራራ ፀሀይ ሩጫ የክርስቶስን ልብሱን ተቃደው እጣ ከተጣጣሉበት አይሁዳውያን ምን ልዩነት አለው?
ቁም ነገሩ ይህ የትግል መንፈስ ከማን ጋር እንደቀረ ኣና በቀጣዩ ጉዞ መከራ መስቀሉን ለመሸከም ማን ብቃቱም ቅድስናውም እንዳለው ዘመኑ ገልጦታልና በሰው አገር ተቀምጠው በአንድ የትውልድ ዘመን ሁለት አብዮት በማካሄድ የታሪክ ባለቤት ለመሆን መሞከራቸው የቀን ቅዠት ነው::
እግዚአብሄር ያሳያችሂሁ፤ የካናዳው እና የለንድን የድጋፍ ድርጅቶች የጠሩትን እና ዶ/ር ብርሃኑ ነጋ የተጋበዘበትን ስብሰባ እንደዜጋ ገብቶ ሃሳብ ከመለዋወጥ ይልቅ ስብስባዎቹን ለማሰረዝ የተደረገው ያን ሁሉ እሩጫ ምን እንበለው? ባለፈው 17 አመት ተፈጥረው ለነበሩት (ቅንጅትን ጨምሮ) ተቃዋሚ ድርጅቶች ሁሉ ኢህአፓ ተዋናይ ሆኖ ለማጥፋት ያልሞከረው ማን አለ? ትናንት በቅንነት እና በተቃጠለ ብሄራዊ ስሜት ለዚህች መከረኛ ሃገር የተሰውት ታላላቆቻችን ዛሬ ቀና ብለው በስማቸው እየነገደ የተቃዋሚውን ጎራ እየገደለ ሃገሪቱን ለወያኔ ያልጋ ባልጋ መንገድ ያደረገው ይህ ጉድ መሆኑን ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማቸው ይሆን? ይህስ የኛ ትውልድ ትግሉን በወያኔ ላይ ብቻ ሳይሆን በዚህ ጽንፈኛ ኮሚኒስት ላይም ጭምር የሚያደርገው መቼ ነው?
ትናንት ታላላቆቻችን ለእንደዚህ ያለ እርካሽ አላማ አልሞቱም እና በስማቸው መነገድ ይብቃ! በፍጥነት እየተለወጠ ካለው አለም እና የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ጋር አብሮ መጉዋዝ አልችል ያለውንና የትግሉ ዳይናሚክስ አልፎት የሄደውን ጨለምተኛ ሁሉ ከመንገድ እየለቀሙ አገሪቱን ማድማቱ ይብቃ! ሰላሳ ስድስት አመት ሙሉ ሻማ ሲያበሩ ወያኔ ከጫካ ተነስቶ ዛሬ ባለታሪክ፤ አገር በጅምላም በችርቻሮም እየሸጠ፤ ህዝቡንም ያለከልካይ ሲገድል ቢያንስ የት ላይ እንደቀራችሁ ብትመረምሩ በጎ ነበር:: እናንተ ዘመን ያለቀባችሁ፤ ወሬ የሻገተባችሁ፤ አሮጌ ማስታወሻ የሰረዛችሁ ከንቱ የሙት አለም ትዝታ ሆናችኋል፤ በራሳችሁ ትውልድ እድል ቀልዳችሁ እንደገና በዚህ ትውልድ እድል እና እጣ ፋንታ ለመቀለድ እድል የሚሰጣችሁ የለም::
የኢትዮጵያን ትንሳኤ የሚናይበት ቀን እሩቅ አይደለም
29 thoughts on “The cycle of failure in Ethiopian politics”
The Ethiopian elites should sacrifice their interest and work hard in unity to make Ethiopia free from tyranny and poverty. The experience so far shows that the elites try to grab power whenever there is a power vaccum to fulfil their hunger for wealth and luxury at the expense of the suffering Millions
Breaking news. The historic meeting of real Kinijit is underway in Addis Ababa with full gear.
