Security forces of Meles Zenawi’s dictatorship have forced vendors and shopkeepers to close down their stores in Merkato, Bole and through out Addis Ababa today to celebrate Woyanne’s 17th anniversary in power. Most shopkeepers ignored the regime’s orders and opened their stores for business on their regular schedules, but Kuma Demeksa (Taye Teklemikael), Meles Zenawi’s donkey who is now in charge of Ethiopia’s capital, sent the city’s police officers, backed by the federal police, to roam around and force each store closed. Restaurants, coffee shops, and private offices were exempted.
Later in the evening, ER has learned that Addis Ababa University students had clashed with the police. The source of the disturbance is not clear yet. ER is gathering more information.
9 thoughts on “Shops forced to close down for Woyanne celebration”
Hi Elias,
Here is the latest information about the turmoil in AAU
Woyane is always backwards!!
ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች ከወለጋው ጭፍጨፋ ጋር በተያያዘ ሲጮኹ አመሹ
Ethiopia Zare (ረቡዕ ግንቦት 20 ቀን 2000 ዓ.ም. May 28, 2008)፦ ዛሬ ማምሻውን በኢትዮጵያ ሰዓት አቆጣጠር ከምሽቱ አራት ሰዓት ተኩል ገደማ በስድስት ኪሎ የአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች ሲጮሁ ማምሸታቸውን ከአዲስ አበባ የደረሰን ዘገባ ጠቆመ።
ግንቦት 9 ቀን ወለጋ የተካሄደውን ጭፍጨፋ ተንተርሶ በተለይ የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ የሆኑ የዩኒቨርሲቲው ተማሪዎች “ወላጆቻችንና ወገኖቻችን እየሞቱ እኛ እንዴት እንማራለን” በሚል አንዳንድ ጥያቄዎች እንዳሏቸው ለዩኒቨርሲቲው ባለሥልጣናት አመልክተው ነበር።
ዛሬ ቀን ላይ የዩኒቨርሲቲው ባለሥልጣናት ከተማሪዎቹ ጋር የተወያዩ ሲሆን፣ “እናንተ ትምህርታችሁን ቀጥሉ፤ ችግሩ አሁን ረግቧል። ጉዳዩ እየተጣራ ስለሆነ የሚመለከተው አካል ጉዳዩን አጣርቶ ተገቢውን ምላሽ ይሰጣችኋል፣ …” በሚል ተማሪዎቹን ለማረጋጋት ሞክረው ነበር።
ማምሻውን በኢትዮጵያ ሰዓት አቆጣጠር ከምሽቱ አራት ሰዓት ተኩል ጀምሮ የዩኒቨርሲቲው ተማሪዎች በግቢው አጥር ላይ ተንጠልጥለው ከፍተኛ ጩኸት ሲያሰሙ እንደነበር ለማወቅ ችለናል። ጩኸቱ ለጥቂት ሰዓታት ያህል እንዳልተቋረጠ ታውቋል። በመጨረሻም በምን ምክንያት እንደሆነ ባይታወቅም ጩኸቱ መብረዱን አረጋግጠናል።
ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ግቢ የፖሊስ እና የፌዴራል ኃይሎች መግባት አለመግባታቸውን ግን ለማረጋገጥ አልቻልንም።
በተያያዘ ዜና፤ መብራት በፈረቃ መሆን ከጀመረ ጥቂት ሣምንታትን ያስቆጠረ መሆኑ ይታወቃል። ዛሬ ማምሻውን በተለይ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በአብዛኛው መብራት እንዳልነበረ ለማወቅ ችለናል። በመብራት ኃይል የመብራት ማከፋፈል የጊዜ ሠሌዳ መሰረት ዛሬ መብራት በማይቋረጥባቸው አካባቢዎች ሁሉ ማምሻውን ከምሽቱ አራት ሰዓት ተኩል ጀምሮ እስከ እኩለ ሌሊት (ስድስት ሰዓት) ድረስ መብራት ተቋርጦ ነበር። በስድስት ኪሎ ዩኒቨርሲቲም በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት መብራት ጠፍቶ ነበር።
Dear brother Elias,
If I may, I propose MAY 20TH has to remembered by all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopians to strengthen our commitments, solidarity. The day, we all Ethenics across come together as UNISON, share this darkest day, the day our deginity as people, as a nation, our freedom was stained with bloods of innocnet children, mothers butchered, fathers killed at dinner tables, exposed to internal fascists in ugliest form.
I appeal to my Amaharas, Oromos, Guraghes, Benshanguils, Sidamas, Ogadenis, Hadiyas, konsos, Somalis, Eritreans, Kenyans, Sudanis, to remember this day as a darkest day in our HISTORY. Let’s Unite in wearing “BLACK” lET’S remember those who were/ are being butchered by these Barberians.
Lets take it to churches, Mosques as a memorial day of Horn Of Africa, the day, human eating Cannibals are, trained, armed, funded and unleashed onto our fare share of the country. Hold hand and silently pray, for all, victims of these Barberians who invaded as, first under pretext of DEMOCRACY, later, as subserviants of war mongerers.
Please bring my appeal to all humanitarians, peace loving friends and people. Let tell Woyannes, we thought you are our countrymen, but we learned in hard ways that, YOU’RE our devils, who gets pleasures out butchering children, women, respected elders, Church priests, Imams, educated citizens and all. We want nothing from you, but enough is enough, we want you to go home back, to your welfare state that you built with our resources, right now!
