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Asrat Woldeyes 80th Birthday Commemorative Symposium


The Asrat Woldeyes Commemorative 80th Birthday Symposium

On behalf of the Organizing Committee We are pleased to announce the Asrat Woldeyes Altaye (AWA) 80th Birthday Commemorative Symposium to be held at:

Howard University School of Medicine
Washington D.C., USA on Saturday, 28 June 2008
From 10am -5pm

Speakers are from various medical/academic institutions, family and friends of Prof Asrat Woldeyes and include:

Dr. Ahmed Moen, Howard University, Washington D.C.
Dr. Assefa Negash, Netherland, Holland
Ato Youm Fesseha, Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Wendy Belcher, Princeton, NJ
Dr. Getachew Haile, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Prof. Nebiat Tafari, Cleveland, Ohio
Ato Wondayehu Kassa

Poetry: Ato Assefa Gebremariam

Music: Artist Teshome Metiku and friends

If you’re interested to submit relevant papers or video for the Asrat Woldeyes Symposium please contact the organizing committee by e-mail: [email protected]

For additional information please visit the website:

Organizing Committee
The Family of Professor Asrat Woldeyes

Professor Asrat Woldeyes (June 20, 1928 – May 14, 1999) was an Ethiopian surgeon, a Professor of Medicine at Addis Ababa University, and the founder and leader of the All-Amhara People’s Organization (AAPO), as well as a political figure who was jailed by the Derg and later by the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). Professor Asrat was the founding member of the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS Edinburgh) and FRCS (England), member of the British Medical Association (BMA), the East African Surgical Association (EASA) and International College of Surgeons (USA). (Source:

7 thoughts on “Asrat Woldeyes 80th Birthday Commemorative Symposium

  1. Dear brothers and sisters.
    Pr. Asrat woldeyes died for the cause of Ethiopia. The present leadrs of Ethiopia (criminal gangs)- put him in prison, not allowing the medication he need and at the end just before he dies they let him go in order not bare the responsibility but they are responsible to his death. We (Ethiopians) have to continue to fight to save our beloved Ethiopia like Pr.Asrat did.
    He is a man who deserves a great respect. as a professional (outstanding surgeon) and as patriotic ethiopian.

  2. Prof. Asrat we wont forget your credits to the Ethiopian people. May god keep giving peace for your soul. Your feet prints are still with us and we all will accomplish your dream sooner or later. By the way where is hailu shawel, is he still dancing with some EPRP claiming memebers and some anti kinijit elements. They said MEKAR YELELEW NEGUIS ALE ANDE KEN AYNEGIS

    Porf. Asrat trust me you still have more brave Ethiopians that can take your barrel on their shoulders.

  3. history will never forget the services and saccrifices of prof asrat for our poor ppl and our country. but Assefa negash and getachew haile are not supposed to be there. they have already crowned hailu shawul as a king of ethiopia to dismantle the popular ethiopia’s people party kinijit, on the other hand hailu shawul had abandoned AAPO ,and betrayed prof asrat and hailu shawul insulted even prof asrat as a dictator on weyane’s news papers. now those the supporters of dictator hailu shawul who promised to the ethiopia’s ppl to struggle for democracy in ethiopia ,but refused to give any interview by any radios except his own, refused to solve problems by dialog and he is a record holder by lying and insulting even kinijit’s leaders. so those who supported this dictator and egoist power monger do not have any morale ground to talk about prof asrat.

  4. may god rest you in peace prof. asrat you were the only true ethiopian hero a true amhara fought for peace freedom and justice for all ethiopian people…………………….

  5. This is a good opportunity for me to mention the name of that great hero Prof. Asrat Woldeyes in this occasion, I say may GOD bless his soul and put him in heaven.
    By the way it is dissappointing to see some of the above commments on such bessed forum. Such a man like Hagos rediculing Hailu Shawel is quite a paradox. He is trying to harm the people’s cause by seemingly supporting the late Asrat, which makes little impact.
    They are using Prof. Asrat as a cover up to attack the true nationalists. Prof Asrat and Hailu Shawel were one and the same on the national isssue.
    Be aware of the wolves.

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