ELIAS: my commend to you and for those who call SPADE FOR SPADE WITH out any hesitation. We need more people like you in the horn of Africa that are not afraid to unite the region under one unburella: LET IT BE PEACE, LET IT BE FREE THINKING, LET IT BE FREEDOM OF ALL SORTS, AND LET IT BE FREE TRADE AMONGST THE REGIONS FOR MANY GENERATIONS TO COME. When I compare you with the Ethiomedia.com editor and owner you are a man of honesty and integrity Vs. a man who still awaits for more blood shed against the people of Ethio-Eritrea for reasons we can only speculate; and my speculation of this man is that he is a beneficiary of weyane thugs indisguise.
Elias Kifle you are a shabiya agent.period.you are exposed and now bankrupt.your eritrean relatives and masters cannot save you from the impending doom that is planned for you.Go to hell, scum wedi adgi
Editor’s note – Ethiomedia has received articles that seriously criticize Elias Kifle, editor of Ethiopian Review, over his remarks that have increasingly become unethical, irresponsible and destructive to the interests and aspirations of Ethiopians. Elias, who is perhaps the only person who is running towards Eritrea at a time when Eritreans are fleeing in every direction for their own safety, has brought himself under fire. We hope Elias, who has been generous in attacking others whose ideas don’t agree with his, would be careful enough to accept criticisms with grace, and learn a lesson or two. Following is a commentary by Ephrem Madebo:
“Every time I plant a seed, he said kill them before they grow.” This is a living lyric from the late vibrant Reggae star, Bob Marley’s classic – “I shot the Sheriff.” If Marley was alive, I am sure he would have sung another song with the same lyrics to the Ethiopian Review editor who, like a bad tagboat, throws away every new idea that he doesn’t agree with.
I had a close association with the ER editor years ago in the heydays of “Tegbar League.” In fact, I joined the “Tegbar League” group discussion forum at the request of the moderator (the ER editor), and I was expelled when I openly criticized Lidetu Ayalew for his 2002 crude action. Mind you the ER editor is the very person that balmes Meles Zenawi for muffling the free press, but he himself didn’t even think twice before he silenced me in his little world. What a hypocrisy! Regardless of the nature of the ideas, I usually keep small ideas at the personal level. This week after I read two indiscriminately misguiding articles on Ethiopian Review website, I decided to go public because I thought total silence does not do any good to the public.
Towards the end of last week, I read an article on Ethiopian Review that brought to light a covert negotiation between OLF and Ginbot 7. The article inadvertently reveals a possible political breakthrough that has the potential to change the course of history in Ethiopia. If the information that came to light is authentic, I applaud the investigative cleverness of the ER sources for digging deep and informing the public on what is to come, I also appreciate their effort in trying to directly or indirectly put pressure on the leaders of the opposition camp. Here is the part that I totally disagreed and demanded an explanation. For those of you who didn’t have the chance to read ER’s article on the clandestine meeting of Ginbot 7 and OLF, here is the warning of the ER editor to the two organizations [OLF, Ginbot 7] and to the rest of us: “ER sources in both Ginbot 7 and OLF are not ready to disclose where the secret talks are being held, but for maximum political effect, any agreement that they reach needs to be signed in Asmara. Any one who doubts the significant role the Eritrean government can play in destroying Woyanne is either politically ignorant, or a closet Woyanne sympathizer, or does not fully comprehend the severity of the crisis our country is facing.”
I’m not sure whether the editor is acting from his inner feeling, or out of his imagination, but at least I do understand that when people act under the influence of imagination, there is no boundary for their passion. Imagination is the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses. It is good to allow the image of the outside world have an input in our way of thinking, scheming, contriving, remembering, creating, fantasizing, and forming opinion, but we must understand that politics and everything we do must be accompanied by passion and driven by principle because too much imagination kills both principle and passion.