Join me all.
When is Ethiopia’s Netsanet day?Almost every country has.I really wonder to know when is ours?Once it was Jannoy’s birth day and then Meskerem 2 junta’s highjack of power and then tigrean ginbot 20.I really wanted to know??
Dear Goshu,
You are absolutely right. Ginbot 20 is the darkest day in our history. Le us struggle in UNISON to replace it with a lasting day of victory for all.
I do agree with most of you as to what May 20th mean to the average Ethiopian, Somalian, and Eritrean: it’s a day the most sophisticated slaves took over the most respectful country of the horn to its darkerst days, it’s a day when Ethiopians and Ethiopia became for sale to the highest bidder, it’s a day immorality ruled over morrality, and its a day when Ethiopia became or about to become YugoEthiopia. My brothers and sisters Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people are under the hands of a bunch of thugs and you don’t have to be a weyane lover or hater to figure this out. The whole country is under: Meles, Azeb, Seyoum Mesfin, Mebrahtu Gebrihiwet, the decaying Eritrean advisors, and the rest of the weyane thugs. These people must be taken care of sooner than later or Ethiopia’s demise is not that far away.
Ginbot 20 celebrations
with firecrackers
The will of the Ethiopian people against Meles’ order to close down businesses to commemorate Woyanne’s tyrannical rule for 17 years will prevail, and as some Addis Ababa’s residents refused to close down their businesses, it shows the people of Addis Ababa hate Meles’ regime and its political followers. Although they are later forced by the federal police to close their businesses, in their heart of hearts they still stand defiant to Meles’ demand to celebrate his dictatorial leadership for 17 years. While millions of Ethiopian children are dying, the Ethiopians have nothing to celebrate except to pray to God to give them a good leader and to take away the leader they have now and to forget those 17 years of terror and intimidation.
What has Meles accomplished during these 17 years, and has he some thing to tell to the Ethiopian people what he has accomplished except stealing the country’s wealth, killing its sons and its daughters, and desecrating the Ethiopian Orthodox Church by selling its tabots and religious artifacts to the pagan world? There is nothing to celebrate except that he has made the country one of the poorest nation in the world. There is nothing to celebrate except that he has enriched himself with the Ethiopians’ tax payers’ money and with the donor nations’ money. There is nothing to celebrate except to create enmity between the neighboring countries. Rather than to celebrate, it is, in fact, appropriate to be sad when one sees the Ethiopian girls leaving their beloved country for another foreign place to work for someone by selling their bodies.
In reality, these 17 years have been years of remembering the old good days during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie where no one cared about ethnicity, political affiliation, and Church membership. These 17 years have been years of darkness where no one can see a little ray of light in the distant horizon. These 17 years have been years of deceptions, exploitations, mendacities, poverty, and sufferings. These 17 years have been years of trials and expulsions from one’s own country to another unknown territories because of differing views. Therefore, there is nothing to celebrate and to be proud of something important during these17 years because they have been years of misery.
On the other hand, these 17 years have been years of great benefits for Meles, his family, and his political gangsters; these 17 years have been years of strong friendship between George W. Bush and Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) as the two friends work together as a team to destroy terrorism in the Horn of Africa. These 17 years have been years of annexation and selling of lands by Meles Seitanawi to put Abay Tigray above the other Ethiopian provinces. These 17 years have been years of winning the local election that would give Meles an upper hand to win the coming national election. Thus, these 17 years have been years of happiness and prosperity for the selected few – the Meles family. However, to be happy while others are suffering is not happiness at all; it is rather semi happiness, unfinished happiness.
To make his master happy and to secure his own new mayoral appointment, Taye Teklemikael has called the city’ police officers to compel the business people to close their businesses; his action, however, shows how he is not interested in the peoples’ businesses; rather how he is interested in Meles’ family business – to celebrate the 17 years of Ethiopia’s economic, cultural, and political destruction. It is this kind of people that are leading Ethiopia, and it is these types of people that we have to fight against to save the Ethiopian people from their daily oppression under Meles’ rotten regime.
Opposing the uselessness of the 17 years of anniversary, the Addis Ababa University students may have clashed with the police as the students were trying to walk out of their classes and to march in the streets of Addis Ababa against this superficial holiday – the 17 years of anniversary, but we cannot say much about the clashes because we do not have the facts.
Nevertheless, on these 17 years of anniversary, Meles Zenawi wants to be recognized as a supreme leader of the Ethiopian people just like the biblical Nebuchadnezzar, who wanted all the Babylonians should bow down to the image he had made and worship it, but only three people from the exiled Jews refused to bow down and worship the image. In the same way, only few residents of Addis have refused to celebrate Meles’ creation of the new holiday – the 17 years of his accomplishments.
It may be appropriate to celebrate the 17 years of Meles leadership at Mekelle with the Mekelle people rather than in Addis Ababa, the city of the great kings: Menelik II and Emperor Haile Selassie. Meles can tell to the Tigray people how much he has done for them by adding Gondar’s territories to Abay Tigray, and the people of Tigray would say to his accomplishment “Amen! 17 more years!” What a great accomplishment! However, the rest of the Ethiopian people would say in their hearts: “Down with Dictator Meles Seitanawi!”