This is a message to Ato Hailu Shawel, Kinijit Chairman, by Atkilt Asefa.
Click here [Amhairc, pdf]
Atkilt Assefa can be reached at [email protected]
This is a message to Ato Hailu Shawel, Kinijit Chairman, by Atkilt Asefa.
Click here [Amhairc, pdf]
Atkilt Assefa can be reached at [email protected]
8 thoughts on “Message to Hailu Shawel”
Hey Atekilt,
It is a very nice piece if Ato Haily reads it.
Berta Wedaje,
ለሃሳብህ እጅግ በጣም ዝቅ ብዬ እጅ እነሳለሁ!
ውድ አትክልት
ጽሁፍሽ ልቤን ሰብሮታል:: መለእክትህም ቀላል ነው ቅን ልቡናን ብቻ ነው የሚጠይቀው:: በቅንጅት ላይ እያንዣበበ ላለው መከፋፈለ መድህኒቱም ቁልፉም በተከበሩ ኢንጂኒየር ህይሉ እጅ ነው:: አንተም አንቺም ምን ሆናችሁ ብለው እንዲቆጡ እንዲገስጹ; አባታዊና መሪያዊ ድምጻቸውን ሁሉም አየጠበቀ ነው:: ጊዝየው አሁን ነው:: ይህንን አለማድረግ ግን አንተ እንዳልከው ተራራ አርሶ ያስትማረንን አርሶ አደር እንደመርሳትና ነገ ስልጣን የሚረከበውን ወጣት ትውልድ ውርስ-አልባ እንደማድረግ ነው::
Thank you Atakilit,
I think Hailu is an individual to decide what he feels is right for himself whether to continue or retire. Despite what happens he will remain hero and leader of the party and his legacy will continue to be the symbol of unity and perseverance. However, we don’t have to be swayed by the recent wave of confusion sponsored by old tyrants like EPRP and woyane, whose motive is clear-making life impossible for those who try to bring change and accountability to the political atmosphere of that poor country. Let us ask ourselves how the EPRP leaders handled the crisis in the Dergue reign.
They pushed the martyrs to fight the regime in groups with one old pistol against a bunch of well-armed soldiers. They were instructing the squads not to retreat, while in the mean time sending names of the members to the intelligence service and getting them assassinated before even considering the instruction given to them. Now they don’t have any practical supporter except Woyane; however, they are waging war against the leaders of Kinijit in collaboration with their master by fanning the minor contradictions within the party. They must know they are also equally responsible for the loss of life, like woyane and Dergue and must face trial when a democratic system is established.
What is shocking about them and woyane is their manner to tarnish the image of our heroes like Birtukan and Birhanu in their ugly and crude tongue. We have experienced such dirty words from the dirty street corner man Zenawi when he always appears on TV.
Everybody now realizes the moment an individual name is negatively mentioned from Kinijit party, they are the woyane appointees in the new propaganda campaign to instill suspicion into the minds of supporters. This mercenary tactic worked until some times in the past but not now. Let us tell you this, it is not about individuals, the party is a spirit that flows in the heart of the people, it is a force that spreads love and connection to one another not the demonic spirit of woyane or EPRP.
Look what is happening now, how gracefully our leaders walk among their supporters and opponents without any fear; not like Zenawi under the guise of darkness.
Victory to our people
Learn to love your country and people. Add to the missing word in your dictionary “compromise”.
Stop saying my way or no way.
you are screaming because wayane does not know human rights and freedom of speach. Thus some one has different opinion don’t try to give him/her bad name. Don’t attach personality. Only attach idea. Don’t ever thing there is going to 100% agreement among people and political party. Differenct is going to exist for ever. We need to work on things we agree and work out our difference.
If you stand behind people,you will have nothing to stand behind when you loss people. And, it is a fact of life you loss people for one or another reason. If you stand behind principles, however, you will not loss them, perhaps the principle may loss you. Principles live beyond any individual life span, have predefined features, but individuals short live principles, and change. The only time you stand by people has to be when they abide by the principle you stand for. When they demonstrate their commitment to it in time of difficulty, not just confess its superiority in peace time. If you ask me one principle you should stand for to help you mother land Ethiopa, this principle has to be nothing, but democracy, which simply means to go with majority voice even if this means giving up you idea. If someone at a leadership position is not willing to give up his/her idea for the sake of the majority idea, it means he/she has hard time to live for democracy; he/she is either unwilling or unable to live by democratic principles, therefore, he/she can’t be a member of democratic leadership let alone a leader in a system that is led by democratic principles. Your choice shows who you are. If you believe in democracy, you will side with those who live by it; if you don’t, we know you are either unable or unwilling to live by the principles of democracy. It also means, you believe or prfer or at least have not gut to fight dictator leaders. It is your choice; make it today.
One thing Hailu should know is that the strugle is not to put hailu in power,he is acting like a baby they didnt do this and that,we are strugling for the rule of law and democracy
I think hailu should retire he is not a good poltician as the others i have never read a single word written from him
I read the essay with a great deal of focus. It can be inferred that the article is written out of immense desire of compromise and hope for having a stronger and unified CUD. After all they have been through; it is really disappointing to see the opposition camp divide like this for one or another reason. The article is of a great conviction that the current rift in the Cud should be resolved immediately before some interest groups, who could benefit from a weak divided and internally unstable opposition group, make a great deal out of it by caricaturing the group in a dreadful way. I think if the engineer gets a hold of this article he would be compelled to rethink about his current stand. I cannot fully say he should back down from his position or worse retire from politics, no Sir this would be just another dismay to the democratic process, especially for a political party that truly believes internal democratization to be of a grater essence in such a way that it lays the ground for having a reliable, open and accountable government in office. The simply message I can uphold is they should resolve their differences in a civilized manner through dialogue, compromise and of all compassion. The people of Ethiopia have put great belief and expectations on their leaders, I hope the youth in Addis died for the true cause and their lament will not remain in vain. Thank you Sir.