I wonder what in the “Hell” Asmara has to do with the likely outcome of political events in Ethiopia. Isn’t Asmara the home of Esayas Afewerke, a man who never sleeps before he makes sure that Ethiopia is dwindled in to multiple mini states? Had there been an inch thick of a heart that worries for Ethiopia under the chest of Essays, Asmara wouldn’t have opened its door for separatist elements that fight to dismantle Ethiopia, and for EPPF; an organization that firmly stands for the unity of Ethiopia. If there is anything that the opposition gets from Asmara today, it will definitely be paid back at an exorbitantly high rate tomorrow. The question of Assab, Bademe, Tsorena, and other border areas that I can’t even name are issues that face the current opposition in the future when it assumes power. If we believe that Esayas is willing to raise a lion that may ultimately devour him, we’re not just lying through our teeth, but we are also simplifying very complex national issues.
Another very important issue that the Ethiopian Review editor must understand is that we Ethiopians can respectfully disagree with him in many issues without he calling us “Politically ignorant, or a close Woyanne sympathizers”. As an editor, he must strike the balance between the flow of ideas and the interest of the public. An editor must appreciate dissent and accept criticism. By the way, isn’t the very essence of our struggle built on the values of respectful disagreement and on the principles of working together for a common cause? When an editor seeks freedom of speech for himself, he/she becomes captive of his/her desire and misguides millions of people. But, when an editor seeks discipline, he/she guides the freedom journey of the masses to victory. The era of blanket condemnation and character assassination is over. Editors, or readers, what we do and what we say should clearly identify which part of the isle we stand. Here is a script from ER editor’s message this week:
“Let’s go straight to the crux of the matter: UDJ by its actions and positions had demonstrated itself to be a political party without a popular base. It is a fake party without popular constituency.”
How do we measure the popularity of political parties? What makes some parties real and others fake? I might not give you the answer for these two questions, but I can at least say the following: The ER editor has neither the moral background nor the empirical authenticity to publicly declare that UDJ is a fake party with no political constituency. How dare a man who like me enjoys burgers at the comfort of a “drive-in” calls UDJ a fake party with no political constituency? Which constituency are we talking here? Isn’t UDJ a party that collected more than 10,000 signatures in few days when the government required 1500? Isn’t Birtukuan a lady who with no fear confronted Zenawi’s wicked legal system in her professional life? Didn’t this same relentless defender of democracy waste two years of her precious young life in Kaliti prison for our common cause? Regardless of their choice of strategy, Birtukuan and other members of UDJ have demonstrated their undeterred will to endlessly stand for the true cause of democracy.
There are many people in Ethiopia who preferred to live a quiet life than confronting Meles. Again there are many of us who raced out to the Western world because Meles screamed at us. Members of UDJ are still in Ethiopia knowing that they might be targets of Zenawi’s killing squads. These people need support and protection, not abuse and senseless mortification. UDJ has taken its first step; let’s give them the necessary time and support to have them shows us the whole staircase. If we have no patience of looking deep into the future, then we need to take a lesson from the Biblical story of Noah. Remember, there was no rain when Noah built the ark. He built it anyways when others ridiculed him because he had a good vision of the future. Criticizing our political parties is the right thing to do, but killing them before they grow is wrong. There are many things that we can do to collectively get closer to victory. If anything else, please let’s avoid any felling of bitterness towards others because bitterness is a cancer that eats upon the host.
Evidently, the proliferation of political parties has a tendency to water down the strength of the opposition camp, but this does not and should not imply that we as a nation should be limited to one party. Even if we believe in the idea of one party, we just don’t have to kill existing parties when we embrace new comers. Our belief is ours and ours only, we can sell it to others, but we must not impose our belief on the general public. UDJ has chosen to stay in side Ethiopia and wage a peaceful struggle. To those of us who have a different strategy, UDJ can be our good ally inside Ethiopia. Some of us might not want to have UDJ as an ally, so be it; but this doesn’t mean that UDJ is our enemy. We must make a distinction between a friend, a potential friend, and a foe. In politics, there is neither permanent alliance nor permanent animosity.
I told you before. You commited political and journalism suicide. You should have stayed away from OLF, ONLF, Shabia.
What killed you most is when you messed with UDJ.
I’m deeply sorry.
I mean this from the bottom of my politicaly ‘naive’ heart
Well said . When AMHARA became the victum of TPLF after 1991, the so called “EPRP” has never done any thing at least to expose the TPLF’s CLOSE genocide against an Amhara ethnice group separately.When concerned ethiopia’s intellectuals formed AAPO to defend Amhara from genocide, the lucy’s older brother EPRP was the first to criticise AAPO even to insult prof asrat w/gise ” facist and facism in ethiopia, Amhara organized by ethnice line” EPRP has been against AAPO, AEUP and later CUDP untill Hailu shawul has issolated him self from the rest CUDP leaders and joined EPRP’S CAMP via standless taye .WE the ex- supporters of AAPO and later aeup
WE, The supporters of AAPO AND later AEUP will never forget how EPRP INSULTED HAILU shawul after he refused to be the part of UEDF AFTER HE PARTICIPTAED ONE DAY MEETING
The writer has put the reality in palin text that everbody can understand. yes EPRP playing a destructive role in the current political crisis of ethiopia. I don’t know what menatlity the have, they claim ,the are always the best, none thinks better than them, the think ethiopia is not ethiopia without them. They never belive in compromizing politics, .
My question is that do we have to wait until every single individual from this camp perish to have a stable politics in ethiopia?
Hailu shawulhas already joined the joint Eyassu’s and Melese’s camp against the wish of the ethiopia’speople for freedom and democracy . Hailu shawul who is very busy of building the sky rocketed apartemnt by poor ethiopia’s money which he got from the bank with a non interst per year because of inflation has officially joined weyane’s camp.He doesn’t need any permission for any meeting .
Elias, I am sorry man. I think you should SERVE DEMOCRACY AND THE PEOPLE OF ETHIPIA FIRST AND FORE MOST, and not just your interest or the interests of anti-Ethiopians(individuals and some registered countries). Knowingly or unknowingly they were benifiting from your site to divide Ethiopians and opposition parties who are totaly against their selfish interest if they become the next leaders. These countries assist even devil if they think they can use it to destroy Ethiopia. These countries first divide the people based on ethinic states, then deal with them based on relegion, cause a never ending chaos after Ethiopia is dismatled. These countries are working day and night to this end. For example these countries support Eritrea not because they are worried about and love Eritrea but to reach their ulimate objective, so they don’t care about the people or Eritrea once they achieve their goal. Infact they may turn against each and every tiny states to serve their cause. You can use your know website for the noble cause of defending your country.still have a chance to make over or…change your websites name to reflect the views of these countries and give one of their names. If you really work for Ethiopia, you do it …Ethiopia should come first.
Well said. Thanks!
If you haven’t done so already, please read the articles about yourself on ethiomedia. Since you always delete what i have to say, maybe you can read that in order for you to understand what i have been trying to say about you all along. Matreba shabia
Elias there is crusade going on to silence you and divide and rule perpetrated by the Weyane regime.Some pretending to be oppostion members(you remember how they sliced Kinjit),some inocent with out any knowledge driven by hate.
Elias thank God you look beyond that.You are a visionary man.Iam discussed by the comments coming from the brothers at Ethiomedia(who up to now beleive we can change meles in a peaceful way,what pathetic!).Yes it is their right.We are living in a free world and they can say and write what they want.I could provide you guys with ample evidence showing Esaias supports Ethiopian unity,while meles supports the opposite.This is no brainer.
Elaias and brothers this is a crusade perpetrated by the Meles regime to weaken the strugle accusing the Olf and others as Terrorists while we know for sure who is terrorist.
Poor Ethiomedia you are drifting away like Ethiopianfirst did.
Poor Ethiomedia I will pray for you
Nice piece of article. But we can win if we move with great optimism. Let’s not think strength of another party weakens us. Just examine how many parties there are in India. UDJ, UEDF, OLF, … let everybody emerge as strong party. It doesn’t matter what each one stands for. What we should go for is a democratic platform where every party is judged by public voice. I am very mad upon the early critcisms on UDJ this week.
elias, somebody is kicking your black ass on ethiomedia,why you shut-up?.Say smthing…man!.shhhhhhh,dont tell them that I pass it to you…please!.
Thanks a lot the writer of the article and the website editor Elias.
You guys have exactly have explained the strategey of the so called eprp pretender party owners. We the people in diapsora have clearly known thier agenda. the so called eprp memebers dont want to struggle since thier main goal is to collect money from the people in diaspora in the name of struggle to ful fill thier interst including to pay of thier rent and bill nothing else. It is very simple logic that how come an individual or party eprp fights the action against tplf become very attatcing of other oppostions. If eprp was struggling against weyane, they wouldnt be very dangerous destructive of other oppostion groups, instead they should be very supportive to get another support of other oppostions, however their main obejective is simply to collect money nothing else…no more eprp….forget that eprp reteriment center. but i still feel bad for those who lost thier life through this party long time aga…and the party turns out with a banch of gangesters who have been lived in the shoulders of ethiopians in diaspora…no more money eprp…
when other sites are taking about ER it means that ER is gaining successes. I don’t understand the position of ethiomedia, nazret.com(may be better to call it woyanne’s nazret.com). They say they are against the woyanne and then they don’t have an idea, opinion against woyanne. And they oppose anyone who criticizes wooyanne. They are like the interviewer of Elias in ETN. They are floating in between the dictator and the opposition. So they are acting as opportunistic. Their idea is that accept what the king does even if you don’t agree because that makes you patriotic. But that makes people to live in poverty, in dictatorship. Live the TRUTH. The TRUTH never dies
elias… have you seen your picture on ethiomedia?,you must have been stoned…some nameless heavyshit! from down town.
Elias, I have been writing unflatering notes to and about you, and I am sorry. The reason for my regret is that you are sick and psychoatic. To Look at you is to see a monster, a disfifured individual.
Mr. Elias you are already exposed and you assasinated your golden opportunity due to your narrow mind. we told you not to attack Birtukan, and you played with fire and now you are harvesting the result of your short-sighted judgment.
bay bay…
yikerebelen- you are typical besebses astesasebe yalew sew
Dear Ethiopian Review:
EPRP is an organization that has a right to have a stake in Ethiopia, and it is struggling for it. Which is ok to a normal person’s mind…… (meaning to a person who understands DEMOCRACY 101).
What is a fuss about EPRP….! Going to chruch alone and praying for Ethiopia would not be enough to win the struggle. The same is true for blogging or for Ethiopian review cursing those who wants to have a stake in Ethiopian politics. Just barking on wordprss blog (Ethiopian review) would not be enough to lecture about Ethiopia and its politics.
Clean up your grey matter which is wired to be onlhy destructive. I mean get a tune up……by reading democracy 101……
Organizations should not be always mutually exclusive….Do you get it……? I guess not….
They can stay with out joining GINBOT 7 or MEDIHN or EPPF or CUD or any other group….
The bottom line is making them to paly the game according to the rules.
Anti Weyane
We do not have time to intertain while our beloved country is suffering at the hands of the vicious Meles regime.
This is one of piece of his endless rant against the respected Elaias and the Ethiopian people who oppose the ethnic driven,hate filled meles
“I wonder what in the “Hell” Asmara has to do with the likely outcome of political events in Ethiopia. Isn’t Asmara the home of Esayas Afewerke, a man who never sleeps before he makes sure that Ethiopia is reduced to multiple mini states? Had there been an inch thick of a heart that worries for Ethiopia under the chest of Essays, Asmara wouldn’t have opened its door for separatist elements that fight to dismantle Ethiopia, and for EPPF; an organization that firmly stands for the unity of Ethiopia. If there is anything that the opposition gets from Asmara today, it will definitely be paid back at an exorbitantly high price tomorrow. The question of Assab, Bademe, Tsorena, and other border areas that I can’t even name are issues that face the current opposition in the future when it assumes power. If we believe that Esayas is willing to raise a lion that may ultimately devour him, we’re not just lying through our teeth, but we are also simplifying very complex national issues”
I challenge the writer to bring evidence that supports his loughable and hate filled rant. To me he sounds Meles.What is the difference except it was in Ethiomedia(who beleive we can change Meles mind simply by praying to God).Poor Ethiomedia something is not right
Why bikering over trivial issues, petty differences, while we have a big monster-Woyanne before us? Do you know what foreign observers say about us,Ethiopians? They say Ethiopians know how to eat but not work together.No cooperation.This the main tactic of Woyanne,to devide the unity of pro-democracy forces.Elias is a staunch defender of human rights and democracy in Ethiopia.For this,he was one of the freedom fighters who was accused for treason in absentia.So why should we condemn him especially because of his Eritrean blood? If we go on the basis of race,like the Woyannes do,rather than concrete action we can rich no where.We should be able to avoid ethnic politics and avoid democratic politics.
I support the comments raised by one of my favourite writer,Ephraem Madebo,if it was true.Elias or any other editor,should entertain criticism,differing ideas.Otherwise they would be in the same shoe like the Woyannes.Therefore,it is expected that our beloved editor, Elias to provide us with solutions to redress the imballance created in this regard.Let’s not back-track our movement.I don’t see any reason why we should waste our time over lingerig issues of the EPRP.That party has lived out its role, That is why Dr Berhanu, a former member of the EPRP has embarked on estsblishing a mass movement.All former members of the EPRP can do the same instead of becoming mindset on origional ideas.
On the role of Eritrea as a formidable force against Woyanne,I share both the ideas of Elias and Ephraem.Yes, Eritrea is the only alternative force and at the same time,a dagerous force that can balkanize Ethiopia.There is a great suspicion that Issias would like to see small states like Judjibouti,the two Somalian states.His support for OLF,ONLF confirms this suspision.
In such a senario,our only dependable force is mass movement in the country.It needs patience and perseverance.We need to have the support of the army, to put it frankly.
ወገኖች የሚያጣላ የለም ‘እኔው ብቻ ልግዛው ሆነና ነገሩ ደግሞ በሰማይ ቤት እንዳያስቸግሩ” እንዳይሆን ነገሩ::
ችግሩ ወያኔን መጣል አልነበረም የሚተካዉን ማግኘት እንጂ; ሌላዉ ቢቀር ለወያኔ ገንዘቤን አልሰጥም ብንል ይንበረከካል ሁሉም አምሮን ትግል ዳር አይደርሰም; ህዝብ ያልመርጠው መላክ ቢሆን አንቀበልም ብለናል ታዲያ ምን ያጣላል የህዝብን መብት ማስከር የወያኔን ጥቅም መምታት ነው::
ሌላ መንገድ የሚመርጥ ሌላ አላማ ያለው ነው
Elias should join a kindergarten to learn ABC of the ethics, because he became a baby who doesn’t know the shame of playing with feces. As it is said in Amharic language “Ras saitena gutena” is disgraceful.
Almost all of the comments that we see on Ethiopian review are either written by the Elias under different nicknames or modified by him to cheat the readers.
Elias , Abeshas are donkeys that is why they don’t want help from we Eritreans because it takes them 10 years to understand. You gave them the right name, donkeys, donkeys all donkeys.
It is a wonderful job that ER published comments against himself.
If it continues to post criticism directed against ER then it makes sense as a forum run by professionals.
ER really needs to clean his dirty laundery.Bravo Elias Kifle,keep up the good work.